CUSTOMER PROFILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING CRM AL-FATTAH BIN IBRAHIM A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Information Technology - Management) Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MARCH 2010 To my beloved wife, child’s, parents and family members iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful. I would like to express my greatest gratitude to my supervisor of this project, Dr. Roliana Ibrahim for her great encouragement, patience, constant guidance, continuous support and assistance all throughout the period. Her trust and confidence in me throughout the entire project have contributed much in the completion of this project. Besides that, I would like to thank to the staff of Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd for their useful feedbacks and support especially to Mr Ahmad Shahrizal and Mr Shukri. I am especially grateful to my beloved wife, Adilah Zainal Rasid, for her patience, encouragement and constant support she gave. Thanks for your patient and support during my study. I would not be able to complete this project in a timely manner if not for my colleagues and friends especially to Hamim and Mohamad. Here, I would like to thank them for their co-operation and support throughout the progress of this project. v ABSTRACT The conventional approach in customer management is the reason why the inefficiency of customer management occurred, as well as the increase of promotion cost and the distance in relationship between the existing customers and the organization. By looking at the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) approach, the customer management can be increased and can reduce the distance relationship between the customers and the organization. Therefore, the purpose of learning CRM approach is to understand in details about CRM, provide the better services, facilitate the maintenance of existing customers in corresponding with the increasing the number of new customers. Based on the research conducted, one new system will be developed for the purpose of creating an electronic-based application system. This system will emphasize on customer profiling. From this system, the selling and marketing operations can be used to make a customer profile. This system will be developed using object-oriented approach and Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) as the core programming language as well as MySQL as the database. This system will be implemented online using Apache Web Server. vi ABSTRAK Pendekatan konvensional dalam pengurusan pelanggan merupakan alasan mengapa pengurusan pelanggan tidak efisien, serta peningkatan kos promosi dan jarak dalam hubungan antara pelanggan dan organisasi. Dengan pendekatan Customer Relationship Management (CRM), pengurusan pelanggan dapat dipertingkatkan dan mengurangkan jarak hubungan antara pelanggan dan organisasi. Oleh kerana itu, tujuan pendekatan CRM adalah memahami secara mendalam tentang CRM, menyediakan perkhidmatan yang lebih baik, memudahkan penyelenggaraan pelanggan yang sesuai dengan jumlah pelanggan baru yang meningkat. Melalui kajian yang dilakukan, satu aplikasi baru berasaskan elektronik akan dibangunkan. Sistem ini akan menekankan tentang profail pelanggan. Melalui sistem ini, data-data daripada operasi penjualan dan pemasaran boleh digunakan bagi mendapatkan profail pelanggan. Sistem ini akan dibangunkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan berorientasikan objek dan Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) sebagai Bahasa Pengaturcaraan serta MySQL sebagai pangkalan data. Sistem ini akan dilaksanakan secara atas talian(online) menggunakan Apache Web Server. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF APPENDICES xiv CHAPTER OVERVIEW ........................................................1 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................1 1.2 Problem Statement .............................................................2 1.3 Objective ............................................................................3 1.4 Scope ..................................................................................3 1.5 Importance of The Project ..................................................4 1.6 Summary ............................................................................5 2 LITERATION REVIEW ........................................................6 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................6 viii 2.2 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) .....................7 2.2.1 Definition ................................................................7 2.2.2 CRM Components ..................................................9 2.2.3 CRM Goals ...........................................................10 2.2.4 Importance of CRM ..............................................11 2.2.5 Knowledge Control ..............................................12 2.2.6 Customer Profile ...................................................14 2.2.7 Company’s Background .......................................17 2.3 Software ...........................................................................19 2.4 Network ............................................................................20 2.5 Interface ............................................................................20 2.6 Security of the System ......................................................21 2.6.1 Network Level ......................................................21 2.6.2 System Level ........................................................22 2.6.3 Database Level .....................................................22 2.7 Summary ..........................................................................23 3 METHODOLOGY ................................................................24 3.1 Introduction ......................................................................24 3.2 Customer Profiling Methodology.....................................25 3.3 Project Methodology ........................................................26 3.4 System Development Methodology .................................28 3.4.1 Phases one: Planning ............................................30 3.4.2 Phase Two: System Requirement Analysis ..........30 3.4.3 Phase Three: Design .............................................32 3.4.4 Phase Four: Implementation .................................33 3.5 Conclusion ........................................................................34 ix 4 ANALYSIS AND SYSTEM DESIGN .................................35 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................35 4.2 Organization Analysis ......................................................35 4.2.1 Organization Structure..........................................36 4.2.2 Marketing and Selling Process .............................37 4.2.3 Customer Data ......................................................39 4.3 Data Analysis ...................................................................40 4.3.1 RFM Analysis .......................................................41 4.3.2 Manual Profiling ...................................................42 4.4 Requirement .....................................................................45 4.4.1 Function Requirement ..........................................45 4.4.2 Non Function Requirement ..................................47 4.5 System Design ..................................................................48 4.6 Activity Diagram ..............................................................48 4.7 Sequence Diagram ............................................................50 4.8 Use Case Diagram ............................................................51 4.9 Conceptual Design ...........................................................53 4.10Physical Design ................................................................54 4.10.1 Web Interface Design ...........................................55 4.10.2 Database Design ...................................................63 4.11Chapter Summary .............................................................64 5 IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING ..............................65 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................65 5.2 Coding Approach .............................................................65 5.3 System Implementation ....................................................66 5.4 Test Result And System Evaluation .................................66 5.4.1 Black Box Testing ................................................66 x 5.4.2 Integration testing .................................................70 5.4.3 User.......................................................................70 5.5 Chapter Summary .............................................................71 6 ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY ....................................72 6.1 Introduction ......................................................................72 6.2 Implementation Strategies ................................................72 6.2.1 Direct Implementation ..........................................73 6.3 Installation of Infrastructure Process ................................74 6.3.1 Hardware And Software Installation ....................74 6.4 Trainings ...........................................................................75 6.4.1 Administrator Training .........................................75 6.5 Motivating Adoption ........................................................76 6.6 Expected Organizational Benefit......................................76 6.7 Contingency Plan .............................................................77 6.8 Chapter Summary .............................................................77 7 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ...................................78 7.1 Introduction ......................................................................78 7.2 System Advantages and Strength .....................................78 7.3 System Disadvantages ......................................................79 7.4 Constrains And Challenges ..............................................79 7.5 Future Work For The System ...........................................80 7.6 Summary ..........................................................................80 REFERENCE APPENDIX A-F 82 84-128 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLES TITLE PAGE 3.1 Software Requirement 32 4.1 Non Function Requirement 47 5.1 List of Black Box Testing 69 6.1 Training tentative for administrator 75 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES TITLE PAGE 2.1 CRM Components (Roberts-Witt, 2000) 9 2.2 Customer Relationship Management Process 13 2.3 Data cleaning procedure 16 3.1 Conceptual Framework 25 3.2 Project Methodology 26 4.1 Organization Structure 36 4.2 Marketing & Selling Process 38 4.3 Location of the customer 43 4.4 Type of the customer 43 4.5 Field / expertise of the customer 44 4.6 Size of the organization 44 4.7 Activity diagram for the system 49 4.8 Sequence diagram for administrator 50 4.9 Sequence diagram for user 50 4.10 Administrator functionality 52 4.11 User’s functionality 53 4.12 Conceptual design 54 4.13 Login page 55 4.14 Back end interface 56 4.15 Interface for add new user 57 4.16 Add customer (Organization) 58 4.17 Add customer (Individual) 59 xiii 4.18 List of customer 60 4.19 Customer Profile 61 4.20 Report for registered customer (by category) 62 4.21 Report for registered customer (by organization type) 62 4.22 Database Design 63 xiv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Software 84 B Database Table Structure 87 C Coding Approach 94 D User Acceptance Test 101 E System Installation 104 F User Manual 109 CHAPTER 1 1 1.1 CHAPTER OVERVIEW Introduction In the globalization world towards the new era of technology, communication, and computer networks, this country has been looking forward to achieve the mission of being known as one of the developing country in 2020. The community in this present age is normally known as “knowledge community”. As for us, Itech View Associated Sdn Bhd, we portrait that - the community especially the genius one has been reaching the aim where only the best things will be accepted whether it involves the purchase of a product or the consumption involving services. Information Technology not only can lead today’s community on how to cope with the consumer’s problems, but it also promotes a good trade between the businessman as well as inspiring them to increase the quality in Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Hence, a good consumer community that are using the CRM electronically will be having a better life as well as improving a good 2 relationship within different races and cultures instead of for those who only choose to “wait and see”. In order to make sure the developed system matches to its objectives, the system will be using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Technology based on web portal application where this CRM is known as: The efficient technology in business and government agency, as well as in the world of Information Technology (Randy Harris, 2003). The CRM approach will explain later in detail in the literature review. This chapter will be emphasize on the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that acts as a supplier agent, storing, sending and viewing various current information supported by a database which will deliver productive customer services in order to ease the communications and interactions. 