ABE Department Course Registration Form

ABE Department Course Registration Form
Section Number__________________________
(To be completed by department)
Circle One Course Below:
SPECIAL TOPICS (ABE4932, AOM4932, PKG4932, AOM6932 or ABE6933)
Graduate students must submit course syllabus
INDIVIDUAL WORK (ABE4905, AOM4905, PKG4905, AOM6905, PKG6905 or ABE6905)
What ABE course (title & course#) were you assigned to?______________________
I acknowledge that I completed the FERPA training on _________________________ (Attach MyUFL training summary)
(Attach a list of your teaching responsibilities and include the approximate number of hours each
week that you will devote to those responsibilities. Have this signed by the instructor of the course).
________________________________________________ _____________________
NAME (Last)
UF ID Number
Class/College (ex: 4AG) ____________
(Find this at the bottom of your audit)
Phone number ___________________________
email ______________________________________________________________
Term (If Summer specify A, B or C)
Grade to be Given by (please print):
Credit Hours
Grade giver email address (if not ABE faculty)
Title of work to be done:
(21 spaces maximum)
Signature of Student
Signature of Grade Giver