Statement of Request

Statement of Request
I am proposing an upgrade to our design software system in the Albany branch of MTI.
Installation, training, data analysis, and full implementation of the upgrade will take 13
months. The ultimate goal of this project will be to increase the efficiency of our
manufacturing and design teams, to increase our technological standing, and to relieve
stress for the design and manufacturing teams. If the data analysis suggests enough
benefits from this project, then it will be suggested that it be carried out through the other
branches of MTI as well. The total cost of this project will be $157,334.43.
Obsolete Technology
Our version of AutoCAD is the 2000 package. Just the date alone should suggest that
there is a problem. When software is labeled with a year, generally it was made the year
before. This would suggest that our design program is approximately six years old now.
Not only is the technology obsolete because it is outdated, but the functionality of the
program is becoming obsolete as well. According to Steve Jeski1, a mechanical
engineering instructor at Stafford Technical Center, “the AutoCAD package was initially
geared toward two dimensional architectural designs and then people began using it for
mechanical designs.”
Although the AutoCAD program is capable of modeling in three dimensions, it is not as
effective as some other software that is available. In the AutoCAD program, the model is
transparent, with only the object lines that make up each edge and all you see other than
that is the dull white background that is provided by the paper. With AutoCAD, it can be
quite hard for manufacturing personnel to visualize the part that they are to be making.
Other programs save a lot of time, because in AutoCAD, both the three dimensional
drawings and the two dimensional projections must be done from scratch. AutoCAD still
has some good functionality to it, but the combination of AutoCAD and some other
advanced modeling software is a much higher powered approach to design for
Manufacturing Efficiency
Every engineer knows that the manufacturing process is based on the design process.
When a design is made in the AutoCAD program, it can be very hard for the
manufacturing engineers to visualize the part that they are trying to make. The three
dimensional models that come out of the AutoCAD program are not solids. They are
what are often referred to as hollow isometric views of the object. More simply put, you
can see right through them. You may be thinking to yourself, “how is this a problem?”
One common problem with that is that it’s not hard to mistakenly think that a line in the
back of the object is actually a line in the front of the object, especially with more
complex parts. According to Mary Waldo2 a Design Communications teacher at Vermont
Technical College, “it comes to a point where a three dimensional solid model is
necessary to visualize a part for manufacturing purposes.”
Frustrated Workers
The fact that it can be hard for the manufacturing engineers to interpret some of the
AutoCAD drawings (see Figure 1) is an extra stress in the working environment that can
take a toll on the workers. It is not uncommon for workers to mess up on a part or a
program because he/she misinterprets a part drawing. When this happens, the
responsibility falls on his/her shoulders and not only that but he/she must start the part or
program over. To have to start something over is time consuming, stressful to the
workers, and unbecoming of a successful manufacturing company. According to Lauri
Wilson3, a computer aided design teacher at Stafford Technical Center, “many design
engineers are frustrated by the small number of businesses that offer high powered, three
dimensional modeling software.” She continued on to say that “recently, design engineers
have developed a tendency to flock to companies with these types of packages (speaking
about the proposal of AutoCAD and another software combined).” This is why I feel that
it will be a great stress reliever for both the design and manufacturing engineers.
(Figure 1)
left: A drawing in AutoCAD 2000 as opposed to right: A 3D rendering done with
Autodesk Inventor 8 Professional
Three Dimensional Mechanical Design Process
The process of mechanical design is one of great intricacy and painstaking. The process
of mechanical design usually starts with what is known as a concept sketch. According to
Encyclopedia.com4, a sketch is “a rapidly executed kind of pictorial note-taking. The
sketch is not usually intended as an autonomous work of art, although many have been
considered masterpieces in their own right. Used extensively in the planning of large,
complex projects, the sketch allows the artist to visualize quickly the bend of a knee or
the sweep of an arm without having to experiment directly on the work itself.”
That is one of the most complete definitions for the term sketch that can be had. A
concept sketch occurs on many media, from white lined or unlined paper, all the way
down to a napkin from a local diner. It has occurred more than once in my career that a
drawing on a napkin became a working project. The concept sketch outlines the general
idea for the design that is to follow, but it usually does not go into deep details as far as
dimensions are concerned.
After the concept sketch is completed, it is drawn in two dimensions in the design
software (Inventor for instance). From this point, the 2D design is modified using specific
commands such as revolve and extrude, which sweep the 2D drawing into a three
dimensional space. This is done through a process that involves the three dimensional
planes, the XY plane, the XZ plane, and the YZ plane. This sweeping of the part into 3D
space is known as a rendering or a model of the part.