1.2 Problem Statement Based on the observation and experiences we know that organization understands the requirements and usage of CRM. However, the current approach which they are using in this moment to establish consumer relationship for long term period still have many weaknesses. In order to prevent it, the relationship between consumer and organization need to be enhanced by using user application that was proposed. The main problem identified is “how far customer relationship management concept can be cultivated in user system to assist delivering services in more affective way?” Hence, the problem can be analyzed from these aspects: 3 a) What are the information needs and consumer behaviors to help the organization in deciding the best and effective services offer? b) How to adapt or apply the Customer Relationship Management concept within the product marketing and services? c) How to develop online system to provide effectiveness in web services? 1.3 Objective These are the following objectives: a) To study Customer Relationship Management concepts to adapt in system development. b) To profile a customer data or information based on organization and personal demographic. c) To develop a customer profile management system based on the identified CRM method. d) To formulate organizational strategy to ease the implementation and the use of customer profile management system. 1.4 Scope This project involves research in the Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd which involves the following issues: 4 a) Current manual system The study will involve on the organization current manual system to identify their weaknesses and the improvement needed before developing a system based on CRM. b) User System will react as agent to provide and store the information that manage the task for any organization or individual when interact with system user. c) Resources. Based on the study conducted, the resources related to customers are important to achieve the required data. d) Apply the customer’s profiling concept. The study involves the customer’s profile and contact management in the developed system only. 1.5 Importance of The Project Usage of current web development is as information delivery mechanism, implementation of user education and stimulation of communication and interaction between organization and consumer in order to enhance customer loyalty and maintain the bilateral relations. It cannot be denied that Customer Relationship Management is an important term in information industry in the development aspect and exploit methodologies, software and also the ability of current technology to assist organization in managing the customer relationship efficiently. Therefore, the combination of web technology and systematic approach of CRM will provide various advantages to each entity involved. 5 The case Study in Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd was predicted to reach its targets throughout the research process which is from the beginning research until the implementation and production of the actual product. The importance of this case study can be viewed in terms of enhancing the customer services to be more effective and improving the quality through a deep understanding of user needs. The case study also can assisting management in decision making based on information collected from the user community, while delivering valuable information in a dynamic portal web application. It is also capable to increase user satisfaction from time to time. Based on the above descriptions, the system proposal development is clearly expressed and it is corresponding with the objective identified. This system will be the turning point of service delivery methods to be a more efficient and appropriate corresponding with the rapidly changing world. 1.6 Summary The system development emphasizes on important of information needs and rational customer satisfaction where it becomes an alternative system to the existing web services. Customer Relationship Management Approach concept will be applied in the development of user portal application which is specified to the customers. Goals and objectives of the system indicate the user portal ability in providing various user information services through best and systematic method. CHAPTER 2 2 2.1 LITERATION REVIEW Introduction Literature review refers to the research activity and research on topics related to the research questions. Based on research conducted, ideas of sources and information research undertaken will be obtained. Consequently, this method is one way to obtain strong evidence to support the implementation of the project justification. This is important to meet the objectives and scope that has been set. This study focuses on applying the concept of Customer Relationship Management in the delivery of service users more effectively through an interactive application, simple, and systematically. In this chapter, the definition of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) will be explained at the beginning of the literature review. After considering the meaning of CRM, the discussion will explore in greater depth related components CRM, CRM components, goals of CRM, importance of CRM, customer profiling using CRM methodology and CRM technology. In addition, the best CRM process will be described in detail. Further research will 7 involve in framework to achieve the CRM success, the nature of CRM and integration of multiple channels. Similarly, the considerations made in the aspect of architecture for computing the appropriate applications with the portal web application and justification for selection of web portal services to deliver consumer services by electronically. 2.2 2.2.1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Definition Customer Relationship Management is defined by Dr Robert Shaw (2006), who is an expert in customer relationship and the founder of Shaw Consulting. He defined CRM as one of the interactive process between the customer and the organization which has to be in the optimum balanced situation where the investments is done by the organization give the beneficial profit. Meanwhile in the customer side, they will get the maximum satisfaction. Hence, the CRM approach trying to create, build, and enhance friendly relations between customers or between organizations or both carefully and thoroughly to increase the number of customer as well as maintaining the existing customers. However, CRM is related with the use of information technology to implement market strategies. On the other hand, CRM combines new technology that high potential towards the achievement and delivery of profits and strengthen customer relationships with organizations in the long term goals. In fact, the idea of Customer Relationship Management is an important business approach since several 8 years ago. The objective is to restore the virtual private market into the personal market. The concept is quite easily compared to the market firms and widespread customers. This can be seen from the aspect of the integration of sales strategy, markets and services offered in e-business. The CRM has defined as: One process where the organization uses the customer’s information through a tight relationship between them and customers. The customer’s information is analyzed and interpreted in form of products or services that can increase customer’s loyalty as well as maintain the relationship between the customers and the organization for a long term. (SAS Institution) From the aspect of information technology, the CRM is the application to increase interaction between customer and organization. Sweeney Group wrote: Most CRM experts say that CRM application integration involving collection activities, analysis, retention the transaction information and the customers through sales and marketing decision support that use to store the customer information into database in order to increase network communication and interaction between organizations and customers (Sweeney Group, 2000). Therefore, the use and conquered of information technology that more sophisticated and advanced, efficient, effective can encourage the implementation concept of customer-centric in the process of generating customer satisfaction and welfare in the long-term oriented with good customer relationship management. 9 2.2.2 CRM Components Based on the idea of Roberts-Witt (2000), CRM approach used to achieve integration in a single view of customer and focus on customer needs, requirements, and behavior adequately. Consequently, the CRM consists of three main components, such as customer, relationship, and management. Management Relationship Customer Figure 2.1 : CRM Components (Roberts-Witt, 2000) Customers not only bring current benefits resources for an organization, but also the resources will grow in future. However, good customers will bring profits and benefits to the organization consistently if the source of goods or services offered by the organization is limited. However, the situation is otherwise than expected because customers are knowledgeable and informative, there also intense competitiveness between similar organizations. Sometimes, we difficult to distinguish whether a customer is found potential or otherwise receiving services because decisions are often subject to joint venture activities between the actual customer. From management aspect, the exploitation of CRM is not only in offering products and services activities; it also focused on the culture aspects and the consistency of organizational changes. This is because the collection of customer’s information will emerge in organizational knowledge where the information can 10 increase the organization’s activity towards the efficiency of services offered through suitable information systems usage. 2.2.3 CRM Goals In fact, CRM approach is based on customer-centric concept. From customer’s perception, this approach needs to emphasize on long term relationship between the customers and the organization in order to gain benefits to maintain the performance of both side. There are four (4) general tasks need to be done to achieve the basic mission of CRM as stated by Peppers, et al. (1999): a. Customer Identification. In order to serve and provide valuable services to the customers, the organization should know and identify the customer’s needs through information system for the purpose of facilitating two-way interactions and communications in any time. b. Customer Differentiation. From organization’s perception, customer target should be differentiated from aspect of suitable services to be delivered, because every customer has their own lifetime value. So that, they are insist to be provided with various services that should be provided by the organization. c. Customer Interaction. Customer’s need changes anytime. From CRM’s perception, the long term relationship between the customers and the organization is very important. Hence, the organization should learn CRM program thoroughly so that they will know the customer’s needs and their behaviors as well as the interaction between them from time-to-time. 11 d. Customer Interaction. Customer’s need changes anytime. From CRM’s perception, the long term relationship between the customers and the organization is very important. Hence, the organization should learn CRM program thoroughly so that they will know the customer’s needs and their behaviors as well as the interaction between them from time-to-time. The best CRM System needs a centralized database consists of the complete customer’s data. By having the centralized database, the organization can manage all the related data effectively. The hardware and software that are commonly sold in IT market can support the database. 2.2.4 Importance of CRM CRM survey launched by Malaysians is rampant nowadays, especially in business field, production, trading and services. The emerging of these good phenomena is bringing benefits of CRM towards the efficiency of customer services delivery. It also acts as stimulator in generating and maintaining two-way relationship between the customers and the services supplier. The suitable CRM technology applied especially CRM portal, can give positive support to the basic service model and suits the services activity to the mission of the organization. Indirectly, CRM technology investments in delivering customer services activity are not only bring the luxurious profits to the organization, it also allows the management to collect and achieve customer’s data which is related to customer’s needs, complaints, and their preferences in order to increase the efficiency in services, satisfaction and customer’s loyalty. These are the advantages of CRM that have the tendency towards the increasing of competition in market. a. Protect the customers by understanding their needs. 