Submarine Mass Movements: Triggers, Mechanics, and Geotechnical Properties Section I

Section I
Submarine Mass Movements: Triggers,
Mechanics, and Geotechnical Properties
Interplay Between Gas Hydrates
and Submarine Slope Failure
J.L.H. Grozic
Abstract Interest in methane gas production from hydrate deposits has increased
dramatically in the last decade. Gas hydrates are solid crystalline compounds that
encage gas molecules inside a water molecule lattice. Gas hydrates are linked to
large submarine slides, in part because hydrate dissociation results in loss of solid
material, production of free gas, and increased fluid pressures; all which have the
effect of reducing sediment strength. Laboratory experiments, small scale physical
modeling, and theoretical slope stability analyses indicate that dissociation of even
a small amount of hydrate can cause significant loss of sediment strength. Hydrate
dissociation could be critical in inciting slope failures for low permeability sediments in shallower water depths. This paper presents recent results and advances on
the intersection of gas hydrates and submarine slope stability, exploring the role of
gas hydrates in triggering and/or propagating submarine mass movements.
Keywords Submarine slope • gas hydrate • geohazard • slope stability • methane
gas • dissociation • excess pore pressure
Methane gas extraction from hydrate reservoirs has received increasing interest in
the last few years with this vast supply of natural gas being cited as a globally
promising energy resource. Global resource estimates of natural gas contained in
hydrate form differ by orders of magnitude ranging from 1015 m3 to 1018 m3 (Milkov
et al. 2003). By comparison, estimates of remaining global reserves and undiscovered resources of conventional natural gas total approximately 1014 m3 (Ahlbrandt
2002), which, at even its lowest estimate, puts the hydrate resource an order of
J.L.H. Grozic ()
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calgary, ENF 262, 2500 University Dr NW, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4
D.C. Mosher et al. (eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences,
Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Vol 28,
© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2010
J.L.H. Grozic
magnitude above all other natural gas accumulations. Because of uncertainties
associated with characterizing hydrate deposits (such as hydrate saturation, sediment porosity, extent of the hydrate zone) it is even more difficult to estimate volumes of recoverable gas. Still, the sheer quantity of hydrate reserves is indicative
of the significance of this resource.
The drive to exploit natural gas from hydrates is a delicate interplay of economics and politics. In Canada, natural gas production is expected to peak in 2010 while
our domestic consumption, particularly from power generation, oil upgrading, and
petrochemical manufacturing, is expected to increase (CCA 2008). Canada is also
the second largest exporter of natural gas with 99% of exports flowing south to the
United States. Internationally, countries with few indigenous energy assets, such as
Japan, India, and South Korea, pay a high price for imported oil and gas. Potential
methane hydrate exploitation in their jurisdictional waters could significantly
change the global energy trade picture. From the political perspective, governments
of many countries, particularly the United States, have national security concerns
over the reliance on imported energy resources. Development of frontier gas
hydrate resources ties in with Canada’s northern strategy, which aims to increase
northern economic development and exercise northern sovereign rights (CCA
2008). There is also increasing pressure on politicians for more environmental
sensitivity; natural gas emits significantly less carbon dioxide than oil or coal, making it the cleanest fossil fuel. The recently released Council of Canadian Academies
(CCA 2008) report on “Energy from Gas Hydrates” provides an excellent overview
of the opportunities and challenges facing gas hydrate production in Canada,
encompassing not only the scientific aspects but also political, economical and
societal implications.
Despite its promise as a new energy source, there are still technical obstacles to
overcome before production from gas hydrates can become a reality. A recent news
article was titled “Methane hydrates: Energy’s most dangerous game” (Pentland
2008). While over-sensationalized for journalism, hydrates do pose a serious geohazard and all production scenarios need to carefully account for potential risks.
