Supplier Information Request Form - University of Exeter

External Supplier Information Request Form
The University would like to set your business up as a new supplier on its Financial
Systems. Therefore, please could we ask that you complete all fields in the table
below, giving as much information as possible. Failure to give the necessary
information may delay the setting up of your account, and henceforth, the order with
your business.
1. Supplier Name:
2. Registered Business name (if different to above):
3. VAT Number (if applicable):
NB: If you are a Sole Trader, please read the guidance at:
And complete the questionnaire below.
4. Business Structure (please delete as required):
Sole Trader
Other Partnership
Limited Company
Other (please explain)
5. Invoicing details:
Postal address:
Email address:
Tel number:
Fax number:
6. Order Address (if different from above):
Postal address:
Email address:
Tel number:
Fax number:
7. Bank Details (The University’s preferred method of payment is BACS):
a) Payee Name:
b) Sort Code:
c) Account Code: