STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF FLY ASH BASED GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE CONTAINING BOTTOM ASH ALIREZA DEHGHAN NAJMABADI A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil – Structure) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JANUARY 2012 iii To my beloved wife, Arshin iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I wish to express my appreciation to my supervisor, Professor Ir. Dr. Mohd Warid Hussin, for his tireless support, critics and respect. Meanwhile, I am also very thankful to Construction Material Research Group, especially Assoc. Professor Dr. Muhammad Aamer Rafique Bhutta and Mr. Mohd. Azreen Mohd. Ariffin, for their guidance, advices and cooperation. Without their support, I might not be able to perform this project as it is. I wish to express my gratitude to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for support by providing the research fund under Research University Grant (GUP) with Cost Center no: Q.J130000. 7122.00H96. I am grateful to all my family members, foremost my parents with their endless support. My appreciation also extends to all who have provided assistance at various occasions. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. v ABSTRACT The most important purpose of this research is concerning about the environment. Each year, vast amounts of natural resources are consumed to manufacture ordinary Portland cement which itself causes considerable environmental problems. Geopolymer can be considered as the key factor which does not utilize Portland cement, nor releases greenhouse gases. Sufficient data is available about researches on fly ash based geopolymer concrete, but using both fly ash and bottom ash has a new era. Bottom ash is another waste from the process of combustion of coal and was used as partial replacement of sand in fly ash based geopolymer concrete and the ideal percentage of this replacement was one of the aims of this project. To find 7, 14 and 28 days compressive strength, three 100×100×100mm specimens with 0, 20, 40 and 60 percent replacement of bottom ash were prepared and cured at ambient condition (28oC). Same condition of curing was provided for 200×100mm cylinder specimens to determine 7-day and 28-day tensile strength and 100×100×500mm prisms were tested to find flexural strength at 7-day and 28-day of the four mixtures. Sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution 14M with ratio of 2.5 were used as alkaline activator and all other parameters were kept constant to ignore other unknown influences. The optimum rate of replacement was 20% which produced geopolymer concrete with 28-day compressive strength of 26.5MPa, tensile strength of 2.81MPa and flexural strength of 4.30MPa. vi ABSTRAK Tujuan paling penting dalam penyelidikan ini adalah mangenai penjagaan alam sekitar. Setiap tahun, sejumlah besar sumber asli digunakan untuk mengeluarkan simen Portland biasa diamana innya juga menyebabkan masalah besar pencemaran alam sekitar. Geopolymer boleh dianggap sebagai faktor utama bahan yang tidak menggunakan Portland biasa, dan tidak embebaskan gas rumah hijau. Data yang mencukupi boleh didapati tentang kajian konkrit geopolymer menjgankon terbang, tetapi menggunakan kedua-dua abu terbang dan abu dasar adalah. Abu dasar adalah sisa dari proses pembakaran arang batu diganaka sebagai bahan pengganti separa pasir dalam konkrit geopolymer peratusan yang ideal penggantian adalah matlamat projek ini. Untuk mendaptka kelwoton manpeten pada 7, 14 dan 28 hari, tiga spesimen100×100×100mm dengan peratae abu desar sebangok 0, 20, 40 dan 60 pengaweton telah disediakan dan diawet pada keadaan ambien (28oC). Keadaan bagi yang sama kekuton tegege pada umur disediakan untuk spesimen silinder 200×100mm menentukan mandoptic 7-hari dan 28hari, prisma 100×100×500mm telah diuji untuk kekuatan lenturan pada 7 hari dan 28 hari. Sodium silikat (Na2SiO3) dan natrium hidroksida (NaOH) degen 14M yang bernisbah 2.5 digunakan sebagai alkali penggerak dan semua parameter yang lain adalah sama untuk mengabaikan pengaruh-pengaruh lain yang tidak diketahui. Kadar optimum penggantian sebangok 20% telah menghasilkan konkrit geopolymer dengan kekuatan mampatan 26.5MPa, kekuatan tegangan 2.81MPa dan lenturan 4.30MPa pada umur 28hari. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background of Study 3 1.3 Problem Statement 4 1.4 Objectives 4 1.5 Scope of Study 5 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Environmental Issues and Sustainability 8 2.2.1 9 Sustainable Development 2.3 Blended Cement 11 2.4 Geopolymers 12 2.5 Constituents of Geopolymer 14 2.5.1 Source Materials 14 2.5.2 Fly Ash 15 2.5.3 Alkaline Liquid 18 2.5.4 Aggregates 18 20 Aggregates Classification 2.5.5 Bottom Ash 21 2.5.6 Water 24 2.5.7 Super Plasticizer 25 2.6 Mixture and Proportions 26 2.7 Curing of Geopolymer Concrete 28 2.8 Fresh Geopolymer Concrete Paste 29 2.9 Properties and Applications of Geopolymer Concrete 30 2.9.1 Shrinkage of Geopolymers 33 2.9.2 Density of Geopolymer Concrete 34 2.9.3 Velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses 35 2.9.4 Water Absorption of Geopolymer Concrete 38 2.9.5 Compressive Strength 39 ix 2.9.6 Tensile Strength 2.9.7 Factors Affecting the Relation Between Tensile and Compressive Strength 2.9.8 Factors Affecting Geopolymer Concrete Properties 2.9.9 3 Disadvantages of Geopolymers 42 43 45 47 METHODOLOGY 49 3.1 Introduction 49 3.2 Materials Preparation 50 3.2.1 Fly Ash 50 3.2.2 Alkaline Liquid 52 3.2.3 Aggregates 52 3.2.4 Bottom Ash 56 3.2.5 Super Plasticizer 62 3.3 Preliminary Works 63 3.4 Proportions, Mixing And Casting 64 3.5 Curing 71 3.6 Conclusive Tests 74 3.6.1 Density of Geopolymer Concrete 74 3.6.2 Ultrasonic Pulses Velocity (UPV) Test 75 3.6.3 Water Absorption Test 77 3.6.4 Compressive, Indirect Tensile Splitting and Flexural Strengths Tests 79 x 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 83 4.1 Introduction 83 4.2 Overview on the Mixing Water 84 4.3 Physical Properties of Bottom Ash And Natural Sand 85 4.4 Effect of Using Bottom Ash on Density of Geopolymer Concrete 4.5 87 Velocity Of Ultrasonic Pulses For Geopolymer Concrete 4.5.1 87 Relationship Between Velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses and Density 4.6 4.7 Water Absorption of 89 Geopolymer Concrete Containing Bottom Ash 90 Compressive Strength Results 91 4.7.1 Effect of Age on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete 4.7.2 Relationship Between 92 Compressive Strength and Density 4.8 Indirect Tensile Splitting Strength 4.8.1 Flexural Strength Results 4.9.1 94 96 Ratio of Flexural Strength To compressive Strength 5 93 Ratio of Tensile Splitting Strength to Compressive Strength 4.9 93 97 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 98 5.1 Summary 98 5.2 Significant Observations 100 5.2.1 Mould Preparation 100 5.2.2 Crystallization in the Alkaline Activator 101 xi 5.2.3 Physical Form of The Four Mixtures 101 5.3 Conclusions 102 5.4 Recommendations 104 REFERENCES 106 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Major producers of CO2 in 2003 (ORNL, 2006) 10 2.2 The quality of concrete in structures in terms of the 36 ultrasonic pulse velocity (Whitehurst, 1951) 3.1 Composition of Fly Ash as Determined by XRF 51 (mass %) 3.2 Grading of combined aggregates (50% coarse aggregate 54 + 50% Sand) 3.3 Chemical composition of bottom ash from Tanjung Bin 57 3.4 Grading of Tanjung Bin bottom ash 58 3.5 Final mix designs (kg/m3) 65 3.6 Quantity estimation and planning of experiment 68 3.7 Assessment criteria for water absorption (CEB, 1989) 78 4.1 Discrepancy in the mixing water 84 xiii 4.2 Physical properties of sand and bottom ash 85 4.3 Density of geopolymer concrete specimens 86 4.4 Result of UPV test for mixtures with different 88 proportions of bottom ash 4.5 Corrected water absorption rate for the four mixtures 90 4.6 Compressive strength of geopolymer concrete containing 91 0, 20, 40 and 60% of bottom ash 4.7 Tensile splitting strength of geopolymer concrete 93 containing bottom ash 4.8 Relation between compressive, flexural, and tensile 96 strength of concrete 4.9 Flexural strength of geopolymer concrete containing 0, 20, 40 and 60% of bottom ash 96 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 CO2 emissions in the BAU scenario 10 2.2 Fly ash figures before and after alkaline activation 17 (Nguyen, 2009) 2.3 Fresh geopolymer concrete paste (Hardjito and 30 Rangan, 2005) 2.4 Percentages of hazardous elements locked in the 32 geopolymer matrix (Davidovits, 1991) 2.5 Researches on concrete strength-UPV relationships 37 2.6 Effect of curing temperature on setting time of a 41 geopolymer concrete (Nguyen, 2009) 2.7 Room temperature setting for geopolymer concrete 42 and Portland cements concrete (Davidovits, 1991) 2.8 Relation between compressive strength and waterto-polymers solids (Nguyen, 2009) 42 xv 3.1 Process of collecting, delivering and storing the fly 51 ash 3.2 Sodium silicate in 10kg bottle 52 3.3 SSD condition preparation for sand and coarse 53 aggregates 3.4 Grading curve for combined aggregates 54 3.5 SSD specific gravity test procedure 55 3.6 Preparation process for dry bulk density 56 3.7 Tanjung Bin power stations’ bottom ash pound 57 3.8 Grading curve for bottom ash 59 3.9 Immersion of bottom ash in water 60 3.10 Drying process of bottom ash and sand for SSD 60 condition 3.11 Preparation of bottom ash for SSD bulk specific test 61 3.12 Preparation process for SSD bulk density 62 3.13 Applied super plasticizer in powder form 63 3.14 Prepared dry components of geopolymer concrete 67 before casting 3.15 Sealing alkaline activator in the tank 67 xvi 3.16 Mixing the geopolymer concrete in the pan mixer 67 3.17 Fresh geopolymer concrete containing 20% bottom 69 ash 3.18 Cube moulds after the compaction process 69 3.19 Prisms filled and compacted with the Mix40 70 3.20 Covering geopolymer concrete samples after casting 70 3.21 Geopolymer concrete containing 0% bottom ash at 71 7-day 3.22 One set of samples for strength tests 71 3.23 Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 cubes at different ages 73 3.24 Weight measurement for density calculation 74 3.25 Checking the accuracy of UPV test apparatus with 75 reference bar 3.26 Measuring velocity of ultrasonic pulses by direct 75 transmission 3.27 Arrangement of specimens in the oven 77 3.28 Immersed geopolymer concrete cores in water 77 3.29 Geopolymer concrete cube placed in compressive 79 strength test machine xvii 3.30 Placing the geopolymer concrete cylinder in 80 hydraulic machine for tensile splitting strength test 3.31 Geopolymer concrete prism placed in flexural 81 strength test 4.1 The influence of adding bottom ash on density of the 86 mixtures 4.2 Velocity of ultrasonic pulses against the age 87 4.3 Relationship between velocity of ultrasonic pulses 88 and density 4.4 Compressive strength development during 7 days 91 until 28 days 4.5 Ratio of compressive strength development between 93 age 7-day and 28-day 4.6 Tensile splitting strength at the age of 7 and 28days 94 4.7 Ratio of tensile splitting strength to compressive 92 strength at 7-day and 28-day 4.8 Flexural strength at 7-day and 28-day 96 4.9 Ratio of flexural strength to compressive strength at 97 7-day and 28-day 5.1 Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 physical shape 101 xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS Al2O3 Alumina ( Aluminum oxide ) CaO Calcium oxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide D, d cross-sectional dimension F Maximum load fc Concrete compressive strength Fe2O3 Iron oxide ft Concrete flexural strength K2O Potassium oxide KOH potassium hydroxide L Length LOI Loss on Ignition M