Do managers tacitly collude to withhold industry-wide bad news? Jonathan L. Rogers University of Colorado Catherine Schrand University of Pennsylvania Sarah L. C. Zechman University of Chicago That managers would choose to withhold firm-specific bad news is not only intuitive, but supported by theory, observed disclosure patterns, and survey responses. When signals are uncertain and may be revised in future periods, firms may choose to withhold the news to avoid presumably costly stock return volatility. This strategy, however, may not work when news contains a common industry component. When adverse news is industry wide, traders can infer signal arrival from the disclosure of any firm in the industry which increases capital market pressure to disclose. A cooperative equilibrium of non-disclosure requires tacit collusion. We document industry characteristics associated with industry-level financial reporting opacity. We also document intraindustry clustering of increases in the annual 10-K opacity, controlling for changes in fundamentals that we suggest are driven by disclosure choice consistent with tacit collusion. These opacity episodes are more likely in industries that tend to have large, correlated, negative shocks, industries with more significant equity incentives, and greater litigation risk. The opacity episodes are less likely in industries in which observable/public macro-economic data relevant to firm valuation is available. The results have implications for understanding when economic forces are sufficient to generate voluntary disclosure of industry-wide adverse news. First draft: February 2013 This draft: April 2014 Preliminary and incomplete The authors thank Paul Fischer, Mirko Heinle, and audiences at Clemson, Cornell, Duke, Iowa, MIT, Northwestern, Ohio State University, Rice, and Singapore Management University for helpful comments. The authors thank Sehwa Kim for research assistance on this project. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business (Jonathan Rogers and Sarah Zechman) and the Neubauer family (Sarah Zechman). 1. Introduction This paper investigates determinants of financial reporting opacity related to industry-wide information. Fundamental characteristics of the firm’s environment such as complexity, uncertainty, or investment opportunities, affect its opacity. However, voluntary disclosure choice also plays a significant role in determining opacity. Firms can choose to alleviate inherent opacity by aggregating and more transparently disseminating private information. Alternatively, firms cans choose to exacerbate inherent opacity by withholding or obfuscating information. Research on the determinants of the strategic element of opacity frequently motivate the analysis with adverse selection models of voluntary disclosure choice that assume firm-specific valuation signals (e.g., Dye, 1985; Jung and Kwon, 1988; Shin, 2003 and 2006). Broadly speaking, these models predict that firms with relatively favorable news will choose to disclose it, essentially becoming more transparent. The assumption that news arrival is uncertain, however, allows firms with relatively adverse news to maintain opacity by choosing not to disclose. Our analysis of opacity is distinct on two dimensions. First, we assume valuation signals contain an industry-wide component. The assumption of an industry-wide component in valuation signals is realistic because of correlated fundamentals due to similar production functions, demand and supply conditions, investment opportunities, and exposure to external factors such as regulation. Analyst specialization within industries is consistent with there being a common component to the valuations (O’Brien, 1990; Dunn and Nathan, 2005). Second, we make the analysis a more realistic representation of a manager’s disclosure decision by considering disclosure choice in a repeated game where the signal is uncertain and future revisions are possible. In a single stage game with second mover costs, coordinated opacity is not possible. Firms will move to the non-cooperative (“prisoners’ dilemma”) equilibrium in which all firms disclose. Assuming a repeated game allows us to consider whether coordination in disclosure decisions could support a cooperative equilibrium of non-disclosure when news is industry wide and to predict associated industry characteristics. We refer to cooperative 1 disclosure decisions for industry-wide valuation signals as “tacit collusion”, consistent with the literature on price and quantity decisions in product markets. 1 An analysis of the determinants of opacity, assuming valuation signals contain an industry-wide component, makes a distinct contribution to existing studies on the determinants of disclosure because the firm-specific evidence cannot simply be aggregated to make inferences about industry-level evidence. 2 The single stage adverse selection models have uncorrelated signals. They do not accommodate industry-wide signals, and their predictions do not translate to correlated signals. Three features of industry-wide signals affect the translation. First, when signals contain an industry-wide component, disclosure by even one firm in the industry eliminates uncertainty about signal arrival for other firms in the industry, which is necessary to prevent full disclosure in adverse selection models. Thus, capital market pressure to disclose is stronger when valuation signals are industry wide. Second, it is possible that no firms in the industry receive a firm-specific valuation signal that is higher than the expected valuation without disclosure. In this case, no firm will have an individual incentive to disclose and to start the unraveling. Mean shifts in the posterior distribution are not possible in traditional adverse selection models that assume uncorrelated signals. Third, the costs of non-disclosure are greater when signals are industry wide. In traditional adverse selection models, non-disclosing firms suffer stock price declines when the valuation adjusts to the conditional expected value. With industry-wide signals, however, a non-disclosing firm will face an additional cost if a peer firm chooses disclosure. Litigation costs are one example. Plaintiffs in a 10b-5 case can use the disclosure by the first mover in an industry as evidence to support an allegation that the second mover omitted a material fact. Lower financial reporting credibility is another example of a cost imposed by the first firm to disclose on a second mover. The industry-wide nature of signals generates externality 1 As described in Ivaldi et al. (2003), footnote 2: ‘ “Tacit collusion” need not involve any “collusion” in the legal sense, and in particular need involve no communication between the parties. It is referred to as tacit collusion only because the outcome … may well resemble that of explicit collusion or even of an official cartel. A better term from a legal perspective might be “tacit coordination”.’ 2 Empirical and survey evidence about firm-specific news suggests that firms withhold adverse news (Kothari, Shu, and Wysocki, 2009; Sletten, 2012; Tse and Tucker, 2010; Graham, Harvey and Rajgopal, 2005). 2 costs such that an individual firm’s costs of disclosure depend on the strategic disclosure decisions of other firms in the industry. 3 Our analysis of reporting opacity in this more realistic setting is motivated by the debate about an appropriate framework for mandated disclosure and predicts distinct determinants relative to those predicted by traditional single stage adverse selection models with uncorrelated signals. Both the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) are reviewing the current structure of disclosure mandates. The FASB cites as its goal to establish “…an overarching framework intended to make disclosures more effective and coordinated and less redundant.” (FASB exposure draft, 2014). 4 The policymakers face two significant issues in developing a conceptual approach to disclosure regulation. One issue is the extent to which disclosure mandates are necessary at all. Proponents of mandates believe requirements are necessary because market forces, including capital market pressure due to adverse selection and litigation risk, are not sufficiently strong to motivate firms to voluntarily collect or report relevant information, in particular, adverse information. Opponents, however, have long argued that these market forces encourage voluntary disclosure, even of adverse news, such that disclosure mandates impose unnecessary costs on firms (Easterbrook and Fischel, 1984). A second issue standard setters face is how to narrow the requirements in order to balance the benefits and costs, which differ across reporting entities. One approach is tiered requirements based on firm attributes such as size or methods of raising capital. Another approach is to set forth disclosure mandates for specific types of transactions or events based on an assessment of the related benefits and costs. Our empirical analysis first documents industry-level financial reporting opacity and intraindustry clustering in opacity for the Fama-French 49 (FF49) industries. We use FOG scores to Dye (1985) discusses externality costs. The SEC states that its current review of disclosure 10-K requirements can lead to “simplification” and “modernization,” which are necessary because the current requirements are costly. The SEC was required to conduct a review of disclosure requirements for emerging growth companies as part of the JOBS Act. However, the SEC states that they decided a comprehensive review of the current disclosure structure could lead to suggested changes that would benefit all issuers. 3 4 3 measure opacity. FOG scores are a measure of the readability of a document, and readability of financial documents has been associated with opacity (Bloomfield, 2002; Li, 2008). This analysis provides descriptive evidence about firm fundamentals that show intra-industry correlation with opacity. One notable finding is that firm size, which is a proposed category for tiered disclosure requirements, is not systematically related to opacity across industries. Size is significantly positive in only 35% of the industry models, and it is significantly negative in 23%. Two firm characteristics exhibit a consistent association with opacity levels across industries – special items and the number of non-missing items on Compustat as a measure of financial complexity both are consistently associated with greater opacity. The consistent relations across industries between opacity and these two variables, both of which represent the nature of specific transactions or complexity of specific firm activities, together with the inconsistent relations between opacity and firm-level attributes such as size, informs the standard-setting issue of how to narrow disclosure requirements. The intra-industry analysis of opacity levels provides evidence on the inherent element of opacity, but cannot be used to test for determinants related to disclosure choice. Correlated opacity could reflect correlated fundamentals, and correlated fundamentals are an underlying assumption of our predictions about tacit collusion. To distinguish the element of opacity that reflects disclosure choice by firms in an industry, we develop a measure of “opacity episodes” that represent industry-years with a significant increase in the intra-industry average level of 10-K FOG scores that is not explained by changes in firms’ fundamentals. By examining increases in FOG scores after controlling for fundamentals we attempt to mitigate concerns that correlated fundamentals, rather than coordination in disclosure choice, determine correlated opacity. The number of opacity episodes that we identify is small. Across the FF49 industry groups over the 14 year period from 1995 to 2008, we find 19 episodes in which the average increase in intraindustry disclosure opacity suggests coordinated opacity (17 when using only single segment firms). We also identify 12 of the 19 episodes in which at least 60% of influential firms in the industry exhibit 4 positive unexplained FOG levels. The small number of episodes is consistent with collusive equilibriums being inherently unstable due to the reliance on conjectures about other firms’ strategic disclosure decisions. We provide weak evidence that future-period cumulative adjusted returns for the industries with opacity episodes are significantly more negative than for matched samples starting in the second year after the episodes. Negative subsequent returns are consistent with our interpretation of the opacity episodes as a period in which firms did not disclose adverse valuation signals. Our primary analysis investigates industry characteristics associated with the identified opacity episodes. We examine characteristics motivated by our discussion of the market forces that shape disclosure such as capital market pressure due to adverse selection and litigation risk when valuation signals contain an industry-wide component and are uncertain. Five results emerge. First, opacity episodes are (weakly) more likely in industries in which firms are subject to significant industry-wide negative shocks, measured by negative tail risk. The effect is magnified in more homogenous industries as measured by the average relative weight of industry-wide news to idiosyncratic news in the industry. This result suggests that industries with a greater propensity for negative shocks that are felt similarly by peer firms are more likely to conjecture that non-disclosure is a sustainable equilibrium, making tacit collusion and resulting opacity episodes more likely. Second, opacity episodes are more likely for industries characterized by firms with high equity incentives, which motivate firms with adverse signals to remain opaque in order to maintain an elevated stock price. We measure equity incentives by the proportion of firms in the industry that trade on a major exchange (i.e., in the CRSP database) relative to the proportion filing annual reports (i.e., in the Compustat database). An alternative interpretation of the positive association between opacity episodes and our proxy is that industries with a lower proportion of publicly traded firms (i.e., firms file annual reports despite not having publicly traded equity) are subject to significant disclosure regulation, perhaps from regulators or other users that demand financial statements. Firms in such industries will 5 conjecture that other firms will disclose making tacit collusion in opacity decisions less sustainable. Supplemental analysis favors the first interpretation. Third, opacity episodes are less likely in industries in which valuation signals are public, or likely to become public quickly, though this finding is significant for only one definition of opacity episodes. We identify such industries based on the explanatory power of a returns model that includes market returns and seven observable public macro-economic signals (i.e., short-term interest rates, default spreads, term spreads, foreign exchange rates, producer price index, and the Fama-French SMB and HML factors). When news is public, or the duration until it becomes public is short, the benefits of opacity decrease (and should be common knowledge), leading to less coordinated opacity. Fourth, opacity episodes are positively associated with our proxy for industry-level litigation risk. We interpret the positive association as an indication that our litigation risk proxy, which is based on a model of suits brought against firms, captures uncertainty in the industry-level propensity for large adverse shocks. Firms in more uncertain industries are more likely to believe that future valuation signals may increase (i.e., the news will not be as bad as anticipated), and that this potential is common knowledge, increasing the sustainability of correlated opacity as an equilibrium. Our model of the determinants of the opacity episodes also includes a separate proxy for industry-level uncertainty implied by option prices. However, we find no association between more volatile industries and the opacity episodes, and our litigation risk proxy remains significant in its presence. Finally, opacity episodes are weakly positively related to industry concentration. We include a revenue-based herfindahl index in the model because industry concentration could be related to several industry characteristics affecting opacity choice. Greater concentration could increase the probability that firms conjecture other firms have received a similar negative signal. Greater concentration could also be correlated with fewer influential firms in the industry, which provides greater opportunities to form beliefs that the other influential firms will cooperate, perhaps because of explicit collusion, greater interpersonal connections, or because a focal point is more likely available to facilitate cooperation. 