Indeed, the hazard posed by gas release from marine hydrates has been known to
the offshore oil and gas industry for some time (e.g., Nimblett et al. 2005). Although
much evidence is anecdotal and often proprietary, borehole instability, unexplained
gas bubbling, and gas blow outs have been reported (Nimblett et al. 2005; Hovland
and Gudmestad 2001). These encounters occurred when wells penetrated a hydrate
bearing layer while testing or developing a deeper conventional hydrocarbon target.
Such experiences have led the offshore industry to improve gas hydrate detection
in an effort to design well paths that avoid hydrate zones. Circumstantial evidence
also suggests that weakening of hydrate bearing sediments have triggered large
underwater landslides along the continental margins (e.g., Booth et al. 1994).
Submarine landslides have the potential to destroy offshore equipment, jeopardize
safety of personnel, and generate tsunamis which can impact coastal regions
located hundreds of kilometers away (e.g., Locat and Lee 2002). Clearly these risks
need to be quantified to ensure drilling and production scenarios do not result in
seafloor failure and/or sudden release of methane gas.
Interplay Between Gas Hydrates and Submarine Slope Failure
Gas hydrates are solid crystalline compounds comprised of hydrogen-bonded water
molecules forming a rigid crystal lattice stabilized by encaged gas molecules, also
known scientifically as a clathrate (Max and Dillon 2000; Kvenvolden 2000). The
most common natural hydrate former is methane but there are a variety of other
gases with the same ability such as light alkanes of higher density like ethane, propane, isobutene and some non-hydrocarbons (Max and Dillon 2000; Kvenvolden
2000). One cubic meter of methane hydrate will decompose at standard temperature and pressure into 0.87 m3 of water and up to 164.6 m3 of methane gas (Makogon
1997; Kvenvolden 2000). The representative density for structure I methane hydrate
is around 0.91 g/cm3 but varies according to pressure, temperature, degree of cage
occupancy, and methane purity (Helgerud et al. 2009).
Gas hydrate stability is confined to a low-temperature, high-pressure regime
where thermodynamic principles govern the kinetics of formation and dissociation.
These conditions are found in permafrost regions and under the seafloor on continental slopes around the world as shown in Fig. 1. In-situ natural gas hydrate
deposits are generally located in marine sediments at temperatures above freezing,
commonly around 5–10 °C. The critical factors influencing hydrate formation and
stability are pressure, temperature, gas composition, volume of bulk free water,
salinity, gas availability, sediment type, presence of catalysts or inhibitors, etc.,
(Makogon and Holditch 2001; Kvenvolden 1988). Oceanic gas hydrates are capable
of existing at water depths greater than roughly 400 m, while permafrost hydrates
are feasible as shallow as 200 m below the ground surface. In both environments,
the maximum subsurface extent of gas hydrate is constrained by the geothermal
gradient, as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1 Worldwide locations of known and inferred gas hydrate occurrences in deep marine and
arctic permafrost environments (After Kvenvolden 2002; CCA 2008)
J.L.H. Grozic
Methane hydrate
stability zone
Depth of
Base of
gas hydrate
Depth below sea surface (m)
in permafrost
er t
oth ien
Ge rad
Depth below ground surface (m)
Zone of
gas hydrate
gr the
ad rm
ie a
nt l
Methane hydrate
stability zone
Base of
gas hydrate
Temperature (°C)
Onshore - Permafrost: Conditions
Temperature (°C)
Offshore - Marine Conditions
Fig. 2 Hydrate stability zones (After Collett 2002)
The push to develop methane hydrates has resulted in increased activity in recent
years, particularly offshore. The success of two ground breaking scientific cruises,
ODP Leg 204 to Hydrate Ridge, Oregon in 2002 (Tréhu et al. 2003) and IODP
Expedition 311 to the Northern Cascadia Margin in 2005 (Riedel et al. 2006), led to
four recent industry led drilling campaigns focused on the commercial exploitation
potential of gas hydrates. These projects were in the Gulf of Mexico (Ruppel et al.
2008), offshore India (Collett et al. 2006), in the South China Sea (Zhang et al. 2007)
and offshore South Korea in the East Sea (Park et al. 2008). Information obtained
from these explorations has increased our understanding of natural hydrate bearing
sediments; in particular the influence of pore-scale habit, solubility, and host sediment properties has been highlighted. Waite et al. (2009) present a comprehensive
review of the most recent information on hydrate bearing sediment properties.
Stress Changes in Hydrate Bearing Layers
The strength of intact pure hydrate can be 20 times that of pure ice (Durham et al.
2003). When contained within sediments, laboratory results show an increase in
strength of hydrate bearing sediments over hydrate free sediments (Masui et al.
2005, 2008; Ebinuma et al. 2005), with hydrate and ice bearing sediments having
similar strengths (Winters et al. 2004). The strength of hydrate bearing sediments
will be a function of the strain rate, temperature, consolidation stress, grain size,
density, and cage occupancy (Winters et al. 2004). How the hydrate and sediment
Interplay Between Gas Hydrates and Submarine Slope Failure
interact also affects bulk sediment strength. As gas hydrate forms within sediment,
three main pore habits are possible: pore filling, load bearing, or cementing. Pore
filling contributes to an increase in the bulk stiffness and load bearing and cementing increase the sediment shear strength as well as the bulk stiffness (Waite et al.
2009; Dvorkin et al. 1999).
When perturbations to the thermodynamic equilibrium of the gas hydrate system
occur, hydrate can be pushed out of the stability zone and dissociation occurs.
Dissociation releases water and methane gas, but as an endothermic reaction,
requires heat input. If the heat transport fueling dissociation and the pressure
increase due to methane gas release occur rapidly compared with pore pressure dissipation processes, excess pore pressure and reduction in effective stress ensues.
Laboratory Investigations
effective pressure
Time, hours
Temperature, deg C
Effective Stress, kPa
At a constitutive level, stress changes due to hydrate dissociation have been examined in the laboratory. Grozic and Kvalstad (2007) formed and subsequently dissociated gas hydrates in specimens of Kaolin clay and sandstone. The results
indicated some decrease in effective stress for even very small hydrate saturations,
SH (percentage of pore volume occupied by hydrate). Carbon dioxide hydrates have
been used to accommodate more rapid laboratory testing as in Wu and Grozic
(2008), where hydrates were formed within reconstituted Ottawa sand specimens
as illustrated in Fig. 3. Hydrate stability diagrams indicate a theoretical dissociation
temperature of 4 °C for test conditions; however, specimen warming induced by
confining fluid heating and temperature sensors located outside the specimen contributed to warmer observed dissociation temperatures. Although the boundary
condition for dissociation was “undrained” (no flow conditions), a volume expansion of approximately 7% occurred as the gas contained within hydrate form was
released. All tests with over 8% pore-space saturation with hydrates exhibited
Fig. 3 Effective stress reduction and temperature increase for carbon dioxide bearing hydrates
(SH = 8.8%) (Wu and Grozic 2008)
J.L.H. Grozic
Confining pressure
Pore pressure
Pressure (kPa)
Temperature (°C)
Time (min)
Fig. 4 Confining pressure, pore pressure and temperature response of thermally induced hydrate dissociation in water-saturated methane hydrate bearing sand (SH = 0.8%) (Jayasinghe and Grozic 2007)
excess pore pressures such that complete reduction of effective stress and loss of
soil strength ensued. Similar results have been observed for methane gas hydrates
(Jayasinghe and Grozic 2007) formed in water-saturated laboratory sand specimens, where rising temperature caused dissociation producing 450 kPa of excess
pressure and an effective stress decrease to less than 50 kPa (Fig. 4). This dramatic
stress change was observed for only 0.8% pore-space hydrate saturation, which
corroborates well with Waite et al. (2008) who observed a 540 kPa increase in pore
pressure for a pore-space hydrate saturation of 0.8% using a novel methane hydrate
seeding technique. Again, observed dissociation temperatures are warmer than
theoretical (10 °C) for these tests.
Theoretical Predictions
Theoretical predictions of the stress change induced by hydrate dissociation have also
been proposed. Nixon and Grozic (2007) presented a simple model used for preliminary slope stability analyses. This model does not take into account gas solubility or
the endothermic nature of hydrate dissociation; both of which would decrease the
magnitude of the pore pressure build-up. The model’s simplicity makes it attractive
to incorporate into slope analyses programs as a conservative initial assessment
before complicated modeling is undertaken. Sultan et al. (2004) present a theoretical
model to determine the pore pressure response to hydrate dissociation, also based on
volumetric conservation, which takes into account the gas solubility dependence on
temperature and/or pressure. Xu and Germanovich (2006) put forward a theoretical
Interplay Between Gas Hydrates and Submarine Slope Failure
model to compute the pore pressure changes upon hydrate dissociation. For a completely
confined pore space (when the permeability is low or the dissociation process is
rapid), the excess pore pressure generated by small hydrate saturations can be tens of
megapascals as illustrated in Fig. 5. Kwon et al. (2008) present an analytical solution
to determine the excess pore pressure generated during thermally induced hydrate
dissociation in constrained volume conditions (undrained boundary conditions). This
model was used to investigate the effects of various parameters including sediment
stiffness, variation in gas solubility, and capillary effects. Of note in their findings is
the conclusion that “less than 6% volume fraction dissociation may be sufficient to
cause the failure of uncemented sediments in the upper 1000 mbsf [meters below
seafloor], in the absence of fluid flux” (Kwon et al. 2008). The volume fraction of
dissociating hydrate necessary to cause failure is consistent with the laboratory results
from Wu and Grozic (2008).
The magnitude of excess pore pressure is significantly reduced if flow is
assumed to take place or hydrate re-growth occurs. For example, at an initial pressure of 20 MPa and SH of 20%, the excess pore pressure without flow is approximately 18 MPa. If flow is assumed with a range of reasonable permeabilities (e.g.,
Bryant et al. 1975) of k = 10−18, 10−17, and 10−16 m2, the excess pore pressures were
reduced to 7, 1, and 0.1 MPa, respectively. Through these results, Xu and
Germanovich (2006) highlight the importance of understanding the flow boundaries and host sediment permeability. Gas hydrate re-growth during dissociation may
also limit excess pore pressure generation. The endothermic dissociation reaction
lowers heat and fluid production raises pressure, both which contribute to re-growth
of hydrate crystals.
Initial Pore Pressure (MPa)
Volume Fraction of Dissociated Gas Hydrate
Fig. 5 Excess pore pressure (Pex) caused by dissociation of gas hydrates in confined pore space
as a function of the initial pore pressure and amount of dissociated gas hydrate (Modified from Xu
and Germanovich 2006)
J.L.H. Grozic
In addition to hydrate dissociation, hydrate dissolution can also occur. Dissolution
occurs as the gas solubility of the surrounding liquid phase increases, which results
in the production of water and dissolved gas but generally not free gas (Xu and
Germanovich 2006). However, for load bearing hydrates, dissolution can lead to
destructuration (loss of particle bonding) and softening, resulting in decreased shear
strength and sediment deformation (Sultan 2007). Dissolution is accompanied with
only small pore pressures changes; yet these changes can be critical at shallow sediment
depths below the seafloor (Sultan et al. 2004; Sultan 2007).