Molar MgO Magnesium oxide Na2O Sodium oxide Na2SiO3 Sodium silicate P2O5 Phosphorus oxide SiO2 Silica ( silicon oxide) xix T Time of traverse V Velocity of ultrasonic pulses CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Due to growing of population and construction, subsequently, it is obvious that the demand for space, natural resources, water, and energy will grow. The glory years for Portland cement were during 20th century as a choice material for modern construction. The production of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is rising with a rate of approximately 3% per year (McCaffrey, 2002). This huge production has two main reasons, first of all, due to the availability of the materials for its production all around the world and partly due to its versatile behavior which gave architectural freedom. Nowadays, concrete industry is known to be the major consumer of natural resources, such as water, sand and aggregates, and manufacturing Portland cement also requires large amounts of each of them. Due to its high energy consumption and environmental pollution rates, the Portland cement industry was the subject for many investigations by regulatory agencies and the public. They have believed in adjustment of the concrete industry into sustainable technology because of its role in the infrastructure development and being the main consumer of energy and natural resources. With this increasing request for infrastructural needs, it is a must for us to make a balance between the human need for preserving the environment which is endangered by the limitless use of natural resources and utilization of these natural 2 resources. The concern about environmental issues is becoming more important and ignoring is not the solution any more. For manufacturing each tone of the Portland cement as the primary component of concrete about 1.5 tons of raw materials is needed. Furthermore; in this process about one tone of Carbon Dioxide will be released into the atmosphere (Roy, 1999). It is produced and used in large quantities, about 175 million tons in the Europe and 1.75 billion tones worldwide. The involvement of ordinary Portland cement production to greenhouse gas production in the world is estimated to be approximately 1.35 billion tons per year or about 7% of the total greenhouse gas emissions into environment (Malhotra, 2002). It was estimated that production of OPC will increase the CO2 emissions by about 50% from the current levels by the year 2020 (Naik, 2005). It is the main reason that many researchers believe that the manufacture of Portland cement has a remarkable influence on the greenhouse gases emission and consequently environmental impacts. It would be a great success in case of manufacturing a concrete without any ordinary Portland cement, this can be achieved by geopolymer concrete which does not utilize any OPC in its process of production. In fact, geopolymer concrete results from the reaction of a source material with large amounts of silica and alumina with an alkaline liquid. Gourley (2003) estimated that production of a tone of geopolymer would release 164 kg of Carbon Dioxide, which is approximately one-sixth of conventional concrete emission (Alcorn, 2003). To list the important factors in selection of the source materials to make geopolymers we can mention to cost, availability, and type of application. A wide range of mineral deposits and industrial by-products materials were became under investigation to determine the materials that are suitable for the manufacture of geopolymers. The source materials found to be suitable include natural minerals such as metakaolin, clays, etc, which contains Si, Al and oxygen in their chemical composition. Wallah and Rangan (2006) announced that by-product from other 3 industries, for instance, fly ash, silica fume, slag, rice-husk ash, and red mud could also be applied in geopolymers as the source material. 1.2 Background of Study The interest in the use of fly ash‐based geopolymer concretes has increased since 2000 due to the environmentally sustainable option of using an industrial waste to form a useful material. In the 1970s, Joseph Davidovits a French material scientist applied the term Geopolymer for the first time, although similar materials had been developed in the former Soviet Union since the 1950s with a different name as "soil cements". The development of geopolymer concrete mix design has been carried out previously at Curtin University, Western Australia. Hardjito and Rangan (2005) investigated the effects of aspects such as alkaline parameters, water content and curing conditions in “Development and Properties of Low‐Calcium Fly Ash‐Based Geopolymer Concrete”. According to their studies, geopolymers are practically shapeless to semi-crystalline three-dimensional alumino-silicate polymers similar to zeolites. Geopolymers are composed of polymeric silicon-oxygen-aluminium framework with silicon and aluminium tetrahedral alternately linked together in three direction by sharing all the oxygen atoms. The negative charge created by aluminium is balanced by the presence of positive ions such as Na+, K+, and Ca+. The empirical formula of these mineral polymers is Mn [-(SiO2) z-AlO2] n·wH2O, where M is an alkali cation such as potassium or sodium, the symbol - indicates the presence of a bond, z is 1, 2 or 3, and n is the degree of polymerization. Geopolymerisation is an exothermic process which consists of dissolution, transportation or orientation and polycondensation. In Malaysia, few researches were conducted on geopolymer concrete. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as a pioneer in advanced civil engineering materials is researching on the geopolymer concrete due to its environmentally friendly aspects and its high performances. 4 1.3 Problem Statement More and more amounts of cement are manufacturing all around the world which imposes a negative impact on our living environment. Due to absence of cement in geopolymers mixture, many researchers believe that the geopolymer concrete will be the future concrete. Several by-products have been tested to produce geopolymer binders with high performances and finally, fly ash was introduced as the choice material for this purpose due to its high availability and its low cost. Although, fly ash will considerably solve problems associated with cement production, still the enormous consumption of natural resources for construction has not been solved. Nowadays, people are aware of the consequences of the limitless utilization of natural resources. But yet, no information is available on utilization of bottom ash in geopolymer concrete. Its good properties as a fine aggregates replacement in geopolymer concrete make it a great option for sand substitution. 1.4 Objectives The objective of this project is to investigate the manufacturing process a geopolymer concrete with different amounts of bottom ash as a replacement of fine aggregates (sand) by various mix designs to develop a concrete mixture with higher strength properties. The aim primarily is on achieving a proper mix design and a mixing method that will provide a 28-day compressive strength of at least 25 MPa. 5 The aims of this study can be categorized as: (i) Studying the short term properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete such as workability, density and water absorption (ii) Probing the relation between velocity of ultrasonic in geopolymer concrete its compressive strength (iii) Finding the suitable percentage of fine aggregates that can be replaced with bottom ash without significant drop in compressive strength (iv) Investigating compressive strength development of geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash in ambient curing condition (v) Exploring the effect of adding bottom ash on the tensile splitting strength (vi) Finding the effect of adding bottom ash on the flexural strength of geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash 1.5 Scope of Study This project report is investigating the short term properties of low calcium fly ash based geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash and tests mixtures with various percentages of bottom ash as fine aggregates replacement in order to find their strength properties and will not be involved with the durability aspects of geopolymer concrete. This research is only about geopolymer concrete and geopolymer mortar will not be covered by this project. This study focused on applicability of proposed methods to product concrete with adequate compressive strength that can be used as structural components. Ambient curing was selected as the method of curing which can find suitability of geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash in real structural works. 6 Lack of adequate standards for fly ash and bottom ash and existence of different materials with different compositions may lead to different results and conclusions. In fact, source material with different chemical composition may cause different properties in geopolymer which is a problem in comparing the results from the researches from all around the world. Event small dosage of difference in fly ash and bottom ash composition may produce large differences in results of one study to another one. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction In this chapter a background over the environmental impacts from the manufacturing process of ordinary Portland cement and the main cement alternatives will be represented and also research has been conducted into the previous investigation about geopolymer and its mechanical properties resulting from mix design and parameters which may have influences on geopolymer properties such as curing time, curing temperature, chemical admixtures, alkali activators, extra water, and its composition and any other factor might have impacts on geopolymer concrete strength. A brief review about its durability properties against sulfates and acids and its behavior in high temperature will be performed, to show the advantages of geopolymer concrete versus OPC concrete which has fewer advantages and imposes much environmental pollution to the Earth. 8 2.2 Environmental issues and Sustainability The need for truly sustainable options for 21st century is one of the most important challenges facing the global community. Sustain is defined as to maintain and to continue a process going on, and sustainability means that life on our planet can be sustained for the foreseeable future. Since the environment is certainly the most critical concern, and a civil engineer follows sustainability rules to do not impact any negative effect on the environment. Therefore, the term sustainable has come to be equivalent with environmentally friendly and “green technology.” As a matter of fact, concrete is choice material in terms of sustainability and the main reason to this claim are: The raw materials (aggregates and water) required for concrete are amongst the most abundant materials on the Earth and many countries are selfsufficient in these materials. It can be made on the site and there is no need to deliver materials so it would reduce the economical and environmental costs of the project. The main raw material for manufacturing cement is limestone and it is the most abundant mineral on the earth. By-products from other industries, for instance, fly ash, ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) may be utilized as replacing cementitious materials or even recycled aggregates in concrete that can reduce environmental impacts of concrete manufacturing. Ready-mixed concrete producers work under Quality Assurance schemes and are committed to reduce waste and to improve efficiency and quality. 