12 b. Obtain new customers consistently. c. Offer services parallel to customer’s needs and satisfactions. d. Reduce the emerging problems while manual work procedures occurred. This is because, the dependency towards the CRM software is better than human resources. e. Enhance the organizational feedback process faster after getting the feedback from customers. 2.2.5 Knowledge Control Knowledge control refers to knowledge applications usage to create, store and retrieve data on customer’s needs. (Alavi & Leidner, 2001). Some CRM experts said that the organization should develop knowledge applications like database to store customer’s needs and preferences due to the emerging of threat of the other services market (Stefanou & Sarmaniotis, 2003). 13 Interaction Management Process Evaluate needs of the customer Interaction between customer and organization Exchange benefit Collect data from customer Generate intelligence in service Give intelligent to customer Exchange information Exchange benefit and information Interaction quality Figure 2.2 : Customer Relationship Management Process Figure 2.2 indicates Alavi & Leidner (2001) and Fahey et al. (2001) saying that knowledge management process can be increased by dividing it into three (3) micro process, which are the collection of customer's data, generating intelligence in services, and sending it to the customers. For the data collection process, organizational activities have to focus on obtaining customer’s data and services market. Those activities involve the process of recording the specific information within the interaction session between organization and customers such as email applications, e-guestbook, e-feedback from users, and e-complaint in user portal. This is done to get user feedback on their experiences for participating in the organization’s activities. 14 2.2.6 Customer Profile In order to collect customer’s data and convince them with the products, the organization can retrieve all the data from the online system or the survey. Customer’s data can be collected based on demographic variables (for example, age, gender, geographic location), psychographic variables (why they buy), and buying behaviors (where, when, what, and how they buy). All these are required to get the complete profile about the customers. These are the examples of customer’s profile: a. The customer is married, has children, lives in the residential area and prefers to read family magazines. b. The customer who is visiting the organization’s website everyday for two months, but not visiting the website two weeks after that. The complete customer’s data related to the organizational business field need to be collected and be provided. After obtaining the complete customer’s data, the organization can aim their customers for product, services and communications effectively. These are the examples of data that can be obtained: 1. Gender, age, education, salary and growth place. 2. Working status, position. 3. The current products used. 4. The interest in the products or services. 5. Purchasing behavior, before and after. 6. Computer usage and technical level. 7. Have power to decide. 8. Activity during leisure time. This study is focusing on demographic data. Demographics data refers to selected population characteristics as used in government, marketing or opinion research, or the demographic profiles used in such research. Note the distinction from the term "demography" commonly-used demographics include race, age, income, disabilities, mobility, educational attainment, home ownership, employment 15 status, and even location. Demographics are frequently used in economic and marketing research. Marketing researchers typically have two objectives in this regard, Wikipedia say: First objective is to determine what segments or subgroups exist in the overall population; and secondly to create a clear and complete picture of the characteristics of a typical member of each of these segments. Once these profiles are constructed, they can be used to develop a marketing strategy and marketing plan. The five types of demographics in marketing are age, gender, income level, race and ethnicity. (Wikipedia, 2009) Developing a Useful Customer Profile According to the D&B research (2008), developing a useful profile of best customers isn’t difficult, but typically requires some external expertise. It starts with this 3-step process: a) Establish processes to regularly identify customer information to ensure that it’s up to date, accurate, and actionable. Customer profiles are only as good as the quality of the data to base on. Inaccuracy within customer files always a problem. According to a recent Sales & Marketing Institute paper, 62% of business contact information will change within a single year. At D&B, they have found that there will be close to 100 C-level executive changes and more than 200 business telephone 16 numbers disconnected within the next hour. That’s why D&B suggest starting with cleansed, accurate information. Also important is applying a unique identifier and an update process so the information stays clean and up to date in the future. Without these steps, the customer’s data will be out-of-date. Figure 2.3 below describe data cleaning procedure, proposed (Zanibal, 2008). Documented data verification Company customer database process 1. Names 2. Telephone Customer complete name’s verified by names completeness algorithm Customers telephone number verified by outbound calling and verification system Customer email address verified by email verification system. Figure 2.3 : Data cleaning procedure b) Regularly enrich your information with third-party information to add demographics and non-obvious relationship information to show connections and previously hidden up-sell and cross-sell opportunities. Cleansed, de-duplicated customer information is simply a baseline. To get the maximum value out of the data, add information that helps develop rich profiles. Geography, job title, SIC/NAICS industry classifications, and employee size are the most common list selects and the start of basic Customer profiling. c) Apply marketing analytics Creating even more powerful customer profiles by adding marketing analytics that can predict future behavior to the information. Once created a profile or a look-alike model of the highest value customer, the organization can aim their customers for a certain product. 17 Marketing Analytics Using Customer Segmentation By having customers profile, an approach can be done using customer segmentation concept. In fact, all customers are not same - some of them will buy products in large amount, and some are less. By doing customer segmentation using the existing data, the customer’s data such as age, work position, organization’s size, gender, residential area and others can be collected. By collecting these data, the organization can aim the customer for each product. For example, product A is only suitable for customers whose age is 30 and above, while product B is suitable for those who are working under government and working as lecturer. Otherwise, product C can only suit with customers who are in Computer Science field, and other suitable customer segmentation. By having the customers who are suitable with certain product, the marketing process can be done effectively and can fulfill customer’s need. These can save the organizational marketing cost as well as save the time. Meanwhile, the customer’s feedback can be obtained faster because the target is correct. The marketing can be done in many ways such as through emails, SMS, letters, pamphlets, and others. By having these customer’s profile, all the data related to customers can be easily retrieved, so that, the marketing plan can be done for each product. 2.2.7 Company’s Background Before CRM can be studied, an overall assessment of company’s information and activities must been made. Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd was established on 30th August 2006, located at Suite #6, Kompleks Usahawan Teknologi MARA, Technovation Park UTM, 81300 Skudai, Johor. 18 Vision To be among pioneers in ICT problem solving, globally and dynamically. Mission 1. To assist customers in gaining knowledge within the dynamic world especially within interaction and problem solving in ICT 2. To assist customers into adapting current technology in order to ensure their understanding that today's technology is part of their lifestyle. 3. To assist and to ensure that customers get maximum result via ICT usage in their daily life. Strategy 1. By building and maintain trust between customer and us. 2. By assisting customer in finding solution to their problems through ICT. 3. By building strong network with other information and communication technology pioneers in order to get the best solution. 19 Nature of Business Nature business of Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd is as below: a. To carry on the business of a consultant and advisor in the field of multimedia and information technology and in particular to provide systems consultants, operators, writers compilers, and tester of multimedia and information related technologies and all such services which may be associated with such industry and to establish and manage training centre related thereto. b. To carry on all or any of the trade business of manufacturers, assemblers, dealers, hirers, stockiest, importers, repairers, modifiers, designers, of equipment, machinery, designs tools, parts and traders in goods relating to multimedia technology and information technology and other articles or things in connection therewith and to produce for marketing and distributions multimedia contents and other such product relating thereto. c. To develop, carry on, conduct, deal in research and development (R&D) syndication on information technology and to promote R&D to develop technology, drive products that are ask to commercialization agents as marketer and will receive the exclusive right to market the products from such R&D programs. 2.3 Software The system design is based on security and communication standard (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), HyperText Transfer Protocol 20 (HTTP), and HyperText Transfer Protocols (HTTPS). The development of this system is using Open Source Software (OSS) technology. The OSS technologies used are PHP, MySQL, and Apache. This OSS is popular chosen in application development as it is easy to use in fulfilling the system needs. The expert assistance from other country is also easily obtained. Detail explaination on software are described on appendix A. 2.4 Network This system will be implemented in Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd environment. Security functions will be explained by details for external user (enduser) and internal user (staff). The network protocol that will be applied are HTTP and HTTPS. This protocol also will be applied in the network protocol between application server and database server. For that purpose, the standard TCP/IP and infrastructure network such as LAN/WAN/Internet will be needed to execute this system. 2.5 Interface This system is a web-based system which will run the user interface in browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and others. Mozilla Firefox 3.0 version will be used in this system, which will be adapted to the other browsers from time-to-time. This system will be developed with the industry standard for PHP language, which will produce the user interface based on HyperText Markup 21 Language (HTML). Javascript, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and AJAX will be applied to generate the professional, easy and friendly interface to users. The use of browser application in running this system is needed to enable the browser-based architecture such as cookies, sessions, javascript enabler, and others. When a user accesses the system, the session for that user will be created, these will initialize the transactions in the database. 2.6 Security of the System The security for this system concerns on three (3) security levels which are network level, system level and database level. 2.6.1 Network Level In fact, there are no best network design that can create the highest security level to avoid the system from being accessed by third party. This system will be placed in a server which is in demilitarized zone (DMZ) and supported by firewall to prevent or allow the data to be passed based on IP address, port, type of protocol, or the combination between them. DMZ and firewall can be configured to avoid the system from being hacked. 