Encyclopedia.com5 defines the term modeling as “in painting, the use of light and shade
to simulate volume in the representation of solids… As opposed to carving, modeling
permits addition as well as subtraction of material and lends itself to freer handling and
change of intention. This definition is true of the three dimensional design software as
well. Material can be both added and removed from the solid model. This would seem to
make sense, because the technical name for the software is, a three dimensional solid
modeling software.
Once a model has been rendered, the designer must produce drawings of the part that are
fairly easy to interpret. The drawings are usually what are known as orthographic or
orthogonal projections. According to Dictionary.com6 orthogonal projection is “the twodimensional graphic representation of an object formed by the perpendicular intersections
of lines drawn from points on the object to a plane of projection. (Also called
orthographic projection.)” (See Figure 2). These drawings are used to convey the
geometries of the part, one side at a time for ease of dimensioning (A.E. front view
projects to right side view and top view)
(Figure 2)
Orthographic projection. Notice that there is a definite relationship from one view to the
other in this simple projection. Bottom left: the front view is used as a base to project the
right side (right) by way of parallel and perpendicular lines. Top left: parallel and
perpendicular lines are projected from the right side, up to a 45 degree angled line and
then across to create the top view of the part (in combination with projections from the
geometries of the front view).
Once the interpretable drawings have been produced, they must be dimensioned.
Dimensions simply further the description of the geometries of the part by specifying
their given point to point quantities. Some such examples are length, angle, height, or
radius. Once the dimensions have been placed, the dimensions must be given tolerances.
According to Dictionary.com7 the definition that best fits this type of tolerance is
“Leeway for variation from a standard. (Or) The permissible deviation from a specified
value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent.” Basically, these tolerances
tell the manufacturer how much he can miss a desired dimension by. They are often given
as rectangular deviation tolerances that appear with a plus and a minus value. This means
that the manufacturer can be that specified distance over or under the desired dimension
(A.E. 1.000 inches + 0.010 -0.005: this means that the dimension can be missed to 1.010
or 0.995 and still be an acceptable part).
Once the part is dimensioned and has been given tolerances, it can be sent to the
manufacturing cells to be made. It is not uncommon to see a design guide with a
mechanical design that makes it to production. These design guides specify certain
restrictions that the design may put on certain manufacturing processes. It also mentions
minimum clearances of mating part and talks about the tolerance scheme.
Project Description
Data Acquisition and Analysis
Throughout the course of this project, data will be obtained as it pertains to all of the
costs associated with the software upgrade. There will also be data tracked with regards
to the training of our design team. An archive of all of the existing products that the
company produces will be made in the Inventor program. Data will also be taken with
respect to the overall benefits of this upgrade process. This data will include, but not be
limited to revenue and profit increases, productivity increases, and any increases in
The following list of people and their positions will be required to make this project a
Harry Apkarian
Vice President of Research and
Development Department
Software/Hardware Installation
Software/Hardware Installation Technician
Software/Hardware Installation Technician
Equipment Purchasing Director
Financial Advisor
Design Software Training Director
Design Technician/ Project Director
Design Trainees/ Technicians
John Langless
Eric Plumber
Chris Seager
Mike Shultz
Brian Greenspan
Rick Jameson
Sean Hesse
Design Team of 20
The preceding list of personnel will be actively involved in the project on a day to day
basis, from its start to finish. The Financial Advisor and the Equipment Purchasing
Director will be actively involved in tracking all data that applies to the cost of the project
and its positive or negative impact on the company’s revenue and profit.
Equipment and Necessary Tools
The first necessary step is to upgrade the video cards that are in our systems. Our current
video cards only possess 64 MB of DDR and according to the Autodesk web site, at least
128 MB of DDR are required. It is for this reason that we will have to upgrade to the
PNY GeForce 6600 GT video card in each computer8. This video card will meet the
guidelines laid forth on the Autodesk web site9.
The next piece of equipment necessary is the program itself. The program is a three
dimensional modeling program that allows the user to create a real life 3D rendition of
the part that is to be manufactured (see figure 2). The program also allows for easy
conversion to an automated manufacturing system.
The last piece of equipment that is necessary is a training book that can be used to assist
the design team in learning the new program. The suggested text for this is entitled
“Instant Design: Fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor 810.”
