John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) The 2014 – 17 Campus Literacy Plan is intended to serve as a roadmap for individual campuses to implement the District Literacy Plan over the next three years in light of the needs and resources of the whole school community. The District stands ready to support and guide campus implementation of the literacy plan with curriculum and assessment resources, professional development, material support, coaching, and administrative guidance. CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN COMPONENTS For all TIER I instruction 1 2 3 4 5 6 CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING AUTHENTIC AND PURPOSEFUL READING AUTHENTIC AND PURPOSEFUL WRITING AUTHENTIC AND PURPOSEFUL VOCABULARY STUDY ACCOUNTABLE STUDENT ACADEMIC DISCOURSE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL LITERACY AND RESEARCH SKILLS In addition, for TIER II/III 7 TIERED, DIFFERENTIATED, STRUCTURED INTERVENTION (RtI, SRI) These components work within the context of full implementation and use of the District Scope and Sequence and Curriculum guidance documents for all courses where they are available (with the exception of campuses that have received a Board waiver to an alternative approved scope and sequence). CAMPUS LITERACY TEAM Who will be collectively responsible for guiding and ensuring implementation of the Campus Literacy Plan? Name, Position Role in Implementing Literacy Plan Administrator/s Connie Berger, Principal Robert Michaels-Johnson, Dean of Instruction Oversight of development and implementation Literacy Leaders Alicia McAfee, Instructional Specialist Natalie Martinez, Instructional Coach – ELA/R Primary responsibility for implementation Tisha Mesa, Instructional Technologist Trisha Aguas, Instructional Coach - Science Chad High, Instructional Coach – Social Studies Khoon Tan, Instructional Coach - Math Assist in implementation in the corresponding content areas Other Staff DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 1 John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) READING AND WRITING RESULTS/STUDENT GROUP See data template or worksheet. LITERACY GOALS AND METRICS metric: a simple measure which you will monitor continuously to ensure progress toward goal Annual Literacy Goal Metric 7- 10% Increase in ELA STAAR Scores, I and II Annual reporting results 50-75% Increase in SAT Scores Annual reporting results 15-25% Increase in AP Scores Annual reporting results CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN COMPONENTS CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN ELEMENTS. Which high-impact actions aligned to the District Literacy Plan do you feel your campus can confidently implement? Focus on actions that you will be able to support and monitor so that they become “the way we do things” at your campus. IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE. In a three-year literacy plan, what measurable progress will you expect to see along the way. Set observable, measurable targets to help ensure that you are making progress toward full implementation, and to provide valuable feedback about elements that need to be revised. SUPPORT. How will you support teachers, students, administrators, and support staff in developing the knowledge, skills, and mindsets required for full implementation? How will you create the time and space for them to develop those proficiencies? What resources will you provide or obtain? MONITORING. How will you monitor the implementation of each element of the plan consistently and provide timely feedback and guidance based on the data? RESOURCES. What resources (time, money, staff, materials, etc.) will you devote to implementing this element with fidelity. Draft Completed: ______ Final 2014-15 Completed: _____ Final 2015-16 Completed: ______ Final 2016-17 Completed: ______ DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 2 John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) 1 CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING District Literacy Plan Elements • Implement a checking-forunderstanding (I-2) routine to include: o planning checkpoints and scaffolded questions o checking understanding of instructions and content o cold calling (e.g., Do I Really Get It? Everyday Excellence Routine.) Campus Literacy Plan Elements • Establish a literacy baseline for all students o Using lexile data to establish baselines o Analyze multiple points of data for struggling readers (e.g., Get to Know Me Everyday Excellence Routine) Include opportunities for Checks for Understanding in content area lesson plans, e.g exit tickets, white board responses Use STAAR Confidential Student Reports to establish individual student reading levels through horizontal collaboration in PLCs Participation in High School Collaborative formative assessments and data dig protocols Implementation Timeline