6 Finally, greater concentration could imply more significant existing barriers to entry, which decreases each firm’s incentives to disclose adverse signals relative to industries with low entry barriers. Several analytical models have analyses related to the issue of disclosure of industry-wide news. Dye and Sridhar (1995) analyze disclosure choice when the timing of the arrival of private signals is correlated across firms in an industry, but the signal values are uncorrelated. Jorgensen and Kirschenheiter (2012) analyze disclosure of industry-wide news with an exogenous leader and follower firm. The leader anticipates the disclosure decision of the follower, but there are no opportunities for signal revisions. The closest analysis is by Acharya, DeMarzo, and Kremer (2011) who examine disclosure when signal values have a market-wide component and predict that firms will delay disclosure of adverse news. 5 Our analysis has two distinguishing features. First, the ultimate release of the news in their model is exogenous, and second, they do not allow for signal revisions. Acharya et al. (2011) discuss the possibility that the news is endogenously released via another firm’s disclosure, however, they only conjecture that the results would hold, stating: “The construction of the equilibrium presents a significant computational challenge.” Section 2 provides a conceptual discussion of the determinants of opacity when valuation signals contain an industry-wide component and managers make disclosure decisions in a repeated game anticipating the potential for signal revision. Section 3 describes our measures of intra-industry opacity and our method for identifying opacity episodes. Section 4 presents the results of the analysis of the determinants of the opacity episodes and Section 5 concludes. 2. Discussion of determinants of industry clustering Two factors determine reporting opacity: 1) fundamentals or inherent opacity, and 2) managerial choice. The notion that managerial choice affects opacity is consistent with the “incomplete Both Dye and Sridhar (1995) and Acharya et al. (2011) predict a clustering of bad news announcements because disclosure by one firm will trigger disclosure by the multiple firms that withheld adverse news. Tse and Tucker (2010) provide empirical evidence of clustering in bad news announcements. 5 7 revelation hypothesis” of Bloomfield (2002). In a noisy rational expectations equilibrium with costly and endogenous information acquisition, opacity hinders efficient price discovery. Managers will make financial reporting decisions that increase the costs of extracting information that the manager does not want aggregated into price. Firm fundamentals that affect financial reporting opacity are interesting in their own right, and we will analyze their association with reporting opacity at the industry level. The discussion in this section relates to strategic disclosure choice and opacity. In Section 2.1 and 2.2, we discuss how the assumptions of an industry-wide valuation component and potential for revised signals alter predictions about how capital market pressure affects disclosure choice. In Section 2.3, we discuss how these two assumptions alter predictions about how litigation risk affects disclosure choice. The purpose of the discussion is to motivate the determinants of opacity that result from strategic interactions. 2.1 Industry-wide valuation signals We first discuss capital market pressure when valuation signals contain a common industrywide component. Traditional adverse selection voluntary disclosure models with trader uncertainty about signal arrival form the basis for the discussion (e.g., Dye, 1985; Jung and Kwon, 1988; Shin, 2003 and 2006). 6 In these models, the manager receives a private firm-specific valuation signal and chooses whether to disclose it. Traders respond to disclosure and silence (i.e., non-disclosure), taking into account the strategic behavior of managers. The stock price of a firm that discloses adjusts to the disclosed amount. The stock price of a non-disclosing firm will adjust to the expected value conditional on non-disclosure. Adverse selection models predict a partial disclosure equilibrium in which firms will not disclose if their valuation signal is below an endogenous threshold level that equates the valuation given disclosure to the expected valuation given non-disclosure. The intuition is that firms with adverse news are able to hide in the pool of firms that have no news because of the assumption that traders are uncertain about signal arrival. 6 We refer to models with trader uncertainty about signal arrival simply as “adverse selection” models. 8 These adverse selection models assume that firms’ private signals are uncorrelated. By definition, industry-wide signals are positively correlated across firms in an industry; the valuation signal contains a common industry component. That valuations would have a common intra-industry component is sensible. Firms within an industry are likely to have relatively homogeneous production functions, to face similar supply and demand conditions, to have similar investment opportunities, and to face similar exposure to external factors such as regulation. Considering industry-wide rather than firm-specific valuation signals does not alter predictions about a firm’s disclosure choice of a favorable signal. Assuming correlated signals does, however, alter predictions about disclosure of adverse signals. With industry-wide signals, traders can infer signal arrival for one firm in an industry based on the disclosures made by another firm in the same industry. If even one firm in the industry receives a firm-specific valuation signal that is higher than its unconditional expected valuation despite the adverse industry-wide component, that firm will disclose. The disclosure will cause traders to infer that all firms in the industry received a signal, which in turn, affects the conditional expected value for the non-disclosers. The uncertainty about signal arrival, which generates the partial disclosure equilibrium in the threshold models, disappears and adverse selection should lead each manager to disclose. The idea that traders would make such intra-industry inferences is consistent with the evidence that investment analysts tend to specialize in one industry (O’Brien, 1990) and that analysts who focus on one industry produce better forecasts than analysts focusing on multiple industries (Dunn and Nathan, 2005). The additional capital market pressure when signals contain an industry-wide component results in more disclosure. If firms’ private signals contain only the industry-wide component and no idiosyncratic component, adverse selection leads to full unraveling and full disclosure. If firms’ private signals contain an idiosyncratic component in addition to the industry-wide component, then the disclosure threshold will be lower than the threshold in traditional adverse selection models that assume uncorrelated signals. 9 The discussion thus far suggests industry-wide signals will be associated with stronger capital market pressure relative to uncorrelated signals. However, in the traditional models, at least one firm will receive a private signal that is greater than the unconditional expected value and disclose it. When the signals contain a common industry component, however, the private valuation signals received by all firms in an industry could be less than their existing stock price valuations. No firm will individually want to disclose, and if the distribution shift is common knowledge, unraveling will not start. 7 At this point, one could argue that firms’ conjectures about the disclosure choices of other firms are irrelevant. Firms that receive adverse signals choose non-disclosure. If a peer discloses, the firm responds with disclosure. The firm may incur an immediate stock price reaction prior to the response, which would be incorporated into the determination of the endogenous disclosure threshold. We propose, however, that being the second mover imposes additional costs on a firm, besides the immediate stock price reduction, when firms’ valuation signals contain a common industry component. One example of an externality imposed on the second mover is lost financial reporting credibility. Lost reputation is greater when a firm can be compared to a peer firm. An individual manager that withholds materially adverse news can be subject to SEC enforcement. Individuals identified in enforcement actions lose their jobs, face restrictions on future employment, and incur pecuniary costs including fines and valuation losses on shareholdings (Karpoff et al., 2008a). Individuals can also face criminal charges and jail time (Karpoff et al., 2008a; Schrand and Zechman, 2012). Karpoff et al. (2008b) document reputational penalties at the firm level and characterize the direct legal costs as minimal, but the loss in firm value associated with the reputational effects of the misconduct as “huge.” Litigation costs are another example of an externality imposed on the second mover. One element of a 10b-5 case is to show that the defendant omitted a material fact. The disclosure of 7 This observation is not unlike a point made by Dye and Sridhar (1995) in the “industry-wide common knowledge” case. They analyze disclosure choice when the timing of the arrival of private signals is correlated across firms, however, the signal values are uncorrelated. Full non-disclosure is a possible equilibrium, but only if firms “know” that other firms will not disclose (p. 166). 10 industry-wide news by a peer firm in the industry can provide useful evidence to support this claim. If one firm in the industry discloses, plaintiffs are more likely able to establish that the non-disclosing firm knew the information (or was reckless in not knowing it), which is otherwise difficult to prove. It may also be easier for a plaintiff to establish materiality given that the disclosing firm assessed the information as material. While litigation risk affects even a disclosing firm, as will be discussed later, we propose that an industry-wide component in valuation signals creates incremental litigation costs for a non-disclosing firm because the revelation of the adverse news by a peer firm could justify a stronger case for the plaintiff. In summary, when valuations contain an industry-wide component greater capital market pressure arises because trader uncertainty about signal arrival disappears when another firm in the industry discloses. However, this capital market pressure may not induce disclosure if the industry-wide component is sufficiently adverse such that no firms have individual incentives to disclose their valuations. The unraveling that occurs in adverse selection models would not start. The costs associated with non-disclosure, including litigation and reputation costs, could be greater when news is industry wide. The externality costs of being the second mover in the disclosure game are an additional force that can lead to greater disclosure. 2.2 A repeated game We next consider how the anticipation of opportunities to disclose revised signals in subsequent periods affects managers’ incentives to disclose valuation signals. Dye and Sridhar (1995) and Acharya, DeMarzo, and Kremer (2011), discussed previously, have multiple periods, but the future periods only represent additional opportunities to disclose the initial signal; revised signals do not arrive. We consider the implications of disclosure choice in a repeated game because we are interested in identifying industry conditions and economic forces that shape disclosure in the realistic setting in which firms make disclosure decisions. Incorporating the potential for signal uncertainty in evaluating disclosure decisions accords with survey evidence in Graham et al. (2005) that managers hide adverse 11 news “…in hopes that the firm’s status will improve before the next required information release, perhaps saving the company the need to ever release the bad information...” (p. 65). Because valuation signals are uncertain, the manager can assess positive probability to an adverse signal being lessened or never materializing. Anticipation of subsequent revisions introduces an important tension in the manager’s disclosure decision. If the manager and industry peers do not disclose the manager avoids costly interim-period stock price volatility. However, if the manager does not disclose but another firm does, the manager faces externality costs associated with being the second mover. In a single stage game with second mover costs, coordinated opacity is not possible. Firms will move to the prisoners’ dilemma equilibrium in which all firms disclose. In a repeated game, it is possible for firms to coordinate and collectively choose non-disclosure or opacity despite the potential costs of being the second mover. Coordinated opacity requires each individual manager assign positive probability to reversal, conjecture that other managers have similar beliefs, believe they share these beliefs, and so on. As such, “softer” issues affecting beliefs about disclosure by other firms will determine whether the cooperative equilibrium is sustainable. Focal points make a cooperative equilibrium more sustainable (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 1989). 8 Frequent interactions between the players also facilitate cooperation (Ivaldi et al., 2003). Perhaps the softest of the variables is trust. Cooperation is more likely when firms can build trust over time that other firms will make the cooperative choice. The observed coordination in firms’ disclosure decisions is referred to as “collusion” in the product market literature, but the use of this term does not imply that firms directly communicate their strategies (i.e., “explicitly” collude). Tacit collusion only implies that the manager’s disclosure choice depends on her beliefs about the behavior and beliefs of other firms. Our predictions about when correlated opacity is sustainable are similar to predictions of tacit collusion in product markets that use a repeated game setting. Unlike product market games, however, In fact, Pindyk and Rubinfeld (1989) give the prescient example that LIBOR could serve as a focal point, allowing banks to cooperate. 