Business organisations BUSINESS Types of business organisations • SOLE TRADER • PARTNERSHIP • LIMITED COMPANY SOLE TRADER A business owned and operated by a single person who invests and is personally responsible for any debts. ADVANTAGES of a sole trader 1. Simple and easy to make. 2. Can keep all the profit 3. Start up costs are low. 4. Easy decision making. 5. Can easily adapt to the market. 6. Good customer relation. 7. Complete secrecy 8. Flexibility in operation DISADVANTAGES of sole trader 1. Unlimited liability 2. Capacity to raise capital is limited 3. May lead to innefective decision making. 4. Losses cannot be shared 5. Cannot benefit from economies of scale PARTNERSHIP A partnership is a formal arrangement by two or more parties to manage and operate a business and share its profits ADVANTAGES of a partnership 1. Easy to form. 2. Parners share capital. 3. Better decision making 4. Sharing risk 5. Flexibility in operation 6. Spread workload DISADVANTAGES of parnership 1. Limited to 20 members 2. More people to share profit 3. Disagreement may occur 4. General partners have unlimited liabilities LIMITED COMPANY A type of business where the company has a legal identity of its own seperate from its owners ADVANTAGES of a limited company 1. Complete control