A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, but That's the Problem: The Role of Syntax in Vocabulary Acquisition Author(s): Lila R. Gleitman and Henry Gleitman Reviewed work(s): Source: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Feb., 1992), pp. 31-35 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of Association for Psychological Science Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20182121 . Accessed: 10/12/2012 11:15 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Sage Publications, Inc. and Association for Psychological Science are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Current Directions in Psychological Science. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:15:52 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CURRENTDIRECTIONS INPSYCHOLOGICALSCIENCE 31 11 ,\ 68 macaques, journal of Neuroscience, L. Ungerleider, 190 (1991); D. Boussaoud, and R. Desimone, Pathways for motion anal ysis: Cortical connections of the medial supe rior temporal and fundus of the superior tem journal of poral visual areas in the macaque, 296 462-495 Neurology, Comparative (1990). 25. C. Von Der Malsburg, The Correlation Theory of Brain Function (Internal Report 81-2) (Max Plank Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, De partment of Neurobiology, Goettingen, Ger many, 1981); F. Crick and C. Koch, Towards a neurobiological theory of consciousness, Seminars in the Neurosciences, 2, 263-275 (1990). 26. CM. Gray, P. K?nig, A.K. Engel, and W. Singer, Oscillatory responses in cat visual cor under 2 years of age, the act For referred to is not taking place. example, 'open' is often said when dren A Picture IsWorth a Thousand Words, but That's the Problem: The Role of Syntax in Vocabulary Acquisition Lila R. Gleitman acquire 5 to 10 words a the 15th month about is the 6th year of life. How from day through this astonishing We discuss must understand the type of relation ship (the short, sharp contact) and the argument structure. feat accomplished? here the mapping prob lem for vocabulary acquisition: Granted that infants can entertain some concept, how do they discover in the target language which word it? For example, expresses granted that they can conceive of 'dog' and 'open', how do they learn that /dog/ is the label for 'dog' and /open/ for 'open'? on the particularly of verb Verbs problem acquisition. nouns in in the later than appear fant's speech and are also under We is opening.3 And present nothing even more often, when something is forebear from opening, caregivers and Henry Gleitman Children focus stood later. This developmental pri nouns is undoubtedly of related ority to the fact that they typically label while verbs label relation objects, For ships among object concepts.1 a hit expresses example, relationship between two entities (the arguments of the verb), the hitter and the one hit. To understand hit, then, one are Pro Lila and Henry Gleitman at the Uni fessors of Psychology Address versity of Pennsylvania. to L.R. Gleitman, correspondence in Cognitive Institute for Research of Pennsylva Science, University 3401 Walnut nia, Street, 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104. tex exhibit inter-columnar synchronization which reflects global stimulus properties, Na ture, 338, 334-337 (1989). 27. R. Baillargeon, Object permanence in 3.5- and 4.5-month-old infants, Developmental Psy (1987); R. Baillargeon, chology, 23, 655-664 Young infants' reasoning about the physical and spatial properties of a hidden object, Cog nitive Development, (1987). 2, 179-200 saying 'open': When returning home a mother from work, rarely greets her child by saying, "I am opening the door, Joey," but says, "Hello!" instead. Thus, the assumed contin events between and gency opening of 'open' fails to a con in each direction. degree Even when the speech act is perti the utterance siderable WORD-WORLD PAIRINGPROCEDURES solution to the map is ping problem by appeal to princi in of and pragmatic ples perception ference. Infants are said to pair occurrences of, say, the sound The standard /open/ with certain observed events is the verb most because /open/ to say when the for caretaker likely In Locke's is opening. something show words, "People ordinarily them the thing of which they would have them have the idea; and then repeat to them the name that stands in the end some for it."2 Though sort must be part of the of this thing answer to the mapping issue, this ex some un leaves planation mysteries a we few of which sketch solved, below. Imperfections Word-World of the Contingencies A first problem inmapping verbs their real-world contexts is that caretaker speech is not a faithful run on events in view. ning commentary onto In fully a third of verb uses Copyright ? 