22 2.6.2 System Level This system is implementing Single Sign On (SSO) which is using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for username and password verification. It will be integrated with the other systems in Itech View Sdn Bhd to avoid the similarities or differences in username and password used. In this level, system security is depends on the hierarchy access. This hierarchy separates certain functions to its user. Each user will be assigned in certain group. Every user will have their own username and password based on LDAP used. The user can use policy to manage the password provided by the company to ensure their security from unauthorized access. The password policy can be implemented by doing guidelines on certain aspects such as expiry password rules, password management and limitations on user based on number of failure in accessing system. The user will have their own role based on their own group. This role is also act as a security for this system. This is because, each user have different role which will limit the function for each user from being accessed by the other user. The menu usage in accessing system is also one of the security level used. Each user will have the different menu depends on their role. 2.6.3 Database Level This system supports the data security level provided by MySQL DBMS in data encryption (if needed) and secure access. The access to MySQL will be surveyed and only allow local access and giving the suitable privillage to MySQL 23 usage. On the other hand, MySQL user will always been checked before any operations on the database is done to avoid SQL Injection. 2.7 Summary This chapter explained in details the required understanding on providing the solutions to the organization for their problems in customer management. Most of the useful information are based on books, journals, internet, and paper works. The information obtained is very useful to develop system in the following chapter. CHAPTER 3 3 3.1 METHODOLOGY Introduction This chapter helps to describe the proposed framework briefly and it discussed the approaches as well as the system development tool and techniques. All the steps and stages that have been implemented in this project will be helping the researchers to understand the concept of the project. The proposed framework is hoped to be able to provide a solution to the problem statement and to fulfill project objectives and be a guide for every phases in this project. This chapter will discussed about project methodology, customer profiling methodology and the software development methodology. 25 3.2 Customer Profiling Methodology To ensure the objective of the project is achieved, an approach on how to create customers profile need to be identified as discussed in chapter 2. The approach Accurate Customer Data Enrich Information Data Collection Customer Profiling Process can be depicted briefly in conceptual figure 3.1 below: Marketing Analytic Figure 3.1 : Conceptual Framework Step 1 and 2 shows that customer’s data need to be collected to create customer profile, followed by step 3 to create a suitable marketing plan. However, for the time being, there’s no current approach used to get the customers data. The existing customers data only covers a brief information, and the existing information is very little (will be explained in chapter 4). The existing data is collected only from the product selling process, so that, the data needs to be added with demographic element to get a various data about the customer. Hence, the two (2) approaches that are proposed to get a complete customers profile are as follows: a. Online form A customer needs to register by fill in online customers detail form before they can give their feedback for the products or services provided or while they are purchasing products on-line. Besides that, to encourage the customers to fill in the form, the organization can provide an online gift to customers such as free software, free article or whitepaper or other than that. 26 b. Offline form The customer can fill in the form off-line if they want to make a payment in offline purchasing. Besides that, the customers detail form distribution need to be done in exhibition area participated by the organization, and also to the targeted customer. The organization has to provide a suitable gift to encourage customers fill in their form. 3.3 Project Methodology - Scope - Objective - Methodology Planning Organization - Profile - Operation Literature Review - CRM - Customer Profile - Marketing Analytic Requirement - Understanding Requirement - Improvement Analysis - Identify Requirement - Develop Prototype Design - Implementation - User Acceptant Test Installation Maintenance And Implementation Figure 3.2 : Project Methodology 27 Figure 3.2 describe the project methodology, details of the figure as follows: a) Planning Phase Planning phase is the beginning of the project. Discussion was made with supervisor to determine the title of the project. From the current problem background, project objective and project scope are defined. In order to decide methodology used for this project, some research on project background has been done. b) Analysis Phase The analysis phase is the most important phase to defined the users of the system, how current process is and how improvement can be made. There are three categories fall under analysis phase. To well understand about the organization, some activities like identify organization issues, organization structure, job and functions has been done in the literature review, the essential things like definition, best practices, technology, methods and techniques available are being studied and analyzed. The complete decision on what the best technology, software, hardware, and techniques has been identify to support the software development. c) Design Phase After all requirement needed has been obtained, justification on how to meet the requirement is made. Parameter has been identified. An interface of the system has been developed with database design to show to the user how the system would be. d) Implementation Phase After the prototype is done, it will be implemented and tested. Some kind of testing such as Unit Test, Integration Test and System test will be done to ensure the system can work well. The user acceptance test and user manual will be given as proposed system accepted. 28 3.4 System Development Methodology In order to develop a system, a proper planning needs to be done to produce a high quality system. Each phase of the system development must be arranged systematically to ensure it can operate smoothly without creating any problems soon. By preventing and minimize the problems occurred, the system produced will be at ease and achieve its objectives. Object-oriented methodologies include more or less the same steps as the classic waterfall life cycle, but typically have more overlapping of the steps, especially during the analysis and design phases. For smaller projects, it is often difficult to distinguish the analysis and design steps. In addition, OO methodologies allow us to carry out the whole development process in a more piecewise fashion. Once we have identified an object, we can often complete the design, implementation, and testing of that object separately from other parts of the system. And once object have been implemented, they often can be reused in new systems. Reusing objects is much easier than reusing functions or modules from non-OO systems. A full specification of requirement needed to develop a better system. All of the requirement needed are difficult to find and changes always been made. Software engineering is a practical method in order to choose a technical process that can improve the quality in the effort of developing the software. Researcher adapts SDLC methodologies on prototype model and implements it to create more productive methodologies. Using this type of methodology, this process can be producing a better version of system for each cycle of model. This methodology approaches will reduce the error that occurs in the software development. Moreover, it can reduce the time consuming and enhance the value. Policy, process and procedure that have been documented will be used by a team of 29 software developers or particular organization to employ software engineering in the software. According to Shelly et al (2006), system development life cycle portraits activities and functions which are implemented by system developers, without taking into account the approaches they have been used. The system development life cycle is divided into 4 phases which are planning, analysis, design, implementation and supports. Through these phases, system developers will create more organized system and enable to plan well for the next phase. In implementing the project, choosing appropriate and exact methodology is really needed. Factors that need to be taken into account in choosing appropriate methodology are objective, scope, size, duration and type of customer which are related to the project. One of the key advantages of prototype modeled is the time frame of development. Instead of concentrating on documentation, more effort is placed in creating the actual software. This way, the actual software could be released in advance. The work on prototype models could also be spread to others since there are practically no stages of work in this model. Everyone has to work on the same thing and at the same time, reducing man hours in creating software. The work will even be faster and efficient if researcher will collaborate more regarding the status of a specific function and develop the necessary adjustments in time for the integration. Another advantage of having prototype modeled software is that the software is created using lots of user feedbacks. In every prototype created, users could give their honest opinion about the software. 30 3.4.1 Phases one: Planning In the early stages, the scope of effort need to be define using so many kind of method available for accomplish the project. It will follow on identifying the objectives of the project development based on the problem statement that been define. Other than that, the project scope also playing the roles as the boundary of the project so that it can control the flow of the project. All require the same basic information that need to be identify in this planning phase including the project start date, project completion date, a list of tasks in the order in which what must be accomplish task dependencies whereby the task that can be performed first and the type of task that need o be complete first. 3.4.2 Phase Two: System Requirement Analysis a) Hardware – Server The server to use as Concurrent Versions System and as a real implementation of the system. The spesifications proposed to avoid any disruptions or disturbances to the system such as server down, loss of data and others are as the following : Processor : 2 x Intel Xeon, 2.4GHz CPUs, Hyperthreaded Drives : 3 x 146GB SCSI Hard Disk Drives(hot swap) with RAID configured RAM : 2GB ECC DDR RAM Network Card : Gigabyte Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS) Hdd Bays : 1 x FDD, 1 x DVD-ROM 31 Monitor : 15” SVGA Keyboard / Mouse : USB / PS2 Connection UPS Power Supply : 1200 VA (Rack Mounted) 19” Equipment Rack 28U Depth 800 cm, c/w 2 exhaust fan, 4 fixed shelf, 2 removable side panel, 4 castor wheels, 8 electrical power point, 1 sliding keyboard tray b) Hardware – Development Since the development is using the personal computer, the optimum requirement for the PC is: Processor with Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB of RAM Hard Disk with 160 GB Monitor displaying resolution with 1024 x 768 Printer Network Card c) Software This system is using open source software, so that it can be implemented in Windows or Linux OS. However, it is better if it is implemented in Linux Operating System to facilitate the maintenance as well as it has the highest security. Meanwhile, in user side, the user can use any operating system either Windows XP, Ubuntu Linux, Mac OSX, or others as they have a browser applied to their OS to execute the system. This system will be tested to running on Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. Table below describe the software and its purpose for the system. Software Microsoft Windows XP Purpose The operating system of personal computer and as a web client. Linux Cent OS The operating system for Web Server and Database Server 32 Microsoft Office 2007 As a platform to do all the documentations Microsoft Visio 2007 Used to draw diagrams PHP The Programming language use to develop the system MySQL database To store all data into database Apache Server As web server that will be used to run PHP scripting. GIMP Graphics editing tools Eclipse IDE for development VMware Multi platforms testing Table 3.1 : Software Requirement 3.4.3 Phase Three: Design After all requirement needed has been obtained, justification on how to meet the requirement is made. Parameter has been identified. An