monitoring system to include: o administering a progress monitoring assessment three times per year o planning instruction in response to data • Assess students using a variety of methods to include open-ended items. • Time and processes for teachers and administrators to analyze and act on data. Monitoring By 1/15 we will see 100% compliance in core subjects and by 1/16 100% compliance in core support subjects Instructional Coaches, PLC Teacher Leaders and Department Chairs, Assistant Principal Department Leadership PLC Planning Documents Planning time By 12/14 we will see all 9th grade students tiered by STAAR or iStation data High School Collaborative Assessments and EdPLan High School Collaborative Assessment and Scope and Sequence Documents By 9/15 we will see 100% participation by state assessed subjects By 1/15 we will see 100% participation by all core subjects and by 1/16 100% participation by core support subjects • Implement a progress Support Formative Assessment Data Reports DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 3 Resources Campus Wide Book Study on Checks for Understanding. Teach-ology Tuesday, Dog Chow, and Early Release Day Professional Development Instructional Coach observation feedback and coaching John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) 2 AUTHENTIC AND PURPOSEFUL READING District Literacy Plan Elements • A campus-wide reading target (e.g., “Students will read 2 ½ pages in each class period every day” or “Students will read one novel a semester”) • Implement a content-area reading routine to emphasize: o scaffolding of grade-level content text o pre-, during-, and postreading strategy o I Do, We Do, You Do (e.g., Be the Lead Reader Everyday Excellence routine) • Implement a campus-wide literacy campaign to build a literacy culture: o Daily independent reading of just-right texts o Student choice o Text talks Campus Literacy Plan Elements 2 ELA class novels per semester Quick Reads in core subjects per week Quick Reads in core support per cycle Use of technology based reading resources, e.g. NewsELA, Office 365 and other PowerUP based applications Intervention/Interest Based Reading Period for each student - Buddy Readers, DEAR Campus Literacy Campaign, e.g. Name that Book, Reading Posters Implementation Timeline By 5/15 we will see 100% compliance in ELA and other core subjects By 5/16 we will see 100% compliance in core support subjects Interventions will begin with Reading and Language! instruction in 8/14 Full interventions and interest based reading by 1/16 Literacy Campaign will begin in 9/14 Support Monitoring Resources Be the Lead Reader Training for all Faculty PLC Planning Documents PowerUp Training and Resources Changes to campus Master Schedule PowerUp Training Logs/Rosters Planning time and space utilization plan List of reading options and “Buddy” training for faculty/staff Program Portfolio Development DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 4 Development of revised master schedule John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) 3 AUTHENTIC AND PURPOSEFUL WRITING District Literacy Plan Elements A campus-wide target of writing-to-learn reflective of student thought (e.g., “Students will write-to-learn in every class daily.”) Implement a writing-tolearn routine that includes: o informal writing opportunities throughout the lesson cycle o teacher modeling o scaffolding of writing tasks (e.g., Pen/cil to Paper Everyday Excellence Routine) Clear expectations for student formal writing in core content areas A campus-wide plan for collecting, scoring, and planning around authentic student writing samples Campus Literacy Plan Elements Abydos training and writing Quick Writes Formative Assessment changes to OER options PAP/AP Vertical Articulation Expansion from core to core-support classrooms Pen/cil to Paper strategy Student Research – progress from ELA to core to core-support Implementation Timeline By 2/15 we will see implementati on in ELA 1 By 8/15 we will see implementati on in EAL 2 By 2/16 we will see implemenatio n in all core subjects Support Abydos training – beginning with tested ELA teachers, progressing to all ELA/AP teachers – core teachers – core support teachers Instructional Coaches PowerUp Tech Support and training Monitoring Resources PLC Planning Documents Abydos training funding Training logs/rosters PowerUp training and support Observations/Walk -throughs Student Exemplars By 8/16 we will see implementati on in coresupport subjects DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 5 John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) 4 AUTHENTIC AND PURPOSEFUL VOCABULARY STUDY District Literacy Plan Elements Campus Literacy Plan Elements Campus-wide expectation of interactive, regular vocabulary study Implement a vocabulary instruction routine to include: o a focus on Latin and Greek roots and Spanish cognates o