1992 American to chil Psychological nent to current events, the listener's focus of attention may be elsewhere, as when the mother says, "Come take your nap!" while the child in spects a cat on a mat. In the cases the just discussed, is exceed contingency In other cases, it is ingly imperfect. subtle and invisible: Many verbs un word-world by 3- and adequately encode abstract mental 4-year-olds acts and states that are not straight such as want, forwardly observable, and know4 hope, derstood the Relevant Abstracting Event World A related problem is that the scene that accompanies utterance of a verb includes many events, only one of which is encoded by that verb. Consider the plight of the child to whom the mother says, "Do you want this ice cream cone?" The is speaking, smiling, holding and waving the cone, and perhaps to it; the cone is observably pointing to eat, dripping, something good mother Society This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:15:52 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 32 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARY1992 an object of present desire, melting, and so forth. None of these aspects of the scene is irrelevant to the con versational intent, yet only one of them is correct to map onto the item want. A picture isworth a thousand but that is the trouble: A words, describe the varying one of any picture. aspects have investigators Usually, solved these problems only by beg they raise. For ex ging the questions are said to ignore ample, children thousand words whose adult utterances meanings are unrelated to the present context. avoid But then, how do children a different incorrect) (and positing pairing of the verb heard with some event in the environ that is present assumes if the learner is, ment? That that onto maps not know the does of some utterance heard, attempt a pairing between speech and events, meaning she must current is hap and whatever a to such learner, for in pening. Woe a case we mentioned she earlier, that utterance then try to pair up "Come take ob your nap" with the cat-on-mat false step. servation, a decidedly As for abstract verbs, the prob must for observational they pose are aside be waved often learning cause their acquisition is relatively lems late compared with the acquisition if this lateness of action verbs?as answers of how they the question are learned, in the end. Verb Doublets Other attempts difficulties these to circumvent a prob involve in which procedure is based on choice abilistic the the mapping most frequent word-world match, across situations. But this approach faces another problem. Many verbs in come in pairs that vary primarily on a the speaker-perspective single action or event, and thus their situ are virtually al ational concomitants ways get. the same. Both these Consider give describe verbs and the between I same transfer of possession two parties. If John gives a book to gets the necessarily Mary, Mary directors book from John. Movie an art of distinguishing be make tween such notions. The camera can zoom in on the grateful recipient, the giver out of screen altogether. focus or off pairing, taking advan tage of the clues to interpretation that reside in the structure of the sen tence heard.5 The nature of the rela tionship expressed out across spelled ture within the the word Using a is than rather get give linguistic way of making the same distinction. But only for a listener who under the meanings of the two stands a zoom words. Without lens, how is the child who word-world neither word to the adult meant 'give' knows is by the verb the clause struc the verb occurs. which For example, the fact that hit is a verb (one that ex two-argument a a hit between presses relationship ter and a thing hit) predicts that it occur in transitive structures, as such John hit Bill, whereas laugh, a one-argument in verb, will occur will intransitive structures, such as John because ev guess whether or 'get'? This problem holds for lead/follow, and chase/flee, buy/sell, hundreds of other such doublets. laughs. More generally, of the verb requires ery argument one noun-phrase in a syn position tactic structure, biff heard in a sen To get around this difficulty, pro of the word-world ap ponents proach appeal to biases in event rep in an For instance, resentation. we more will describe experiment tence likelohn biffs is unlikely to be both and 3-year-olds a nonsense with fully below, adults presented verb and shown a scene of a giving getting event almost always guessed verb meant that the nonsense 'give' and not 'get' or 'take'. This interpre tive bias is very real, but itwill not solve the mapping problem because mothers cannot be relied on to utter in the presence of such a 'give' scene: As it happens, get ismore fre in maternal usage than give. quent The same bias in event representa learn tion that would help children in them undermine should