Small Scale Physical Models
Physical models can facilitate identification of slope stability mechanisms and
processes. A small scale physical model was constructed using Laponite, a synthetic smectite clay which forms a translucent gel upon mixing with water, and
R-11 (trichlorofluoromethane) synthetic gas hydrates. The chilled materials were
placed into a 3,660 cm3 Plexiglas box mounted on a frame which allowed rotation
between 0° and 45°. High speed digital cameras and video were used to capture the
processes of hydrate dissociation as the materials warmed to ambient air temperature. Experimental details can be found in Gidley and Grozic (2008) and Gidley
(2008). In all test cases, the dissociating hydrate produced sufficient gas to cause
large bubble growth around the initial hydrate puck; excess pressures eventually
caused expulsion of the gas from the test box and the production of a pockmark
type structure on the soil surface (Fig. 6). When the slope angle was sufficiently
large (greater than 7°), movement occurred and a slip surface was observed within
the Laponite (Fig. 7); however, failure was arrested, most likely because of end
influences in the scale model. Although qualitative in nature, the physical model
results highlight the role of sediment stiffness in the evolution of pressures and
deformations during the dissociation process. In these cases, large pressures (rela-
Fig. 6 Gas bubble generated by hydrate dissociation during the pressure release process. The
movement of the gas bubble from the dissociated hydrate cavity to the soil surface took approximately 1/15 s (Gidley and Grozic 2008)
Interplay Between Gas Hydrates and Submarine Slope Failure
Fig. 7 Circular slip plane formed through the base of the dissociated hydrate puck in a 10° slope
(Gidley and Grozic 2008)
tive to the overburden) were generated through dissociation, which due to the low
shear strength of the sediment resulted in preconditioning the sediment mass to
failure. Upon completion of the testing, the end wall was removed and a slide
rapidly developed starting with a rotational failure along the slip plane through the
dissociated hydrate.
Both laboratory and theoretical studies have confirmed that gas hydrates dissociation produces excess pore pressures. The magnitude of the pressure generation is
highly dependent on the flow boundary conditions, in particular, the host sediment
permeability or the presence of a low permeability seal. Gas hydrate is least stable
at the base of hydrate stability, where it can be overlain by a low permeability
hydrate cap. It is therefore not unreasonable that significant pore pressures could
develop with the effect of reducing effective stress and sediment strength.
Stability of Hydrate-Bearing Layers
The link between gas hydrate dissociation and submarine slope failures was first
postulated in a conceptual model by McIver (1982). Sea level lowering or continuing sedimentation are cited as factors which could induce dissociation at the base
of the hydrate layer resulting in loss of cementation, gas production, and overpressurization. The result would be a glide plane along which massive wedges of
hydrate cemented sediment would slide (Fig. 8).
J.L.H. Grozic
Large block of hydrated
sediment breaking off and
sliding down slope
Original Slope
Dissociated (gas-fluidized)
Gas Hydrate
Lower Boundary of Hydrate at
High Sea Stand
Lower Boundary of Hydrate at Low Sea Stand
Fig. 8 Conceptual model of mass movement on a slope face by slippage of a solid block along a
hydrate-decomposition glide plane (After McIver 1982)
Environmental Controls on Stability
Since this early work, it has been recognized that numerous environmental factors
contribute to the potential for a hydrate bearing sediment to become unstable. As
discussed below, host sediment properties, location of the stability zone, water
depth and geologic cycles are a few natural parameters that play an important role
in stability.
Sediment properties, in particular permeability, are important factors when
assessing the potential for hydrate dissociation to initiate slope failure. The low
pore fluid dissipation capacity of clayey sediment results in greater excess pore
pressures than in sandy sediments during hydrate dissociation (Kayen and Lee
1991). The presence of a low permeability layer, either clay sediments or a cap of
hydrated sediment, can suppress fluid dissipation and result in significant excess
pore pressure at the base of the stability zone, where most naturally occurring
hydrate dissociation takes place (Xu and Germanovich 2006). Even if dissociation
is not widespread, localized weak layers can propagate into a shear band parallel to
the seafloor (Puzrin and Germanovich 2005). The combination of cementation loss,
excess pressure development, and shear propagation could be sufficient to trigger
a submarine slide.