8 12 firms’ disclosure decisions do not have strategic interactions that affect the level of payoffs to cooperation or the level of externality costs. 9 The focus of our analysis is on the disclosure of the adverse signal, not on tacit collusion in operating, investing, or financing decisions as a reaction to the signal. 10 This idea is in the background in our analysis, though, because of the assumption that firms anticipate receiving new signals in subsequent periods and that the beliefs are common knowledge. The reliance on conjectures makes coordinated equilibrium strategies inherently unstable, as evidenced by the numerous empirical studies on tacit collusion or cartel formation in product markets and the explanations for why cartels dissolve. 11 2.3 Litigation risk Adverse selection models feature capital market pressure as a market force that affects disclosure choice; litigation risk is another. A common assertion is that firms disclose adverse news early to mitigate litigation risk (e.g., Skinner, 1994). The empirical evidence is mixed. Skinner (1994) finds evidence consistent with this argument, but Francis, Philbrick, and Schipper (1994) do not find evidence that preemptive disclosure mitigates litigation risk. Skinner (1997) then examines a broader sample and finds support consistent with Francis et al. (1994) but suggests that, while issuing forecasts may not deter litigation, it may reduce the costs. This line of reasoning suggests that litigation risk is a market force that reduces the need for mandated disclosure of firm-specific news. The implications of litigation risk are unclear, however, in a repeated game setting and when signals contain an industry-wide component. Litigation risk could be an even stronger market force than predicted by firm-specific models when adverse signals contain an Another difference between our assumed payoff structure and those in models of price or quantity decisions is that tacit collusion in product market decisions typically describes the cooperative equilibrium that arises when firms can credibly retaliate in a future period against firms that deviate (Bertomeu and Liang, 2008). The threat of retaliation does not exist in the disclosure setting. 10 Rajan (1994) is an example of a model of firms’ choices about disclosures of industry-wide news in the context of a specific strategic decision. The disclosure choice is a bank’s decision about recording credit reserves, which serves as a signal to other banks that make lending decisions about the overall level of credit quality in the industry. The analysis focuses on the implications of the recorded reserves for strategic lending and other decisions, which affect payoffs and business strategy, and the overall availability of credit. 11 See Levenstein and Suslow (2006) for a review. 9 13 industry wide component. If firms in an industry conjecture that at least one firm in the industry will disclose due to litigation risk, the potential for externality costs associated with being a second mover will favor greater disclosure. Litigation risk could mitigate or exacerbate the incentives for firms to preemptively disclose adverse news in a repeated game relative to the predictions from a single stage game. On one hand, as the probability that the signal will materialize or be discovered declines, expected litigation costs also decline, favoring non-disclosure. But Skinner (1994) suggests that litigation costs are increasing in the duration of withholding because a longer withholding period means a longer class period. 3. Measuring intra-industry opacity and identifying opacity episodes The variable of interest is reporting opacity. We use readability as an indication of opacity, and our proxy for readability is the Gunning FOG index for firms’ 10-Ks. The FOG index is computed as a function of the average number of words per sentence and the percent of words with three or more syllables. The computation is intended to result in a score that represents the number of years of education required to read the document. We obtain 10-K FOG scores as used in Li (2008) from Feng Li’s website ( His sample is derived from the intersection of firms available in the CRSP and Compustat databases and with electronic filings on EDGAR. Li’s FOG score is calculated using the text (excluding heading items, paragraphs less than one line, and tables) for all 10-K filings with more than 3,000 words or 100 lines of remaining text (Li, 2008). The data provided on the website has been updated to include all observations meeting these requirements that were filed with the SEC through December 2009 (or with fiscal year ends through mid-2009). Empirical evidence provides some support for using the FOG index as a measure of opacity. Callen, Khan, and Lu (2013) show that a higher FOG score (lower readability) is associated with greater price reaction delay to a firm’s 10-K, where price reaction delay is measured by how much of the firm’s return can be explained by lagged market returns. Lehavy, Li, and Merkley (2011) show that higher 14 FOG scores (lower readability) are associated with higher analyst forecast dispersion, lower forecast accuracy, and analyst uncertainty. They interpret their evidence as consistent with FOG scores being associated with information that is more difficult to process. We proxy for opacity using poor readability rather than using non-disclosure for two reasons. First, extant studies show that termination of previously disclosed information is costly (e.g., Chen, Matsumoto, and Rajgopal, 2011), and second, Reg. S-X requires firms to discuss various topics, but the content is discretionary. In addition, a readability index like the FOG score is objective and can be measured on a large sample, as discussed in Lehavy et al. (2011). The first element of our analysis examines industry fundamentals associated with opacity. For this purpose, we estimate intra-industry models of FOG score levels. Section 3.1 describes the model and results. In Section 3.2, we describe the model we use to identify unexplained changes in industrylevel reporting opacity. The procedure creates a set of “opacity episodes.” In Section 4, we estimate the industry characteristics that are determinants of the opacity episodes using a logit model. The proposed determinants are motivated by the discussion in the previous section. 3.1 Modeling levels of intra-industry opacity We estimate the determinants of intra-industry opacity using the following model: πΉππΊππ‘ = πΌ0 + ∑9π=1 πΏπ πΆππππ ππΏππ‘π + πππ‘ (1) where FOG is a firm’s 10-K FOG score. The unit of observation is firm (j) in year (t). We estimate the model annually for each of the FF49 industries from 1994 to 2008 using two samples. The FULL sample includes all firm-year observations with available data. The 1SEG sample excludes firms with multiple business segments, where segments are defined at the FF49 level. 12 The vector CONTROL includes nine variables, identified by Li (2008), that represent firm fundamentals: the log of market value of equity, the market to book ratio, special items scaled by total assets, return volatility, the We use the Fama French 49 industry level to identify single segment firms in order to mitigate the effects of SFAS 131, which substantially reduced the number of single segment firms beginning in 1998. 12 15 number of non-missing data items in Compustat as a measure of complexity, firm age, an indicator for Delaware incorporation, the log of the number of geographic segments plus one, and the log of the number of business segments plus one. (See variable definitions in Appendix A.) Table 1 reports coefficient estimates by industry for the FULL sample (Panel A) and for the 1SEG sample (Panel B). At the top of each panel, we report the number of coefficient estimates that are significantly positive, significantly negative, and insignificant for each control variable. We present results for 48 industry-level regressions, excluding “Tobacco Products” because of a small sample size. 13 The first notable finding is that firm size, which is a proposed category for tiered disclosure requirements by the FASB, is not systematically related to opacity across industries. Li (2008) indicates a positive association on average in his pooled sample across industries, but size is significantly positive in 35% of the industry models and significantly negative in 23%. The only determinants that have relatively consistent explanatory power across industries are special items scaled by total assets and the number of non-missing data items in Compustat. Firms with larger special items, which are generally negative, have consistently less readable financial reports (higher FOG scores) across industries, consistent with the findings in Li (2008). Firms with more nonmissing items, which are presumably more complex, also have consistently higher FOG scores or lower readability across industries. This result is opposite to the negative association in the pooled sample in Li (2008), but it is consistent with his prediction that greater financial complexity is associated with greater opacity. Special items and non-missing items are distinct from the other determinants we explore in this specification, none of which show consistent patterns across industries, in that they represent specific types of transactions or activities rather than attributes of the firms. The intraindustry analysis therefore suggests that tiered disclosure requirements based on firm attributes may not identify the disclosure conditions that are most at risk of opacity. Instead, an approach focusing on The Tobacco Products industry (Fama-French industry 5) has 54 industry-year observations in the FULL sample panel (an average of less than four per year in the 15 year sample period) and only 14 observations in the 1SEG sample panel. 13 16 characteristics of events or transaction would be more likely to alleviate sources of opacity that are consistent across industries. Table 2 reports measures of intra-industry dispersion in FOG for each of FF49 industries. We measure dispersion as the intra-industry coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) and as the quartile coefficient of dispersion (Q3 - Q1/median). We measure dispersion separately for the FULL sample and the single segment firms (1SEG) over the period 1994 through 2008. Lower dispersion implies greater clustering of readability within the industry. We evaluate whether the industry clustering is unusually high or low by testing the equality of the variance in each industry against the variance for the pooled sample of firms in all industries. The coefficient of variation for the pooled sample reference group in the FULL sample is 0.0742 (Panel A) and 0.0734 in the 1SEG sample (Panel B). The last column of Table 2 indicates whether the industry exhibits more significant clustering/less dispersion (“c” or “cc”) or more significant dispersion (“x” or “xx”) than the reference group. 14 The industries with the most significant clustering are Consumer Goods (9), Healthcare (11), Precious Metals (27), Computer Software (36), and Insurance (46). Additional industries that exhibit weaker evidence of clustering are Apparel (10), Pharmaceutical Products (13), Chemicals (14), Communication (32), and Business Services (39). 3.2 Identifying opacity episodes The object of interest in the primary analysis is coordinated opacity that results from voluntary disclosure choice rather than correlated fundamentals. Li (2008) concludes that the FOG measure, in levels, may capture intentional opacity. He documents that higher FOG score levels are associated with lower earnings and lower earnings persistence for profitable firms and with earnings decreases. Based on this evidence, he concludes that managers may be strategically disclosing to “hide adverse news.” 14 We compute three statistics to test the equality of the variances: Bonferroni, Scheffe, and Sidak. The Bonferroni and Sidak statistics provide identical results. The Scheffe statistic rejects equality of variances for fewer industries. An “x” or “c” means that equality of variances is rejected by the Bonferroni and Sidak statistics. An “xx” or “cc” means that the equality of variances is also rejected by the Scheffe statistic. 17 While his evidence is consistent with FOG scores representing opacity choice, fundamentals such as complexity or realized poor performance that are omitted from his FOG model could also drive these results (Bloomfield, 2008). In an effort to distinguish the correlated opacity that results because of strategic disclosure choice given an industry-wide valuation component and a repeated game, we identify a set of industryyear observations that exhibit significant unexplained increases in intra-industry FOG scores. We modify eqn. (1) to measure industry changes in FOG scores, controlling for changes in fundamentals. We estimate eqn. (2) for rolling two-year windows from 1994 through 2008 πΉππΊππ‘ = πΌ0 + πΌ1 ππΈπ΄π 2 + ∑9π=1 πΏπ πΆππππ ππΏππ‘π + πππ‘ (2) where YEAR2 is an indicator for the later of the two years. This model allows us to identify industryyears with unexplained changes in FOG. An industry-year is considered an “opacity episode” in the latter of the two years if the coefficient estimate on the YEAR2 indicator ( α 1 ) is positive and significant (p-value < 0.10). For use in later falsification tests, we also identify “transparency episodes.” An industry-year is considered a transparency episode (TRANSP) in year 2 if α 1 is negative and significant (p-value < 0.10). This analysis generates 19 industry-year observations of opacity episodes for the years 1995 through 2008 and 13 transparency episodes. We identify a second set of opacity and transparency episodes by estimating eqn. (2) using only single segment firms based on the FF49 industries (“1SEG” sample). This method identifies 17 opacity episodes and 12 transparency episodes. We expect the parameter estimates when estimating eqn. (2) with the 1SEG sample to provide better controls for the fundamental firm characteristics that affect FOG, thus providing a cleaner measure of the change in abnormal FOG. Table 3 reports the industry distribution of opacity and transparency episodes estimated using both the FULL and 1SEG samples. Tables 3 and 4 report episodes by industry and year, respectively. Technology-related industries (35, 36, and 37; hardware, software, and chips), are over-represented in 18 the opacity episodes, with all three industries showing industry-wide decreases in readability in 2002 and 2003. There is less obvious industry clustering in the transparency episodes. The opacity episodes generally exhibit time clustering in 2002 and 2003. We do not expect that required disclosures related to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) are the source of this clustering given that the specific provisions were not effective until later and the general provisions should have affected all industries. However, as a precaution, we estimate the logit model of the determinants of the opacity episodes including non-opacity observations only for years in which there is at least one opacity episode. We also identify a third set of opacity episodes that is a subset of the FULL sample episodes. In addition to the on-average increase in industry-wide unexplained FOG, we require the majority of influential firms in the industry exhibit significant unexplained increases in FOG. To identify influential firms in each industry-year, we find the lowest number of firms such that the sales concentration ratio is greater than or equal to 50%. For example, if the concentration ratio for the largest four (six) firms is 40% (55%), then the number of influential firms in the industry is six. We apply the coefficient estimates from eqn. (1) for industry i in year y-1 to the control variables for the influential firms in industry i in year y to estimate their predicted FOG. A positive abnormal FOG, equal to actual FOG less predicted FOG, indicates relatively high disclosure opacity for that year. This procedure identifies 12 of the original 17 opacity episodes that also have at least 60% of influential firms with abnormally high FOG levels. We expect these episodes to provide a cleaner measure of strategic opacity. Our indirect approach to identifying periods of opacity is preferred to other more direct approaches. We cannot rely on observed ex post adverse outcomes and work backwards to examine whether the adverse signal was withheld. Such a sample selection method would identify only those episodes in which the adverse signals eventually materialized. But the discussion in Section 2 suggests that correlated opacity is more likely when there is greater uncertainty about the eventual realization of the signal. Thus, such sampling would be biased against identifying periods in which firms chose 19 opacity. We also cannot examine reporting decisions using concurrent performance – if the firm is recognizing the concurrent performance it is effectively disclosing the signal. 