interface of the system has been developed with database design to show to the user how the system would be. In this phase this will produce the result according to the requirement phase. The project will be analyzed by the needs of the data. Other than that, the design of the project must follow the criteria needed. â– Design new workflow – Determine possibility of automating export of data from sources – Identify owner of data – Identify standards for data – Negotiate and update procedure to collect data 33 – Design new workflow to supply data â– Design interface – Design Windows Navigation Diagram – Design screens, forms and reports â– Repository design – Identify potential for use of existing databases – Design database and repository â– Design data integration – Identify mechanism for data export – Develop synchronization mechanism in the case of multiple databases 3.4.4 Phase Four: Implementation After the prototype is done, it will be implemented and tested. Some kind of testing such as Unit Test, Integration Test and System test will be done to ensure the system can work well. The user acceptance test and user manual will be given as proposed system accepted. a) Develop physical database – Implement physical databases – Implement security, backup and recovery procedures – Implement integration and export mechanism b) Implement interface and algorithms c) Test system 34 – Quality assurance – Usability test – User satisfaction test 3.5 Conclusion In this chapter, project development methodology and activities in every phase has been identified. The hardware and software requirement has been stated to clarify the system features. Hope that the activities in each phase will guide to the development of this system such in efficient and systematic way. The system development methodology explained about the work that will be determined for building the system and will be determine the finding in the next chapter. CHAPTER 4 4 4.1 ANALYSIS AND SYSTEM DESIGN Introduction This chapter covers the analysis of current situation continuing from chapter 2. The initial findings define the beginning of the project whereby analyzing the organizational. Knowing the current system process and the user requirement can develop a productive system. 4.2 Organization Analysis Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd is one of the aborigines companies that operate business or trade. Among the business streams offered by this company are 36 conducting trade of computer items, software and network, software development and also providing courses services based on ICT to the consumers. In this section, organization structure and current operational process of a company will be clarified in detail. Despite that, the importance of consumer profiling element in a particular company operation will also be further explained. 4.2.1 Organization Structure BOARD OF DIRECTOR MANAGEMENT & FINANCE Support RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT TRAINING, SOFT. DEV, NETWORK. Selling & Marketing Figure 4.1 : Organization Structure The above figure shows the company organization structure that indicates 3 units. There is Unit of Management & Finance, Unit of Research Development & 37 Training and the last one is Unit of Software Development & Networking. Unit of Research Development & Training and Unit of Software Development & Networking Unit are responsible to manufacture the company products while the Unit of Management & Finance is to manage the promotion and trade also acts as customer’s supporter unit. This system only covers Unit of Management & Finance in assisting the unit to implement the process of promotion and selling. 4.2.2 Marketing and Selling Process The method of product trading that being used currently is utilizing the offline method which is the usage of brochures, pamphlet, letters and others during promotion process. The company also manually implemented the marketing and selling process. These situation cause difficulties in the process of trading or selling conducted. The company’s aim in future is to construct products that can be sold via online. Therefore, promotion strategy and approaches by using CRM methodology is effective to identify customer’s target. In short, the current process of the promotion and trading for company products are shown in the figure 4.2 below: 38 Company Customer New/Existin g Product Marketing Brochure, Pamphlet, Inquiry Price Quotation Receive Order Local Order Delivery Delivery Order, Invoice Letter, Figure 4.2 : Marketing & Selling Process The current approach covers marketing process which is commonly using non-electronic marketing, where the marketing is using brochures, pamphlets, letters and others. If there are customers who are interested in some product, they will ask the organization to provide them a quotation. Then, the customer will provide a local order document if the offered price is accepted. The last process is the delivering and payment process which covers delivery order document and invoices to customers. 39 4.2.3 Customer Data Each of organization’s documents in business process consists of customer’s basic information. The information is obtained from verbal questions from organization to the customers. The customer’s information consisted in the documents covers this information: 1. Name 2. Address 3. Company/Organization type 4. Company/Organization Info 5. Other info . Therefore, customer’s data is among the important elements to be considered in creating customer’s profile. As discussed before, there are two (2) ways in obtaining customers data – online registration and offline registration. However, the customer’s data need to be enhanced by adding demographic element in creating complete information. Here are two (2) ways of demographic element need to be added which are business demographic and personal demographic. The required information may change from time to time. However the customer’s data for personal demographic can be collected through these questions: 1. Please select the category that includes your age. 2. Please indicate your gender. 3. Do you currently have children under the age of 18 living in your household? 4. If yes, how many children under the age of 18 live in your household? 5. What best describes your marital status? 6. What best describes your employment status? 7. What best describes your level of education? 8. In what field you have studied before? 9. In which state do you live? 10. Which one of the following ranges includes your total yearly household income before taxes? 40 Meanwhile customer’s information for business demographic can be collected through these questions: 1. You are working for? 2. What best describes your employment status? 3. In which industry do you work? 4. Which of the following most accurately describes your primary functional work area? 5. Which of the following most accurately describes your occupational title in your company / organization? 6. How long have you worked for your company 7. How many total employees are in your company? 8. What are the annual revenues of your company / organization? 4.3 Data Analysis To build an accurate customer profile, the analysis of customer data needs to be done first. A few analysis methods can be applied, but RFM analysis is the best analysis to look for. RFM is used to determine customer behavior and analyzing market segment. RFM is stand for Recency (R), Frequency (F), and Monetary (M), the term can be explained like this: • Recency: Customers who purchased recently and tend to buy again. • Frequency: Customers who purchased frequently and tend to buy again. • Monetary values: Customers who purchased most monetary values and tend to buy again. 41 Arthur M. Huges says: The value of RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis as a method to identify high-response customers in marketing promotions, and to improve overall response rates is well known and is widely applied today. RFM has been around for more than forty years. Less widely understood, however, is the value of applying RFM scoring to a customer database and measuring how customers migrate from cell to cell over time. (Arthur M. Hughes, Because of the confidentiality of the customer data (especially buying record for the customer) in the company, the example of data shown below not exactly reflects the record of the company. 4.3.1 RFM Analysis RFM analysis can be used to determine best customer easily and accurately. Instead of considering one factor to determine best customer, RFM analysis look at three factors. There are three steps to apply this analysis, which is: i. Create a record for RFM Create a set of records for Recency, Frequency, and Monetary factor. Sort descending order each record by RFM factor. For Recency record, sort descending order for recency column (i.e., last purchase date), for Frequency record, sort descending order by frequency column (i.e., number of purchase in years), and for Monetary record, sort descending order by monetary value (i.e., sum annual spend). 42 ii. Assign a numerical value Step 2 is to assign a numerical ranking (between 1 and 5) to each customer on each list. Assign a “5” to the top 20% for each list, “4” for the next 20% of record for each list, “3” for the next 20% of the record in each list, and so on until the last one is assign by “1” ranking. iii. Calculate RFM scores for each customer Last step is to calculate the RFM scores for each customer. RFM scores can be calculated by sum ranking for RFM for each customer. The highest numbers are the best customer in the customer list. Weight also can be created depending on what importance factor for the business, if the importance factor for the business is money rather than recency and frequency, then give a weight to the monetary factor. Using RFM analysis, the company will be able to identify opportunities to create marketing that are relevant to the customers. 4.3.2 Manual Profiling In view of profiling the customer data, the example below are the manual profiling for the customer records in the company. A number of criteria are designed to create customer profiles consist of the state, the size of the organization, and the type of organization. By taking the example of customer data (60 sample customer data), as a result of these criteria look like figures below: 43 5% Selangor 4% Sarawak 2% Negeri Sembilan 4% Melaka 22% Kuala Lumpur 2% Kelantan 2% Kedah Johor 60% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Figure 4.3 : Location of the customer 40% Private 2% NGO 56% Government GLC 2% 0% 20% 40% 60% Figure 4.4 : Type of the customer 44 Transport 2% 2% 2% Tourism Medical 32% ICT 2% Engineering 40% Education 18% Consultancy 2% 0% Biotechnology 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Figure 4.5 : Field / expertise of the customer 32% 2-9 16% 10-49 12% 50-99 100-499 19% 500-999 9% 1000-9999 12% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Figure 4.6 : Size of the organization From that figure, most of the customers in the company are from government and private sector instead from other sector. The customer are also in small size organization (2-9 people), and mostly come from Johor and from educational and ICT field. 45 It’s easy to make such as profile, the profile can be generated with general customer data, but to make a deep profile for the customer, the system need to be develop. The data about purchasing, products, and customer need to be process in the system in order to make a better profile. 4.4 Requirement The user requirements are divided into two types. There are functional requirement and non functional requirement. 