Culture-to-Community Program – Student Volunteer Application

Culture-to-Community Program – Student Volunteer Application
An initiative of the International Student Advising Office (ISA), the Culture-to-Community program’s purpose is to provide
students in the Kindergarten to Grade 12 school system in Newfoundland and Labrador with access to other cultures through
direct, in-person contact with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds who have knowledge of topics of global
If you would like to be considered one of these student volunteers please fill out the form below and email it to the coordinator,
Zaren Healey White, or drop it by the ISA office as soon as possible.
The information collected in this application will be used solely to assist us in matching volunteers with participating schools.
Family Name (Surname):
Given Name:
MUN Student Id:
☐ Male ☐ Female
Level of study: Undergrad
E-mail: __________________________
Country of origin: _________________
Year: ________
Field of study: _____________________________
Do you speak a language(s) other than English? ☐Yes ☐ No
If yes, please specify: _________________
Have you been to places in Newfoundland & Labrador (outside St. John’s)?
☐ No
If yes, please specify: ____________________________
Keeping in mind that someone else is driving you, how far away (in hours or km) are you willing to travel?
On what topics are you comfortable presenting? (Examples: specific things in your culture, a significant event that
happened/is happening in your country, your religion) Please be as specific as possible.
Do you have prior experience with volunteering in a cultural exchange program?
Do you have prior experience teaching or working with young people or children?
If yes, please tell us a little about that experience.
Since our volunteers will be working with children and youth we need to verify that they do not have a criminal
history and they will be required to get a certificate of conduct from the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (we will
give our volunteers the paperwork for this certificate of conduct). It is useful for us to know, however, if you
already have one. Do you have a certificate of conduct?
What activities could you use in a presentation about your culture (examples, Samba dancing, writing Chinese
characters, hijab wrapping styles, playing traditional musical instrument, demonstrating your traditional games)?
Please be as specific as possible.
The kinds of skills and experiences you will get from this program may be both fun and useful for your job search.
What sorts of new understanding, skills, or experience do you think you would gain from this opportunity?
Is there anything you would like us to consider when matching you with a school?
Thank you for your application!
Because we have limited space in this program not all applicants will be accepted as student volunteers. We will process
your application as quickly as we can: we hope to be able to get back to you within a week.