give an if encode for get, they learning event as 'give' and hear "get," their hypothesis must be that "get" means 'give.' Yet the learning function not characterized by confusions words. such among is A THEORETICAL ALTERNATIVE: SENTENCE-WORLDPAIRING that these problems can if learners perform a sen be solved rather than a tence-world pairing We claim Published by Cambridge University relation such describing a two-place as 'hit' even if perceptual biases commend such a construal. This op to the by attention new must the verb be de structure, some the other of aspect scribing scene in view: Perhaps John is con tion eliminated vulsed with mirth while he hits Bill. To narrow the correct for the search-space must learners mapping, take advantage of these argument taking properties of verbs, and the are expressed way these arguments In this sense, the struc in sentences. ture of the sentence that the child like a mental hears can function zoom lens that cues the aspect of the scene is describing. the speaker verb learning begins Consequently, the child shows rudimen just when tary sensitivity to syntactic structure of and has a working vocabulary simple nouns. In principle, a systematic map semantics and between syntax ping could be one of the presuppositions that learners bring into the learning situation, part of the innate process to it possible ing system that makes One assumption language. in lan this implicit hypothesized is that machinery guage-learning some specific between mappings and their syntactic verb meanings across hold universally expressions learn Press This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:15:52 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CURRENTDIRECTIONS INPSYCHOLOGICALSCIENCE 33 is that very Another languages. can analyze the children young structure of a sentence heard and use this information to derive the ar structure of the verb. At first seems too a procedure such glance, abstract to grant to babies. Yet the gument operation of this kind of mechanism in a variety of has been documented as young with children experiments as 16 months. One investi such experiment 16- to 18-month-old gated whether utter only isolated children who nouns are attending to the structure a new verb occurs, within which and can assign semantic roles to the entities based on their participant Two video structural positions.6 scenes were to the in shown taped fants, while half of them heard, "Big Bird is tickling Cookie Monster," and the other half heard, "Cookie Monster ?stickling Big Bird." The in fants looked longest at the video screen that matched the syntax. We can conclude that even before any verbs are uttered, infants understand the semantic versus direct implication of subject (or, at mini object mum, of serially first versus second As we noun) in English sentences. if is in this next, explain machinery it supports deductions about place, which action is being described by a novel verb. In several experiments, we asked whether dis young children would two inter between different tinguish pretations of a novel verb based on the number and positions of noun in construction used with phrases that verb.7 In one such study, a vid eotaped scene shown to infants aged 22 to 24 months depicted two ac A duck forced tions simultaneously: a rabbit to squat by pushing on its the duck and rabbit head, while each wheeled its free arm in a circle. While this scene, half the watching say, "The subjects heard a voice duck is biffing the bunny"; the other half heard, "The duck and the bunny are biffing." This video was then removed, and the voice said, "Find biffing now!" Two new videos Inone, the duck was then appeared. to squat (but there the rabbit forcing was no arm-wheeling). In the other, the duck and rabbit were side by side wheeling their arms (but the duck was not forcing the rabbit to Fifteen of 16 infants looked squat). scene at the that matched the longest was in which intro syntax biffing to the intran duced: Those exposed sitive sentence watched the arm and those exposed sentence watched scene. Clearly, the forcing-to-squat structure was decisive the sentence scene, wheeling to the transitive in cuing which aspect of the com scene was relevant to the initial plex of /biff/. interpretation results held as strongly when the number rather than the position of noun phrases was the available syntactic clue to interpretation (e.g., push vs. fall, feed vs. eat). These To be sure, under all these pre sentation the subjects conditions, were guessing the verb meaning by the situational inspecting But what they thought was ing was powerfully?albeit context. happen implicitly ?affected by the linguistic context. in event representa biases Despite tion, the learner can and does avoid errors by respecting the semantic im plications of structural formats. For