4.4.1 Function Requirement User requirement is directly related to the process where system needs to operate on information that included in the system. With function requirement, it shows how the new system process would be and helps the users to get the information as below. There are two different interface of the system to communicate between system and the users, which is interface on front-end (before login), and the interface on the back-end (after login). Two users can use the system, among of the users are: a) Administration (Board of Director) For this type of user, each product manufactured by company will be authenticated by the Board of Director. Besides that, this user can also manage 46 information of the staffs and generate report. There is no specific front-end features except the login page, whereby the customer need to log in to manage allowed functions at the back-end features, among of the features are: 1. Log in using unique ID 2. Generating selling report 3. Generating customer report 4. Generating other report 5. Manage user (Management & Finance Unit) 6. Update profile and change password 7. Manage customer profile 8. Manage marketing process a. Marketing by email b. Marketing by mail c. Marketing by phone call 9. Manage selling process 10. Register customer 11. Generating report base on criteria selected 12. Update profile and change Password 13. Admin log out from the system. b) User (Management & Finance Unit) For this type of user, they will operate promotion management and selling of product. Despite that, this user can also manage the customer’s information and generate the particular report. This user also can register an offline customer. There is no specific front-end feature, whereby the user has to log in to manage permitted functions at the back-end features, among of them are: 1. Manage customer profile 2. Manage marketing process a. Marketing by email b. Marketing by mail c. Marketing by phone call 3. Manage selling process 47 4.4.2 4. Register customer 5. Generating report base on criteria selected 6. Update profile and change Password 7. User log out from the system. Non Function Requirement Non function requirement refer to behavioral properties that the system must have such as performance and usability. It may influence the rest of the analysis but often do on indirectly. Non function requirements are primarily used in design when decisions are made about the user interface, the hardware and software and the system physical architecture. Table shows the non functional requirement for the project: Characteristics Project non function requirement Operational The system need to be operated on Linux based platform This system can be access anytime and anywhere Performance The response time must be less than ten seconds The inventory of database must be update in a real time Security Super admin and user admin have their own password If there is no activity within 30 minutes in admin mode, the system session will automatically expire. System provides security scripting to prevent from SQL injection and robot spamming. Table 4.1 : Non Function Requirement 48 4.5 System Design The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to model the system before developing it. In The system design phase, the interacting components that make up the system are identified. The communication between the interfaces and the sequence of interaction are determined. The designs will serve as a blueprint for the system and helps detect problems before these errors or problems are built into the final system. However, the designs may change during the development and testing phase. 4.6 Activity Diagram Activity diagram and use case are describes the functionality of the new system. Figure 4.3 shows an activity diagram the system. 49 act Activ ity Diagram Login Customer Document Vendor System Setting Product User Choose Document Type Choose Customer Category Choose Customer Set Database Update Configuration Add Update Add Update Add Add Update Chose Product Update Figure 4.7 : Activity diagram for the system Add Update 50 4.7 Sequence Diagram Figure 4.8 : Sequence diagram for administrator Figure 4.9 : Sequence diagram for user 51 4.8 Use Case Diagram All the activities and process that are involved in the proposed system have been modeled using Use Case Diagram. Use case diagrams are functional diagrams that portray the basic functions of the system. Use case diagrams are simply a graphical overview of the set of use cases contained in the system. It illustrates the main functionality of a system and the actors that interact with the system. The use case diagram has been broken down to three parts follow the functionality of each user. A figure 4.10 shows the use case diagram for the Administrator. It shows the administrator’s functionality in the system and how admin interact with the system . 52 u c P r im a ry U s e C a s e s Add E d it Add V ie w E d it D e l e te U p d a te / C h a n g e U s e r P a s s w o rd P r o fi l e C u s to m e r M a n a g e C u s to m e r M anage User D e l e te L o g in P r o fi l e U s e r Q u o ta ti o n M a n a g e S e llin g S e s s io n D e liv e r y O r d e r A d m in is tr a to r R e p ort M anage V endor P r in t re p o r t In v o ic e Log out R e c e ip t C u s to m e R e p o r t V ie w S e llin g R e p o rt D e l e te M a n a g e P ro d u c t E d it Add Add V ie w D e l e te E d it Figure 4.10 : Administrator functionality 53 A figure 4.11 shows how the user’s is interacted with the system. The administrator functionality has all user function instead of user have limited functionality. uc User Use Case Log out Login View Profile Sess ion View User P rofile Change P assword Add Manage Customer Edit Manage Vendor Del ete Us er Manage M arketing View Marketing by Email Manage Product Manage Selling Marketing by Mail Quota tion View Marketi ng by Phone Ca l l Rece ipt Inv oice Deliv er y Order Figure 4.11 : User’s functionality 4.9 Conceptual Design The conceptual system architecture for the system is divided into two components. The first component is the system database and the navigation through 54 the web browser is the second component where the admin access the restrict page. The following diagram shows the conceptual architecture of the system. Management Computer Management Computer Web Browser Web Browser Apache Web Server File System (PHP) Connector MySQL Customer Profiling System (Server Application) Database Server Figure 4.12 : Conceptual design 4.10 Physical Design The physical design of the system includes the database design, system structure and interface design. 55 4.10.1 Web Interface Design a) Login Page The system does not have any front end. Any user have to login to access the function of the system. To access the back end function, user must provide the username and password on the login interface. Figure 4.13 : Login page b) Back End Interface Some of the menu for the system cannot be access for user and full menu can be access for administrator. Primary back end interface for each user of the system as figure 4.14 below 56 Figure 4.14 : Back end interface Each user can access the function of the system via menu on the top of the page. 57 c) Add User Figure 4.15 : Interface for add new user 58 d) Add Customer There are two type of customer. The first one is organizational customer and second one is personal customer. Figure 4.16 below show interface for organizational customer Figure 4.16 : Add customer (Organization) For individual customer, each user can add customer information via interface in the figure 4.17 below 59 Figure 4.17 : Add customer (Individual) 60 e) List Customer Each customer can be listed with figure 4.18 below Figure 4.18 : List of customer On the listing interface, each user can interact with the system to update, delete, or view full information for each customer. Via list of the customer, user can filter each column on the search textbox and user also can sort and navigate to the next page. The list also can shown total of record found. f) View Customer Profile Each customer has their own profile, click on the customer name, and the full profile can be viewed as shown on the figure 4.19 below 61 Figure 4.19 : Customer Profile The system can show the contact info of the customer, buying history and statistic of the transaction for each customer. g) Report Each listing function on the system can provide as a report for user as shown on the customer list function. On the report menu provided additional report for the system as shown on the figure 4.20 and figure 4.21 below: 62 Figure 4.20 : Report for registered customer (by category) Figure 4.21 : Report for registered customer (by organization type) 63 4.10.2 Database Design Figure below is the core database and its relationship schematic for the system. Detail on other tables can be referring in Appendix A. Figure 4.22 : Database Design 64 4.11 Chapter Summary Initial findings indicate analysis of the organization. All the results of the analysis will give clear picture for the implementation stage. The proposed system embraced the user requirements and improvements matter. The use of use case diagram gives a better view of the new system. In conclusion, this chapter should cover all design of the proposed system. Due to time constraint and data requirement, the initial finding should have more than what had have been present here. CHAPTER 5 5 5.1 IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING Introduction This chapter documents the coding for important functions in the Customer Profile Management System, specifies the hardware and software requirements for the system and interprets the results of testing. The coding of the system is written using PHP5 and jQuery for JavaScript AJAX with MySQL as the database platform. Fusion Chart scripting is used to generate the statistic report. 5.2 Coding Approach The system was developing using object oriented. All objects are load on the index.php file and can be manipulated based on the function need to be generated. To 66 make the system look more dynamic, jQuery has been used. This java script framework can be used to make the view of the system more dynamic and easy to user. The examples of the codes are described on Appendix C. 5.3 System Implementation The system must be tested in order to detect any order or mistake after the system design have been developed. There are some testing levels that have been executed which are black box testing, integration testing and user acceptance test. 5.4 Test Result And System Evaluation 5.4.1 Black Box Testing Black box testing has been executed based on the units in the system modules. Below are some results from the black box test. Modules Action Testing Expected Result Result Log in Super Login Error message is Valid Login with Admin undefined or invalid username and displayed 67 password Login User Login with Admin undefined or Login Error message is Valid displayed invalid username and password System Super Insert/Update Configuration Admin system New data has been Valid inserted or update configuration User/Staff Super Insert/Update New data has been Valid Administration Admin new user for the inserted or update system. Email Super Submit configuration Admin parameter for email New data has been Valid inserted and show error if email cannot send configuration using outside SMTP Vendor User information Admin vendor data for save Insert/Update New data has been Valid inserted valid specific product supplied Vendor User information Admin product data for save Insert/Update New data has been Valid inserted specific vendor Customer User information Admin product data for save Insert/Update New data has been Valid inserted specific customer SMS Super SMS parameter configuration Admin need to be save for spreading to the product info configuration SMS has been updated and save Valid 68 file Generate User Quotation item quotation Admin need to be document for saved to the customer DB. Generate User Delivery order delivery order Admin item need to be document for saved to the customer DB. Generate User Invoice item invoice Admin need to be document for saved to the customer DB. Generate User Receipt item receipt Admin need to be document for saved to the customer DB. Print PDF User Using data every Admin from database, document on print the transaction information for process the specific include document New data has been Valid inserted New data has been Valid inserted New data has been Valid inserted New data has been Valid inserted Document has been Valid printed successfully quotation, delivery order, invoice, and receipt Log Out Super Click the logout Page redirect to the Admin menu main page “index.php” and always redirect to the main page if the previous page is try to access without login. Valid 69 Log Out User Click the logout Page redirect to the Admin menu Valid main page “index.php” and always redirect to the main page if the previous page is try to access without login. Sorting field User on the every Admin be sorted data tables list Fields need to Fields sorted Valid successfully ascending or descending. Search any User Using item on the Admin JavaScript data tables for plug-in search every for rapid collection of searching Every entered keyword Valid showed result data Test every User button on the Admin every button go list To make sure Button go to valid page Valid Appearance like a Valid development browser only for to valid page Test User application on Admin appearance of the specific Check the the application FF3.5, browser IE8, and Chrome Change User Change password Admin password Change Super Change password admin password Password changed Valid Password changed Valid Table 5.1: List of Black Box Testing 70 5.4.2 Integration testing After completing the black box testing, integration testing will take place. It is a test which involved two or more modules or related application. This means, an output from one module can be used as an input for other module. The purpose of this testing is to verify application works with other existing applications. 5.4.3 User By conducting user acceptance test, it can assist in verifies the new system works with actual data. It is executed by giving a questionnaire form and interview session. This questionnaire is prepared to get a feedback regarding this system and fixing the weaknesses. Please refer to Appendix B for user acceptance test questionnaire. The interview question is just like questionnaire question but more on suggestion from user. Most users satisfy with the system, but some users give useful feedback for the system. The example of the question is ‘Did you find and error of the system? If yes, what is it?’ and ‘What are your suggestion to improve the system on behalf of your function in the system?’