GaN Based Chemical Sensors B. Baur, O. Weidemann, G.Steinhoff, J. Schalwig1, M. Hermann, G. Müller1, M. Stutzmann and M. Eickhoff Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universität München, Am Coulombwall 3 D-85748 Garching, Germany 1EADS-Deutschland GmbH, D-81663 Munich, Germany Chemical Sensors Device Improvement by Thermal Oxidation • Pt, Pd:GaN Schottky diodes • Pt:AlGaN/GaN GasFETs • temperature dependence, detection mechanism, improvement of stability GaN und AlGaN/GaN Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistors (ISFET) Pt Oxide 1 10 • Wet and dry thermal oxidation for 2 h at 700 °C 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 1x10 -4 1x10 -5 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 2 • pH-sensitivity • detection mechanism: site-binding model Outlook: Biosensors • Reduction of reverse current by more than 3 orders of magnitude • • • Enhancement of the barrier height from 0.5 eV to 0.8 eV (dry oxidation) and 0.9 eV (wet oxidation) diffusion of phospholipids on AlGaN-surfaces biocompatibility current density [A/cm ] 10 GaN without oxidation wet, 700°C, 2h dry, 700°C, 2h -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 TEM micrograph showing enhanced oxidation at dislocations. voltage [V] Pt:GaN Schottky diodes on oxidized and non oxidized samples. Gas Sensitivity of Pt:GaN and Pd:GaN Schottky Diodes -3 10 0 10 -5 10 -9 1% H2 in N2 on -6 10 -11 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 2.5 120 240 360 350 H2 2000ppm C D F G NO2 1000ppm 300 200 300 400 Temperature [°C] -100 62.5 ppm 120 GaN-cap AlGaN-barrier 1500 nm GaN:Mg 500 AlN nucleation layer sapphire substrate sapphire substrate A B 150 100 600 50 0 200 °C 0 100 200 300 400 500 [H2]/ppm 100 200 300 400 500 reference electrode (Ag/AgCl) 600 Sensitivity of a Pt:GaN Schottky diode upon exposure to different test gases as a function of temperature. VDS 118.0 100 mM NaCl 10 mM HepesBuffer drain A+ 2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 2. ev ac ua 1. t in atm ed os ph ere er e os ph atm 0.4 -3 4,6x10 -3 4,5x10 -3 4,4x10 -3 4,3x10 -3 4,2x10 -3 4,1x10 -3 2 4,7x10 current density @ +0.2 V [A/cm ] In-situ diodes show 50 times lower H2 sensitivity compared to ex-situ diodes in-situ -3 0 20 40 60 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 High pH-response of 53-57 mV/pH (A,B) and 53 mV/pH (C) • For chemically equivalent surfaces the sensitivity of the detection mechanism (∆Φ) is independent from the device structure 1.0 80 100 -1 2,0x10 -1 1,5x10 -1 1,0x10 -1 5,0x10 -2 120 • 7.23 510 Time [s] 540 7.42 8.15 8.41 600 800 1000 400 200 Thermally oxidized surface and native surface oxide result in the same sensitivity • ex-situ 0 -200 sample C: 53.19 mV/pH sample B: 56.05 mV/pH sample A: 55.10 mV/pH pH-sensitivity can be explained by site-binding model • Device sensitivity (∆I) strongly depends on device structure • pH-resolution: < 0.02 pH • Device drift 8µ10-3 pH/h at pH 5 -400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 pH pH-induced change of the gate potential in a 100 mM NaCl solution, 10 mM HEPES. G. Steinhoff, M. Hermann, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, M. Stutzmann, M. Eickhoff, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, (2003) 177 Outlook: Biosensors 10 I 5 0 0 15 30 time [min] 45 60 75 • time [min] Transient response of a Pd:GaN Schottky diode to H2 pulses of 1 and 10 mbar. 118.3 7.04 600 pH-sensitivity is a pure surface effect 0,0 5 0 -1 2,5x10 p(H2) [mbar] p(H2) [mbar] 4,0x10 10 3,0x10 118.4 6.11 6.27 time [s] (SiO2: 32 mV/pH, Al2O3: 53-57 mV/pH, Ta2O5: 55-59 mV/pH) Shift of the room temperature I-V curves of an ex-situ deposited Pd:GaN Schottky diode upon exposure to molecular hydrogen at a partial pressure of 10 mbar H2 in vacuum. Shift of the room temperature I-V curves of an in-situ deposited Pd:GaN Schottky diode upon exposure to molecular hydrogen at a partial pressure of 10 mbar H2 in vacuum. 118.5 6.00 400 • bias [V] bias [V] Comparison of in-situ and ex-situ deposited contacts on MBE-grown GaN Intermediate oxide provides adsorption sites for atomic hydrogen in 0.5 5. 2 3. 10 m ba 4 rH 1 . . re 2 in ev at ac 2. mos uat e ev p ac her d ua e te d 0.82 560 mV in-situ 2 • 0.81 0.5 0.0 0.0 current density @ +0.2 V [A/cm ] • 0.80 2.98 2.86 pH-dependence of the channel current in a GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT-structure (sample C), USD = 250 mV . 0m ba rH 4. re2 ev ac ua ted Influence of interfacial oxide layer? 0.79 Transient response of a Pd:GaN Schottky diode to H2 pulses of 1 mbar. High chemical stability of AlGaN surfaces in aqueous solutions (native metal oxide) • t A+ • Transparent electronic devices for simultaneous electronical and optical analysis • Control of surface wetting behaviour A+ B+ High ion sensitivity O. Weidemann, M. Hermann, G. Steinhoff, H. Wingbrant, A. Lloyd Spetz, M. Stutzmann and M. Eickhoff, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, (2003), in press B+ lipid bilayer B+ ion channel A+ B+ AlGaN Gas Sensitivity of AlGaN/GaN FETs GaN 2DEG Device cross section 400 UGate= 0V T = 300°C 4 UGate= -2V 3 2 UGate= -4V 1 sensor signal [µA] channel current [mA] 2DEG 200 0 -100 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0,00 Voltage USD [V] Current-voltage characteristics of a Pt:Ga-faceGaN/AlGaN HEMT in a gas ambient of 4% O2 and of 1% H2 diluted in 4% O2. 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 concentration [%] Relative change in the source-drain current upon exposure to reducing and oxidizing gases. • High sensitivity towards hydrogen 0,30 SOPC DOTAB DOTAP SOPS sapphire substrate 0.8 0.6 0.4 optical analysis 0.2 0.0 (0) (+) (-) AlN 4.1 9.5 not measurable AlGaN 2.9 15.0 0.2 GaN Ga-face 3.1 7.5 not measurable GaN N-face 3.9 9.4 1.1 Substrate 100 0 2 Lipid 400°C in 4% O2 H2 Acetylene F H NO2 300 -1 0 Diffusion Constant [µm²/s]: 500 4% O2 1% H2 in 4% O2 5 optical density 1.0 6 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 λ [nm] Cell adhesion and survival on AlGaN-surfaces: Diffusion constants of lipides with differently charged headgroup • • High diffusion constants for lipids with positively charged headgroups Low influence of the different surfaces after 3h after 24h Fibroblasts (3T3-cells) on thermally oxidized AlN • No difference in adhesion of fibroblasts on untreated and thermally oxidized surfaces • No difference in adhesion on GaN, AlGaN, AlN • Cross sensitivity determined by porosity of gate metal • Limited lifetime above 400 °C III-Nitrides are naturally biocompatible J. Schalwig, G. Müller, M. Eickhoff, O. Ambacher and M. Stutzmann, Sensors and Actuators B 87, (2002) 425 0.6 118.6 114.0 source 1.5 1.0 4.00 8.01 A+ 3. 1 • 1.71 0.4 3.203.13 3.30 110.0 ex-situ current density [A/cm ] Chemical nature of adsorption sites? current density [A/cm ] • 1.74 1.0 116.0 4.12 4.25 4.36 112.0 A+ 2.0 15 mV 0.2 3.46 3.56 3.66 A+ Ion sensitive gate 1.77 122.0 120.0 Detection Mechanism – Hydrogen Adsorption at the Interfacial Oxide of Pd:GaN Schottky Diodes 1.80 0.0 potentiostat Pt counter electrode A+ 1.5 -0.2 VG J. Schalwig, G. Müller, U. Karrer, O. Ambacher, M. Eickhoff, M. Stutzmann, L. Görgens, G. Dollinger, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, (2002) 1222 Adsorption of dissociated hydrogen at Pd/GaN interface results in decrease of Schottky barrier height. -0.4 Dependence of the channel current on the electrolyte gate. VGS Transient response of Pd:GaN Schottky diodes to hydrogen pulses of 62.5 ppm, 125 ppm, 187.5 ppm, 250 ppm, 375 ppm and 500 ppm in 4 % oxygen at atmospheric pressure, measured at a constant forward current of 75 µA. 2.0 B -0.6 0 0 A 15 Schematics of the investigated transistor structures 50 20 sapphire substrate C time [s] • 100 1500 nm GaN 200 °C -200 • Immediate desorption above 200 °C (fast response) C 2nm GaxOy (thermal oxidation) 60 nm GaN:Si 200 100 0 140 Al/Ti contacts 500 ppm ∆V [mV] ∆V [mV] 100 (1 µm x 1 µm). Ion-Sensitive GaN and AlGaN/GaN Field Effect Transistors (ISFETs) in Electrolyte Solutions 840 250 200 • Hydrogen storage at electronically active sites at low temperatures (long recovery time) 100 °C 300 voltage [mV] 400 720 silicon-glue 600 • Decrease of Schottky barrier height 600 Transient behaviour of the response to H2 at different temperatures. Response of a Ga-face Pt:GaN Schottky diodes to exposure to 1% H2 in 4% O2 500 480 time [min] voltage [V] • Dipole adsorption of atomic hydrogen at metal/GaN interface 800 °C RT 150°C 300°C T = RT 0.0 700 °C as grown -4 10 ISD [µA] • Dissociation of molecular hydrogen at catalytic Schottky contact 4% O2 ∆Φ [mV] 10 4% O2 1% H2 AFM micrograph of as grown and dry oxidized GaN surfaces -2 10 ISD [µA] -7 10 Device cross section Voltage shift of I-V characteristics current [mA] current [A] 10 G. Steinhoff, O. Purrucker, M. Tanaka, M. Stutzmann, M. Eickhoff, Advanced Functional Materials (2003), in press