3.3 Returns tests We use a traditional portfolio method to investigate the relation between opacity episodes and subsequent returns. We compare the returns of firms in industry i following an opacity episode to those of a matched sample described below. We expect to observe poor returns, on average, following opacity episodes if our episodes capture opacity that obfuscates adverse industry-wide valuation signals. This analysis is inherently weak because opacity episodes are more likely when firms believe the adverse signal will not materialize (or will be better than originally anticipated). Poor returns on average are consistent with strategic opacity, although not finding poor subsequent returns does not preclude strategic opacity; the initial adverse valuation signal may not have materialized. Also, we do not make predictions about the timing of the subsequent poor returns, although we do not expect them to be immediate. Strategic opacity is positively related to the duration that the stock price remains artificially elevated. If firms had rationally anticipated that the valuation signal would be made public quickly, we should not observe correlated opacity. We measure subsequent returns as the cumulative abnormal size-decile adjusted returns (CARs) in months 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 after month four following a year end. We compute CARs for an opacity sample and a matched sample. The opacity sample consists of firm year observations in industry i and year y if the i-y industry-year combination is an opacity episode based on the 1SEG sample. The matched sample consists of all other firm-year observations, excluding firms in industry i in years y+1 through y+3. For example, if an industry has an opacity episode in 2002, firms in the industry are excluded from the matched sample in 2003-2005. This exclusion ensures that returns for the opacity sample firms do not confound the y+1 and y+2 returns for the matched sample. We examine return performance for all firms in the industry, including firms that were not in the 20 determination of the opacity episodes due to data availability, and we do not require firms to have data for all three subsequent years. Table 5 reports the average firm-level CARs for the opacity sample and matched sample portfolios for the 15 industry-year opacity episodes (OPACITY1SEG = 1). Panel A presents average CARs for portfolios that include only single segment firms and exclude new entrants to the industry, defined as firms with returns available as of month four following the opacity episode year (y) but with missing returns as of December year y. 15 Panel B presents average CARs for single and multi-segment firms, which significantly increases the sample size in our tests, but at the cost of less specific returns related to the industry segment subject to the adverse valuation signal. In the opacity sample portfolios in Panels A and B, there are 1,750 (2,246) observations for single segment (single and multi-segment) firms with data available to compute CARs in the first month following the opacity episodes aggregated across the 15 opacity episodes. This number declines to 1,295 (1,708) by month +36. In both panels, the CARs of firms in the opacity sample turn negative (but not significant) by the end of the second year following the episode. The CARs for the opacity sample are significantly greater than for the matched sample at each date up to one year following the episode (Ret12mon). By Ret24mon, however, the opacity sample CARs are significantly lower than those of the matched sample. Panels C and D report CARs for cross-sections based on the propensity of the industry to experience adverse valuation signals. We identify such industries based on expected return skew implied by option prices. The procedure designates 17 high negative tail risk (positive skew) industries, or approximately 35% of the FF49 industries. The industries are designated with an asterisk in Appendix B. Bifurcating the opacity and matched samples based on the likelihood of an industry-wide adverse signal is meant to reduce noise in the matched sample by eliminating industries that are unlikely We also create a set of firms that includes single segment new entrants to the industry. All results (untabulated) are qualitatively the same, suggesting that new entrants and existing firms were similarly affected by the industry-wide valuation component. 15 21 to have had adverse signals. We expect the differences in average CARs to be more pronounced when comparing only high negative tail risk industries. Panel C reports CARs for single segment firms in high negative tail risk industries (comparable to Panel A). Except in month +1, the differences between the opacity and matched sample portfolios are insignificant in the first two years, in contrast to the higher CARs for the opacity sample reported in Panel A. The CARs turn significantly negative for the opacity sample, but not for the matched sample, in Ret24mon, and the difference in CARs between the two samples is significantly negative in Ret36mon. Panel D shows that the low tail risk industries drive the positive differences in CARs between the opacity and matched sample portfolios in months 1, 3, 6, and 12 in Panel A. In fact, in the low tail risk industries, the opacity sample firms have significantly higher CARs than the matched sample in Ret36mon. In untabulated analysis, we adjust CARs for performance-related delistings. These missing observations will create a bias in our sample that would work against finding subsequent poor returns in the opacity sample if the missing observations are firms with the most egregious adverse news. We replace observations missing due to performance-related delistings with the 5th percentile CAR for the same FF49 industry in year y. The replacement of missing values with the 5th percentile is made for both the opacity and matched sample portfolios. The delisting codes (from CRSP) we use to identify performance-related delistings are 400 to 500 and 520 to 584 (Shumway, 1997). We assume delistings for other reasons (e.g., changes in exchanges) do not create a bias in our portfolio returns. In Panels A and B, the CARs are lower, by construction, for both the opacity and matched sample portfolios, but the differences in CARs are similar in magnitude and significance. Overall, we find some evidence of poor subsequent returns for firms following opacity episodes. The analysis shows the episodes can empirically distinguish industries that realize poor returns two to three years following the episode, which provides some validation that the ex ante identified episodes are associated with yet unrealized adverse signals. Our analysis of average realized 22 returns understates the amount of adverse news if the signal was either partially mitigated or never realized. Firms may have chosen opacity anticipating that the adverse signal would not materialize. 4. Determinants of opacity episodes We estimate the determinants of opacity episodes identified in Section 3 using a logit model. 16 The discussion in Section 2 motivates the industry characteristics that we include in the model as explanatory variables, all of which are measured at the industry or industry-year level. OPACITYiy=α0 + δ1TAILRISKi + δ2IND_WIDEiy + δ3TAILRISKi*IND_WIDEiy + δ4VOLATILITYiy + δ5PUBLICi + δ6%CRSPiy + δ7LIT_RISKiy + δ8HERFiy +εiy (3) We estimate the model separately for opacity episodes identified using the FULL sample (OPACITY=1 and OPACITYINFL=1) and the 1SEG sample (OPACITY1SEG=1). The dependent variables equal zero for remaining industry-year observations and are missing if data were not available to estimate the FOG model. An industry-year is also set to missing for industry i in years y+1 through y+3 if the industry was defined as an opacity episode in year y. This exclusion reduces noise in the nonopacity observations, since opacity in year y may continue in subsequent years. The logit model includes only years with at least one opacity episode. These restrictions yield 17 opacity episodes (out of the original 19) for the FULL sample, 12 opacity episodes with influential firms, and 14 opacity episodes (out of the original 17) for the 1SEG sample. Two OPACITY1SEG episodes are lost because of repeat years and the 1995 episode is lost because the litigation risk proxy is available starting in 1996. 4.1 Explanatory variables and predictions We measure all explanatory variables at the industry or industry-year level consistent with our goal of characterizing industries likely to have opacity episodes. Whether opacity is a sustainable equilibrium depends not only on each firm’s own incentives and costs, but also on the firm’s 16 We also estimate the model using a probit specification with consistent results. 23 conjectures about other firms’ disclosure decisions. If firms conjecture that it is in the best interest of all firms in the industry to maintain opacity, then opacity is a sustainable equilibrium. If a firm anticipates that a peer firm will deviate and disclose the adverse signal, no firm will be willing to withhold the industry-wide news, fearing that other firms will disclose it first and impose externality costs on the non-discloser. Because the sustainability of an opacity equilibrium depends on conjectures about the costs and benefits for all firms in the industry, we measure the explanatory variables at the industry or industry-year level. Appendix A provides details of the variable construction. Appendix B reports the variables by industry. TAILRISK: The first explanatory variable is an indicator equal to one for industries in which firms are more likely to have adverse or complex news. We identify industries with high negative tail risk based on expected return skew implied by option prices as described previously. We use an industry indicator rather than an industry-year indicator because we use market data to construct the variable. While industry tail risk may be time variant, creating an annual measure requires assumptions about when the market realizes the news that is reported opaquely. We expect firms in high tail risk industries to have a greater propensity to receive an adverse industry-wide signal, which increases an individual firm’s incentives to maintain opacity. If this industry characteristic is common knowledge, capital market pressure may not induce disclosure, making opacity episodes more likely. IND_WIDE: The second explanatory variable proxies for the degree to which valuation signals in an industry have a common component. When the industry-wide component is likely to be significant relative to the idiosyncratic component, individual firms can more easily infer other firms’ incentives. Even if this industry characteristic is common knowledge, however, the implication for the sustainability of coordinated opacity is ambiguous. On one hand, it is more likely that managers receiving an adverse signal will conjecture that other firms in the industry have received an adverse signal, and conjecture that the industry-wide component is common knowledge. This line of reasoning suggests that homogeneity makes coordinated opacity more likely. However, homogeneity also increases 24 the probability that traders will infer industry-wide signal arrival from the disclosure of any individual firm. In less homogenous industries, traders infer less from disclosure by one firm in the industry about signal arrival for another firm, thus uncertainty about news arrival remains. 17 Our proxy for the level of industry homogeneity (or degree of industry-wide news) is the negative value of industry-year heterogeneity. We compute heterogeneity as the annual average of the standard deviation of residuals from monthly within-industry standard market models. This industryyear measure (IND_WIDE) represents the average industry-wide component of returns relative to the idiosyncratic component. The mean (median) reported in Table 6 Panel A is -0.16 (-0.16). Equation (3) also includes the interaction of IND_WIDE with the industry-level indicator for high tail risk as it is likely that the intersection of these characteristics has a stronger effect on coordinated opacity. VOLATILITY: The third explanatory variable, industry return volatility, is included in the model for two reasons. First, we expect volatility to be correlated with fundamental uncertainty and thus with valuations that are inherently more difficult to describe. Second, we expect industry-wide return volatility to affect disclosure incentives. The more uncertain the valuation signals, the more likely it is that future signals will at least partially reverse. An adverse signal may never be revealed if the source of the shock is not realized (e.g., a decline in average customer credit quality reverses prior to significant credit losses.) Uncertainty increases the incentives for each firm to withhold adverse news. If this industry characteristic is common knowledge, capital market pressure may not induce disclosure, making opacity episodes more likely in high-volatility industries. We measure industry return volatility as the average implied volatility of at-the-money options for firms in an industry following Van Buskirk (2011). We use an industry indicator rather than industry-year indicator because we use market data to construct the variable. 17 This discussion mirrors a case considered in Dye and Sridhar (1995). In their main analysis, the timing of the arrival of private signals is correlated, but the signal values are uncorrelated, and firms do not learn whether other firms have received a signal. In their comparative static analysis related to the number of firms (n) in the industry (Theorem 2a), two forces are at play. As n increases, traders infer less from the disclosure by any one firm about the probability that a non-discloser has received a private signal, but adverse selection motivates more firms to disclose. The second effect always dominates and the threshold is decreasing in n. 25 PUBLIC: The fourth explanatory variable is a proxy for the expected duration until the valuation signal is revealed. The longer the expected duration of opacity, the greater is the expected value of the artificially elevated stock price. The expected duration depends on two factors. First, the duration depends on the uncertainty of the news. The more uncertain the valuation signal, the less likely the signal will be revealed. The VOLATILITY variable, described previously, represents this input to duration. Second, the duration depends on whether, and if so how quickly, the withheld news is likely to be made public by external parties (e.g., an analyst or the media) or by a public announcement of macro-economic data (e.g., GDP figures that are relevant to firm valuation). To compute PUBLIC, we estimate a factor model for each of the FF49 industries that includes the equal-weighted market index and the equal-weighted industry index plus seven macro-economic risk factors: short-term interest rates, default spreads, term spreads, a foreign exchange factor, a producer price index, and the Fama-French SMB and HML factors. The factors represent observable public signals. The power of these observable factors to explain returns for firms in the industry provides a proxy for the degree to which news about the industry is likely to be public. The variable PUBLIC is the adjusted-R2 from the factor model. Table 6 reports that the average (median) adjustedR2 used to measure the amount of information in industry returns conveyed through observable public sources is 12.2% (11.0%). Appendix B (final column) reports the PUBLIC variable by FF49 industry. Seven industries stand out as having substantially higher adjusted R2s: coal, precious metals, tobacco products, defense, shipbuilding/railroad equipment, petroleum and natural gas, and electronic equipment. The seven industries with the smallest adjusted R2s are: food products, entertainment, consumer goods, healthcare, construction materials, personal services, and wholesale. We expect opacity episodes are decreasing in PUBLIC. %CRSP: The fifth explanatory variable proxies for industry-level incentives for firms to maintain an artificially elevated stock price. In industries in which more managers have equity incentives, any individual manager is more likely to have incentives to remain opaque. If this industry 26 characteristic is common knowledge, capital market pressure may not induce disclosure, making opacity episodes more likely in high-incentive industries. Our industry-year proxy for equity incentives is the number of firms in the industry with data on CRSP divided by the number of firms with data on Compustat (%CRSP). For CRSP, we count the firms in each industry-year with greater than 200 daily return observations. For Compustat, we count the firms in each industry-year in the fundamentals annual file with an SIC code, sales, and total assets. Firms in industries with a higher percent of firms on CRSP are less likely to disclose adverse signals and more likely to conjecture that other firms in the industry have similar incentives. Appendix B presents the average annual %CRSP measures by industry. Industries with low percentages are: Shipbuilding/Railroad Equipment, Rubber and Plastic Products, Utilities, and Apparel, ignoring the “Almost Nothing” industry. Industries with high percentages are: Banking, Precious Metals, and Trading. The average (median) reported in Table 6 is 122.4% (110.3%) and the inter-quartile range is 88.9% to 125.8% (not reported). LIT_RISK: The litigation risk variable is motivated by several factors. Litigation risk encourages individual managers to disclose adverse signals. If litigation risk pressure is common knowledge, opacity episodes are less likely ceteris paribus. Litigation risk, however, is likely to be a function of the uncertainty of valuation signals. Thus, in a repeated game setting the implications of litigation risk are ambiguous. Expected litigation costs decline as the probability that the shock will materialize or be discovered declines, increasing the sustainability of tacit collusion. If, however, litigation costs are increasing in the duration that the signal is withheld, and this is common knowledge, opacity episodes are less likely. Our proxy for litigation risk (LIT_RISK) uses Model 3 from Table 7 of Kim and Skinner (2012), which is intended to measure the ex ante probability of litigation. See Appendix A for a description of their model and our sample. We estimate LIT_RISK at the firm level for fiscal years between 1996 and 2008 and create an industry-year average. HERF: The model includes a revenue-based herfindahl index as a measure of industry-year concentration. We include concentration in the model as a summary measure of various industry 27 characteristics that could be associated with incentives or opportunities for coordinated opacity. 18 Greater industry concentration indicates that there are a smaller number of larger and perhaps more influential firms in an industry, which may enable easier coordination due to explicit collusion opportunities or because it is more likely that a focal point is available. 19 Greater concentration may also be associated with firms’ conjectures that other firms have received a similar signal and believe each firm has similar conjectures, and that the signal affects all other firms in the same direction. In addition, greater industry concentration can be associated with high entry barriers, in which case firms collectively have incentives to remain opaque. Table 6 Panel B reports the correlation matrices for the explanatory variables separately for the observations that will be included in the FULL sample logit analysis and in the 1SEG sample logit analysis. The correlations with industry size are also reported although industry size is not included in the model. 20 Our measures of uncertainty (VOLATILITY) and homogeneity (IND_WIDE) are highly correlated in both samples. We run the analyses without the VOLATILITY measure and results remain qualitatively the same using all three measures of opacity episodes (untabulated). In addition, our control variable for litigation risk (LIT_RISK) is highly correlated with a number of the other independent variables. We consider the implications of these correlations in the analysis and discuss the results in the next section. 4.2 Results Table 7 reports the marginal effects from estimating the logit model of determinants. Panel A presents results when we define opacity episodes based on significant increases in average industry We also compute an asset based herfindahl index and the concentration of the top four, six, or eight firms in each industry and year based on market shares of total sales and assets. See Appendix A for details. We report the herfindahl index as it gives some weight to “medium-sized” firms, however, results are consistent with concentration ratios. 19 Ivaldi et al. (2003) note this explanation for a relation between industry concentration and collusion even in product markets but claim that there is little evidence. Instead, concentration ratios are commonly predicted to be associated with tacit collusion in product markets because concentration determines the profitability of a collusive price (or quantity) strategy relative to the non-collusive strategy, and the short-term profits from deviating, both of which affect firms’ equilibrium beliefs about whether the collusive product-market strategy is sustainable. 20 We estimate industry size based on the number of firms listed in Compustat for the respective industry-year. 18 28 FOG using the FULL sample (OPACITY). Panel B column (1) presents results when we define opacity episodes as the subset of opacity episodes in which the influential firms have significant positive unexplained FOG (OPACITYINFL). Panel B column (2) presents results when we identify opacity episodes using the 1SEG sample that excludes firms with multiple business segments (OPACITY1SEG). In Panel A, there are 17 industry-year opacity episodes and 120 non-opacity industry-year observations. In Panel B, there are 12 (14) industry-year opacity episodes and 125 (112) non-opacity industry-year observations using the OPACITYINFL (OPACITY1SEG) measures. The first result is that opacity episodes are (weakly) positively related to the industry’s propensity for significant industry-wide negative shocks (TAILRISK) using both OPACITY and OPACITYINFL. This relation is magnified when the firms in the industry are more homogenous as measured by the interaction between TAILRISK and IND_WIDE. Opacity episodes are significantly negatively related to the main effect of intra-industry homogeneity (IND_WIDE) in Panel A, though the predicted association was ambiguous and we find no results in either specification in Panel B. On one hand, valuation signals in homogeneous industries are more likely to have a common component that affects all firms similarly and have the effect be common knowledge, which makes withholding more sustainable. On the other hand, intra-industry homogeneity increases the likelihood that investors will infer industry-wide news from the disclosure by one firm, increasing the costs of withholding and making coordinated opacity less sustainable. The second result is that opacity episodes are more likely in industries with greater equity incentives (%CRSP). We observe this result using both OPACITY and OPACITYINFL. One explanation for the positive association is a numerator effect – industries characterized by greater equity incentives, and thus greater benefits of maintaining an artificially inflated stock price, exhibit coordinated opacity. A second explanation, however, is that the result is driven by the denominator effect – industries in which firms file annual reports despite not having publicly traded equity. If such industries are subject to significant mandated disclosure requirements, and this industry characteristic is 29 common knowledge, firms in these industries are less likely to view opacity as a sustainable equilibrium. Therefore, opacity will (endogenously) not be sustainable. Additional analysis in Section 4.3 attempts to disentangle these explanations. The third result is that opacity episodes are less likely when industry information is more publicly available, though this finding is only significant when using the OPACITYINFL proxy for opacity episodes. Greater availability of public information shortens the expected duration of the elevated stock price, thus decreasing the likelihood that correlated opacity is sustainable. In short, more observable public information deters firms that receive adverse valuation signals from coordinating their disclosure decisions and collectively remaining opaque. The propensity for an opacity episode is increasing in litigation risk. This result is not consistent with the assertion that litigation risk is a market force that encourages disclosure. Our proxy for litigation costs (LIT_RISK) is based on a model of suits that were brought against firms in an industry. Although the litigation risk model controls for fundamentals including return skew and return volatility, the positive sign is consistent with the proxy for litigation risk reflecting greater uncertainty about valuation signals. Higher uncertainty will lead firms to believe that future valuation signals may increase and that this outcome and these beliefs are common knowledge, which increases the sustainability of opacity as an equilibrium. As noted previously, LIT_RISK is highly correlated with several explanatory variables. We estimate eqn. (3) excluding LIT_RISK (untabulated). The results for these other variables remain qualitatively similar with the following exceptions. Using the FULL sample (OPACITY), the results related to TAILRISK, IND_WIDE, and the interaction term are more significant and the results related to %CRSP weaken slightly, although they are still significant at conventional levels. Opacity episodes are positively related to industry concentration (HERF) for the episodes identified by the single segment firm sample in Panel B. There are several explanations for a positive association. Higher concentration could reflect a smaller number of influential firms such that firms are 30 more likely to conjecture that other firms will share similar adverse signals and that these conjectures are common knowledge. Higher concentration could also be correlated with softer factors that can sustain cooperation, such as the existence of a focal point. Finally, higher concentration could imply greater barriers to entry, which decrease firms’ incentives to disclose. Opacity episodes are not related to industry uncertainty as measured by return volatility (VOLATILITY). We expected that increased uncertainty could increase managers’ collective beliefs that an adverse valuation signal would reverse and thus increase the duration of the artificially inflated stock price. 4.3 Additional analyses Our first additional analysis is meant to evaluate whether changes in correlated fundamentals omitted from the FOG model identifying opacity episodes explain our findings. We conduct a falsification test using the transparency episodes (TRANSP) described in Section 3, which represent periods of industry-wide significant decreases in FOG (i.e., increases in transparency). If omitted correlated fundamentals explain our findings, we expect the explanatory variables in the logit model to explain transparency episodes as well as opacity episodes. The industry-level explanatory variables that we investigate are predicted to be associated with increases in correlated opacity that reflect disclosure choice, but they should not predict increases in correlated transparency unless they measure correlated fundamentals. There are 13 significant industry-year decreases or transparency episodes and 167 nontransparency observations. Table 8 column (2) reports the marginal effects from estimating the logit model of determinants. The results for the opacity episodes are reported in column (1) for convenient comparison. None of the variables that have explanatory power for the opacity episodes have explanatory power for the transparency episodes. Our second additional analysis is meant to distinguish two explanations for the positive association between %CRSP and opacity episodes reported in Table 7. 