. 71 5.5 Chapter Summary The sample codes included in Appendix C for the important functions in the system. In conclusion, the system can be executed. There are two type of testing has been executed which are black box testing and integration testing. Some improvement has been made to ensure the objectives are successfully achieved. Steps of implementation towards organization and strategy to ensure successfulness of this system will be discussed in the following chapter. CHAPTER 6 6 6.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY Introduction Implementation of organizational strategies must be considered into human resources, existing infrastructure, and strategies to start launching the system in the organizational. The action to be provided should include training packages and user manuals, data entry testing and collaboration between organization and staff to train them to use the system. 6.2 Implementation Strategies To ensure the implementation of the system, several strategies need to be applied on the implementation phase. The best strategies can make sure that system 73 can run properly on the organization and give happiness to the users in the Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd. The other reason of implementing the best strategies is to make sure that the organization can give better service to their customer. There are four strategies can be used: direct; phased; pilot or parallel running. In view of there are no existing system in this organization, the best strategies should be used is direct implementation. 6.2.1 Direct Implementation In direct implementation, the new system completely replaces the manual system on all operation. The advantages of using direct implementation are as below: i. The most rapid of all the strategies. ii. Less risk of confusion between old and new systems. However, there are also some disadvantages of using these strategies such as; i. Most stressful for the users - the old system has gone so no going back if they have difficulties. ii. Most difficult to train staff on as the new system was not in place to learn on before the changeover. iii. Most stressful for the developers - all the data and files from the old system will have to be converted ready for use on the new one. iv. Most risky - if the new system does not work properly then there is nothing to fall back on. 74 During the direct implementation is ongoing, the old data must be imported to the system by manually insert the data. All customer data need to be inserted and for transaction process, the transactions within this year only need to be inserted. 6.3 Installation of Infrastructure Process This system is developed under web-based. The implementation can be connected to the internet or intranet. Therefore for the next step, the infrastructure process can be completed by server and internet connection. By using the internet or intranet, the system can be accessed across the office or outside the office at anytime and any places. 6.3.1 Hardware And Software Installation The installation of hardware and software need to be done in server side and client side. For the server side, hardware and software specification already describe in Chapter 3 on section 3.4.2. For specification of client side, users can access the system on the server using normal personal computer or laptop, with any operating system. Users can access the system using web browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. 75 6.4 Trainings Base on the existing organizational structure of Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd, the developer need to plays an important role to do the training on the system. “Hands on” training should be conducted to them. Trainees must be briefing with the introduction about the role, functions, objectives, implementation proposals and other matters that need to be taken into account. It is also good to let the trainees by doing it themselves, so that when they return to the system, they already have some experience with it. 6.4.1 Administrator Training Training for administrator is important because they are the people that have all function of the systems. Below is the proposal of tentative training for the system: No Activity 1 Position Introduction to Duration Customer All staff Twenty (20) min Customer Administrator Two(4) hour Profiling system 2 Practice using Profiling system- real process User and real data 3 Introduce maintenance of Administrator Two(2) hour database and type of servers 4 Closing, presentation and All staff One(1) hour conclusion Table 6.1 : Training tentative for administrator 76 Training and information should be done frequently according to renovation or upgrading towards the system due to the latest requirement and condition. 6.5 Motivating Adoption Beside than administration, the user should also be force to use the system. The administration need to apply the rule to force the user to use the system. Some of rules need to be applied such as mandatory using this system for the transaction or selling process in the organization. 6.6 Expected Organizational Benefit With successful implementation of the system, it is expected that: i. Users are able to give feedbacks after a period of using the system. Based on the feedbacks, weaknesses of the systems are indentified and improved. Problems encountered by users are defined and fixed. Complaints made by them are resolved. ii. Users will experience satisfying usage of the systems which meet their requirements and expectations as well as are error-free, secure, efficient, effective and reliable. iii. Less re-work, cost and time spent to develop new web-based systems as the user acceptance factors framework can be used as a basis for the future 77 system development. In addition, these systems should have a high user acceptance. 6.7 Contingency Plan Usually, most of the system will face some problems whether it is critical or not. Therefore, it is very important to prepare a system contingency plan as an organizational strategy. The plans are: i. There is possibility that the data might be attacked by virus. Backup utility must be prepared to ensure the data would not lose or corrupt. ii. Automatic redirect to other server or mirror server when the network is failure or the server is failure to operate because of power breakdown. iii. Provide power backup to prevent the data corrupt and physical damage if the system shutdown improperly. 6.8 Chapter Summary This chapter has described the organizational strategies to implement this system. All the problems and challenges can be well handled if the organizational get the full support from all participants especially from the top management. CHAPTER 7 7 7.1 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Introduction This chapter will discuss the results of research study with the clear advantages in the system that has been developed. However, there are several weaknesses in the system are also described in order to facilitate reference in the future. In this final chapter also, some suggestions for improvement in the future is provided. 7.2 System Advantages and Strength There are several advantages that have been identified at this system. The advantages are: 79 i. Collection customer data, product, vendor, selling process can be save in one place. ii. Easy connectivity as centralized system. iii. Easier to find the data inside the system. iv. Customer and product searching become easier and faster. No page refreshing at all in the selected function using JQuery and AJAX. v. Online generating document in selling process and can print online make the document are centralized to other user. vi. Increase navigation process to find suitable recourses. 7.3 System Disadvantages i. Only support for latest browser, i.e. Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox Mozilla V3.5++ or Google Chrome 4.1. User need to upgrade their browser. 7.4 Constrains And Challenges There were some constrains and challenges that had been faced during the early phase of this system development especially when conducting the research process for the analysis phase. The identified constraint and challenges are described as below: 80 i. The limitation of time to do more depth research and study is another challenge to gather the complete information and understanding for this area. Better result will be achieved if the project period is lengthened. ii. A short development period. Because of too many modules need to be developed, the less attractive interface design is emphasized. iii. As a part time student, time to prepare and develop the system is very limited due to overloading of existing work. 7.5 Future Work For The System The system can be upgraded to enhance its capability to obtain much more fulfillment of the users. Some of the enhancement is the system can automatically give suggestion which are the customer need to be validate their contact info. The system also can be integrated with another system such as human resource, stock management or applying Just in Time (JIT) method between vendors and customers. 7.6 Summary Based on the advantages of CRM in doing the product marketing process, a good relationship can be built between organization and customers as well as enabling a profit-making and cost-cutting. These are suit to organizational mission and vision in gaining profits to ensure organization’s stability. 81 The system that is going to develop is expected to help organization in promoting organizational products and ensuring good relationship between organization and customers. Besides that, the product quality can be increased based on customers feedback. By having this system, customer segmentation can be easily identified as well as retrieving customer’s data and transaction history. These are done for organization to be able to know and making conclusion about customers and products as well as facilitates marketing plan in promotion, targeted customer, and others. However, the customer’s data sometimes are difficult to obtain because the suitable approach is needed to get the accurate data and fulfill the organization’s needs. As discussed before, although the researcher proposed for a collection data approach, but still, the effectiveness of the approach is never been tested. However, the success of CRM usage in many organizations convinced the researcher that CRM approach can bring the success to Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd. RFERENCES 1 Khairul Nizam Zainal Badri, “20 Jam Mengenali eCRM”, Venton Publishing, 2007 2 Roberts-Witt, Sarah L. (2000). “It’s the Customer, Stupid! PC Magazine “. Berkeley Place: University of California, Irvine. 3 Peppers, D., Rogers, M., and Dorf, B. (1999). “Is Your Company Ready for Oneto-One Marketing?” Harvard Business Review, vol. 77(1): 101–109. 4 Alavi, M., and Leidner, D.E. (2001). “Review: Knowledge management and knowledge management systems: Conceptual foundations and research issues.” MIS Quarterly, vol. 25(1): 107–136. 5 Stefanou, C.J., and Sarmaniotis, C. (2003). “CRM and customer-centric knowledge management: An empirical research. Business Process Management Journal”, vol.9(5): 617–634. 6 (Oktober, 2009) 7 D&B Research Whitepaper – “Customer Profiling: Using Your Customer Data to Improve Your Marketing ROI” 8 Zanibal – “Data Cleansing & Enhancement”, (Oktober, 2009) 9 (Oktober, 2009) 10 (Oktober, 2009) 11 Luke Welling, Laura Thomson. (2004). “PHP and MySQL Web Development”.3rdEdition. United State of America:Developer’s Library. Retrieved on 10th Sept 2008. 83 12 Mohamad Hj Md Som, “Internet Media Management System For University Campus Interactive TV (UTHM)”, 2009. 