9 Many manufacturers reuse concrete waste and at the end of its service life, the materials from a concrete and masonry structures can be crushed and be reused as hardcore or aggregate. Concrete saves energy by reflecting light due to its naturally brighter and more reflective than asphalt. Furthermore, light-colored paving materials help reduce the heat-island effect. Generally, concrete structures and pavements are more durable. A correctly installed concrete should stay in good condition for many decades. 2.2.1 Sustainable development It was described by the world commission on environment and development (1987) as “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs”. A structure that is constructed so the total environmental impact during the whole life cycle is reduced to a minimum is an environmentally sustainable structure. It means, the structure should be designed and constructed in a manner which is tailor-made for the purpose or in other words the right concrete for the right application. In order to achieve this, the environmentally beneficial aspects of concrete such as high strength, good durability and high thermal capacity shall be used. Unfortunately concrete production has two main negative aspects with the term of sustainability: The process of manufacturing OPC as the primary component of concrete is a tremendously resource and energy consuming manner which every tone of cement requires about 1.5 tons of raw materials. 01 Table 2.1: Major Producers of CO2 in 2003 (ORNL, 2006) Country Percent of world production of CO2 United States 22 Russia 15 China 15 Russia 6 Japan 5 India 5 Figure 2.1: CO2 emissions in the BAU scenario (Szabo et al. 2003) Energy use is an important factor in CO2 emission and cement production plays a unique role in this field due to generating vast amounts of CO2 from clinker production. Cembureau, the European Cement Association, reported the main sources of CO2 emission by cement production: 1. De-carbonation of limestone in the kiln (about 525 kg CO2 / ton of clinker), 00 2. Burning of fuel in the kiln (about 335 kg CO2 / ton of cement), 3. Electricity consumption (about 50 kg CO2 / ton of cement) When concrete is exposed to the environment it will be deteriorated, which has significant influences on its serviceability, durability and safety. Cracking, insufficient extent and quality of the cover, and the overall quality of the whole structural concrete are the three main factors that speed up the transportation phenomena of aggressive agents, such as chlorides and sulphate into the concrete. 2.3 Blended Cement The first attempt to manufacture more environmentally friendly concrete was producing concrete with blended cement. Suggestions have been put forward into forming ‘blended cement’ where products such as pozzolans are added to OPC with the purpose of decrease the environmental impacts of concrete. Commonly, a part of OPC is replaced by by‐products from other industries, for instance, fly ash or ground blast furnace slag (GBFS). Chindaprasirt (2008) reported that annually just in Thailand, 4 million tons of fly bottom ashes are releasing into environment. Less than half of this fly ash is utilized in the concrete industry as a pozzolanic material in order to lessening the heat of hydration and enhancing the workability and durability properties. Normally, ratio of the fly ash substitution with OPC is not as much as 40% of the mass of cement (Mehta, 1998). Damtoft et al. (2008) reported that using Portland cement has a significant impact on the environment and suggested techniques by which these environmental impacts of manufacturing concrete can be reduced: 02 The addition of extra materials to the list of approved supplementary cementious materials (SCM’s) within current standards. Allowing more complex composite cements within current cement standards. Greater attention must be paid to blending properties. Development of methodology for the design of best performance for the use of blended cements. Damtoft et al. (2008) concluded that the use of blended cements in industry will directly reduce the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by means of replacing volumes of OPC. Unfortunately, not very much information about blended cement is available. Although results showed significant increase in properties of concrete with blended cement, few researches were conducted on blast furnace slag or fly ash based blended cement. Up to this point, methods of manufacturing concrete with OPC were discussed. A sustainable and more environmentally friendly method of construction is Geopolymer concrete. Below, literature will be reviewed about this new material. 2.4 Geopolymers Geopolymers are listed in the family of inorganic polymers. "Geopolymer" was first introduced by Davidovits in 1979 as the mineral polymers resulting from geochemistry. Geopolymers are the alkali alumino-silicates binders formed by the alkali silicate activation of alumino-silicates materials (Duxson et al., 2005). They are mostly admixion of silicon and aluminium materials from geological origin. However, nowadays, geopolymers are manufactured from secondary raw materials such as fly ash and slag. Fly ash utilization has many ecological benefits and much lower cost than other source materials (Buchwald et al, 2009). They are ideal for 03 construction and repairing of infrastructures and also in precast industry, due to high early strength, rapid and controllable setting time and durability aspect (Raijiwala and Patil, 2011). Geopolymers have the chemical composition similar to Zeolites, but have amorphous microstructure. During the process of synthesizing, silicon and aluminium atoms come together to form three dimensional polymeric chain and ring structure that consists of Si-O-Al-O bonds which are similar to those that binds the natural rocks (Sumajouw et al, 2005). According to Sumajouw and Rangan (2005) report, the chemical composition can consist of the steps mentioned below: Dissolution of Si and Al atoms from the source material by the action of hydroxide ions. Transportation, orientation or condensation of precursor ions into monomers. Polymerization of monomers into polymeric structures. These steps may overlap with each other or occurs simultaneously, consequently make it complicated to inspect each of them separately. A geopolymer binder can take three different basic forms as list below (Sumajouw & Rangan, 2005): Poly (sialate), which has [-Si-O-Al-O-] as the repeating unit. Poly (sialate-siloxo), which has [-Si-O-Al-O-Si-O-] as the repeating unit. Poly (sialate-disiloxo), which has [-Si-O-Al-O-Si-O-Si-O-] as the repeating unit. 04 The process of Polymerization is thought to include dissolution, transportation and or orientation as well as re-precipitation. The dissolution of silica and alumina requires the existence of an alkali metal or hydroxide. The coordination of alumina in the source material increases the bonding strength of the matrix (Soltaninaveh, 2008). 2.5 Constituents of Geopolymer The main components of geopolymers are source materials and an alkaline liquid. A comprehensive review about these constituents and any other admixtures that may have positive effect on the behavior of geopolymers will be presented: 2.5.1 Source Materials A wide range of minerals and industrial by-products materials were topics for many researches in order to determine materials that are suitable for the manufacture of geopolymers. Availability, price, application and demand of the users are the main factors in the process of the selection of source materials. The source materials found to be suitable include natural minerals such as metakaolin, clays, etc which contains Si, Al and oxygen in their chemical composition. By-product from other industries such as fly ash, silica fume, slag, rice-husk ash red mud, etc could be utilized alternatively as the source materials (Wallah & Rangan, 2006). Studies have been performed by many researches on source materials , through them low-calcium fly ash (Palomo et al. 1999; Swanepoel and Strydom 05 2002), Metakaolin (Davidovits 1999; Barbosa et al. 2000; Teixeira-Pinto et al. 2002), natural Al-Si minerals (Xu and van Deventer 2000), mixture of calcined mineral and non-calcined materials (Xu and van Deventer 2002), fly ash and kaolinite-based geopolymer (Swanepoel and Strydom 2002; van Jaarsveld et al. 2002), and mixture of granulated blast furnace slag and metakaolin (Cheng and Chiu 2003) can be highlighted. Davidovits (1999) found that calcined materials such as fly ash and slag produced much higher compressive strength in comparison with those made from non-calcined materials such as metakaolin clays. However, it was reported in order to a large development in compressive strength and reduction in reaction time calcined and non-calcined materials can be used together. Metakaolin based geopolymers are more preferable by geopolymer developers, since it yields higher rates of geopolymrisation, the white color and controllable Si/Al ratio, but it is more expensive than other by-products (Gourley, 2003). Natural Al-Si minerals have demonstrated great suitability to be utilized as the source materials in geopolymers but few researches have focused on quantitative suitability of a specific mineral as the source material due to the complex reaction mechanisms involved (van Deventer et al, 2000). Fly Ash One of the most appropriate by-products for using in geopolymers as source material is Fly ash which is the fine residue that comes through the combustion of powdered coal and flue gases transport it from the combustion zone to the particle 06 removal system. Most of the ash has to be disposed on an open area near the power station or by grounding both the ash and mixing it with water and pumping into artificial lagoon or dumping yards and this leads to many serious environmental problems. Annually, China produces about 100 million tones fly ash and Europe produces 50 million tons of it. A small quantity of it is utilized as an additive to cement and concrete, while the greater part is disposed of on dumps. Hardjito (2005) reported that fly ash particles diameter ranges from less than 1µm up to 150µm which were finer than OPC. The oxides of silicon, aluminum, iron and calcium are available in its chemical composition. Other metal oxides present in small amounts are magnesium, potassium sodium, and titanium and sulphur oxides. Composition of fly ash is influenced by the type coal which is derived from. Generally, Fly ash and slag are known as suitable by-product materials for geopolymers production. Between these two, high reactivity which comes from finer particles makes Fly ash as the better option. Possession of finer particles has another benefit, filling the voids in the concrete will create denser and more durable concrete, and on the other hand, by means of round shape of fly ash the workability of fresh concrete will be improved. Amorphous content, morphology and the source of fly ash can be mentioned as the other factors that affect the properties of geopolymers which have fly ash as source material in their mixture. ASTM has introduced to types of fly ash which are class F and class C. Gourley (2003) concluded that low-calcium (ASTM Class F) fly ash had better performance than high-calcium (ASTM Class C) fly ash as a source material in geopolymers probably due to interfering of existence of calcium in high quantities with the polymerization process. Low-calcium fly ash is more advantageous than slag in production of geopolymer (Hardjito, 2005). Fully fly ash made concrete is limited in industrial applications, partly as a result of the cost of fly ash and, in contrast, the availability and convenience of OPC. In fact, composition of fly ash is influenced by the type of coal which is derived from. 01 Figure 2.2: Fly ash figures before and after alkaline activation (Nguyen, 2009). Fernández-Jim nez and Palomo (2003) studied the appropriateness of different types of fly ash as source materials in geopolymers and finally reported that to manufacture ideal binding properties; these limits should be considered in the lowcalcium fly ash composition: Unburned material (LOI) should be less than 5%, The amount of Fe2O3 should not be more than 10%, Low CaO content, but no limit was mentioned, The amount of reactive silica should be between 40-50%, And 80-90% of particles should be smaller than 45μm. While van Jaarsveld et al (2003) claimed that the fly ash that had higher CaO content in its composition developed higher compressive strength in the early ages. It may properly cause by the development of calcium-aluminate-hydrate and other calcium compounds in the geopolymer. 