As shown in Fig. 2, the gas hydrate stability zone thickness is controlled by the
water depth and geothermal gradient in marine settings. As the water shallows, the
base of the gas hydrate approaches the seafloor, pinching out the hydrate stability
Interplay Between Gas Hydrates and Submarine Slope Failure
zone at approximately 400 m water depth. The pinch-out is referred to as the up-dip
limit of the gas hydrate stability zone. It is in this feather edge of stability that
hydrates experience the greatest impact from water bottom temperature fluctuations. It is also these surficial sediments that have the greatest potential for pressure
generation associated with hydrate dissociation simply because ambient pressure
controls the relative volume of gas that will be generated from the hydrate. Surficial
sediments tend to be only lightly consolidated, thus relatively little change in
pressure is required to surpass the lithostatic stress of these weak sediments. Paull
et al. (2000) postulate that hydrate-related sediment failures should be most
frequent at or just below the up-dip limit as this zone has the greatest potential for
Water depth impacts not only the volume expansion during hydrate dissociation
as discussed above, but also controls the transition between temperature and
pressure dominated hydrate stability. Theoretical modeling indicates that hydrate
stability in shallow water (less than about 700 m) is primarily dominated by bottom
water temperature and in deeper water by pressure changes under the influence of
eustatic sea level rise (Mienert et al. 2005; Leynaud et al. 2009). The transition from
temperature dominated stability to pressure dominated stability coincides with the
headwall of the Storegga slide, leading researchers to postulate that the slope could
have been preconditioned by hydrate dissociation, causing the observed secondary
failures along the upper slope in the retrogressive slide development (Mienert et al.
2002, 2005; Vogt and Jung 2002; McIver 1982).
Geologic cycles, specifically glaciation, influence hydrate stability by altering
water depth, water bottom temperatures, and sedimentation. The interaction
between glaciation and hydrate stability is illustrated conceptually in Fig. 9. At the
initiation of glaciation, sea level fall decreases seafloor pressure leading to dissociation (Lee 2009). Paull et al. (1996) showed an association between low sea-level
and an increased frequency of sea-floor slumps on continental margins containing
gas hydrates. During full glaciation, the stability of hydrates increases on glaciated
margins because of cold bottom water masses offsetting pressure drop effects,
while the stability of hydrates decreases on non-glaciated margins because warm
water masses prevail while the pressure decreases (Maslin et al. 2004). The transition from glacial to interglacial time is accompanied by a rise in sea level (stabilizing hydrates) but also readjustment of major ocean current systems bringing
warmer waters to areas, such as northern Europe, potentially destabilizing gas
hydrates. During interglacial times, the sea level is high and hydrate stability will
be less variable (Lee 2009).
It is difficult to draw precise conclusions about the environmental controls on
hydrate stability and its affect on seafloor instability. Sediment properties and
hydrate characteristics are highly variable, even on local scales, and the time scales
and amplitudes of sea level change and ocean bottom water temperatures can also
vary significantly (Leynaud et al. 2009). Pressure changes are assumed to translate
through the sediment’s interconnected pores affecting hydrate stability immediately, while temperature changes penetrate progressively through the sediments,
where it can take thousands of years for oceanic hydrate stability to be affected
J.L.H. Grozic
Amount of sediment
Sediment reaching slope
Slope seismicity
Pore pressure
Gas hydrate dissociation
Initiation of
End of
Fig. 9 Approximate impact of time on several factors that influence the stability of submarine
slopes (After Lee 2009)
(Fyke and Weaver 2006; Hatzikiriakos and Englezos 1993). Detailed site specific
information is required before conclusions can be drawn and landsliding attributed
solely to hydrate dissociation.