this simple case, the listener posits that the subject of the sentence is the "doer of the action." Another experiment directly pit ted scene-interpretive biases against clues.8 syntactic olds were shown Three- and 4-year videotaped scenes that could be labeled by different verbs of the doublet cussed variety we dis earlier (e.g., chase/flee, give/ introduced get). The children were to a puppet who spoke "puppet lan guage" and asked to tell the experi menter what the puppet meant as watched these scenes. For ex they one in scene, a rabbit ran ample, across the screen from left to right; as THE RELATIONSBETWEEN SENTENCEFRAMEAND VERBSEMANTICS a rabbit was disappearing, at the left and ran skunk appeared across. If the puppet said, "Look! the 80% of the subjects "He's responded, chasing him," or "He's running after him." Without syntactic clues, then, the scene was more likely to be interpreted as de than fleeing. This picting chasing bias was enhanced (held for well over 90% of subjects) when sup Biffing!" about that is, ported by syntactic evidence, if the puppet said, "The skunk is biff ing the rabbit." But this conjecture, the most natural visual evidently cognitive interpretation of the scene, was offered by fewer than 30% of who heard, "The rabbit is re biffing the skunk." The modal to this latter sentence was sponse "He's running away from him," or "He's trying to get away from him." children Copyright ? 1992 American Psychological in hand, we can These findings look a little more closely at a theory that can explain them. Our view is that the several syntactic structures inwhich particular verbs can appear determine certain verbs' meanings, related aspects taking Within aspects of the those specifically, to the argument of the verbs. properties con the coarse-grained on meaning imposed by straints these structural facts, the search is narrowed space for verb meaning to allow observation to do itswork. as examples Consider the verbs give, go, think, and explain. Overall, these verbs are very different in their yet they share certain se meanings, mantic properties. Both give and ex the transfer of some describe two parties, and for entity between this reason, they can both appear in such structures, three-noun-phrase as lohn gives the pencil to Bill and lohn explains the facts to Bill. In the an object goes from give sentence, plain John's to Bill's hands, and in the ex the facts go from plain sentence, Society This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:15:52 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 34 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARY1992 John's to Bill's mind. A noun phrase is required for the source (John), the goal (Bill), and that which moves be I without an endless coming categories In recent work, of proliferation to mind. we have shown them (the pencil or the facts). that describe no such transfer in this sentence frame sound odd to the Bill, (e.g., lohn goes pencil scope of these se in the relations mantic-syntactic verb lexicon. We asked two sets of (adult) subjects to partition a set of lohn thinks the facts to Bill). This first verbs, one group providing a seman tic partitioning, the other a syntactic are If the structures partitioning.9 tween Verbs thus partitions a into transfer set verbs the four a set nontransfer (give, explain) and (go, think). semantic But there is another structural distinction syntactic property that lines up these four words differently: Although go and give pertain to physical actions, think and explain pertain to mental is a syntactic states or acts. There correlate of this semantic property with appearance also, namely, tensed sentence thinks that Bill lohn complements: is tall and lohn ex that Bill is tall. Verbs acts are physical plains (toMary) that describe in this construction anomalous (John is tall, lohn gives (to Mary) that Bill is tall). This distinc tion partitions the four verbs into a and a set (think, explain) mental goes that Bill physical set (go, give). These cross-classifications the overall constrain verely se verb in there are hun terpretation. Though dreds of mental verbs and hundreds of the number of transfer verbs, have both verbs that, like explain, is small, these properties including items as shout, tell, such additional like explain, and argue. And these, mental describe transfer, specifi the communication. Thus, cally, several clause structures that are fit ting to a single verb provide conver as to itsmeaning. The gent evidence manner communica of specific tion?whether shouting or whisper to be derived or ing explaining?has by inspecting the scene, to be sure, for such manner distinctions (as op distinc to argument-taking posed in tions) are not formally encoded structures. But the the sentence structural factors have narrowed the for the verb meaning search-space