08 2.5.3 Alkaline Liquid For reaction of source materials in the geopolymers mix design an alkaline component is required. Alkaline activation of fly ash produces materials with superior strength properties than the standard Portland cements. Many researches were conducted and concluded that the most suitable type of the alkaline component for this aim is to use it in liquid form. Generally, alkaline liquids are made from soluble metals such as sodium and potassium or a combination of them. (Davidovits 1999; Palomo et al. 1999; Barbosa et al. 2000; Xu and van Deventer 2000; Swanepoel and Strydom 2002; Xu and van Deventer 2002) utilized a combination of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH) and sodium silicate or potassium silicate. Moreover, (Palomo et al. 1999; Teixeira-Pinto et al. 2002) investigated the use of a single alkaline activator. Generally, the alkaline liquids contain either sodium or potassium silicate cause higher rates of reaction in comparison with alkaline liquids that have only alkaline hydroxides. Xu and van Deventer (2000) reported that utilization of sodium silicate solution to the sodium hydroxide solution as the alkaline liquid enhanced the reaction between the source material and the solution. Moreover, they established that the NaOH solution provided a higher level of dissolution of minerals than the KOH solution which causes better performance for the geopolymer. 2.5.4 Aggregates Normally the aggregates account for 70-77% of it the volume of concrete and it is mined separately as coarse and fine aggregates. In fact, by-products of other industries such as recycled concrete, bottom ash and slag might be used as aggregate in concrete. Aggregates are usually storage by various sizes and sorted to be utilized 09 later for satisfaction of the grading requirements. To mention this process negative impact, it is possible to state the production of wastes such as dust and water which neither of them is principally damage the environment. Meanwhile, the dust may be utilized in some other processes. Normal concrete aggregates consist of sand and a range of sizes and shapes of gravel or rocks. But it seems an increasing interest in substituting alternative aggregate materials, largely using recycled materials and a new trend to use bottom ash. Several materials such as blast furnace slag or various solid wastes including fiberglass materials, plastics, paper and wood products are available as aggregate substitutes, but not many researches were conducted on replacement of bottom ash with sand in concrete which is the major aim of this study. This is essential to distinguish the differences between cement and aggregate in view of the fact that some materials have behavior like both cementitious material and aggregate (such as certain GGBS and bottom ash). Although aggregate normally accounts for 70-77% of the concrete volume, researches have shown that aggregate plays an important role in concrete workability, strength, durability and stability. Furthermore, aggregate part significantly influences the cost of the concrete mixture to make it economical. Strength, hardness and durability are the three main characteristics of aggregate that mentioned to be important for structural-use concrete. The aggregate must be clean and with no undesirable chemicals, absorbed clay, and other fine materials that might alter the hydration process and changing concrete properties. Recycled aggregates that are polluted with sulfate and chloride ions should not be utilized in concrete. Generally, recycled concretes aggregate has lower specific gravities and higher absorption rates than conventional gravel aggregate. The concrete which is manufactured with reused concrete aggregate possesses good workability and durability, while the compressive strength depends on the compressive strength of the original concrete and the water-cement ratio of the new concrete. 21 Why do we still use natural aggregates? Lack of adequate and reliable data on aggregate substitutes makes it nearly impossible to use it in concrete. More investigation must be conducted in order to account new sources of aggregate suitable to design dense and durable recycled aggregate concretes. Glass aggregate in concrete may lead to some problem by reason of the alkali silica reaction (ASR) between the cement paste and the glass aggregate, which weakens the concrete and decreases its durability as time passes on. Thus, further researches are needed prior to waste glass cullet can be utilized in structural concrete applications. Aggregates Classification In accordance with size, BS 882:1992 classified aggregates as: a) Coarse aggregate: aggregate mainly retained on a 5.0 mm BS 410 test sieve and containing no more finer material than is permitted for the various sizes in this specification. b) Sand: aggregate mainly passing a 5.0 mm BS 410 test sieve and containing no more coarser material than is permitted for the various gradations in this specification. c) Fine aggregate: any solid material passing a 75 µm BS 410 sieve. 20 2.5.5 Bottom Ash Bottom ash similar to fly ash, is a residue of coal combustion in power generation stations. Bottom ash in many aspects is similar to manufactured aggregates. Coal combustion at high temperatures in presence of high air flow produces a porous material with low bulk densities. By providing gradation, it can be utilized as light weight aggregate. Normally, the particle size of fly ash and bottom ash are in the range of 0.001mm to 0.5mm, and 0.05mm to 50mm, respectively. Hardjito and Shen Fung (2010) reported that in their studies the particle size of the bottom ash was smaller than sand. Bottom ash by means of grinding to a proper fineness can be utilized as a pozzolanic material to manufacture high strength concrete (Jaturapitakkul and Cheerarot, 2003). Since 1980s, bottom ash has successfully been applied as highway embankment, highway pavement, cold bituminous application, highway roadbed, structural backfilling (Huang, 1990), agricultural filter material (Butler, 1995), or environmental pollution-prevention engineering (Sack, 1989). The particle size distribution of bottom ash is between that of sand and gravel which can hopefully solve the disposal problem and achieving reuse benefits by use of bottom ash in concrete. It is expected that production of bottom ash will grow in the world. However, there is no official report about the exact amount of coal ash production in Malaysia due to the new technology of generating electricity with coal-fired system. In Malaysia, there are six electric power plants with coal-fired system to generate electricity. TNB imports high quality coal from Indonesia, Australia and also China (Mahmud, 2003). Annas (2005) reported that coal utilization in Malaysia started in 1988 with consumption of 1.5 million ton coal per year and in 2001, the rate sharply raised to 2.50 million tons coal per year. Tajuddin (2010) mentioned that the dramatic increase followed to 20 million tons in 2008. Leo-Moggie (2002) estimated that this amount will be reach to more than 25 million tons in 2011. To prevent fly 22 ash and dust from hovering in the environment, they installed electrostatic recipients for trapping ash and dust. However, another waste material disposes in the bottom of the furnaces is known as bottom ash which is in coarse shape, porous, glassy, granular, grayish. Properties of bottom ash depend on the type of furnace and the source of coal. Normally, after a process of combustion, 80% of coal will become in form of fly ash and remain will be bottom ash. Quo et al. (2009) reported Taiwan Power Company produces about 1.35 million tons of fly ash and 0.35 million tons of bottom ash annually. Few researches have been conducted on bottom ash, for example, as fine aggregate in concrete (Ghafoori and Bucholc, 1997) or as fine aggregate in asphaltic concrete (Churchill and Amirkhanian, 1999). However, good results were obtained when bottom ash was used as fine aggregate in roller-compacted concrete (Ghafoori and Cai, 1998). Bottom ash has large particles and porous surface which required extra water to provide adequate workability and consequently reduced the compressive strength. Bottom ash retained water by absorption, into and onto its porous surface and irregular surface (Kasemchaisiri and Tangtermsirikul 2007). Berg (1998), Jaturapitakkul and Cheerarot (2003) and Saikia et al. (2008) reported the successful utilization of bottom ash as fine aggregate in producing lightweight concrete masonry and as cement replacement in structural and masonry works. The strength and drying shrinkage of concretes with different percentages of replacement of furnace bottom ash (FBA) with sand were studied at fixed water– cement ratio and fixed slump ranges (Bai et al, 2005). They found that, at a fixed water–cement ratio, the compressive strength and the drying shrinkage decreased with the increase in the FBA sand content. Kasemchaisiri et al. (2008) tested the mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) incorporating bottom ash as partial sand replacement. They claimed that 10% replacement by weight of total fine aggregate showed better durability, chloride penetration, carbonation depth and drying shrinkage in comparison with control SCC mix. Hiroshi et al (2008) presented that the artificial light-weight aggregate made from coal ash and shale fine powder produced high-performance aggregate which possessed lightness, high strength and 23 high water retentivity. Another test was elaborated on mixes of ordinary sand, bottom ash and mixes having equal natural sand and bottom ash contents. Mixtures were designed by use super plasticizer. They found that the required mixing water increased in case of usage of bottom ash in the concrete and also addition of bottom ash did not considerably affect the entrapped air content and setting time of fresh concrete. Since samples with bottom ash, either fully bottom ash replacement or partially, required higher water, showed lower compressive strength properties than those samples with 100% natural sand (Swamy et al., 1983). Aggarwal et al. (2007) explored the effect of substitution of bottom ash as fine aggregates on compressive, flexural and tensile splitting strengths of concrete. They prepared various mixtures with a range of 0% to 50% of bottom ash as a substitute of sand and finally found that: The workability of concrete reduced when percentage of bottom ash was increase Increase in the percentage of bottom ash lowered the density of concrete since the specific gravity of bottom ash was lower than natural fine aggregates. At all ages, compressive, tensile splitting and flexural strengths of samples with higher bottom ash contents were lower than samples without any bottom ash. Meanwhile, the discrepancies between strengths were not significant after 28 days. For all the mixtures the compressive, tensile splitting and flexural strengths of samples were continued to enhance as they aged. At 90 days, mixes containing 30% and 40% bottom ash, gained the compressive strength equal to 108% and 105% of compressive strength of normal concrete at 28 days and achieved the flexural 24 strength in the range of 113 to 118% at 90 days of flexural strength of normal concrete at 28 days. Bottom ash concrete attains tensile splitting strength in the range of 121-126% at 90 days of tensile splitting strength of normal concrete at 28 days. According to the compressive strength more than 20 MPa at 28 days, concrete with 50% bottom ash is suitable for most of structural purposes. Utilization of bottom ash in concrete as a waste material is in direct relation with sustainability. 