13 Dennis, A., Haley Wixom, B., Tegarden, D. (2005). “System Analysis and Design with UML version 2.0”. Wiley. USA. 14 Arthur M. Hughes. RFM: IS it “kudzu” or is it Gold? (March, 2010) 15 Harris Infosource, A D&B company, “Best Profile” (March, 2010) APPENDIX A SOFTWARE 85 Apache Web Server Apache HTTP Server is a web server that can be run in most of the operating system (Unix, BSD, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Novell Netware and others). It is very useful in running web sites or web-based system. The protocols being used are HTTP and HTTPS. Apache is supported by Graphical User Interface (GUI) which facilitates the server configuration. Based on the statistic above, Apache is leading the other web server as it dominates 3.3 billion websites, followed by Internet Information Services (IIS) from Microsoft. There are several other web servers can be used to develop web sites like google, nginx, lighttpd and others. However, Apache is commonly packaged with open source operating system, while IIS is packaged with Windows operating system, so that the other web server cannot compete the Apache and IIS. PHP PHP is a programming language designed specifically for web development. In HTML, PHP can be embedded to execute the web in browser. PHP codes can be viewed in form of HTML, PDF or others. MySQL MySQL is a Database Management System (DBMS) related to websites and applications development. MySQL maximizes the speed, stability and functionality, as well as reduces the database cost slightly until 90%. On other hand, MySQL can be applied in all the Linux distributions as well as UNIX Operating System, Mac OS and Microsoft Windows. OSS is chosen based on these criteria : 86 i. Reduce licensing cost. ii. Free to choose software to be used. iii. Increase interoperability within the system. iv. ICT industry development. v. OSS user and community development. JQUERY JQuery is the lightweight java script framework to improve interaction between java script and HTML. It was released in January 2006 at New York City by John Resig. The JQuery has been used by over 27% of the 10,000 most visited websites, jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. jQuery is free, open source software, dual-licensed under the MIT License and the GNU General Public License, Version 2.jQuery's has been build to make an HTML document easier to navigate, create animations, handle events, and using Ajax applications. The creation is to make powerful and dynamic web pages. ECLIPSE Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE). Eclipse is a multi-language software development environment was written primarily in Java and can be used to develop applications in Java and various plug-ins to make a development in other languages as well, including C, C++, COBOL, Python, Perl, PHP, and others. Released under the Eclipse Public License, Eclipse is free and open source software. APPENDIX B DATABASE TABLE STRUCTURE 88 Table 1: Transaction Document (itech_akaun_dokumen) Table 2: Transaction Item (itech_akaun_dokumen_item) 89 Table 3: Address for staff, customer, and supplier (itech_sis_hubungi) Table 4: Login (itech_sis_pengguna) Table 5: Category for product, customer (itech_sis_kategori) 90 Table 6: Enumeration (itech_sis_pilihan) Table 7: Sub category for product, enumeration (itech_sis_subkategori) 91 Table 8: Staff (itech_sm_asas) Table 9: Individual customer (itech_smp_individu 92 Table 10: Organizational customer (itech_smp_organisasi) Table 11: Customer (itech_smp_pelanggan) Table 12: Supplier (itech_st_pembekal) 93 Table 13: Product (itech_st_produk) APPENDIX C CODING APPROACH 95 PHP Script for Login For security purpose, login page is provided to access the restricted page which is only can be access by authorized admin. Script will check the admin role and redirect to admin main page. Below is the sample script for login. if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $i_katanama = $_POST['username']; $i_katalaluan = md5($_POST['password']); $query = "SELECT * FROM itech_sis_pengguna " ."WHERE i_katanama='$i_katanama' " ."AND i_katalaluan='$i_katalaluan' "; $run = $db->WithReturn($query); $result = mysql_fetch_object($run); $_SESSION['lastLogin'] = $result->i_loginTerakhir; $_SESSION['userName'] = $result->i_katanama; $_SESSION['userType'] = $result->i_jenisPengguna; $id_login = $result->i_id; if (mysql_num_rows($run)>0) { $query = "SELECT t1.i_id, t1.i_noPekerja, t1.i_gelaranRasmi, t1.i_namaStaf, t2.i_email1 " ."FROM itech_sm_asas AS t1 LEFT JOIN itech_sis_hubungi AS t2 ON t1.i_id = t2.i_idRujukan " ."WHERE t1.i_id='".$result->i_idPengguna."' "; $run = $db->WithReturn($query); $result = mysql_fetch_object($run); $_SESSION['name'] = $html>getEnumValue("Gelaran","","","view",$result->i_gelaranRasmi)." ".$result->i_namaStaf; $_SESSION['userId'] = $result->i_id; $_SESSION['email'] = $result->i_email1; $query = "UPDATE itech_sis_pengguna SET i_loginTerakhir = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."' " ."WHERE i_id='".$id_login."'"; $run = $db->NoReturn($query); echo"<script>location.href='ims.php' ;</script>"; } else { echo"<script>alert('Invalid username and/or password'); 96 location.href('index.php') ;</script>"; } } JQuery : AJAX JQuery is simplified javascripts function which is makes easy to create wonderful web effect. In this project, jQuery mostly used as AJAX API reference. The jQuery can make the page content is load without refreshing the page overall. By using this technique web page can be access interactively and the information inside the page is loading in short time. Below is a sample javascript script using jQuery to make a data tables. The data can be loaded using PHP scripts. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#dt').dataTable( { "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "bJQueryUI": true, "aoColumns": [ { "bSortable":false, "bSearchable":false, "sClass": "center" }, null, null, null, null, null], "bAutoWidth": false }); } ); $("#deleteVendor").click (function () { if (document.getElementById('valueRadio').value != "") { $("#dialog").dialog('open'); $("#dialog").html('<br>Are you sure to delete this record?').dialog({ buttons: { "Ok": function() { var id = $('#valueRadio').val(); location.href = 97 'ims.php?page=product&mod=vendor&action=delete&id=' + id; }, "Cancel" : function() { $(this).dialog('destroy'); } } , modal: true, width: 400, resizable: false, show: 'clip', hide: 'clip' }); } else { $("#dialog").dialog('open'); $("#dialog").html('<br>No record selected !').dialog({ buttons: { "Ok": function() { $(this).dialog('destroy'); } } , modal: true, width: 400, resizable: false, show: 'clip', hide: 'clip' }); } }); Report and Graph Generation To generate a report, a functional primary key and foreign key need to be applied to the system. Some of the reports need a data from another tabled related to main table. Below are the example of the code to generate report and graph <table width="910px" border="0" class="mainTableHtmlForm" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="1px"> <tr> <td class="leftSide" width="2px"></td> <td width="700px"> <div class="formHeading">Customer By Category</div> 98 <!-- The inner table below is a container for form --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3px" class="htmlForm" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center"><?php $strXML = ""; $strXML .= "<graph caption='' xAxisName='Category' yAxisName='Customer' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>"; $query = "SELECT i_id, i_kategori " ."FROM itech_sis_kategori " ."WHERE i_kategoriUntuk = 'Pelanggan' "; $run = $db->WithReturn($query); $color = array('AFD8F8','F6BD0F','8BBA00','FF8E46','008E8E','D64646','8E468E ','588526','B3AA00'); $i = 0; while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($run)) { $query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS bil " ."FROM itech_smp_pelanggan " ."WHERE i_jenisPelanggan = '".$result->i_id."' "; $run1 = $db->WithReturn($query1); $result1 = mysql_fetch_object($run1); if ($result->i_kategori == "Organization") $strXML .= "<set name='".$result->i_kategori."' value='".$result1->bil."' color='".$color[$i]."' link='" . urlencode("ims.php?page=crm&mod=customer&action=report-customersub-category") ."'/>"; else $strXML .= "<set name='".$result->i_kategori."' value='".$result1->bil."' color='".$color[$i]."'/>"; $i++; } $strXML .= "</graph>"; 99 //Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data from strXML variable using dataXML method echo renderChartHTML("itech_lib/itech_chart/itech_swf/FCF_Column3D.swf", "", $strXML, "myNext", 600, 300); echo $strXML; ?> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> SQL Command SQL commands is used to query the desire data base on application requirement. In searching technique, SQL command is used to search customer data, product and service provided, buying activities, and querying reports. All data can be search using SQL command. Below is a sample code of getting the data to create list of customer. $query = "UPDATE itech_smp_organisasi SET " ."`i_gelaranRasmi` = '$i_gelaranRasmi', " ."`i_nama` = '$i_nama', " ."`i_namaPegawai` = '$i_pegawai', " ."`i_unit` = '$i_unit', " ."`i_jabatan` = '$i_jabatan', " ."`i_jenisOrganisasi` = '$i_jenisOrganisasi', " ."`i_nota` = '$i_nota', " ."`i_jawatan` = '$i_jawatan', " ."`i_tahunDitubuhkan` = '$i_tahunDitubuhkan', " ."`i_bilanganPekerja` = '$i_bilanganPekerja', " ."`i_bidang` = '$i_bidang', " ."`i_diskaun` = '$i_diskaun' " ."WHERE `i_id` = '$i_id' "; $db->NoReturn($query); 100 $query = "SELECT i_idAlamat " ."FROM itech_smp_organisasi " ."WHERE i_id = '$i_id'"; $run = $db->WithReturn($query); $result = mysql_fetch_object($run); $i_idAlamat = $result->i_idAlamat; $query = "UPDATE itech_sis_hubungi SET " ."`i_alamatBaris1` = '$i_alamatBaris1', " ."`i_alamatBaris2` = '$i_alamatBaris2', " ."`i_alamatBaris3` = '$i_alamatBaris3', " ."`i_poskod` = '$i_poskod', " ."`i_negeri` = '$i_negeri', " ."`i_bandar` = '$i_bandar', " ."`i_negara` = '$i_negara', " ."`i_noTelefon1` = '$i_noTelefon1', " ."`i_noFaks` = '$i_noFaks', " ."`i_noHP1` = '$i_noHP1', " ."`i_noHP2` = '$i_noHP2', " ."`i_email1` = '$i_email1', " ."`i_email2` = '$i_email2', " ."`i_website` = '$i_website' " ."WHERE i_id = '$i_idAlamat'"; $db->NoReturn($query); APPENDIX D USER ACCEPTANCE TEST 102 User Acceptance Test Application Name : Customer Profiling Management System Company Name : Itech View Associates Sdn Bhd Category User : 1. Administrator : 2. User Admin System Performance Rating: 4- Very Good 3- Good 2- Fair 1- Poor No Question Q1 Is the interface of the system interesting Q2 Is the system easy to use Q3 Are you satisfy with the system Q4 Is the system fulfill your requirement Q5 How about system security performance Q6 How about report produced by the system ***Answer all question 1 2 3 4 103 Category User : User Admin 8 7 6 Poor Fair Good Very Good 5 4 3 2 1 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Category User : Administrator 8 7 6 Poor Fair Good Very Good 5 4 3 2 1 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 APPENDIX E SYSTEM INSTALLATION 105 Requirements Application i. Apache web server 2.0 ii. PHP iii. MySQL iv. PhpMyAdmin To facilitate installation and configuration, the above software will be installed using bundled package WAMP5. This package can be downloaded from the website Installation steps i. WAMP5 package will be installed first. The software inside the package automatically installed such as Apache2.0, PHP, MySQL and PhpMyAdmin. ii. Click on the icon WAMP5_1, 1.exe. A display screen such as figure below will be displayed. Next, set the storage location for the installation of this package. Location of the proposed installation is in C: \ WAMP. 106 iii. Click the button 'Next', wait until finished. If the installation was successful the following screen will appear. iv. Next a group of PHP programs will be available in the Start menu. Select the menu Wampserver> Wampserver start to run this software. Wampserver can automatically start Apache webserver, PHP, MySQL, and other useful tools. v. Copy the folder system (crm) to the www folder the wamp directory (C:\wamp\www\). vi. Application system that has been copied into the www folder can be run using the web address through Mozilla Firefox using URL http://localhost/crm Installation Steps Database Steps to install a database system on web server are as follows: i. Open Mozilla Firefox and type http://localhost/ 107 ii. Click on the link PhpMyAdmin. The following display will appear iii. Insert a name of the database 'crm' in input box 'create new database'. Click the 'Create'. One database named 'crm' will be produced. iv. Select database 'crm' on the left menu. v. Select the import tab in the top of the application and insert the following SQL file crm.sql in the www directory (c:/wamp/www/crm/itech_datab/crm.sql). Click the button 'GO'. This step will import the database crm. 108 iv. Once completed, this system can be run by typing http://localhost/crm in Mozilla Firefox or using the IP address of the server/PC. For example is by typing in Mozilla Firefox. v. Finish APPENDIX F USER MANUAL 110 Users 1. Home 111 2. My Profile 112 3. Change New Password 113 4. Add User 114 5. Add Quotation Dialog title display when the select item button clicked by user to select one item of entries. 115 6. List Quotation 7. View Quotation 116 8. Add Delivery Order Dialog title display when the select item button clicked by user to select one item of entries. 117 9. List Delivery Order 10. View Delivery Order 118 11. Add Invoice Dialog title display when the select item button clicked by user to select one item of entries. 119 12. List Invoice 13. View Invoice 120 14. Add Receipt Dialog title display when the select item button clicked by user to select one item of entries. 121 15. List Receipt 16. Add Vendor 122 17. List of Vendor 18. Vendor Contact Info 123 19. Add Product 20. List Product 124 21. Product Info 22. Add Customer 125 Add Customer for Organization 126 Add Customer for Personal 127 23. List Customer List Customer by Organization List Customer by Personal 128 List Customer by All