Chemistry I -The Periodic Table - 5-1 Name ____________________________________________Period______Date___________________

Name ____________________________________________Period______Date___________________
Chemistry I -The Periodic Table - 5-1
_______1. In the modern periodic table, elements are ordered
(a) according to decreasing atomic mass
(c) according to increasing atomic number
(b) according to Mendeleev’s original design
(d) based on when they were discovered
_______2. In Mendeleev’s time, he noticed that properties of elements appeared at regular intervals when the
elements were arranged in order of increasing
(a) density
(b) reactivity
(c) atomic number
(d) atomic mass
_______3. The modem periodic law states that
(a) no two electrons with the same spin can be found in the same place in an atom
(b) the physical and chemical properties of the elements are functions of their atomic number
(c) electrons exhibit properties of both particles and waves
(d) the chemical properties of elements can be grouped according to periodicity, but physical properties
_______4. The discovery of the noble gases changed Mendeleev’s periodic table by adding a new
(a) period
(b) series
(d)sublevel block
_______5. The most distinctive property of the noble gases is that they are
(a) metallic
(b) radioactive
(c) metalloids
(d) largely unreactive
_______6. Lithium, the first element in Group 1, has an atomic number of 3. The second element in this group has an
atomic number of
(a) 4
(c) 11
(d) 18
7. An isotope of fluorine has a mass number of 19 and an atomic number of 9.
______a. How many protons are in this atom?
______b. How many neutrons are in this atom?
8. Samarium, Sm, is a member of the lanthanide series.
________________ a. Identify the element just below samarium in the periodic table.
________________ b. The atomic numbers of these two elements differ by how many protons?
9. A certain isotope contains 53 protons, 78 neutrons, and 54 electrons.
_________________ a. What is its atomic number?
_________________ b. What is the mass of this atom in amu’s ?
_________________ c. Is this element Pt, Xe, I, or Bh (107)?
_________________ d. Identify two other elements that are in its group.
10. Identify the element, for each of the following:
____________________________a. the Group 14 element in Period 4
____________________________b. the only metal in Group 15
____________________________c. the transition metal with the smallest atomic mass
____________________________d. the alkaline earth metal with the largest atomic number
11. There are 18 columns in the periodic table with Roman Numerals and A or B; each has a group number.
Give the group numbers that make up each of the following blocks:
____________ a. s block
_____________ b. p block
_____________ c. d block
The Periodic Law 5-2
Use only this periodic table to answer the following questions.
On the periodic table above are several areas labeled A—H.
_____________ a. Area A represents which block: s, p, d, or f ?
b. Identify the remaining labeled areas of the table, choosing from the following terms: main-group elements,
transition elements, lanthanides, actinides, alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, halogens, noble gases.
______________________ B
______________________ F
________________________ C
________________________ G
________________________ D
________________________ H
______________________ E
______________________ I
14. Using the answers to B, C, D, F, & G above, answer the following:
a. The ___________________________ have a single s electron in the highest energy level?
b. The ___________________________ achieve the e- configurations of noble gases by losing two e-.
c. The ___________________________vary in the number of e- in the valence.
d. The ___________________________achieve e- configuration of noble gases by gaining one e-.
e. The ___________________________ have full s & p orbitals in the highest occupied energy level.
f. The ___________________________ are highly reactive and readily form salts with metals.
g. The ___________________________ are stable and unreactive.
h. The ___________________________ are metals that are more reactive than the transition elements but
are less reactive than the alkali metals.