Providing Workshop Support Ways to support your volunteers...

Providing Workshop Support
Ways to support your volunteers...
Briefly check-in each week to see if there are any issues developing
Be clear about topic limitations
Make sure volunteers know what timeline they are working with
What is the expected outcome (performance, exhibition, anthology)?
What other resources do the volunteers need?
o If you do not have them, can you assist in getting them?
Be clear about your expectations (attendance/ canceling a workshop
Supply them with as many resources about working with youth as
Ways to support youth...
Check in with youth about how the workshop is progressing
Take an interest in art produced in the workshop
o Some art or writing pieces could be displayed in common spaces
Be supportive of youth developing their work in their free time
Allow interest to develop naturally, don’t
push the art onto someone
who isn’t interested
If a workshop session is cancelled, make sure you tell the youth and
give an explanation
Listen to any concerns they have about the workshop or the volunteers
and address them as necessary