Interplay Between Gas Hydrates and Submarine Slope Failure
Slope Stability Models
Very few quantitative slope stability models have incorporated the effects of gas
hydrate cementation and/or dissociation. Sultan et al. (2004) used conservation of
energy to predict the excess pore pressure together with limit equilibrium analysis
and applied the model to the Storegga slide case history. Model results indicated
that changes in gas solubility at the lower portion of the slope could be the origin
of a retrogressive failure initiating at the top of the hydrate stability zone. A preliminary quantification of submarine slope failure due to hydrate dissociation was
presented by Nixon and Grozic (2007, 2006). The stability model also uses limit
equilibrium combined with an excess pore pressure model. A parametric study
indicated that water depth, overburden pressures, and hydrate saturation were key
in affecting the factor of safety of submarine slopes subject to hydrate dissociation in
undrained boundary conditions (Nixon and Grozic 2006; Nixon 2005). Figures 10
and 11 highlight the relevance of water depth and hydrate content, where the factor
of safety is shown as a function of hydrate content for four different slope
angles, spanning water depths of 150–530 m and 750–1,130 m. For the shallower
systems (Fig. 10), failure occurs if there is full dissociation of pore-space hydrate
saturations of 5–11%, while for the deeper systems (Fig. 11), failure occurs with
dissociation of hydrate saturations of 11–22%; indicating deeper systems require
full dissociation of higher pore-space hydrate saturations to reach failure than
comparable shallower systems. These results are interesting in their consistency
with laboratory and theoretical pore pressure analyses which indicate hydrate
1 deg
Factor of safety
2 deg
3 deg
5 deg
Hydrate content (%)
Fig. 10 Factor of safety as a function of hydrate content on four simulated slopes for water depths
ranging from 150 to 530 m (Nixon and Grozic 2007)
J.L.H. Grozic
1 deg
Factor of safety
2 deg
3 deg
5 deg
Hydrate content (%)
Fig. 11 Factor of safety using summation of discrete points on four simulated slopes for water
depths ranging from 750 to 1,130 m (Nixon and Grozic 2007)
dissociation of only 6–8% of the pore-space is sufficient to cause sediment failure.
Agreement that hydrate related landslides occur most frequently at shallow water
depths is also observed (Xu and Germanovich 2006; Paull et al. 2000; Mienert et
al. 2005). Inclusion of shear strength reduction arising from loss of inter-particle
bonding would exacerbate sediment failures.
Field Observations
In order for gas hydrates to be the cause of a slope failure, three conditions must be
met (Booth et al. 1994): (1) gas hydrates must be present and widespread; (2) the
slide scar must intersect the boundaries of the hydrate layer; and (3) a low permeability material (sediment or hydrate-bearing sediments) must be common at the base
of the hydrate stability zone. There are a number of cases where these conditions have
been met and gas hydrates have been suggested, circumstantially, to have played a
role in submarine slope failures. Examples of the connection between gas hydrates
and submarine slope failures are found throughout the literature and have been summarized by Kvenvolden (1993, 1999) on the continental slope and rise of the west
coast of Africa, on the US Atlantic continental slope, in the fjords of British
Columbia, and on the Alaskan Beaufort sea continental margin. A few of instances
where hydrates could have initiated submarine sliding are described below.
Interplay Between Gas Hydrates and Submarine Slope Failure
In the US Atlantic margin, the Cape Fear slide shows indications, on seismic
profiles, of the presence of gas hydrate and underlying free gas coincident with the
slip plane (Popenoe et al. 1993; Schmuck and Paull 1993). The area is also active
seismically and with diapirism and the slide occurred during a period of sea-level
rise (Lee 2009), thus the triggering mechanism cannot be attributed to hydrate dissociation alone.
Along the continental slope of Alaska, underlying the Beaufort Sea, are a string
of almost continuous submarine landslides (Grantz and Dinter 1980). Gas hydrate
deposits are coincident with the slide features (Kayen and Lee 1991) and the majority of the hydrate deposits are contained within low permeability sediments.
Theoretical calculations of excess pore pressures indicate that hydrate dissociation
would be sufficient to initiate seafloor sliding (Nixon and Grozic 2007; Kayen and
Lee 1991); however, there is also evidence of seismic activity in the region.
A number of large submarine slides in the Amazon fan are indicated on seismic
records (Piper et al. 1997). Although the timing of the slides is not certain, the
failures seemed to have occurred during a period of lower sea level, which combined with the presence of gas and gas hydrates, points to a correlation between
hydrate dissociation and failure.
The Storegga slide off the western coast of Norway is a well analyzed case
history, due in part to its immense size, but perhaps more notable, is that the
underlying Ormen Lange gas field is the second largest gas reserve in Norway.