carefully selecting a handful of high-leverage terms o assessing prior knowledge o student-generated definitions (e.g., Pump Up the Vocab Everyday Excellence Routine) * Development of Power Words – first content areas then support Implementation Timeline * Creation of Word Walls * Cognates training (ESL/LEP) * Power Up the Vocabulary strategies * PowerUp vocabulary building related resources, e.g. Tagxedo and Thinglink By 1/15 we will see 100% compliance and participation in core subject areas By 1/16 we will see 100% compliance and participation in core support areas. Support Monitoring Resources Planning Time and Supplies PLC Planning Documents Preparation time and materials Resources, e.g. Word Walls Observation and Walk-through Documentation PowerUp training and resources Technology training Student Writing Samples DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 6 John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) 5 ACCOUNTABLE STUDENT ACADEMIC DISCOURSE District Literacy Plan Elements Implement an accountable student discourse routine to include: o Planning and posting conversation questions o Using structures and procedures to guide student discourse o Expecting students to use academic language o Coaching students to clarify and paraphrase (Examples: Let’s Talk Everyday Excellence Routine, Common Instructional Framework’s Classroom Talk) Campus Literacy Plan Elements Implementation of Socratic Seminars Let’s Talk Purposeful Academic Discourse Speech and Debate Strategies Implementation Timeline By 5/15 we will see periodic implementati on in core subjects By 1/16 we will see full implementati on in core subjects By 5/16 we will see periodic implementati on in core support subjects By 1/17 we will see full implementati on in core support subjects Support Training on Socratic Seminar and Purposeful Academic Discourse Monitoring PLC Planning Documents Training Logs/Rosters Planning Time Development of Grading/Scoring Rubrics Instructional Rounds – observations and Walk-throughs DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 7 Resources Training Time and Content Resources John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) 6 DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL LITERACY AND RESEARCH SKILLS District Literacy Plan Elements • Campus-wide expectation for the development of 21C skills (such as collaboration, communication, creativity, or critical thinking) Campus Literacy Plan Elements PowerUp in its full complexity and range of eTools Implementation Timeline • The use of digital resources and tools promotes reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking. • Campus-wide expectation for academic research • Work toward equitable By 9/14 we will see teachers begin to explore implementati on of PowerUp resources into instruction By 1/15 we will see deployment of PowerUp resources to students and the implementati on of “Every day, but not all the time. By 1/16 we will see substantive progress on the integration of eTools in weekly/daily instruction. technology and digital resource access for all students and teachers Support PowerUp 1-1 Technical and Instructional Support Monitoring PLC Planning Documents Training Logs/Rosters Instructional Rounds – observations and Walk-throughs DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 8 Resources PowerUp 1-1 Resources and District Training and Support John H. Reagan High School CAMPUS LITERACY PLAN – 2014-17 (HIGH SCHOOL) In addition, for TIER II/III: 7 TIERED, DIFFERENTIATED, STRUCTURED INTERVENTION District Literacy Plan Elements Campus Literacy Plan Elements Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS: Academic Focus (RtI). Active Intervention Assessment Team Active Intervention Assessment Team (IAT). ddd Response to Intervention Team focused on Special Education, Limited English Proficiency, and 504 Tier I Progress Monitoring. ddd Tier II Supplemental instruction. ddd Implementation Timeline Tier III Intensive intervention.ddd Reading Classes and Language! Instruction for those most in need Designation of Literacy Coach Scheduling/Assignment of Students. ddd Staffing. ddd Oversight. ddd Progress Monitoring. Ddd By 5/15 full implementati on plans will developed and published By 8/15 teams will be fully operational and interventions in place By 8/16 interventions will be fully operational and functioning Secondary Reading Initiative (SRI) (Gr 6 – 9) Screening. ddd By 1/15 we will see the establishmen t of RTI team(s) Support Monitoring Determine team leadership and locate training Student Progress Meetings, similar to DRIP Time and resources to develop systems and arrange staffing Planning meeting agendas Campus administrative oversight DRAFT prepared 6-9-14 Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment (with feedback from Middle and High School Offices ) page 9 Resources Training and budgetary support