(Figure 2)
Sample of Inventor Graphics
Time Table of Implementation
December 15th, 2005
Discussion of project
budget proposal
Result Desired
Approve budget for
December 17th, 2005
Place shipment order
for new software and
Receive shipments of
video cards and
Inventor software
Installation day
Order new
(By) December 30th,
January 1st and
January 2nd- April
Training sessions
with design team
March 30th, 2006
Quarterly project
April 3rd- June 29th,
Supervised use of
program and
translation of existing
June 30th, 2006
Receive new
Upgrade to Inventor
Professional 8 and
install new video
Teach design team
how to use the new
Study and analyze
data of benefits and
Study proficiency of
designers and
translate existing
archive into Inventor
Study and analyze
data of benefits and
Apkarian, Hesse,
Langless, Shultz,
Greenspan, and
Shultz, and
Plumber, and
Jameson, Hesse,
and Design
Langless, Shultz,
Jameson, and
Jameson, Hesse,
and Design
Langless, Shultz,
Jameson, and
June 30th- September Supervised use of
Get back to the
Jameson, Hesse,
30 , 2006
design software in
normal flow of
and Design
development of new
business with the new Team
products and concepts software in place
September 30th, 2006 Quarterly project
Study and analyze
data of benefits and
Langless, Shultz,
Jameson, and
September 30thDecember 31st, 2006
December 31st, 2006
January 1st, 2007
Supervised use of
design software in
development of new
products and concepts
End of project and
final evaluation
Report of data and
Normal flow of
Jameson, Hesse,
business with the new and Design
software in place
Study and analyze
data of benefits and
Langless, Shultz,
Jameson, and
Results of project and Apkarian,
overall study of
Langless, Shultz,
benefits of the
project, presented in a Jameson, and
board meeting
Results and Evaluation
This project will be implemented over the course of approximately one year and one
month, but the impact of the project will last for the rest of the company’s life. This new
software upgrade will finally draw our company away from just the AutoCAD program
which was originally intended for use in architectural design only. Our company will
become properly geared toward mechanical development and the invention of new
products. This new program will also gear the company toward a more automated
manufacturing environment, which will allow us to downsize our workforce. This
downsizing will raise our company’s revenue and profit.
This new technology will also make our mechanical drawings easier to interpret, which
will relieve stress on the manufacturers and the designers. With this new software,
mechanical drawings are derived directly from the existing 3D model. This will save the
designers a lot of time and stress as well. With the Inventor program, animations can also
be made of the 3D models, which will make for high class, attractive presentation files
for perspective buyers.
The drawings produced by the Inventor program will be much easier to interpret and can
also lead directly into automated manufacturing. This will most definitely increase the
efficiency of the manufacturing phase of product creation. According to Paul Johnson11, a
former design engineer at Black and Decker Industries and a Design Communications
professor at Vermont Technical College; “(the inventor package) is more adequately
geared toward creative design, new products, and automated manufacturing.”
Unit Cost
Total Cost
PNY GeForce 6600
GT / 128MB DDR3 /
AGP 8X / Dual DVI /
Video Card
Autodesk Inventor 8
Professional industry
grade design package
Inventor Training
** $4,500
Purchasing Director
Financial Advisor
Design Software
Training Director
10% Indirect Costs
Grand Total
** Inventor 8 price based off of price for Inventor 10
Work hours in a year = 360 days @ 8 hrs. per day = 360 * 8 = 2880 hrs.
Software/Hardware Installation Supervisor: Hourly salary of $20.50/hr. works 16 hrs.
on the project therefore, 16 * 20.50 = $328.00
Software/Hardware Installation Technicians: Hourly salary of $10.00/hr. works 16
hrs. on the project and there are two of them therefore, (13 * 10.00) * 2 = $320.00
Equipment Purchasing Director: Annual salary of $30,000 for duration of one year =
Financial Advisor: Annual salary of $25,000 for duration of one year = $25,000.00
Design Software Training Director: Annual salary of $40,000 for duration of one year
= $40,000.00
With the completed implementation of the Autodesk Inventor 8 Professional package, we
should see an increase in manufacturing efficiency and design time efficiency, coupled
with a decrease in the stress levels of the workplace. This means that more work gets
done in a given amount of time and the efficiency and precision of the work should be
much greater. The addition of this software will also make us a more competitive firm
from a technological standpoint, because we will be on the cutting edge of graphic
mechanical design. All of these factors together should lead us to a decrease in wasted
time, material, and designs, which will translate into higher profits.
End Notes
Steve, Jeski. Manufacturing/Engineering Instructor. Personal Interview. 17 February
Mary, Waldo. Professional Designer and Design Instructor. Personal Interview. 24
January 2005.
Lauri, Wilson. Design/Engineering Instructor. Personal Interview. 17 February 2005
4, “Sketch,” <>, “Model and Modeling,”
5, “Orthogonal Projection,”
7, “Tolerance,” <>
Tiger Direct, “PNY GeForce 6600 GT video card,”
Autodesk, “Autodesk Inventor Professional: System Requirements,”
Wal-Mart, “Instant Design: Fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor 8,”
Paul, Johnson. Professional Designer and Design Instructor. Personal Interview. 24
January 2005.