Lisa McCoy

Lisa McCoy
Washington County Office
7303 Sharpsburg Pike
Boonsboro, Maryland 21713
TEL 301-791-1504
FAX 301-791-1048
News Release
DATE: 6/23/2015
Publication on: 6/25/2015
Got Milk?
“Got Milk?” was a marketing brand from California to promote milk consumption.
Despite the milk moustache campaign, our consumption of this nutritious beverage has
declined. Milk and milk products are widely recognized as important sources of nutrients
typically low in the American diet, including vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and
potassium. There is evidence that consumption of milk and milk products is related to
improved bone health and lower risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and type 2
diabetes. With more milk choices in the grocery stores, it can be a challenge to know
which the best choice is for you.
The primary types of cow’s milk sold in grocery stores are whole milk, reduced-fat (2%),
and low-fat (1%) and fat-free. The percentages relate to the fat content by weight not
calories. For example, whole milk has 3.25% fat by weight but 49% calories come from
fat. Health-conscious buyers are encouraged to purchase 1% or fat-free since they have
fewer calories but all of the important nutrients. Young children, from 1-2 years of age,
are encouraged to drink whole milk for the extra fat needed for brain development.
Some people get diarrhea, bloating and gas from cow’s milk. That’s because they lack
lactase, an enzyme that digests lactose, the naturally occurring milk sugar. Lactose-free
milk is basically regular cow’s milk minus lactose. It provides all the same healthful
nutrients just not the sugar that causes digestive problems.
Cows that produce organic milk are given organic feed or roam freely and graze on
pesticide-free grass. They’re not treated with synthetic growth hormones to increase milk
production or injected with antibiotics to prevent illness. Organic is not about the
nutritional value or safety of the milk, it's the process that is followed so it can be labeled
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race,
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or gender identity and expression.
There are many alternatives to cow’s milk on the market today. Soy milk’s base is an
extraction from mature soy beans which is mixed with water and some type of natural
sweetener. Soy milk is naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free. The protein
content is less than cow’s milk and soy protein can interfere with some mineral
absorption, including iron. Another option is rice milk. It is created from a mixture of
partially milled rice and water and comes in a variety of flavors, including chocolate,
vanilla, and carob. It has no saturated fat or cholesterol, but almost no protein. Soy and
rice milks are naturally low in calcium so choose ones that are fortified with calcium and
vitamin D and shake before you pour, as added nutrients can settle to the bottom of the
Another milk alternative is almond milk. This sweet and nutty flavored milk comes from
roasted almonds that are blended, and the resulting liquid is naturally high in calcium and
vitamin E. Unsweetened, sweetened or flavored, almond milk is free of saturated fat,
cholesterol, and lactose. Similar to rice and soy milk, it contains very little protein and
look for one that’s fortified with vitamin D.
It’s your choice, cow’s milk and other milk alternatives offer a host of flavors and health
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital
status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.