2.5.6 Water The mixing water in concrete is normal tap water without any other process. It is mentioned in BS EN 1008:2002 (Mixing water for concrete - Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete) that " the quality of the mixing water for production of concrete can influence the setting time, the strength development of concrete and the protection of the reinforcement against corrosion. When assessing the suitability of water of unknown quality for the production of concrete, both the composition of the water and the application of the concrete to be produced should be considered". Generally, the suitability of water for the production of concrete depends upon its origin. According to BS EN 1008:2002, portable water can only be used in mix design of concrete without any test. Recovered water from other processes in the 25 concrete industry, water from underground sources or natural surface water and industrial waste water should be tested before utilization in concrete. Sea water or brackish water and Sewage water must not be used in reinforced concrete. 2.5.7 Super Plasticizer They also are known as high range water reducers. Pirazzolli (2005) defined them as linear polymers containing sulfuric acid groups attached to the polymer backbone at regular intervals. Most of the commercially available formulations belong to one of these four families: Suffocated melamine-formaldehyde condensates Suffocated naphthalene-formaldehyde condensates Modified lignosulfonates Polycarboxylate derivatives By use of super plasticizer, it is possible to produce flowing concrete with very high slump in the range of 175-225mm which can be used in heavily reinforced structures where adequate consolidation cannot be achieved by vibration; producing high-strength concrete with water-cement ratio of 0.3 to 0.4 is another benefit of using super plasticizers in concrete. Plasticizers can raise the slump which depends on its type, dosage, and time of addition of super plasticizer, water-cement ratio, and type and amount of the cement. They can improve the workability of concrete for most types of cement and also can affect other concrete properties. 26 2.6 Mixture and Proportions According to literature, the majority of the investigations on geopolymer material were about properties of small scale specimens. Palomo et al (1999) researched the geopolymerisation of low-calcium fly ash (molar Si/Al=1.81) using four different solutions with the solution-to-fly ash ratio by mass of 0.25 to 0.30. The molar SiO2/K2O or SiO2/Na2O of the solutions was in the range of 0.63 to 1.23. The sizes of specimens were 10x10x60 mm. By curing for 24 hours at 65oC, mixtures with a combination of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution could gain the compressive strength of 60 MPa. Xu and Van Deventer (2000) reported that for geopolymeric reactions the proportion of alkaline solution to alumino-silicate powder by mass should be about 0.33. The specimen size was 200x200x200 mm, and the maximum compressive strength achieved was 19 MPa after 72 hours of curing at 35oC with stilbite as the source material. Van Jaarsveld et al (1998) presented the use of the mass ratio of the solution to the powder of 0.39. They used 57% fly ash with 15% kaolin or calcined kaolin and the alkaline liquid was a combination of 3.5% sodium silicate, 20% water and 4% sodium or potassium hydroxide in their invetigation. Specimen size was of 50x50x50 mm. When they utilized fly ash and builders’ waste, the compressive strength of 75 MPa was achieved. Barbosa et al (2000) followed the former work of Davidovits (1982) and used calcined kaolin. According to their results, the optimal composition was the ratio of Na2O/SiO2 = 0.25; H2O/Na2O =10.0, SiO2/Al2O3 = 3.3. A thin polyethylene film was used as moulds. Hardjito and Rangan (2005) found that for consistent results the ratio of sodium silicate‐to‐sodium hydroxide ratio should be 2.5. They used the ratio of alkaline solution‐to‐fly ash at about 0.35. Upon investigation of the affects of the 21 concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution, they realized that with higher molarity of the sodium hydroxide solution, higher compressive strength can be achieved. In their research work they used a range of molarity of the solution between 8 molars to 14 molars. Liu et al. (2010) investigated the use of bauxite residues in geopolymer concrete. In the production of unsintered construction and building products, they suggested that the optimal proportions of raw materials can be as below: Bauxite Residue: 25 to 40% Fly Ash: 18 – 28% Sand: 30 ‐35% Lime: 8 – 10% Gypsum: 1 – 3% Portland cement: 1% This composition has been used to produce building materials that has reached the 1st grade of Chinese standards for a brick (Liu et al. 2010). Chindaprasirt et al. (2008) researched geopolymer mortars based on fly ash and ground bottom ash. They used the Na2SiO3/NaOH mass ratio of 1.5 and three different concentrations of 5, 10, and 15 M of NaOH. Finally, they found that both fly ash and bottom ash were appropriate source materials for geopolymers. However, fly ash was more reactive than bottom ash and caused a higher degree of geopolymerisation. The NaOH solution with concentration of 10 M was established to be a suitable and proper medium as alkaline liquid and produced fly ash and bottom ash geopolymer mortars with the compressive strengths of 35 MPa and 18 MPa, respectively. 28 2.7 Curing of Geopolymer Concrete Up to now, many researchers have investigated the effects of curing of properties of concrete. Ambient conditions, steam curing and heat-curing were the main objectives of their works. Unanimously, they reported that curing of geopolymer concrete is one the most important parameters that influences the durability and strength of geopolymers. Hardjito et al. (2004) found that the curing of geopolymer concrete at higher temperatures, up to 60°C, would yield a higher compressive strength than at a lower temperature, yet any increase in curing temperature over this threshold made no substantial difference to its strength. A proportional relationship was discovered between the length of curing time and compressive strength. Hardjito et al. (2004) discovered the fast rate of polymerization only stalled the strength gain when the concrete was cured for short times, such as 24 hours. This contrasts with the strength development behavior of OPC based concretes, which undergo a hydration process over a length of time when being steam cured, therefore increasing in strength with age. This strength development over time can be achieved with geopolymer concrete when curing time is extended. It was discovered that increase in curing time in the range of 6 hours to 96 hours, the polymerization process would be improved and therefore produced higher compressive strength. It is noted though, that the strength increase after 48 hours of steam curing is not significant. It is recommended during the curing of geopolymer concretes at temperatures up to 100°C; samples should be wrapped and then sealed to prevent excessive evaporation of the samples during curing. Excessive evaporation may change the mixture and would cause a less dense concrete with a weaker compressive strength. It was also discovered that in wrapping the geopolymer concrete specimens, the mix did not harden immediately under ambient conditions. Hardjito and Rangan (2005) released that in their experiment the fly ash-based geopolymer concrete at room temperatures below 30oC the sample did not set for at least 24 hours after casting. 29 Wallah and Rangan (2006) investigated the effects of conditions of curing on the properties of geopolymer concrete. In May, July and September 2005, they studied the influence of ambient conditions on a mixture. It was discovered that specimens cured under ambient conditions exhibited significantly lower 7 day compressive strengths than those cured under elevated temperatures for the first 24 hours. It was reported that under ambient curing conditions of geopolymer concrete, the 7th day compressive strength and subsequent strength gain with respect to age lies dependent upon the average ambient temperature at the time of curing. As the ambient temperature at casting increased, as did the 7th day and subsequent compressive strength’s tested at later dates. The compressive strength of the geopolymer concrete during July exhibited 28 day strength of 31 MPa in comparison to 47 MPa for the mix poured in May. The average temperature experienced within July 2005 ranged from 8°C to 18°C, and 18°C to 25°C in May. 2.8 Fresh Geopolymer Concrete Paste Information on the behavior and properties of the fresh geopolymers is limited. Teixeira-Pinto et al (2002) recommended that geopolymer materials should be mixed by the forced mixer due to possessing high viscosity and cohesive nature and being dry during mixing. Meanwhile, found that Vicat needle apparatus is not suitable to evaluate the setting time of fresh geopolymer concrete. In their researches they found that the temperature of the fresh geopolymers was in direct relation with the mixing time and increase in mixing time would raise the temperature of the paste which consequently decreased the workability of geopolymer concrete. However, one year later, Chen and Chiu (2003) measured the setting time of geopolymeric material by mean of the Vicat needle. They reported that the initial setting time for geopolymers cured at 60oC was very short and was between 15 to 45 minutes. Barbosa et al (1999) presented that the viscosity of the fresh metakaolin-based geopolymer paste increased with time. 31 Figure 2.3: Fresh geopolymer concrete paste (Hardjito and Rangan, 2005) Cheng and Chiu (2003) also tested the effect of curing on geopolymer paste. In fact, they mixed KOH and metakaolin for ten minutes, and then sodium silicate and ground blast furnace slag were added and mixed for five minutes. It was reported that setting was occurred in ambient conditions in a short period of time. However, curing temperature and curing time have been reported to be significant parameters in determination of the properties of the geopolymers, similar to that exists in production of conventional concrete. Palomo et al. (1999) acknowledged that increase in curing temperature of geopolymers caused higher compressive strength. 