Triggering mechanisms considered have included high sedimentation rates, gas
charged sediments, gas hydrate dissociation, diapirism and earthquakes (Bryn
et al. 2005). Gas hydrates have been inferred from the seismic profile both inside
and outside the slide scar (Bouriak et al. 2000) and careful consideration has been
given to the possibility that gas hydrate dissociation triggered the Storegga slide
(Mienert et al. 2005; Jung and Vogt 2004; Vogt and Jung 2002; Sultan et al.
2004). Bryn et al. (2005) conclude that the failure was earthquake triggered;
Mienert et al. (2005) illustrate how gas hydrate dissociation in the shallower
waters could have preconditioned the slope for the retrogressive failures that were
Although instances of submarine slope failure potentially involving gas
hydrates have been reported, the author is unaware of any slide that can be definitively attributed to gas hydrate dissociation as the singular triggering mechanism.
Knowledge of well-scale failures as a result of gas hydrate dissociation is also
mostly anecdotal and related to drilling and/or production operations (e.g.,
Nimblett et al. 2005).
Concluding Remarks
Gas hydrates have long been recognized as a geohazard in our exploration for, and
production of, conventional offshore hydrocarbon reserves. Small scale theoretical
and laboratory investigations have revealed that hydrate dissociation can produce
J.L.H. Grozic
significant excess pore pressures if the dissociation process is rapid or fluid flow is
restricted. Theoretical slope stability models indicate that slope failure due to
hydrate dissociation is possible and circumstantial evidence from the field shows
coincidence between observed slide scars and the base of the gas hydrate layer.
Slopes in shallow water (less than approximately 700 m) are most vulnerable to
failure as a result of hydrate dissociation or even hydrate dissolution. On geologic
time scales, the sea level fall during the onset of continental glaciation, and the
changing of major currents at the beginning and end of glacial cycles, are critical
times for gas hydrate destabilization.
Certainly the conclusion that hydrate dissociation can precondition a sediment
mass for failure, both by loss of sediment strength and generation of excess pore
pressures, can be drawn. Likewise, if failure is triggered through another mechanism, such as earthquake loading, gas hydrate dissociation may play a role in the
propagation of the submarine failure. In moving forward with the production of
methane gas from hydrate reservoirs, slope failure, particularly the genesis of localized failures, still needs to be carefully considered. This is in part because of our
current lack of quantitative data, models, and methodologies for adequately assessing slope stability in hydrate bearing sediments.
To assess the risk of submarine slope failure, particularly in economically viable hydrate reservoirs, we need a better understanding of the geomechanical
response of hydrate-bearing sediments to pressure and temperature changes.
Characterization of the hydrate deposit will be essential to provide accurate input
into constitutive and slope models. The strength, deformation, and permeability
properties of both intact, partially dissociated, and fully dissociated hydratebearing sediments in a variety of porous media can be modeled at the constitutive
level to capture the sediment behavior. Laboratory investigations using both
synthetic and natural hydrate-bearing specimens are required to provide the fundamental data required for such an endeavor. Field scale modeling, accounting for
geomechanics, kinetics, thermodynamics etc., could then embark on accurately
predicting the probability of slope failure and conceivably be used to compare to
case histories, should enough quantitative field data be collected.
The complexities of gas hydrates and their interactions with the host sediment, combined with the high cost of laboratory and field investigations, have
sufficiently limited our knowledge to the extent that we still cannot obtain a
definitive answer to the question “do gas hydrates cause submarine slope failures”. However, the increasing interest in gas hydrates as a tantalizing unconventional hydrocarbon resource, along with the growing number of hydrate
researchers, imparts every indication that we are indeed moving forward. We are
improving our fundamental knowledge and progressing toward being able to
quantitatively assess the probability of gas hydrate dissociation triggering submarine mass movements.
Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledges Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada for funding this project. I also thank the reviewers Drs. N. Sultan and
W. Waite for their critique and valuable input into this manuscript.
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