SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS 2008-09 GOAL #1 Major Goal #1 Stated in Measurable Terms: 2008 target for % meeting or exceeding Reading OSAT: 3rd =80%; 4th =80%; 5th =80%; 6th =80% and on the Writing OSAT: 4th=50%. Significant Goal Related Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 Schoolwide Writing Celebrations Increased integration of technology into writing Use of 4 units from core writing program (Lucy Calkins Writing) Participate in County Writing Assessment 5. Training in Lucy Calkins Writing Program 6. Dedicated 45 minutes writing instruction every day using core curriculum Dedicated 90 minutes literacy block using core curriculum + 30 minute intervention time Implement universal screening, group/regroup students in interventions, progress monitor and implement RTI model 7. 8. 9. Instructional Assistant support provided to grade level teams during last 45 minutes of literacy block 10. Implement 20 weeks (approximately 3 sessions of 6 week each) of afterschool reading support for at risk readers 11. School-wide Monthly Writing Contest 12. Provide multiple opportunities through schoolwide monthly writing prompts. Teachers will collect and score. Evaluation Measure/Results: 100% student participation Person(s) Responsible: Teaching Staff / IAs 100% teacher training with Inspiration and Kidspiration Completion of 4 units as outlined on NCSD Implementation Guide Tech TOSA / Teaching Staff Teaching Staff 100% 4th grade student participation + 3 teachers trained (2 from 4th grade + 1 from 3rd grade) 2 half day trainings – 1 provided by district + 1 within the building planning within grade level teams Review of Master Schedule 4th grade Team Review of Master Schedule Principal, Teaching Staff, IAs, Specialists Review of SIPs Teaching Staff, Specialists, Principal, IAs Review of Classroom data collection Teaching Staff / District Writing Trainers Principal, Teaching Staff, IAs, Specialists Use of 3 half days to review data and align groups Bi monthly meeting notes Review Master Schedule IAs, Principal, Literacy Coach Review After School Program lists Principal, IAs, Literacy Coach Students engaged and recognized for writing for specific purpose/audience Common writing prompts Principal, Literacy Coach, Teaching Staff Principal, Literacy Coach, Teaching Staff Common scoring guides Calibrate scoring 13. Double-score writing prompt writing 3x year at staff meetings/staff development 14. Review and analyze strand data from 2007-08 OSAT for reading and writing 15. Staff Development to empower students to understand and be able to use writing scoring rubric on their own and peer writing 16. Faculty Book Study related to writing (Writing to the Prompt) Calibrate scoring Principal, Literacy Coach, Teaching Staff Common scoring guides Focus on instructional areas that need reinforcement and review Principal, Literacy Coach, Teaching Staff Staff development Principal, Literacy Coach, Teaching Staff State writing rubrics written in studentfriendly language Staff conversations and application of ideas Principal, Literacy Coach, Teaching Staff GOAL #2 Major Goal #2 Stated in Measurable Terms: Students will show 3% growth in meeting math standards over the next three years. (goal initiated in 20052006 school year) (2008-09 targets for OSATs meet/exceed = 3rd=80%; 4th=80%; 5th=75%, 6th= 75%) Significant Goal Related Activities: 17. Continue to focus on implementing math curriculum – year 4 of implementation 18. Staff Development on helping students strengthen test-taking skills regarding math problem solving (i.e. how to use practice tests, both online and paper/pencil) 19. Multiple opportunities to practice math problem solving 20. Use strand data from OSAT assessment to identify instructional needs of students not meeting standard Evaluation Measure/Results: Curriculum Bases Assessments / Work Sample scores Staff development time Person(s) Responsible: Teaching Staff Principal, Teaching Staff, Site Council Use of computer lab for sample tests Common math prompts and timelines Principal, Teaching Staff, Site Council Staff meeting notes Site Council ADDITIONAL GOALS GOAL #3 Major Goal #3 Stated in Measurable Terms: Students will demonstrate a sense of Social Responsibility Student behavior data will demonstrate a balance according to standards for PBS (1 or less major referrals= 80%, 2-5 major referrals= 15%, more than 5 referrals= 5%) 21. Safety Calling Call Logs Person(s) Responsible: IAs 22. Teacher involvement with students who are chronically absent or are absent more than 3 consecutive days 23. Schoolwide reinforcements for classes with 100% attendance in Nov, Feb and April 24. Periodic letters about importance of school for non-attenders 25. Problem solving meeting with student after 7 absences (exclude students with clear reason for non-attendance) 26. Implement arts integration through photography grant 27. Establish community service projects (i.e. Pennies For Peace, Canned food drive, etc.) 28. Implement second year of PBS schoolwide Attendance plan, check-in with counselor, truancy officer, principal Teaching Staff, Principal, Counselor Significant Goal Related Activities: Evaluation Measure/Results: - Site Council, Principal Copies of letters in office Principal, Asst. Secretary - attendance records Counselor, Principal - artist in residence student involvement student involvement collaborate with community organizations Teaching Staff, Arts Committee Site Council, Teaching Staff, students - Schoolwide Celebration 3 x/year Positive Reinforcement for students who receive no major referrals per trimester Mix-It Up Day Hispanic Focus Group & Parent Meetings before each PTA meeting with interpreter & child care Plan and implement Two-Way Bilingual Immersion program, to begin in Fall 2009 PBS Team, ALL staff 29. Continue to develop and support a climate for equity and inclusion for all students and families Full House drawing 10 days of perfect attendance per class - -