2.9 Properties and Applications of Geopolymer Concrete Geopolymers and sustainability development are terms that are so close to each other. The use of geopolymer, to date has only been limited to low strength applications. This seems to remain the case, when in fact a lot of researchers praise the characteristics of the product. Johnson (2007) reported that the heat, fire and acid resistance of geopolymer concrete were be greater than that of Portland cement based 30 concrete. Johnson used the geopolymer fast setting characteristic as an advantage, as he proposed that it be used in the production of concrete pipes and poles. Such manufacturing requires concrete with zero slump, and processes that involve centrifugal stages, roller suspension and vertical casting. It was discovered that by manipulating the mix design, and therefore producing ‘no slump’ concrete, it was possible to utilize geopolymer concrete in preparing pipes and other consolidated moulded products. Duxson et al (2007) reported that depending on the composition, curing conditions and properties of the constituents, geopolymer concrete can posses these properties: High compressive strength Low shrinkage Good abrasion resistance Fast and controllable hardening Fire resistance (up to 1000ºC) High resistance against acids and salt solutions High resistance to alkali-aggregate reactions Low thermal conductivity Good adhesion to concrete surfaces, steel, glass and ceramics Innate protection for steel reinforcement due to low chloride diffusion rates Balaguru et al (1997; 1999) successfully utilized geopolymer composites with the Si/Al ratio of more than 30 to strengthened concrete structures such as beam and coating for transportation infrastructures. Finally, reported their excellent performance in terms of fire resistance, durability against Ultra violet light, and did not involve any toxic agents. Fly ash-based geopolymer concrete railway sleepers were manufactured and tested by Palomo et al (2004) which showed excellent engineering performances and 32 small drying shrinkage. Furthermore, they claimed that available concrete technology to the date was sufficient for production of geopolymer concrete structural members. Davidovits (1991) compared the behavior of geopolymers to that of Zeolitic materials which are microporous crystalline solids that consist of silicon, aluminium and oxygen in their framework and cations, water and other molecules within their pores. They have the capability to adsorb toxic chemical wastes which is their similarity with geopolymers. He declared that when waste materials are introduced into mixture of a geopolymer, they locked into the three dimensional structure of the geopolymeric matrix. Acid-resistant geopolymeric containment can significantly lessen the leaching of mercury, iron, cobalt, cadmium, zirconium, nickel, zinc, lead, arsenic, radium and uranium. Figure 2.4: Percentages of hazardous elements locked in the geopolymer matrix (Davidovits, 1991) 33 2.9.1 Shrinkage of Geopolymers Generally, shrinkage is known as the gradual reduction in volume of concrete with time and the external actions to the concrete does not influence it. Gilbert (2002) categorized shrinkage into plastic shrinkage, chemical shrinkage, thermal shrinkage and drying shrinkage. Plastic shrinkage normally takes place when the concrete is still in plastic condition by means of excessive evaporation or absorption of mixing water by soil or other absorptive materials. It is known as a significant reason for cracking of concrete during hardening. However, temperature, ambient relative humidity and wind velocity influence the extent of plastic shrinkage considerably Neville (2000). It is also affected by the cement content of the mixture and the water-cement ratio. In fact, for greater cement content and lower watercement ratio, the plastic shrinkage will be greater. Chemical shrinkage can occur in the cement paste by various chemical reactions, such as the hydration shrinkage. While, thermal shrinkage is normally caused by release of the heat from hydration process of cement with water. Drying shrinkage is the decrease in volume of concrete and caused by the loss of water during the drying process and this type of shrinkage, the drying shrinkage, comprises the largest part of the total long-term shrinkage. Neville (2000) found that the aggregate part rolling a considerable influence on the formation of shrinkage in concrete. Generally, higher aggregate content, higher modulus and rougher surface aggregates will cause smaller shrinkage, while higher water-cement ratio produces concrete with higher shrinkage. At higher degrees of relative humidity, the shrinkage would be smaller. It is found that an enlargement in the volume of concrete member will significantly decrease the level of shrinkage due to requirement of further time for shrinkage to arrive at the interior layers of the concrete (de Larrard et. al., 1994). 34 Wallah (2009) conducted an experiment on drying shrinkage of low calcium fly ash based geopolymer. They used a combination of sodium hydroxide solution and sodium silicate and finally heat-cured the specimens for 24 hours at 60oC. Finally, they concluded that heat-curing of fly ash based geopolymer concrete possessed good properties against drying shrinkage. In terms of the drying shrinkage strains, they reported that the results for specimens with different compressive strengths were almost the same and the values calculated according to Gilbert method was about 5 to 7 times higher than these practical drying shrinkage strains. 2.9.2 Density of Geopolymer Concrete The density of concrete is a determination of its unit weight which is related to the amount and density of the aggregate, the amount of entrained air, and the water and cement content. Density is a way to determine how compact one material is compared to another one. Due to the different mix designs, different values were reported for the density of concrete such as 1750–2400 kg/m3 for lightweight and normal concrete ( Dorf, 1996) , 2403–2439 kg/m3 (Washington State Department of Transportation), 2320 kg/m3 ( Portland Cement Association) and 2400 kg/m3 (McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology) . Vijai et al. (2010) investigated the density and compressive strength of fly ash based geopolymer concrete by testing samples in ambient condition and heat-curing at 60oC for 24 hours. They finally concluded that densities were in a range of 2251 to 2400 kg/m3 which were to some extent equal to the conventional concrete density. There was a direct relation between the age of the geopolymer concrete and its density. The average density of fly ash based geopolymer concrete is close to OPC concrete density. In another investigation by Lloyd and Rangan (2010) on geopolymer concrete with different aggregate types and grading, they found density at 28 days for mixtures which were cured for 24 hours at 60oC was 2360 ±60 kg/m3. 35 Olivia and Nikraz (2011) conducted a research on low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete and reported that density of samples were in the range of 2248 to 2315 Kg/m3. Hardjito and Rangan (2005) reported that the density of fly ash based geopolymer concrete depended on the unit mass of aggregate and the density of the low-calcium fly ash-based geopolymer concrete ranged between 2330 to 2430 kg/m3. 2.9.3 Velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses in Geopolymer Concrete Ultrasonic pulses velocity test (UPV) is a non-destructive test to assess the quality of concrete, its uniformity, extension of cracks, and find the strength according to correlations, modulus of elasticity and dynamic passion ratio. For this purpose, the time of travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete should be measured. Higher velocity is obtained when concrete quality is good in terms of density, uniformity and homogeneity, while low compaction, voids or damaged material is present in the concrete under test, a corresponding reduction in the calculated pulse velocity occurs. As concrete ages or deteriorates, it would be reflected in either an increase or a decrease in the pulse velocity. Empirical relationships may be established between the pulse velocity and both the dynamic and static elastic modules and the strength of concrete. According to the BS. 1881: Part203: 1986, it is essential that there be adequate acoustical coupling between the concrete and the face of each transducer. Typical couplants are petroleum jelly, grease, soft soap and kaolin/glycerol paste and it should be a very thin layer. It is necessary to consider the various factors which can influence pulse velocity and its correlation with various physical properties of the concrete, such as moisture content, temperature of the concrete, path length and shape of the specimens. It is sometimes helpful to use ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements to give an estimate of strength. The mean pulse velocity and mean strength obtained from each set of three nominally identical test specimens provide the data to construct a correlation curve. 36 Numerous experimental data and the correlation relationship between strength and pulse velocity of concrete have been presented and proposed. Some figures suggested by Whitehurst (1951) for concrete with a density of approximately 2400 kg/m3are given in Table However, these lines of demarcation cannot be sharply drawn, exceptions being noted in all but the extreme classifications. Table 2.2: The quality of concrete in structures in terms of the ultrasonic pulse velocity (Whitehurst, 1951) Pulse Velocity ( m/s ) Concrete Quality Above 4500 Excellent 3500 to 4500 Generally good 3000 to 3500 Questionable 2000 to 3000 Generally poor Below 2000 Very poor For the relationship with compressive strength, several parameters can intervene so that there are not only one and simple relation between ultrasonic velocity and the strength of concrete. Based on experimental results, Tharmaratnam and Tan (1990) introduced the relationship between the ultrasonic pulse velocity in a concrete (Vc) and concrete compressive strength (fc) as: fc= a ebVc Where a and b are parameters dependent upon the material properties. (1.1) 31 Findings of different researchers' studies on the relationships between the concrete strengths and UPV are shown in Figure2.5. The specimens used in these researches were cubes and cylinders. Cylindrical concrete strengths were converted into standard 150 mm cube. These researches have been processed on the different specimens prepared in laboratory conditions and have different concrete mixture ratios. As it is shown in Figure2.5, strength-UPV curves of these values are different from each other. A correlation is set up and showed in Figure 2.5 with the data obtained from earlier experimental studies which are produced on specimens having dissimilar concrete mixture ratios. Figure 2.5: Researches on concrete strength-UPV relationships There is no acceptable method at present for the non-destructive determination of concrete strength. This is due to the complexity of the problem and because oversimplified approaches have been used in the past to find a solution. The novelty of this article is the recognition that concrete strength cannot be calculated 38 with acceptable accuracy from the longitudinal pulse velocity alone - supplementary tests are needed. It also shows that the supplementary tests should measure material characteristics of the concrete. That is, one approach for improvement is the use of multivariable formulas. Preliminary tests demonstrate that the consideration of the age of concrete as a supplement to the longitudinal pulse velocity does produce improvement in the strength estimation. It is encouraging that not only the analysis of past results but also preliminary tests seems to support the proposed approaches (Popovics, 2001). 