Twitter for Newbies! Michele Walfred Communications Specialist Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture Learn This webinar Designed for those who do not have a Twitter account (YET!) Had a Twitter and gave up! Very basic! Twitter Tier Two on April 22 will talk techniques and tricks SHORT PowerPoint Live step-by-step experience opening a new account What do you want to be on Twitter? Multiple accounts (one per email) Company or business account? Professional/Personal Individual/Personal Ultimately: What is your voice for the account? What “tone” or “voice” do you want to convey? This is an organization’s page. Could be YOUR biz, non or for profit. It is your BRAND!! Explain who you are. Acknowledge affiliates. Use logo. Strong images Personal account has professional tone. Avoids controversy. Full profile leads audience to know what to expect. Occasionally go off topic. Promote my other accounts. Photo & personal header What do you want? Start a conversation? Be a part of a larger conversation? Increase business? Serve as a resource to others? Just have fun? Business to business Business to customer Monitor the news Before you get started What you will need Square image/logo “face” Header image – landscape orientation Email account What your handle will be - your official Twitter address @MWalfred @UDExtension Case sensitive? No. Aesthetic, Yes! Short is better TRY to avoid numbers/symbols Homework Compose your profile (160 characters) & website Determine who you want to follow Look up their handles & write about 10-20 down Similar to your business/org Local government Local news National news Thought leaders (search a hashtag) Celebrities Basic terms HASHTAG. A “pound sign” or “number symbol” (#) before an important keyword. Main subjects of your tweet. Used to find you, used to sort topics. Examples: #foodie #ag #FarmDE #SuperBowl #DowntonPBS #4H (hobby or interest) Twitter etiquette: No more than three (3). At least one (1). Can be used within the 140 character statement or tacked on at the end. NOT CASE SENSITIVE!!! But caps do help with readability/meaning. #DeAgWeek or #deagweek No spaces within. A space must proceed and follow each #hashtag like this. HANDLE. Account name prefaced by an “at symbol” (@). Used to get attention, tap someone on shoulder. Where it is placed in a Tweet matters. Example: @MWalfred @udextension @agchat @MidAtlanticWIA @MyPlate @eXtension4U Not Case Sensitive. Visual help. Study how other accounts use #’s & @’s Basic terms TWITTER FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS (who follows you) Page fans or “LIKES”, Friends FOLLOWING (who you follow) Pages you like. Friends you accept Reply (left turning arrow) Comment Retweet (RT) (up/down arrow) Share Favorite ( star symbol) Like (thumbs up) Facebook News Feed You’ve been noticed Careful. pitches & scams lurk here! Find out what is trending! How others use hashtags! Search people, businesses, hashtags Change your settings. Also look for “gear” symbol Compose! Shows up differently on devices Twitter FYI Only 140 characters allowed on Twitter Abbreviations are allowed, even necessary Post pictures first. Images take up 23 characters Leave room to be retweeted or shared (that takes up 10 characters) Links need to be shortened (reserve 13-23) Hootsuite (free) offers a link shortener You have a whopping 94 (or less) characters left to Tweet a picture with a link! Lenient abbreviation code! 140 -23 117 -10 107 -13 94 Link Shortener (22) Let’s go live And test this Twitter thing on for size