to work observation for enough the power and then the predictive of the semantics, more two verbs' ranges syntactic the more the verbs should overlap, in their construals. We overlap found that the two partitionings were correlated. Furthermore, powerfully were found the same correlations the same syntactic (and involved when the experiment properties) was replicated in Italian and in He For example, relations be brew. tween an actor and an event are de that accept scribed by verbs as across sentence complements as That there within well languages. such universal syntactic re is an obvious semantic mappings for a learning machinery quirement be that uses these relations as input to verb learning. In related work, we have shown to that the actual usage of mothers children under age 2?when verb the syn learning begins?provides tactic information required by this Each of the 24 verbs most model.10 of used by a sample frequently in a distinctive occurred mothers range of structures, relatedness among and the semantic these verbs was by the degree of predicted in their syntactic ranges. that the findings Finally, given children as young as 16 months? and adult controls as well?actually closely overlap make use of the structural evidence to derive verb construals, Lederer, is using with the present authors, a to broader idea adult subjects get information potential of both and structural supports situational for verb learning. To model a word world (in which, pairing procedure the learner has no access to struc I tural information but has many ex of the Published by Cambridge University to scenes some in which posures one group was verb is uttered), scenes shown dozens of videotaped (but with no audio) in each of which a mother was uttering some single verb to her child. This procedure was repeated for the 24 most fre in these mothers' verbs quent not The could speech. subjects come within of distance calling what the verbs mystery guessing might be (guessing right inonly 7% scenes of trials). The set of observed the verb underdetermined vastly construals. In a second condition, subjects told all the other content words in each sentence with that occurred each mystery verb (but not their syn were tactic positioning and without the Itmight seem that this co video). occurrence information would help; for example, that such knowing nouns as candy, ice cream, and some with verb hamburger occurred 'eat.' But might suggest that itmeans this information improved subjects' performance only to 13% correct, and (as in the first condition) their false guesses were wildly unrelated to the target verbs (e.g., for the target included go, catch, want, guesses and eat). This pathetic performance hardly mirrors the learning charac teristics of real children. In a third condition, subjects were shown the dozens of structures in which verb oc each mystery curred in the mothers' speech, again without the videotaped context, and to with all content nouns converted nonsense. tests for This procedure the informativeness ranges. of syntactic These subjects correctly the target verbs over 50% of guessed the time. their false Moreover, into the guesses right semantic (e.g., for the target neighborhoods false want, guesses were other men tal verbs, such as expect and hope). to several structures Thus, exposure more to is informative than exposure fell several scenes. A final group of subjects received the structural information, as just de Press This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:15:52 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CURRENTDIRECTIONS INPSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 35 scribed, but the nouns were the real ones that the mothers had used. These the target subjects guessed over 80% of the verbs correctly time, though they saw no scenes. This result reveals that the nouns co occurring with a verb can add sig nificant information about itsmean (and, ing if the syntactic positioning the semantic role) of these hence, nouns is known. Knowing that ice cream and hamburger occurred in the mother's "somewhere" utter ance is (as in the second condition) not too informative: After all, the sentence might be "Ice cream ruins your appetite" or "The hamburger fell on the floor." But knowing that as the di these "edibles" occurred rect object of the mystery verb is a 'eat.' good clue that itmight mean We conclude that structural infor mation is a requirement for efficient onto and its mapping structure that provides tional data source. conceptual this addi work was sup Acknowledgments?This from ported by a grant to L.R. Gleitman Steven and Marcia aid we Roth, whose with gratitude. acknowledge Notes 1. D. Gentner, Why nouns are learned before Vol. 2. Lan verbs, in Language Development: guage, Thought and Culture, S. Kuczak, Ed. (Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1981). 