Environment Marine Energy • Core component of many research activities • Hydrographic observations Physical Oceanography ‐ currents, circulation, l water column structure ‐ exchange h processes across continental margin ‐ bio‐physical bio physical interactions ‐ €1m infrastructure Long mooring deployment, RV Celtic p , October 2003 Explorer, Environment Marine Energy Ci l ti Circulation, NE Atl Atlantic ti Water W t Masses M • Understanding the continental slope current • Composition and interaction of water masses • IInter‐annual t l variability i bilit ((climate li t change, h atmos‐ocean t interactions, biological function Left; NE Atlantic Mixed Layer Depth Right: Mean residual flow along Irish margin Environment Marine Energy Bio‐Physical interactions • Physical exchange processes (inc Carbon) • Important for climate & ecosystem function • Role of canyons as conduits of organics • Planned observational work at contrasting systems • Are some layers result of trawling activities Above: Suspended Sediment Conc. at Whittard Canyon, 2012 survey. Bottom: Suspended material at cold‐water coral reef Environment Marine Energy Ob Observational i l Equipment E i • 2 Seabed landers ‐ high resolution currents, Temp, Salinity Water quality (turbidity, Salinity, (turbidity chlorophyll chlorophyll, oxygen) • Range of conventional equipment, as well as surface b buoys and d wave recording di iinstruments t t LLeft‐Right: ft Ri ht (i) ADCP (ROV deployed), (ii) Current meter (covered in hydroids y after f 18month deployment in Gollum Channel), (iii) Seabed Lander Environment Marine Energy RECENT PUBLICATIONS indicating research interests