31 Our motivation for investigating %CRSP as a determinant of opacity episodes is that firms in industries with high equity incentives are more likely to tacitly collude. While the positive association between opacity and %CRSP is consistent with this explanation, a second explanation is that firms in industries with low %CRSP are less likely to collude because of existing mandatory disclosure regulation. If firms believe that peer firms will make the valuation signals public due to mandatory disclosure, then each individual firm has incentives to disclose and coordinated opacity is not sustainable. In an attempt to distinguish these two explanations, we analyze whether the positive relation between %CRSP and opacity episodes comes from the low end or the high end of the distribution of %CRSP (or both). Table 9 reports the results for opacity episodes defined using the FULL sample (Panel A) and for the subset of opacity episodes for which influential firms have abnormal FOG (Panel B). We do not present the results for the single segment sample using OPACITY1SEG due to the small sample and lack of results for the %CRSP variable in this specification in Table 7. We use two model specifications. In the first test specification, we expand the logit model to include an interaction term that distinguishes the low end of the %CRSP distribution. We identify high and low equity incentives using an indicator variable (LOW) equal to 1 for observations that are less than or equal to the median industry-year level of %CRSP. The results in Column (1) show the marginal effect of %CRSP declines but remains positive and significant. The marginal effect of the interaction term (%CRSP*LOW) is negative but not significant. It is worth noting that the marginal probabilities for the other explanatory variables in the analysis in Column (1) of both panels are similar to those in Table 7 in terms of sign, magnitude, and significance. In the second specification, we estimate the logit model separately for industry years with low (LOW = 1) and high (LOW = 0) equity incentives. 21 We use this specification because the interpretation of interaction terms in logit models can be unreliable (Ai and Norton, 2003). In both panels, the marginal effect of %CRSP is significantly positive for industry-years with high equity 21 The results are the same if we define low (high) equity incentives as %CRSP<1 (%CRSP≥1). 32 incentives (Column 3) and insignificant for industry years with low equity incentives (Column 2). These results suggest that the explanatory power for the opacity episodes derives from the high end of the %CRSP distribution, which represents managers who are more likely to benefit from keeping the adverse signal hidden from equity markets, and who believe other firms in the industry share those benefits and beliefs. 5. Conclusion This study empirically examines the determinants of financial reporting opacity. The analysis is distinct from existing studies in that we assume firms’ valuation signals contain an industry-wide component and we assume managers make disclosure decisions anticipating future opportunities to disclose and the potential for signal revision. These two assumptions provide a realistic depiction of the setting in which managers operate and inform the debate on disclosure mandates. In particular, the assumption of an industry-wide component in valuation signals would suggest that capital market pressure to disclose adverse signals is strong enough such that disclosure mandates are unnecessary. However, in a repeated game setting that allows opportunities for tacit collusion, opacity can be an optimal disclosure choice. Opacity, therefore, is determined by strategic interactions in disclosure choice among firms in an industry. Because tacit collusion depends on the relative magnitudes of the costs and benefits of disclosure for each individual firm and the firm’s conjectures about these costs and benefits for all firms in the industry, whether we expect to see withholding of industry-wide bad news in practice is an empirical question. We do observe periods of correlated opacity that are not explained by changes in correlated fundamentals, which suggests that market forces are not entirely sufficient to induce full disclosure. The number of “opacity episodes,” however, is small. Of 500 (444) possible industry-year combinations for the full (single segment) sample of firms, we find between 12 and 17 opacity episodes (depending on the sample and method of identification) in which an increase in intra-industry 33 disclosure opacity suggests tacit collusion. Two years after the identified opacity episodes, we see evidence of significantly lower adjusted returns for the samples of opaque firms. These results suggest that the opacity represents adverse news. Our analysis of the determinants of the identified opacity episodes suggests the following. First, the opacity episodes are more likely in industries that face a greater likelihood of a significant negative shock, especially if the firms in these industries are more homogenous. 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Firm-year FOG scores are regressed on: Log of market value of equity (MVE), Market to book ratio (MTB), = Number of years a firm has been listed on CRSP (Firm age), Special items scaled by total assets (Special items), Standard deviation of monthly stock returns for the 12 months ending in the third month of the current year (Return volatility), Number of non-missing items in Compustat as a measure of financial complexity (Non-missing items), an indicator = 1 if the firm was incorporated in Delaware (Delaware), log of the number of geographic segments plus one (GEO segments), and log of the number of business segments plus one (BUS segments). Panel A presents results for the FULL sample. Panel B presents results for the 1SEG sample. *, **, and *** equal 10%, 5%, and 1% significance at the 2-tailed level. Panel A: FULL sample Number of estimates: Intercept Positive, (p-value<0.10) Negative, (p-value<0.10) Not significant By industry: Agriculture Food Products Candy & Soda Beer & Liquor Recreation Entertainment Printing/Publishing Consumer Goods Apparel Healthcare Medical Equipment Pharma. Products Chemicals Rubber/Plastic Prods Textiles Construction Mats Construction Steel Works Etc. Fabricated Products Machinery Electrical Equipment Automobiles/Trucks 13.092 *** 16.444 *** 15.707 *** 16.455 *** 18.169 *** 19.448 *** 19.040 *** 17.312 *** 18.987 *** 19.449 *** 18.079 *** 18.487 *** 17.533 *** 17.859 *** 20.482 *** 17.491 *** 19.123 *** 17.235 *** 18.931 *** 17.670 *** 17.013 *** 17.086 *** MVE MTB Firm age Special items 17 11 20 6 11 31 12 12 24 1 13 34 0.170 * -0.048 0.478 *** -0.134 * 0.125 *** 0.177 *** -0.265 *** 0.018 -0.068 * 0.045 -0.069 *** -0.048 *** 0.013 -0.022 0.287 ** 0.089 ** -0.081 ** -0.074 ** -0.001 -0.059 *** 0.055 -0.084 * -0.062 -0.058 -0.297 ** 0.246 *** 0.050 -0.117 ** -0.202 ** 0.008 0.054 -0.051 * 0.032 ** 0.001 -0.051 0.048 -0.462 ** 0.041 0.083 -0.009 0.314 0.096 *** -0.030 -0.024 0.005 0.001 0.047 0.005 0.013 ** 0.015 ** 0.008 0.002 0.007 * -0.002 -0.014 *** -0.002 -0.006 ** -0.002 0.016 0.004 0.008 * 0.009 *** 0.013 * 0.005 ** -0.011 ** 0.001 37 -4.661 ** -1.516 -4.487 * -3.012 -0.317 -1.466 ** 0.315 -2.125 *** -0.017 -0.556 -0.778 * 0.454 * -1.119 * -1.088 0.848 -0.125 -2.200 * 0.155 -1.551 -1.049 * -0.252 -0.323 Return volatility Nonmissing items Delaware GEO segments BUS segments 12 6 30 32 1 15 20 5 23 4 18 26 9 8 31 2.408 * 0.167 6.048 * -1.212 1.407 * 0.984 -1.244 1.197 -0.844 0.419 1.018 ** -0.733 *** 1.565 * 0.304 5.341 *** 1.421 -1.819 ** -0.561 0.51 0.784 * 0.739 0.944 0.011 ** 0.009 *** -0.009 0.009 ** 0.003 0.000 0.007 *** 0.006 *** 0.001 0.003 0.008 *** 0.007 *** 0.008 *** 0.009 *** -0.010 * 0.005 *** 0.004 * 0.009 *** 0.003 0.005 *** 0.010 *** 0.008 *** -0.042 -0.021 2.100 *** -0.409 -0.371 ** 0.476 *** 0.431 ** -0.174 * 0.079 0.081 0.008 0.207 *** 0.209 ** 0.421 *** -0.236 0.262 ** 0.216 * 0.081 0.135 0.176 *** 0.314 *** -0.135 0.52 0.117 0.414 0.076 -0.275 -0.486 ** -0.144 -0.272 * 0.129 0.304 0.02 -0.178 ** -0.456 *** -0.170 -0.677 -0.264 * -0.337 ** 0.071 -0.981 *** 0.112 -0.182 0.309 * 1.637 *** 0.439 ** 1.126 *** -0.305 -0.670 ** 0.349 0.368 * -0.109 -0.521 ** -0.036 0.022 0.349 * -0.636 ** 0.318 -0.109 0.332 -0.062 -0.158 -0.197 0.009 0.219 Aircraft Ship/Railroad Equip. Defense Precious Metals Mining Coal Petroleum/Nat Gas Utilities Communication Personal Services Business Services Computers Computer Software Electronic Equip. Meas/Control Equip. Business Supplies Shipping Containers Transportation Wholesale Retail Restaurants, Hotels Banking Insurance Real Estate Trading Almost Nothing 15.940 *** 16.571 *** 16.990 *** 17.831 *** 18.396 *** 13.377 *** 18.574 *** 17.984 *** 18.859 *** 18.367 *** 19.227 *** 18.378 *** 18.478 *** 18.714 *** 17.605 *** 18.239 *** 19.106 *** 18.712 *** 18.691 *** 17.328 *** 18.748 *** 18.730 *** 19.334 *** 17.229 *** 18.550 *** 19.209 *** 0.274 *** -0.148 0.302 *** -0.015 0.029 -0.022 0.013 0.179 *** 0.040 * 0.033 -0.002 0.077 *** -0.023 * 0.037 ** -0.027 0.055 -0.110 0.035 0.142 *** 0.062 ** 0.059 0.115 *** -0.042 ** 0.102 ** 0.077 *** 0.057 0.364 * -0.116 -0.033 0.063 0.137 0.665 * 0.038 -0.564 *** -0.070 ** -0.073 -0.012 -0.023 0.006 0.015 0.074 *** -0.184 * -0.020 0.007 -0.085 ** -0.062 * -0.025 -0.186 *** 0.078 -0.004 0.015 0.026 -0.008 0.006 0.002 -0.017 *** -0.005 0.033 * 0.007 ** -0.002 -0.004 0.005 -0.003 -0.014 *** -0.007 *** -0.009 *** -0.001 0.007 * 0.025 *** 0.005 * -0.006 ** -0.014 *** 0.006 -0.017 ** -0.001 -0.004 -0.011 *** -0.010 * 38 0.537 0.224 0.322 0.508 1.264 -5.387 * 0.858 -3.389 * 0.389 -1.522 -0.259 0.102 0.253 -0.084 -0.431 -0.682 -4.129 * -2.857 *** -1.606 *** -0.501 -0.145 0.129 -1.060 -0.970 0.009 -0.343 0.272 -0.571 -1.413 0.242 -0.838 -9.711 -0.484 2.351 ** 0.494 -0.198 0.142 -0.324 -0.980 *** -0.498 * 0.058 -0.073 1.938 -0.973 1.494 *** 0.079 0.348 1.376 * -1.982 *** 3.073 ** -0.833 * 1.477 * 0.009 *** 0.013 *** 0.005 0.006 * 0.006 0.001 0.004 *** 0.005 *** 0.005 *** 0.005 ** 0.004 *** 0.004 *** 0.007 *** 0.005 *** 0.009 *** 0.004 * -0.001 0.001 0.001 0.008 *** 0.002 0.007 *** 0.006 *** 0.004 0.004 *** 0.004 0.646 *** 0.374 -1.299 *** -0.007 -0.678 ** 1.139 -0.049 -0.058 -0.089 0.311 ** 0.174 *** 0.047 0.152 *** -0.083 0.196 *** 0.518 *** 0.098 0.305 *** 0.12 0.242 *** -0.166 0.099 0.116 ** 0.04 0.322 *** -0.342 ** -0.552 * 0.457 0.684 -0.349 -0.957 *** 2.022 *** -0.261 *** -0.087 0.100 -0.362 * -0.289 *** -0.269 ** 0.174 *** -0.157 *** -0.473 *** -0.572 *** -0.221 -0.357 *** 0.086 -0.267 * -0.008 -0.258 -0.049 0.865 ** 0.193 -0.144 -0.403 -0.465 -0.974 -0.076 0.950 * 2.386 *** 0.190 0.007 -0.425 ** 0.441 * -0.048 0.570 *** -0.279 ** -0.071 0.063 0.234 -0.054 0.099 -0.368 *** 0.214 0.002 -0.579 ** -0.368 *** -0.167 -0.057 -0.168 Panel B: 1SEG sample Number of estimates: Intercept Positive, (p-value<0.10) Negative, (p-value<0.10) Not significant By industry: Agriculture Food Products Candy & Soda Beer & Liquor Recreation Entertainment Printing/Publishing Consumer Goods Apparel Healthcare Medical Equipment Pharma. Products Chemicals Rubber/Plastic Prods Textiles Construction Mats Construction Steel Works Etc. Fabricated Products Machinery Electrical Equipment Automobiles/Trucks Aircraft Ship/Railroad Equip. Defense Precious Metals Mining Coal Petroleum/Nat Gas Utilities 19.262 *** 16.361 *** 15.707 *** 18.414 *** 18.030 *** 18.898 *** 19.452 *** 18.010 *** 18.909 *** 19.155 *** 18.144 *** 18.572 *** 17.518 *** 18.303 *** 19.686 *** 16.738 *** 19.191 *** 17.813 *** 19.245 *** 17.219 *** 17.642 *** 17.585 *** 14.485 *** 18.554 *** 25.183 ** 17.523 *** 19.556 *** 20.665 *** 18.752 *** 17.375 *** Return volatility Nonmissing items Delaware GEO segments MVE MTB Firm age Special items 12 10 26 7 6 35 9 10 29 2 8 38 8 8 32 27 0 21 19 4 24 2 13 33 0.068 -0.060 0.478 *** -0.399 *** 0.082 0.245 *** -0.271 *** 0.017 -0.105 ** 0.069 ** -0.102 *** -0.050 *** 0.015 0.019 0.325 ** 0.021 -0.149 *** -0.085 -0.088 -0.120 *** -0.020 -0.073 0.184 -0.200 -1.333 -0.034 -0.212 * -0.093 0.005 0.229 *** 0.175 -0.037 -0.297 ** 0.195 * 0.022 -0.151 *** -0.079 0.003 0.108 * -0.053 * 0.033 ** -0.001 -0.016 0.053 -0.335 0.406 *** 0.115 -0.012 0.447 0.123 *** -0.024 0.021 0.113 -0.177 -0.018 0.071 0.199 0.444 0.044 -0.166 -0.014 -0.001 0.047 0.030 ** 0.034 *** 0.010 0.031 ** 0.004 0.006 -0.005 -0.020 *** -0.003 -0.002 -0.006 0.015 0.011 0.005 0.008 * -0.007 0.002 0.003 0.016 *** -0.017 0.017 0.069 -0.021 *** 0.013 0.033 0.010 *** -0.004 -2.643 -1.711 -4.487 * -0.875 0.151 -2.100 *** 0.494 -1.920 ** 0.572 -0.692 -0.546 0.563 ** -1.356 * -0.225 0.984 -1.582 -2.698 * 0.828 -1.407 -0.516 0.090 -0.572 3.024 -1.196 1.373 0.726 -1.373 -0.805 0.924 -4.206 1.497 0.398 6.048 * -1.868 1.172 2.326 *** -1.474 1.143 -1.367 0.771 0.704 -0.772 *** 2.067 ** -0.592 3.620 0.627 -2.060 ** 0.522 -1.411 0.707 1.297 1.710 1.365 -5.511 ** -8.907 0.551 -2.846 * -6.960 -0.702 5.666 *** -0.002 0.011 *** -0.009 0.009 * 0.003 -0.001 0.002 0.004 ** 0.002 0.002 0.008 *** 0.007 *** 0.008 *** 0.008 *** -0.010 0.005 * 0.006 ** 0.008 *** 0.006 0.007 *** 0.007 *** 0.004 0.012 ** 0.013 * 0.015 0.007 * 0.007 -0.014 0.003 * 0.004 -0.569 * 0.061 2.100 *** -0.251 -0.286 * 0.380 *** 0.856 *** -0.170 0.311 ** 0.191 0.063 0.181 *** 0.141 0.390 ** -0.055 0.400 ** 0.459 *** 0.029 -0.314 0.225 *** 0.292 * -0.098 1.053 *** 0.026 0.918 0.049 -0.295 -0.058 -0.077 -0.673 0.222 0.414 0.007 -0.312 -0.391 0.138 -0.172 0.005 0.280 0.002 -0.187 ** -0.392 ** -0.859 *** -0.149 0.208 -0.587 *** -0.298 -0.872 * 0.235 * -0.152 0.288 0.465 -0.877 -1.878 -0.202 -0.803 * 1.884 -0.202 * -0.018 39 Communication Personal Services Business Services Computers Computer Software Electronic Equip. Meas/Control Equip. Business Supplies Shipping Containers Transportation Wholesale Retail Restaurants, Hotels Banking Insurance Real Estate Trading Almost Nothing 19.470 *** 18.585 *** 19.274 *** 19.023 *** 18.410 *** 18.741 *** 17.672 *** 19.351 *** 19.884 *** 18.529 *** 18.549 *** 17.556 *** 18.879 *** 18.097 *** 19.153 *** 18.373 *** 18.724 *** 18.737 *** -0.021 0.072 -0.014 0.065 *** -0.027 ** 0.032 * -0.028 0.135 ** -0.169 0.047 0.123 *** 0.043 0.045 0.131 *** -0.039 ** 0.094 0.068 *** 0.112 ** -0.065 * -0.089 -0.013 -0.024 0.006 0.013 0.072 *** -0.164 -0.043 -0.034 -0.120 ** -0.028 -0.002 -0.169 *** 0.045 0.038 0.017 * 0.037 -0.001 0.001 -0.007 ** -0.020 *** -0.007 ** -0.009 *** 0.003 0.015 ** 0.043 *** 0.012 *** -0.006 -0.016 *** 0.007 -0.023 ** 0.002 -0.015 * -0.011 *** 0.017 40 0.848 ** -0.983 -0.081 0.002 0.254 0.095 -0.650 -1.175 -4.266 * -2.262 ** -1.745 ** -0.360 -0.154 -0.117 -0.547 -2.321 -0.061 0.201 0.185 -0.582 0.095 -0.402 -0.889 *** -0.678 ** 0.468 1.471 2.416 0.126 1.841 *** -0.204 -0.804 1.748 * -1.837 *** 4.735 *** -0.917 ** 1.897 * 0.003 ** 0.008 *** 0.003 *** 0.003 ** 0.007 *** 0.005 *** 0.009 *** -0.001 -0.004 0.001 0.001 0.008 *** 0.002 0.006 ** 0.005 *** -0.002 0.003 *** 0.002 -0.097 0.056 0.188 *** 0.080 0.170 *** -0.130 ** 0.213 ** 0.720 *** 0.567 0.195 ** 0.116 0.213 ** -0.259 * 0.119 0.247 *** -0.161 0.348 *** -0.263 0.016 -0.863 *** -0.187 ** -0.304 *** 0.136 ** -0.217 *** -0.588 *** -1.290 *** -0.412 -0.186 0.130 -0.195 0.024 -0.037 0.065 0.752 0.156 -0.094 Table 2: Measures of FOG score dispersion by industry Panel A (Panel B) presents measures of dispersion for each FF49 industry for the FULL sample (the 1SEG sample that excludes firms with multiple business segments). CV is the coefficient of variation, which is the sample standard deviation/sample mean. QD is the quartile coefficient of dispersion, which is quartile 3 – quartile 1 divided by the median. The last column indicates the significance of the clustering. “c” indicates that equality of variances is rejected for the industry vs. the pooled sample reference group (n = 46,242 in the FULL sample and 34,172 in the 1SEG sample) and the industry exhibits greater clustering. “x” indicates that equality of variances is rejected and the industry FOG scores are more disperse. “cc” and “xx” are the same but based on a more conservative test statistic. Panel A: FULL sample Pooled sample reference group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Agriculture Food Products Candy & Soda Beer & Liquor Tobacco