2. J. Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Under 1964; standing (Meridian Books, Cleveland, in 1690), Book original work published 3.IX.9. 3. R. Beckwith, E. Tinker, and L. Bloom, The ac quisition of nonbasic sentences, paper pre sented at the Boston Child Language Confer ence, Boston (1989, October). 4. One particularly startling example of children's in this regard is that see was the competence first verb uttered by a congenially blind 2-year-old; B. Landau and L. Gleitman, Lan guage and Experience: Evidence From the verb learning. The frame ranges pro In vide strong cues to interpretation. the presence of this structural infor the complement selection mation, (the syntactically nouns) positioned In further clues. provides significant set the of scenarios taken contrast, even taken in combina alone?or tion with of (asyntactic) knowledge all co-occurring too words?leaves to much latitude allow verb identifi cation. in all, our work suggests that cannot be extracted verbs' meanings that pairs single by a procedure All to their observational contin gencies. This is because verbs do not as a rule directly encode actions and events. If they did, grunting and pointing could substitute for elabo rate human In systems. language acts and states stead, verbs encode words of the world and of the mind under stances (and invisible) particular toward these adopted by the is speaker. A further data source therefore required to rein in the hun dreds of salient interpretive choices made available and by perception as to inference the pragmatic speak er's intent. appreciation It is the of infant's natural structure syntactic Blind Child (Harvard University Press, Cam bridge, MA, 1985). see L. Gleitman, Struc 5. For a fuller discussion, tural sources of verb learning, Language Ac 1, 3-55 (1990). quisition, 6. K. Hirsh-Pasek and R. Golinkoff, Language comprehension: A new look at old themes, in and Behavioral Biological Aspects of Lan N. Krasnegor, D. Rum guage Acquisition, baugh, M. Studdert-Kennedy, and R. Schiefel busch, Eds. (Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, in press). 7. L. Naigles, Children use syntax to learn verb journal of Child Language, 17, meanings, 357-374 H. (1990). See also L. Naigles, L. and Gleitman, Gleitman, Children acquire word meaning components from syntactic ev idence, in Linguistic and Conceptual Devel opment, E. Dromi, Ed. (Ablex, New York, in press). 8. C. Fisher, G. Hall, S. Rakowitz, and L. Gleit man, When it is better to receive than to give: Syntactic and conceptual supports for verb learning, unpublished manuscript, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (1991). 9. C. Fisher, H. Gleitman, and L. Gleitman, On the semantic content of subcategorization frames, Cognitive Psychology, 23, 331-392 (1991); H. Geyer, L. Gleitman, and H. Gleit man, Semantic/syntactic linkages in the He brew verb lexicon, unpublished manuscript, of Pennsylvania, University Philadelphia (1991). 10. A. Lederer, L. Gleitman, and H. Gleitman, In put to a deductive verfracquisition procedure, Lingua (to appear). Neural Foundations of Visual Motion Perception J. Anthony Movshon and William The detection and analysis of mo tion is one of the fundamental tasks of vision, because practically every thing of interest in the visual world moves. Although motion analysis of a high order is evident in such sim T. Newsome linked to a variety of mo the tasks, including the motion of complex patterns, the detection of target mo tion relative to the background, and the generation of signals for smooth has been tion-related analysis of ple visual systems as the fly's, it is only in primates that a well-defined anatomical division of the central vi sual pathways can be seen to be spe pursuit eye movement.2 cialized for the analysis of motion.1 The best defined area in this path is an extrastriate area known as way Unlike other areas of the MT(orV5). is Professor in ). Anthony Movshon the Center for Neural Science and the Department at of Psychology New York University and an Inves tigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. William T. New some is Associate in the Professor of Neurobiology at Department Stanford University School of Med icine. Address correspondence to Center for J. Anthony Movshon, Neural Science, New York Univer sity, New York, NY 10003. extrastriate visual cortex, monkey's almost all neurons inMT are direc tion selective, meaning best respond that they to motion typically a given range of directions, within and respond not at all (orwith inhi in the opposite di bition) to motion rection. Copyright ? The activity 1992 American of MT neurons Psychological Society This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Mon, 10 Dec 2012 11:15:52 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions