Document 14914638

The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Sp...ollege, Codwell Hall, 555 Community College Drive, Houston, Texas, 7700
November 20, 2000
The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Joint Meeting of the Finance and
Facilities Committees on November 20, 2000, at the HCCS Administrative Center, Conference Room 12A05, 3100
Main, Houston, Texas.
Michael P. Williams, D.Min., Chair, Finance Committee
Herlinda Garcia, Chair, Facilities Committee
Herman Litt
Bruce A. Austin, Board Chairman
James R. Murphy
Bruce H. Leslie Interim Chancellor
Sue Cox President, HCC-Southwest
Jack Daniels - President, HCC-Central
Margaret Forde President, HCC-Northeast
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Sp...ollege, Codwell Hall, 555 Community College Drive, Houston, Texas, 7700
Jose Villarreal - Vice Chancellor, Economic Development
Pat Williamson - Vice Chancellor, Institutional Development
Christi Oliver - Executive Director, Facilities Maintenance
Gloria Walker - Executive Director, System Accounting Operations
Winston Dahse - College Operations Officer, Southwest College
Brenda Cox - Interim Assistant to the Chancellor
Arturo Michel, Bracewell & Patterson
Other administrators, staff and representatives from the news media
Dr. Williams called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and declared the meeting convened to consider matters
pertaining to the Houston Community College System as listed on the duly-posted meeting notice.
1. Policy and Procedures regarding acquisition of property and facilities Interim Chancellor Leslie to provide a
report to the Board in January.
2. Administration Building Issues To be considered in closed session.
3. Central College Issues
A. HCC-Central Affordable Housing Project Dr. Daniels discussed a proposed partnership with HCCS,
the Midtown TIRZ and a developer for the construction of an affordable housing project and parking
lot at Central College. Dr. Leslie will bring the Interlocal Agreement to the Board in January.
B. ABE/GED Classroom Construction Contract ABE/GED classrooms are needed at Central College to
accommodate students formerly housed at Leeland and Codwell Hall. Dr. Daniels has made
classroom space available at Central, but it is not sufficient to serve all the students who were
displaced. Administration will request approval of a vendor to provide pre-engineered buildings at
the December meeting.
C. Roofing of Business Careers Building Considered-authorizing administration to go out for bids for a
contractor for roof repairs at Central College. Project cost estimated at $150,000.
D. Emergency Foundation Water Leak Repairs - Sewer mains at Central College have shifted over
time resulting in leakage and blockage. Since HCCS owns Austin Street it is responsible for the
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Sp...ollege, Codwell Hall, 555 Community College Drive, Houston, Texas, 7700
repairs. Authorization is needed to proceed with emergency repairs.
4. Southwest College Issues
A. Alief Property Lease Considered authorizing Interim Chancellor to execute a lease agreement for
13855 Bissonnet (old Food Lion). McDade Johnson and Cushman-Wakefield sent out RFPs for the
purchase and buildout of the facility. Administration was directed to review the procurement
process, clarify the role of Cushman-Wakefield and college operations officers and address any
pending transactions with Cushman-Wakefield. Dr. Leslie announced that procedures for
construction projects would be presented to the Board in January.
B. Missouri City Sublease Agreement Considered renewal of the sublease agreement with the City of
Missouri City for the facility on Cartwright Road. The college will continue to pursue other sites for
5. Northwest College Issues
A. Library and Parking at Westgate Information item only regarding Westgate lease. Issues of limited
parking and library expansion must be addressed.
B. Katy Mills Day Care Center Considered approval of construction of buildings on the land Katy Mills
has donated for a daycare facility, using federal grant funds.
6. Northwest Campus Water Project Considered a recommendation to sell the Clara Road property, rather
than proceed with a project to tie in water and sewage lines.
7. Status Report on Building Punch Lists and Warranties Punch list items have been addressed and signed
off on by college operations officers and system facilities staff; projects have been closed out and
contractors paid and all continuing issues are being addressed through standard warranties for construction
projects at Coleman, Codwell, Angela Morales and Town & Country. Ms. Oliver will provide Interim
Chancellor with copies of warranties, which have been signed off on for his review. Mr. Litt asked for followup on access for handicapped students at Codwell Hall. Dr. Leslie noted that the strategic plan would set
System-wide standards. Administration asked to review de la Reza study.
0. Parking Policy Proposal Considered approval of a parking fee program for all full-time employees of HCCS.
Dr. Leslie noted that implementation of fees would not occur until administrative details are worked out.
0. Hermes Reed System Architect Contract Extension - Considered the extension of Hermes Reed contract for
System Architect with some modifications. Dr. Leslie will review the scope of the contract and report back to
the Board at a later meeting.
0. Highway 288 Project
A. Construction Contract Flores-Pin Oak Mr. Michel assured the Board that the approved process had
been followed.
B. Hermes-Reed Contract Negotiations are ongoing regarding actual percentage amount. A
recommendation will be forthcoming at a later date.
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Sp...ollege, Codwell Hall, 555 Community College Drive, Houston, Texas, 7700
11. Hermes Reed Engineering Study 3100 Main Considered contract with Hermes Reed to provide an
engineering study of 3100 Main.
12. HVAC and Housekeeping Contract Considered approval of HVAC and housekeeping contracts for the
13. HCCS Investment Policy The Texas Education Code states that the Board must review the investment
policy annually. Legal counsel was asked to review the policy as well.
Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 7:37 p.m., notice having previously been given, and
reiterated by him, in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. He stated that any final action, vote, or decision on
any item discussed in Executive Session would be taken up in Open Session or in a subsequent Public Meeting. Dr.
Williams reconvened the meeting in Open Session at 8:41 p.m. and entertained discussion of agenda items.
1. Mrs. Garcia agenda was well-organized; need to move forward with policies on acquisition of property and
facilities, procurement and real estate, safety and security and System-wide standards; affirmed Interim
Chancellors prerogative to call on staff in discussions
0. Mr. Litt Liked the idea of engaging staff in meetings; meeting should be shorter
0. Mr. Murphy Covered a lot of ground; meeting should be shorter
0. Mr. Austin Appropriate forum for deliberation, instead of board meeting
0. Dr. Williams Hold meetings at 4:00 rather than 5:00 p.m.; good to involve Board committee chairs in
discussions; Interim Chancellor has moved quickly to get a "handle" on issues; consider recognizing staff in
addition to faculty
With no further business to come before the Committees, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Minutes Prepared by:
Linda Gray, Administrative Assistant
Board Services
Reviewed, Finalized and Submitted by:
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The Board of Trustees of the Houston Community College System held a Sp...ollege, Codwell Hall, 555 Community College Drive, Houston, Texas, 7700
Herman Litt, Secretary
Board of Trustees
Minutes Approved:
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