Products Recreation Entertainment Printing and Publishing Consumer Goods Apparel Healthcare Medical Equipment Pharmaceutical Products Chemicals Rubber and Plastic Products Textiles Construction Materials Construction Steel Works Etc. Fabricated Products Machinery Electrical Equipment Automobiles and Trucks Aircraft Shipbuilding, Railroad Equip. Defense Precious Metals Non-Metallic/Ind. Metal Mining Coal Petroleum and Natural Gas Utilities Communication Personal Services Business Services Computers Computer Software Electronic Equipment Measuring & Control Equip. Business Supplies Shipping Containers Transportation Wholesale Retail Restaurants, Hotels, Motels Banking Insurance Real Estate Trading Almost Nothing n 46,242 CV 0.0742 QD 0.0901 SIG 145 575 54 122 54 415 706 367 889 592 950 1,569 3,024 879 444 146 903 625 684 195 1,641 662 679 201 91 91 151 149 53 1,710 1,359 1,353 538 2,571 1,294 4,047 2,705 1,060 556 149 1,215 1,810 1,725 542 577 2,090 364 2,995 407 0.0801 0.0726 0.0852 0.0632 0.0870 0.0741 0.0769 0.0778 0.0743 0.0729 0.0729 0.0681 0.0659 0.0705 0.0769 0.0898 0.0853 0.0690 0.0755 0.0790 0.0710 0.0728 0.0768 0.0798 0.0655 0.0835 0.0603 0.0755 0.0861 0.0772 0.0757 0.0729 0.0710 0.0702 0.0685 0.0648 0.0665 0.0624 0.0767 0.0665 0.0783 0.0778 0.0795 0.0747 0.0780 0.0657 0.0756 0.0783 0.0720 0.1049 0.0900 0.1307 0.0733 0.0924 0.1033 0.0961 0.1070 0.0926 0.0829 0.0875 0.0778 0.0767 0.0870 0.0946 0.1048 0.1077 0.0785 0.0890 0.0951 0.0836 0.0882 0.0914 0.0977 0.0658 0.0997 0.0686 0.0834 0.1202 0.0901 0.0888 0.0832 0.0850 0.0873 0.0769 0.0781 0.0779 0.0741 0.0904 0.0659 0.0961 0.0926 0.0952 0.0889 0.0963 0.0804 0.0907 0.0986 0.0968 x cc 41 c x x xx cc cc cc c x xx c xx x cc x c cc cc x c xx xx x cc xx c Table 2, continued. Panel B: 1SEG sample Pooled sample reference group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Agriculture Food Products Candy & Soda Beer & Liquor Tobacco Products Recreation Entertainment Printing and Publishing Consumer Goods Apparel Healthcare Medical Equipment Pharmaceutical Products Chemicals Rubber and Plastic Products Textiles Construction Materials Construction Steel Works Etc. Fabricated Products Machinery Electrical Equipment Automobiles and Trucks Aircraft Shipbuilding, Railroad Equip. Defense Precious Metals Non-Metallic/Ind. Metal Mining Coal Petroleum and Natural Gas Utilities Communication Personal Services Business Services Computers Computer Software Electronic Equipment Measuring & Control Equip. Business Supplies Shipping Containers Transportation Wholesale Retail Restaurants, Hotels, Motels Banking Insurance Real Estate Trading Almost Nothing n 34,172 CV 0.0734 QD 0.0892 SIG 77 403 54 66 14 301 564 174 625 444 743 1,363 2,790 557 259 95 398 354 398 108 1,043 349 367 75 50 21 136 84 23 1,260 494 940 361 1,882 1,062 3,570 2,256 809 277 59 967 1,157 1,394 400 407 1,554 241 2,775 275 0.0669 0.0754 0.0852 0.0639 0.1152 0.0751 0.0771 0.0705 0.0727 0.0720 0.0725 0.0681 0.0658 0.0689 0.0695 0.0894 0.0831 0.0730 0.0756 0.0778 0.0714 0.0698 0.0752 0.0852 0.0724 0.0807 0.0621 0.0703 0.0592 0.0773 0.0719 0.0725 0.0705 0.0698 0.0654 0.0637 0.0658 0.0617 0.0772 0.0735 0.0800 0.0775 0.0791 0.0733 0.0828 0.0631 0.0796 0.0779 0.0688 0.1006 0.0928 0.1307 0.0796 0.1515 0.1025 0.0981 0.0866 0.0906 0.0830 0.0908 0.0780 0.0763 0.0892 0.0781 0.0937 0.1039 0.0793 0.0891 0.0930 0.0847 0.0924 0.0821 0.1225 0.0596 0.0559 0.0714 0.0788 0.0832 0.0929 0.0858 0.0842 0.0780 0.0865 0.0751 0.0770 0.0751 0.0724 0.0890 0.0935 0.1010 0.0875 0.0933 0.0852 0.1022 0.0781 0.0955 0.0992 0.0944 c xx 42 x x x cc c cc c c x x x cc x cc x c c cc x x xx xx x cc x c Table 3: Summary of opacity and transparency episodes by Fama-French 49 industry The opacity (transparency) episodes represent a significant industry-level increase (decrease) in FOG identified in two-year rolling regressions. Columns (1) and (3) show the episodes identified using the full sample (FULL); Columns (2) and (4) show the episodes identified using the sample that excludes firms with multiple business segments (1SEG). Opacity Episodes Transparency Episodes FF 49 Industry FULL (1) 1SEG (2) FULL (3) 1SEG (4) 1 Agric Agriculture 2 Food Food Products 1 2 3 Soda Candy & Soda 4 Beer Beer & Liquor 5 Smoke Tobacco Products 6 Toys Recreation 7 Fun Entertainment 1 8 Books Printing and Publishing 1 1 1 9 Hshld Consumer Goods 1 1 10 Clths Apparel 1 11 Hlth Healthcare 1 12 Medeq Medical Equipment 1 1 13 Drugs Pharmaceutical Products 1 1 1 1 14 Chems Chemicals 1 1 15 Rubbr Rubber and Plastic Products 1 1 16 Txtls Textiles 17 Bldmt Construction Materials 1 18 Constr Construction 19 Steel Steel Works Etc. 2 20 Fabpr Fabricated Products 1 21 Mach Machinery 1 22 Elceq Electrical Equipment 1 1 2 1 23 Autos Automobiles and Trucks 24 Aero Aircraft 1 25 Ships Shipbuilding, Railroad Equip. 26 Guns Defense 27 Gold Precious Metals 1 28 Mines Non-Metallic/Ind. Metal Mining 29 Coal Coal 30 Oil Petroleum and Natural Gas 31 Util Utilities 32 Telcm Communication 1 1 1 1 33 Persv Personal Services 34 Bussv Business Services 1 1 35 Hardw Computers 1 1 36 Softw Computer Software 2 2 1 1 37 Chips Electronic Equipment 2 2 38 Labeq Measuring & Control Equip. 1 39 Paper Business Supplies 40 Boxes Shipping Containers 41 Trans Transportation 42 Whlsl Wholesale 1 1 1 43 Rtail Retail 44 Meals Restaurants, Hotels, Motels 45 Banks Banking 46 Insur Insurance 1 47 Rlest Real Estate 1 1 48 Fin Trading 1 1 49 Other Almost Nothing 1 Total 19 17 13 12 43 Table 4: Summary of opacity and transparency episodes by year The opacity (transparency) episodes represent a significant industry-level increase (decrease) in FOG identified in two-year rolling regressions. Columns (1) and (3) show the episodes identified using the full sample (FULL); Columns (2) and (4) show the episodes identified using the sample that excludes firms with multiple business segments (1SEG). Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 Opacity Episodes FULL (1) 1SEG (2) Fama-French 49 industry Fama-French 49 industry 42 (whlsl) 22 (elceq) 7 (fun) 15 (rubbr) 22 (elceq) 9 (hshld) 12 (medeq) 13 (drugs) 22 (elceq) 36 (softw) 8 (books) 47 (rlest) 2000 32 (telcm) 2001 2003 2004 24 (aero) 32 (telcm) 34 (bussv) 35 (hardw) 36 (softw) 37 (chips) 46 (insur) 8 (books) 11 (hlth) 13 (drugs) 14 (chems) 20 (fabpr) 36 (softw) 37 (chips) 38 (labeq) 42 (whlsl) 48 (fin) 9 (hshld) 32 (telcm) 34 (bussv) 35 (hardw) 36 (softw) 37 (chips) 49 (other) 15 (rubbr) 2 (food) 12 (medeq) 13 (drugs) 22 (elceq) 36 (softw) 8 (books) 19 (steel) 47 (rlest) 19 (steel) 32 (telcm) 13 (drugs) 14 (chems) 21 (mach) 36 (softw) 37 (chips) 48 (fin) 22 (elceq) 2 (food) 10 (clths) 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 27 (gold) 42 (whlsl) 1999 2002 Transparency Episodes FULL (3) 1SEG (4) Fama-French 49 industry Fama-French 49 industry 2 (food) 17 (bldmt) 19 17 13 44 12 Table 5: Returns following the opacity episodes This table presents average cumulative abnormal size-decile adjusted returns (CARs) for portfolios of firms in the opacity sample and the matched sample. The opacity sample consists of firm year observations in industry i in year y if industry i-year y is an opacity episode determined by a significant industry-level increase in FOG in two-year rolling regressions for the 1SEG sample (OPACITY1SEG). The matched sample consists of all other firm year observations, excluding firms in industry i in years y+1 through y+3 if industry i-year y is an opacity episode. Returns are presented for months 1-, 3-, 6-, 12-, 24- and 36 after month four (April) of the opacity episode year y. Panels A and B present average CARs for single segment firms and single and multi-segment firms, respectively. Panels C and D present average CARs for single segment firms in high (negative) TAILRISK and low TAILRISK industries, respectively. *, **, and *** equal 10%, 5%, and 1% significance at the 2-tailed level. Ret1mon Panel A: Single segment firms Opacity sample: Return 0.0367*** N 1,750 Matched sample: Return N 0.0043*** 28,523 Difference in returns 0.0324*** t-value 6.72 Panel B: Single+multi-segment firms Opacity sample: Return 0.0319*** N 2,246 Matched sample: Return N 0.0033*** 44,141 Difference in returns t-value 0.0286*** 6.98 Ret3mon Ret6mon 0.0583*** 1,716 0.0961*** 1,667 -0.0015 28,020 -0.0042* 27,285 Ret12mon 0.0691*** 1,596 Ret24mon -0.0205 1,452 Ret36mon 0.0318 1,295 0.0036 25,929 0.0214*** 23,437 0.0259*** 20,578 0.0598*** 7.62 0.1003*** 8.77 0.0655*** 4.02 -0.0419** 2.13 0.0059 0.23 0.0529*** 2,204 0.0825*** 2,142 0.0660*** 2,060 -0.0148 1,893 0.0301 1,708 0.0004 42,350 0.0012 40,365 0.0821*** 8.55 0.0648*** 4.73 -0.0002 43,403 0.0531*** 8.07 Panel C: High TAILRISK Single segment firms Opacity sample: Return 0.0625** 0.0627 N 27 26 -0.0249 1.53 0.0116** 32,269 0.0185 0.87 -0.0260 23 -0.2979* 19 -0.3654*** 18 -0.0289*** 1,873 -0.0188 1,760 -0.0042 1,549 -0.0329 1,285 Difference in returns 0.0618* 0.0668 t-value 1.92 1.23 Panel D: Low TAILRISK Single segment firms Opacity sample: Return 0.0589*** 0.0989*** N 982 952 0.0728 0.93 -0.0072 0.04 -0.2937 1.58 -0.3325*** 3.11 Matched sample: Return N 0.0044*** 28,128 -0.0013 27,649 Difference in returns t-value 0.0545*** 7.65 0.1002*** 8.83 Matched sample: Return N 0.0007 1,977 0.0439 25 0.0101*** 36,720 -0.0041 1,936 0.1640*** 919 45 0.1549*** 870 0.0194* 790 0.1256*** 695 -0.0021 26,938 0.0049 25,642 0.0226*** 23,239 0.0282*** 20,208 0.1661*** 9.87 0.1500*** 6.18 -0.0032 0.11 0.0974*** 2.60 Table 6: Descriptive statistics for industry-level characteristics This table provides descriptive statistics on industry-level characteristics that are the explanatory variables in the logit model. Industry size is the average number of firms in the industry with non-missing sales and assets data on Compustat. TAILRISK is an indicator variable that equals one for industries that have high negative expected return skewness computed based on the methods in Van Buskirk (2011), and zero otherwise (see Appendix A). IND_WIDE is the negative measure of industry heterogeneity, which is measured as the average monthly standard deviation of the idiosyncratic component of returns within an industry in year y. %CRSP proxies for industry-level equity incentives and is the average annual number of firms with CRSP data relative to the number of firms with Compustat data (see Appendix B). VOLATILITY is the average implied volatility of at-the-money options for firms in the industry following Van Buskirk (2011). PUBLIC proxies for the availability of public information and is the adjusted R2 values from estimation of a standard market model that includes seven macro-economic factors described in Appendix A for each firm i within an industry, estimated using monthly return and factor data over the period 1994-2008. LIT_RISK is an industry-year measure of litigation risk (see Appendix A). HERF is the revenue-based herfindahl index for the 50 largest firms in the industry. Panel B presents the correlations between these variables by sample. Statistical significance in the correlation matrices at 10%, 5%, and 1% are denoted by *, **, and ***, respectively. Panel A: Average annual measures (477 industry-year observations in the FULL sample) Industry size Negative shock (TAILRISK) Homogeneous (IND_WIDE) Equity incentives (%CRSP) Uncertainty (VOLATILITY) Public information (PUBLIC) Litigation risk (LIT_RISK) Industry concentration (HERF) Mean Median Std. Dev. 150 0.3774 -0.1610 1.0940 0.4474 0.1224 0.0460 0.1012 105 0.0000 -0.1552 0.9861 0.4465 0.1103 0.0428 0.0732 124.79 0.4852 0.0506 0.5444 0.0772 0.0360 0.0176 0.1757 Panel B: Correlation matrix (FULL sample) TAILRISK IND_WIDE %CRSP VOLATILITY PUBLIC LIT_RISK HERF Industry size TAILRISK 0.007 -0.223*** 0.093** 0.315*** 0.237*** 0.344*** -0.253*** -0.014 0.061 0.206*** -0.140*** 0.137*** 0.035 Industry size TAILRISK -0.077 -0.214*** 0.093* 0.271*** 0.336*** 0.318*** -0.131*** 0.039 0.053 0.122** -0.123** 0.078 0.152*** (1SEG sample) TAILRISK IND_WIDE %CRSP VOLATILITY PUBLIC LIT_RISK HERF IND_ WIDE %CRSP 0.215*** -0.587*** -0.068 -0.234*** -0.031 IND_ WIDE -0.042 0.281*** -0.077 0.074 %CRSP 0.246*** -0.606*** -0.114** -0.253*** -0.124** 46 -0.062 0.247*** -0.087* 0.107** VOLATILITY 0.320*** 0.391*** 0.134*** VOLATILITY 0.356*** 0.407*** 0.245*** PUBLIC LIT_RISK 0.296*** 0.200*** -0.042 PUBLIC LIT_RISK 0.340*** 0.191*** 0.048 Table 7: Characteristics of industries that have opacity episodes This table presents estimated marginal effects from a logit regression model of opacity episode occurrence on industry and industry-year level correlates. The unit of observation is at the industry-year level. Panel A presents results for opacity episodes determined by a significant industry-level increase in FOG in two-year rolling regressions (OPACITY). Panel B presents results for two alternative measures of opacity episodes. Column 1 defines opacity episodes as the subset of episodes from Panel A for which influential firms have a significant positive unexplained FOG (OPACITY INFL). Column 2 defines withholding similarly to Panel A, but excludes firms with multiple business segments from the measure of withholding (OPACITY1SEG) and from the regression. See Table 6 for definitions of the independent variables. Statistical significance (one-sided if predicted, two-sided otherwise) at the 10%, 5% and 1% level is denoted by *, **, and ***, respectively. Panel A: Opacity episodes identified by significant increase in industry-average FOG for the full sample • 17 opacity episodes; 120 non-opacity industry-year observations Intercept Negative shock (TAILRISK) Homogeneous (IND_WIDE) TAILRISK * IND_WIDE Equity incentives (%CRSP) Uncertainty (VOLATILITY) Public information (PUBLIC) Litigation risk (LIT_RISK) Industry concentration (HERF) Predicted Sign + ? + + + ? ? OPACITY Coefficient z-statistic -0.5116*** -2.81 0.2791* 1.61 -1.6853** -1.97 1.6756** 1.81 0.0942*** 2.39 -0.3466 -0.74 -0.7592 -0.96 3.2978** 2.16 0.3419 1.25 Pseudo R2 Wald χ2 test statistic Wald χ2 p-value 22.73% 13.49 0.10 Panel B: Alternative measures of opacity episodes • OPACITYINFL: 12 opacity episodes; 125 non-withholding industry-year observations • OPACITY1SEG: 14 opacity episodes; 112 non-withholding industry-year observations Intercept Negative shock (TAILRISK) Homogeneous (IND_WIDE) TAILRISK * IND_WIDE Equity incentives (%CRSP) Uncertainty (VOLATILITY) Public information (PUBLIC) Litigation risk (LIT_RISK) Industry concentration (HERF) Pseudo R2 Wald χ2 test statistic Wald χ2 p-value Predicted Sign + ? + + + ? ? (1) OPACITYINFL Coefficient z-statistic -0.3397** -2.33 0.1648* 1.42 -0.5304 -0.88 0.9414* 1.50 0.0677*** 2.32 0.1232 0.33 -1.0298** -1.63 2.0731* 1.91 0.0611 0.26 22.29% 10.77 0.22 47 (2) OPACITY1SEG Coefficient z-statistic -0.3772** -2.40 -0.0467 -0.30 -1.0126 -1.51 0.0214 0.03 0.0450 1.23 -0.2004 -0.49 -0.2907 -0.42 1.7524 1.46 0.6057* 1.84 23.31% 12.01 0.15 Table 8: Falsification test: Characteristics of industries that have transparency episodes This table presents estimated marginal effects from a logit regression model of transparency episodes (TRANSP) on industry and industry-year level correlates. The unit of observation is at the industry-year level. Column (1) reports results from Table 7 for opacity episodes for convenient comparison. The transparency (opacity) episodes are determined by a significant industry-level decrease (increase) in FOG in two-year rolling regressions using the FULL sample. See Table 6 for definitions of the independent variables. Statistical significance (one-sided if predicted