2.9.4 Water Absorption of Geopolymer Concrete In some circumstances the water absorption or water permeability of the material is a major factor, especially for durability criteria. Limited literature is available on the water penetrability and absorption of fly ash geopolymer concrete and according to them metakaolin based geopolymer concrete has permeability 1011 m/s (Davidovits, 1994a), while Shi (1996) found that permeability of slag based geopolymer concrete is more than 10-12 m/s. Olivia al. (2008) had an experiment on water absorption of low calcium fly ash based geopolymer concrete. Seven mixes were casted in 100x200mm cylinders and cured for 24 hours at 60oC in the steam cured. After 28days, the cylinders were cut into slices. According to their results, geopolymer concrete had low water absorption, volume of permeable voids and sorptivity. It is found that the fly ash based geopolymer concrete could be classified as a concrete with an average quality according to water permeability value since its water permeability was very low in comparison with OPC concrete. They concluded that low water/binder ratio and a well-graded aggregate are the most important factors in production of low water penetrability of geopolymer concrete. In another study by Sathia, Ganesh Babu and Santhanam (2008) on fly ash based geopolymer concrete, they concluded that absorption values of the geopolymer concretes at all strength levels were lower than the limit of 3% specified for good concretes. The final absorption results of these mixes shows that the geopolymer concretes were 39 having lower absorption rate compared to normal concretes, and also decreasing with increasing strength. 2.9.5 Compressive Strength Generally, the ultimate compressive strength and setting time of geopolymer concrete were discovered to be dependent on curing temperature, water content and type of alkaline activator and composition of source materials. Generally, fly ash based concretes have slow reaction process which lead to the strength development at later dates of age only and it is a barrier against using this kind of concrete in precast concrete construction with ambient conditions of curing due to the low early strength and formwork turnover routines. Barbhuiya et al (2009) elaborated the influences of adding silica fume and calcium hydroxide into concretes with a fly ash substitution of 30% of the OPC based content. 5% silica fume by mass of the cement content was added as a final addition when mixing the concrete. Hydrated lime on the other and was substituted at a rate of 5% by mass of the total cementious materials. The first 24 hours were spent at 20°C and then transferred to a moist curing room at 23°C and kept in water until testing. Workability is seen to decrease upon the addition of hydrated lime, however to improve this, a super plasticizer was added. The addition of silica fume to the mix had no effect on the workability of a concrete mix. They found that the addition of both silica fume and calcium hydroxide increased the early compressive strength of the geopolymer concrete mixes. Testing at 3 days of age showed that the strength of both silica fume and hydrated lime mixes were equally higher, (30 MPa) than the standard concrete mix at 24 MPa. The major differences in compressive strengths were apparent at 28 days with a constant progression from the standard mix (49 MPa), fly ash inclusive of hydrated lime (53 MPa) and then the concrete mix incorporating silica fume with a 58 MPa 28 day compressive strength. 41 Vijai et al. (2010) also reported the heat curing would produce higher compressive strength than curing under ambient conditions. The compressive strength of heat-cured fly ash based geopolymer concrete did not improve considerably after 7 days. Temuujin, van Riessen and Williams (2009) tested the use of calcium based additives into geopolymer pastes. To increase the gain of compressive strength and accelerate the ambient curing (on average at 20°C) of the paste both calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide were substituted into geopolymer pastes for fly ash. Specimens were heat-cured at 70°C. They found that the addition of calcium compounds enhanced the mechanical properties of geopolymers cured at ambient temperatures, but decreased the strength of samples cured under elevated temperatures. According to their studies, the addition of calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) improved the ambient curing strength more than calcium oxide (CaO) due to involving of the calcium hydroxide with the reaction process in geopolymers. The use of calcium hydroxide would appear to present incomplete hydration of the product as it reacts with the alkaline solution in the formation of calcium hydroxide. Specimens with CaO added presented compressive strengths approximately 20% lower than those with calcium hydroxide. It is suggested that the lower compressive strength in the pastes that is cured under elevated temperatures is due to the water evaporation within the mix, exhibited by lower density and higher porosity. At elevated temperatures, the presence of calcium prevented the formation of three dimensional geopolymer networks due to the rapid dissolution of the paste. Therefore, it reduced mechanical properties of the final product. Under ambient conditions, it was established that by increasing the calcium compound of the mixture, the compressive strength would be increased. With a 3% addition of calcium hydroxide the compressive strength of 29 MPa compared to a geopolymer paste with no calcium additive which exhibited strength of 12 MPa. In comparison, geopolymer with a calcium hydroxide inclusion of 1% and 2% showed strength of 24 MPa and 28 MPa respectively (Temuujin, van Riessen and Williams, 2009). 40 Drechsler et al. (2005), Hardjito (2004) presented the use of super plasticizers or increment in water contents improve the workability of the geopolymer concrete which resulted in high slumps up to 240mm with excellent strength and without any aggregate segregation. Nguyen (2009) produced geopolymers using the similar batching processes to OPC products. However, they announced that there was a significant dissimilarity between geopolymer concrete and Portland cement concrete in the binder. Figure 2.6: Effect of curing temperature on setting time of a geopolymer concrete (Nguyen, 2009) 42 Figure 2.7: Room temperature setting for geopolymer concrete and Portland cements concrete (Davidovits, 1991) Figures 2.6 and 2.7 illustrate that the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete is in a direct relation with curing time and curing temperature. In other words, increase in curing time and curing temperature would yield higher compressive strength. Figure 2.8: Relation between compressive strength and water-to-polymers solids (Nguyen, 2009). 43 This graph presents the effect of water-to-solids ratio on compressive strength at 7days. As it can be seen, lower water-to-solids ratio in all curing temperatures produces higher compressive strength, and also shows how temperatures affected the compressive strength. By curing at 90oC and water-to-polymer solids ratio of 0.175, the compressive strength achieved to more than 70 MPa at 7days. 2.9.6 Tensile strength According to Harjito and Rangan (2005) report, similar to OPC concrete the tensile strength splitting of geopolymer concrete was only a fraction of the compressive strength. In fact, the tensile strength of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete was larger than the values recommends by the Standards Australia (2001) which is ft = 0.4√ and Neville (2000) that it is ft = 0.3 (fc)2/3 for OPC concrete. According to literature, tensile strength of geopolymer concrete is a fraction of its compressive strength. The tensile strength of concrete is relatively low, about 10 to 15% of the compressive, occasionally 20%. Thus, parameters that influence the compressive strength will influence the tensile strength of geopolymer concrete. 2.9.7 Factor Affecting the Relation Between Tensile and Compressive Strength Factors that influence the relation between compressive and tensile strengths are: 44 a) Aggregate The relation between the tensile strength and compressive strength depends on the type of coarse aggregate used, except in high strength concrete, because the properties of aggregate, especially its shape and surface texture, affect the ultimate strength in compression very much less than the strength in tension or cracking load in compression. In experimental concrete, entirely smooth coarse aggregate led to lower compressive strength, typically by 10 percent, than when roughened. It seems that the properties of fine aggregate also influence the ft/fc´ ratio. The ratio is furthermore affected by the grading of aggregate. This is probably due to the different magnitude of the wall effect in beams and in compression specimens: there surface/volume ratios are dissimilar so that different quantities of mortar are required for full compaction. b) Age Age is also a factor in the relation between ft and fc, beyond about one month, the tensile strength increases more slowly than the compressive strength. So the ft/fc decreases with time. c) Curing The tensile strength of concrete is more sensitive to inadequate curing than the compressive strength; possibly because the effects of non-uniform shrinkage of flexure test beams are very serious. Thus air-cured concrete has a lower ft/fc ratio than concrete cured in water and tested wet. 45 d) Air-Entrainment Air-entrainment affects the ft/fc ratio because the pressure of air lowers the compressive strength of concrete more than the tensile strength, particularly in the case of rich and strong mixes. The influence of incomplete compaction is similar to that of entrained air. e) Light-weight concrete Light-weight concrete conforms broadly to the pattern of the relation between the ft and fc for ordinary concrete. At very low strength (300psi) the ratio ft /fc can be as high as 0.3, but at higher strengths it is the same as ordinary concrete. However, drying reduces the ratio by some 20% so that in the design of light-weight concrete a reduced value of ft/fc is used. f) Method of Test As stated above, the tensile strengths of concrete measured by different tests produce results of varying value. Incidentally, the value of the compressive strength is also not unique but is affected by the shape of the test specimen. So the numerical value of the ratio of the tensile strength to the compressive strength is not the same. For these reasons, in expressing the ratio of the tensile to compressive strengths, the test method must be explicitly stated. If the value of flexural strength is of interest, a factor relating the splitting strength to flexural strength needs to be applied. 46 2.9.8 Factors Affecting Geopolymer Concrete Properties Many parameters have been recognized that influence the properties of geopolymers. Palomo et al (1999) reported that the curing temperature, curing time and the type of alkaline liquid significantly affected the mechanical properties of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete. Elevated curing temperature and longer curing time were yielded in higher compressive strength. Moreover, alkaline liquid that had soluble silicates in their composition increased the rate of reaction in comparison with alkaline solutions that contained only hydroxide. Van Jaarsveld et al (2002) reported that properties of geopolymers were significantly varied with the water content and the curing and calcining condition of kaolin clay. Meanwhile, they noted cracking and negative effects in geopolymers in case of curing at too high temperature and recommended the use of mild curing. van Jaarsveld et al (2003) elaborated another investigation and mentioned that properties of geopolymers were derived from the source materials ,especially the CaO content, and the water-to-fly ash ratio. Barbosa et al (1999; 2000) concluded that the important parameters in formation of geopolymers are the molar composition and the water content. They illustrated that the hardened geopolymers were in amorphous microstructures and their bulk densities were about 1.3 to 1.9. Xu and van Deventer (2000) had a comprehensive experiment on natural SiAl geopolymers and finally listed the factors that significantly affected the compressive strength of these materials such as the CaO and K2O content, the molar Si-to-Al ratio of the source material, alkali liquid, the extent of dissolution of Si, and the molar of Si-to-Al ratio in solution. 