for opacity episodes, two-sided otherwise) at the 10%, 5% and 1% level is denoted by *, **, and ***, respectively. Intercept Negative shock (TAILRISK) Homogeneous (IND_WIDE) TAILRISK * IND_WIDE Equity incentives (%CRSP) Uncertainty (VOLATILITY) Public information (PUBLIC) Litigation risk (LIT_RISK) Industry concentration (HERF) Pseudo R2 Wald χ2 test statistic Wald χ2 p-value Predicted Sign + ? + + + ? ? (1) OPACITY Coefficient z-statistic -0.5116*** -2.81 0.2791* 1.61 -1.6853** -1.97 1.6756** 1.81 0.0942*** 2.39 -0.3466 -0.74 -0.7592 -0.96 3.2978** 2.16 0.3419 1.25 22.73% 13.49 0.10 48 (2) TRANSPARENCY Coefficient z-statistic -0.1565 -1.21 0.0532 0.48 -0.3638 -0.87 0.2717 0.49 -0.0388 -0.66 0.1844 0.67 -0.3236 -0.63 -0.3392 -0.29 -0.1835 -0.72 6.63% 6.57 0.58 Table 9: Supplemental analysis of %CRSP as a determinant of opacity episodes This table presents estimated marginal effects from logit regression models of opacity episode occurrence on industry and industry-year level correlates allowing for a separate relation between firms with low and high equity incentives as measured by %CRSP. The unit of observation is at the industry-year level. Panels A and B present results for opacity episodes determined by a significant industry-level increase in FOG in two-year rolling regressions (OPACITY) and by a significant industry-level increase in FOG combined with positive abnormal FOG for influential firms (OPACITYINFL), respectively. Column (1) in each panel reports results for the first model from Table 7 with an additional interaction term of %CRSP and LOW, which is an indicator variable for industry-year observations that have a %CRSP less than or equal to the median industry-year level. Columns (2) and (3) in each panel report results for the subsample of observations with low equity incentives (LOW = 1) and high equity incentives (LOW = 0), respectively. Statistical significance (one-sided if predicted, two-sided otherwise) at the 10%, 5% and 1% level is denoted by *, **, and ***, respectively. Panel A: OPACITY used to identify opacity episodes 22 Predicted (1) Interaction Sign Coefficient z-stat Intercept -0.4854*** -2.61 Negative shock (TAILRISK) + 0.2789** 1.64 Homogeneous (IND_WIDE) ? -1.5763* -1.83 TAILRISK * IND_WIDE + 1.6458** 1.81 Equity incentives (%CRSP) + 0.0811** 1.78 %CRSP * LOW -0.0349 -0.55 Uncertainty (VOLATILITY) + -0.2615 -0.54 Public information (PUBLIC) -0.7962 -1.02 Litigation risk (LIT_RISK) ? 3.1663** 2.07 Industry concentration (HERF) ? 0.3031 1.09 Pseudo R2 Wald χ2 test statistic Wald χ2 p-value 23.01% 13.83 0.13 Panel B: OPACITYINFL used to identify opacity episodes 23 Predicted (1) Interaction Sign Coefficient z-stat Intercept -0.3082** -2.09 Negative shock (TAILRISK) + 0.1733* 1.53 Homogeneous (IND_WIDE) ? -0.4760 -0.81 TAILRISK * IND_WIDE + 0.9530* 1.58 Equity incentives (%CRSP) + 0.0524* 1.60 %CRSP * LOW -0.0370 -0.85 Uncertainty (VOLATILITY) + 0.1589 0.44 Public information (PUBLIC) -1.0153* -1.64 Litigation risk (LIT_RISK) ? 2.0177* 1.87 Industry concentration (HERF) ? 0.0407 0.18 Pseudo R2 Wald χ2 test statistic Wald χ2 p-value 23.16% 10.63 0.30 (2) LOW %CRSP Coefficient z-stat -0.4366** -1.99 0.3218* 1.54 -0.7063 -0.73 1.7930* 1.51 0.2228 1.12 (3) HIGH %CRSP Coefficient z-stat -0.5554* -1.64 0.3760* 1.28 -3.5577** -2.09 2.3492* 1.52 0.1387** 1.91 -0.4435 0.4584 2.0593 0.4927 -0.9340 -2.1740* 3.9447 0.8151 -0.76 0.42 1.42 1.16 27.63% 5.51 0.70 -1.19 -1.62 1.47 1.60 27.88% 8.80 0.36 (2) LOW %CRSP Coefficient z-stat -0.0556 -0.70 0.1809 1.10 0.1085 0.47 1.2249 1.15 0.0382 0.52 (3) HIGH %CRSP Coefficient z-stat -0.4990 -1.48 0.2089 1.14 -1.1504 -1.10 1.0700 1.12 0.0658* 1.32 -0.0093 -0.3075 0.8240 0.0945 0.3166 -0.5962 0.9252 -0.0801 29.38% 1.63 0.99 -0.06 -0.81 0.91 0.53 0.71 -0.91 0.63 -0.29 42.64% 2.92 0.94 22 Using the OPACITY measure includes 17 collusion episodes and 120 non-collusion industry-year observations. The LOW (HIGH) %CRSP sample has 7 (10) collusion episodes; 74 (46) non-collusion industry-year observations. 23 Using the OPACITY INFL includes 12 collusion episodes and 125 non-collusion industry-year observations. The LOW (HIGH) %CRSP sample has 5 (7) collusion episodes; 76 (49) non-collusion industry-year observations. 49 Appendix A: Variable definitions This appendix provides detailed definitions of variables that are included in the analysis. Control variables used in the FOG model MVE = Log of market value of equity (CSHO * PRCC_F), winsorized at 1%. MTB = Market to book ratio (MVE + LT / AT), winsorized at 1%. Special items = Special items scaled by total assets (SPI/AT), winsorized at 1%. Return volatility = Standard deviation of monthly stock returns for the 12 months ending in the third month of the current year (i.e., from current month three back to lag nine), winsorized at 1%. This variable is set to missing if there are less than 11 months of return data. Non-missing items = Number of non-missing items in Compustat, winsorized at 1%, to proxy for complexity. The total number of items possible is based on all data items for the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement per the WRDS Compustat web interface. Firm age = Number of years a firm has been listed on CRSP. Delaware = An indicator = 1 if the firm was incorporated in Delaware (INCORP= “DE”), 0 otherwise. GEO Segments = Log of the number of geographic segments plus one, obtained from the Compustat Segment file (but collapsed into FF49 industries). The variable is set to one if missing in the datafile. BUS Segments = Log of the number of business segments plus one, obtained from the Compustat Segment file (but collapsed based on FF49 industries). The variable is set to one if missing in the datafile. Explanatory variables used in the logit model of the opacity episodes TAILRISK: Industry tail risk Using option data from OptionMetrics, we calculate the Van Buskirk (2011) measure of expected volatility skew before each I/B/E/S earnings announcement that meets his data requirements. This measure is calculated as the average implied volatility for out-of-the-money puts less the average implied volatility for at-the-money calls. We compute skew for 85,293 firm-quarters between 1995 and 2010. We calculate the firm-year average skew so that firms with more populated data do not influence the measurement. The average (and median) firm-year have volatility skew of approximately 0.03 (higher values indicate more negative skewness). On average, the industries have 32.8 firms per year (median = 20.2). The minimum (maximum) is 1.7 (131.2) for industry 1 (industry 36). The inter-quartile range is 5.9 to 50.9. For each industry, we obtained the median and maximum skew over the 13 years. Industries with a maximum greater than the median industry maximum (0.061) and a median greater than the global industry median of 0.03 are designated as having high positive skew or high negative tailrisk (TAILRISK = 1). INDUSTRY_WIDE: Intra-industry homogeneity We estimate a single factor market model using monthly returns for each FF49 industry from January 1994-December 2008. We then calculate the standard deviation of residuals for each industry-month. Industry-year heterogeneity measure equals the average of the monthly standard deviations across all months in each calendar year for each industry. Industry-year homogeneity (INDUSTRY_WIDE) is equal to the negative of the heterogeneity industry-year measure. %CRSP: Stock price incentives to collude For each FF49 industry-year, we count the firms with greater than 200 daily return observations on CRSP and divide by the number of firms in the Compustat fundamentals annual file with an SIC code, sales, and total assets data. VOLATILITY: Industry uncertainty Using option data from OptionMetrics, we calculate the Van Buskirk (2011) measure of implied volatility for at-themoney options before each I/B/E/S earnings announcement that meets the data requirements. We calculate the firm average implied volatility by year to convert this measure to firm-year observations so that firms with more populated data do not influence the measurement. PUBLIC: Availability of public information For each FF49 industry, we estimate a factor model (A1) using monthly data from January 1994 to December 2008: where rim π§ + πππ πππ = πΌπ + π½ππππ‘ ππππ‘,π + π½ππππ ππππ,π + ∑7π§=1 πΏππ§ πΉπ΄πΆπππ π (A1) is the monthly return for firm i in industry j (j = 1 to 49); ππππ‘,π is the monthly return on the CRSP equally- π§ weighted market index; ππππ,π is the monthly return on the equally-weighted industry index; and πΉπ΄πΆπππ π is the 50 monthly value of one of seven macro-economic risk factors identified in prior research and described below. PUBLIC is the adjusted R2 value of the factor model. A greater adjusted R2 for an industry suggests that more information about the industry is available through public signals. The seven factors in Equation (A1) are: (1) Short-term interest rates = the 3-month treasury bill rate from CRSP. (2) Default premium = Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield (available from minus the 10-year constant maturity government bond yield (from (3) Term premium = the yield on 10-year constant maturity government bonds minus the yield on one-year constant maturity government bonds (from (4) Foreign Exchange Rates = weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against a subset of the broad index currencies that circulate widely outside the country of issue (from (5) Producer price index = the total finished goods producer price index from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (6) Small minus Big (SMB) = the Fama-French monthly benchmark factor for the performance of small stocks relative to big stocks. (7) High – low book-to-market (HML) = the Fama-French monthly benchmark factor for the performance of value stocks relative to growth stocks. SMB and HML are from Kenneth French’s website: ( LIT_RISK: Litigation risk Our proxy for litigation risk is based on Model 3 from Table 7 of Kim and Skinner (KS, 2012). This model is intended to capture the factors that make a firm more vulnerable to securities litigation prior to the revelation of “triggering events” like major price declines. In this sense, the model provides an ex ante probability of litigation risk. Specifically, we estimate the following model: πππΈπ· = π0 + π1 (πΉπππ‘ ) + π2 (πΏππ΄πππΈπππ‘−1 ) + π3 (ππ΄πΏπΈπ_πΊπ ππππ»π‘−1 ) + π4 (π πΈπππ ππ‘−1 ) + π5 (π πΈπππ π_ππΎπΈπππΈπππ‘−1 ) + π6 (π πΈπππ π_πππ·_π·πΈππ‘−1 ) + π7 (πππ ππππΈπ π‘−1 ) + π We estimate LIT_RISK for fiscal years between 1996 and 2008 for a sample of 48,844 firm-years (including 2,667 lawsuits). The firm-year observations are averaged to create the industry-year observations. Our sample of sued firms is generated from a database provided by Woodruff-Sawyer, a San Francisco-based insurance brokerage firm. As explained in Rogers and Van Buskirk (2009), Woodruff-Sawyer aggregates data from a number of sources including Securities Class Action Clearinghouse (SCAC), which is the source of the sued firm sample in KS. Estimating the model on this sample allows us to relax some of KS’s sample requirements that are not necessary for our study (e.g., they require return data to be available for three years prior to the beginning of each fiscal year). As expected, the sign and significance of each of the independent variables is similar to that reported by KS (see KS for specific variable definitions). HERF: Industry concentration We compute a revenue-based herfindahl index for each FF49 industry for each year as: π π π=1 π=1 2 π»πΈπ πΉππ¦ = οΏ½οΏ½ οΏ½πππππ π οΏ½οΏ½ πππππ π οΏ½ οΏ½ where Salesi is revenues for each firm i in industry j in year y and m equals 50 if there are at least 50 firms in the industry and equals the number of firms in industry j in year y if the number is less than 50. We similarly compute a herfindahl index based on market share of total assets. We also compute industry-year level concentration ratios as the sum of the market shares of sales or total assets for the n largest firms in an industry: πΆπ = ∑ππ=1(ππππππ‘ πβπππ)π We compute the concentration ratio for the top four, six, and eight firms. Concentration ratios are commonly used in the cartel literature, but there is no consensus on the appropriate n to include. 51 Appendix B: Summary of explanatory variables across the Fama-French 49 industries An asterisk after the industry name indicates that the industry is designated as having high tail risk (TAILRISK=1). The remaining columns report the average annual number of firms in each FF49 industry over the period 1994-2008 with available data on Compustat and CRSP, the average annual percent of firms on CRSP relative to Compustat (%CRSP), the PUBLIC score, and the average industry-year HERF. Average annual # of firms Industry Compustat CRSP %CRSP PUBLIC HERF 1 Agric Agriculture 18.4 16.7 92.0% 0.128 0.232 2 Food Food Products 89.5 81.8 92.9% 0.064 0.065 3 Soda Candy & Soda 11.1 20.1 191.9% 0.135 0.306 4 Beer Beer & Liquor 12.5 23.7 198.1% 0.096 0.329 5 Smoke Tobacco Products 5.9 8.2 143.3% 0.203 0.822 6 Toys Recreation * 53.3 52.7 106.2% 0.103 0.156 7 Fun Entertainment * 102.3 87.5 85.2% 0.090 0.143 8 Books Printing and Publishing 45.9 58.5 129.2% 0.102 0.064 9 Hshld Consumer Goods * 111.5 95.7 85.7% 0.089 0.127 10 Clths Apparel * 79.1 62.4 80.0% 0.107 0.070 11 Hlth Healthcare 112.3 119.5 105.6% 0.080 0.089 12 Medeq Medical Equipment 186.9 187.4 104.1% 0.103 0.074 13 Drugs Pharmaceutical Products * 316.7 324.1 104.1% 0.160 0.092 14 Chems Chemicals 92.0 103.3 113.4% 0.103 0.059 15 Rubbr Rubber and Plastic Products 57.8 43.8 73.3% 0.101 0.070 16 Txtls Textiles 32.8 29.3 91.6% 0.122 0.155 17 Bldmt Construction Materials 103.5 88.3 84.2% 0.087 0.071 18 Constr Construction * 69.8 70.9 103.8% 0.100 0.061 19 Steel Steel Works Etc. 75.6 82.2 112.4% 0.185 0.068 20 Fabpr Fabricated Products 22.5 19.7 103.4% 0.131 0.141 21 Mach Machinery 183.8 177.3 98.2% 0.126 0.055 22 Elceq Electrical Equipment * 79.7 135.8 166.7% 0.133 0.230 23 Autos Automobiles and Trucks * 79.9 90.1 113.4% 0.166 0.220 24 Aero Aircraft 22.2 26.3 119.2% 0.139 0.256 25 Ships Shipbuilding, Railroad Equip. 10.7 8.5 81.8% 0.245 0.425 26 Guns Defense * 9.8 9.5 96.4% 0.227 0.747 27 Gold Precious Metals 21.3 64.5 308.7% 0.246 0.501 28 Mines Non-Metallic/Industrial Metal Mining 18.2 29.1 163.5% 0.184 0.192 29 Coal Coal * 7.1 12.2 174.5% 0.361 0.251 30 Oil Petroleum and Natural Gas 198.9 242.7 124.6% 0.194 0.121 31 Util Utilities 223.8 170.5 78.6% 0.133 0.026 32 Telcm Communication * 193.0 238.4 133.6% 0.161 0.067 33 Persv Personal Services * 68.8 68.1 100.6% 0.086 0.066 34 Bussv Business Services 334.3 387.0 122.9% 0.109 0.037 35 Hardw Computers 163.1 137.5 87.3% 0.171 0.136 36 Softw Computer Software 524.1 446.7 87.8% 0.186 0.150 37 Chips Electronic Equipment 337.7 350.0 106.5% 0.213 0.066 38 Labeq Measuring & Control Equip. 123.9 122.4 100.2% 0.124 0.093 39 Paper Business Supplies 65.7 67.1 106.9% 0.113 0.074 40 Boxes Shipping Containers 16.0 17.5 111.3% 0.148 0.140 41 Trans Transportation * 139.2 152.3 113.4% 0.110 0.045 42 Whlsl Wholesale 234.3 250.7 109.6% 0.078 0.057 43 Rtail Retail * 312.9 287.7 93.8% 0.103 0.066 44 Meals Restaurants, Hotels, Motels * 115.2 131.3 116.7% 0.112 0.075 45 Banks Banking 337.1 723.0 246.2% 0.122 0.056 46 Insur Insurance * 207.0 200.3 99.7% 0.108 0.045 47 Rlest Real Estate 56.3 49.5 90.3% 0.103 0.146 48 Fin Trading * 315.5 1085.2 364.6% 0.138 0.110 49 Other Almost Nothing 79.0 25.5 31.5% 0.097 0.261 52