41 2.9.9 Disadvantages of Geopolymers Many advantages were mentioned above; still geopolymer concrete has not been successfully marketed as a modern and sustainable binder. In fact, the main reason is that large cement companies are against the change from what they are professional in to what they have to learn and find it risky. From the construction industries point of view, ‘green cement’ has yet to establish itself as a viable, recognised or proven technology (Duxson et al., 2007). Yet, no exact estimation on the cost of the manufacture of geopolymer concrete has been reported. Hardjito and Rangan (2005) estimated that low-calcium fly ash based geopolymer concrete is cheaper than normal concrete; while Pacheco‐Torgal et al. (2007) reported that the cost of ‘green cement’ is 62% more expensive than Portland cement. Without accurate values for the cost of manufacture of geopolymers, it is obvious that investors will not spend their money where they have no idea about the project capital return. Another barrier for geopolymers marketing is that specifications have been set as acceptable standard and these standards only cover cement based products. Thus, lack of standards and specifications for geopolymers must be consider as a major barrier for mass utilization of them. It is logical to mention that the manufacture process of geopolymers is very complex for the general public who know little about this technology and need to know either this new ‘green concrete’ is safe and stable enough to trust or not. Geopolymers have been around since the 1950’s in the Soviet Union where Professor Glukhovsky originally discovered geopolymers. In fact, they used only slag instead of fly ash to construct the majority of buildings in the Ukraine back which are still servicing without any significant signs of deterioration. 48 The author estimates that in the near future the global environmental rules in regards to CO2 productions will impose the OPC companies to be adjusted to more sustainable standards and without any doubt one of the answers shall be geopolymer products. Dehghan, Hussin and Falahati (2011) investigated the issues that prevent geopolymer concrete to be marketed and be used in the structural works. They reported that complexity in the procedure of manufacturing geopolymer binder is the main barrier against their mass production. In addition to this, lack of standard and lack of skilled labours have ceased their introduction to the market. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Limited experience on fly ash‐based geopolymer concrete without any OPC imposed several preliminary experimental works to familiarize with the mix proportions and procedure of preparing the samples. According to literatures, utilization of sodium silicate solution to the sodium hydroxide solution as the alkaline liquid enhanced the reaction between the source material and the solution. Thus, initial mix designs for the production of geopolymer concrete using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) to form the alkaline solution were prepared. However, cost of potassium based solution was another factor that influences the decision making of using alkaline liquid. A trial and error process was used for fine tuning the strength of the mixes, including different bottom ash contents. In this project the compressive and tensile and flexural strengths were the main aspects of the investigation. To familiarize with the short-term strength 51 development of fly ash based geopolymer concrete, tests were conducted at 7, 14 and 28 days after casting. Methods and standards for manufacturing and testing of OPC concrete were followed in the production of geopolymer concrete. Meanwhile, it could help with a relevant comparison between the two products. Aggregates proportion as an important factor in properties of concrete was fixed at 70% by weight within the mix and its size, moisture content, shape and fineness modulus were observed carefully in order to investigate the effect of replacement of bottom ash and the aggregates were used only from one source. 3.2 Materials Preparation Mix proportion has known to be the most important parameter on geopolymer concrete properties and strength. Thus, preparation of the constituents of geopolymer concrete required more attention than any other factor. Below, the preparation of the main components of the geopolymer in this experiment was discussed: 3.2.1 Fly ash Dry low calcium fly ash was provided from Kapar power station, Malaysia. Ten bags of fly ash with average weight of 20 kg were obtained from the Kapar power station’s ash silo and stored in a dry and cool storage. Figure3.1. shows the process of collecting, delivering and storing the fly ash. 50 Figure 3.1: Process of collecting, delivering and storing the fly ash For chemical analysis, fly ash was sieved to particle size less than 75μm and sent to Allied chemists laboratory SDN. BHD. The chemical composition of fly ash is given in table 3.1. Table 3.1: Composition of Fly Ash as Determined by XRF (mass %) Element Mass (%) SiO2 46.7 Al2O3 35.9 Fe2O3 5.0 CaO 3.92 MgO 0.84 Na2O 0.58 K2O 0.5 P2O5 0.383 LOI 1.0 52 3.2.2 Alkaline Liquid As it was mentioned above, a combination of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution was used as alkaline liquid in this experiment. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in liquid form with a concentration of 14M (mass molar 4000gr/mol) and pH 14 at 50g/L in 20oC was used in this experiment. Sodium silicate relative density was 2.13gr/cm3. Another component of alkaline activator was sodium silicate and was provided from R&M chemicals. Figure 3.2: Sodium silicate in 10kg bottle 3.2.3 Aggregates Aggregates were provided from local resource, stored uncovered outside of the laboratory in storage divisions. In this research work coarse aggregate with nominal sizes of 10mm, and fine aggregates in the form of sand were used. Aggregates were prepared in saturated-surface-dry (SSD) condition and then were sealed in plastic bags about one month before the mixing. For this purpose, coarse 53 aggregates and sand were soaked separately in clean water, and then distributed on a plastic sheet until their surface become dry. SSD condition for geopolymer concrete must be prepared to avoid the absorption of the alkaline solution by the aggregates which reduce the polymerization of the fly ash. This process was very time consuming and aggregates were prepared in more than 10 days. During preparation room temperature, thickness of aggregate layers and volume of aggregates were different, thus at the end of the process of preparing SSD condition, all bags were combined together to make them uniform. Figure 3.3: SSD condition preparation for sand and coarse aggregates Sieve analyses on the natural sand were carried out based on BS 812103.1:1985. It was discovered that the optimum proportion was a combination with 50% of each of them. Following BS. 882:1992: Table5, there are lower limit and upper limit for passing percentages for all-in aggregates through each sieve. 54 Table 3.2: Grading of combined aggregates (50% coarse aggregate+ 50% Sand) Sieve size(mm) Combination BS. 882:1992 (50%coarse+50%sand) 10 97.0 95-100 5.0 55.0 30-65 2.38 42.3 20-50 1.18 17.3 15-40 600 16.3 10-30 300 14.5 5-15 150 2.0 0-8 Thus, the grading curve of combined aggregates is presented in Figure3.2 and it met the requirement of the standard. 100 100 95 Percentage passing ( % ) 90 80 65 70 60 50 50 Combination 40 40 Lower limit 30 30 20 10 Upper limit 30 15 8 0 0 150 10 5 300 600 15 1.18 20 2.36 5 10 BS. Sieve sizes Figure 3.4: Grading curve for combined aggregates As it can be seen, combination of 50% coarse aggregate with 50% sand met the requirement for standard grading curves of BS 882:1992. 55 SSD bulk specific gravity of sand which is the ratio of the weight in air of a unit volume of aggregate, including the weight of water within the voids to the weight in air of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water was measured in accordance with ASTM C 128 – 01” Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Fine Aggregate’’ with use of 500 gr SSD sand. Figure3.5 shows the process of preparation of sample to calculate SSD bulk specific gravity. Figure 3.5: SSD specific gravity test procedure After drying the sample at 110oC and weighting the dried sample, SSD bulk specific gravity of sand was measured as 2.47 and its dry bulk specific density was 2.41. Moisture content and absorption was computed as a percentage by subtracting the oven-dry mass from the saturated surface-dry mass, dividing by the oven-dry mass, and multiplying by 100. In concrete technology, aggregate moisture is expressed as a percent of the dry weight of the aggregate. Absorption natural sand measured on 500 gr SSD sand and it was calculated to be 2.7 %. Moisture content of coarse aggregate was also determined as 1.9%. 56 ASTM C 29/C 29M - 97’’ Standard Test Method for Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”) and Voids in Aggregate’’ was selected as the code of practice to measure dry and SSD bulk density of sand. Sand was filled in the cylinder at three layers and for each layer 25 strokes was used for rodding. Figure3.6 illustrates the process of preparing the sand for dry bulk density. Dry bulk density was calculated as 1641 Kg/m3 and its SSD bulk density was calculated with use of absorption (2.7 %) to be 1685Kg/m3. Figure 3.6: Preparation process for dry bulk density Void content was measured according to ASTM C 29/C 29M - 97, density of water was reported in this standard in26.7oC as 996.6Kg/m3. Thus, void content of normal sand was 31.3 %. 3.2.4 Bottom Ash Bottom ash was obtained from Tanjung Bin power station, Johor, Malaysia. Ten bags with average weight of 20 kg were delivered from Tanjung Bin power 51 station’s ash pond to UTM laboratory and stored in a safe place. Figure3.7 shows the Tanjung Bin power stations’ bottom ash pond. Figure 3.7: Tanjung Bin power stations’ bottom ash pond To find bottom ash chemical composition, a sample of bottom ash which was sieved through sieve 75μm was sent to ALLIED CHEMISTS LABROTARRY SDN. BHD for chemical analysis and result from this analysis is tabulated in Table3.3. Table 3.3: Chemical composition of bottom ash from Tanjung Bin Element Mass (%) SiO2 45 Al2O3 30 Fe2O3 11 CaO 8.4 MgO <0.1 Na2O <0.1 K2O 0.9 P2O5 <0.1 LOI 27.4 58 Since bottom ash was selected as a replacement for sand, its size gradation was also a major parameter. Thus, sieve analysis was elaborated for it to find out its grading curve which is presented in Table3.4 and Figure3.8. Sieve test on bottom ash was carried out based on BS 812-103.1:1985. Bottom ash had large particles even larger than 20mm, to make it a suitable substitute for sand, initially, it was sieved through sieve 5mm to become in the same range with sand. Table 3.4: Grading of Tanjung Bin bottom ash Sieve size(mm) Passing BS. 882:1992 percentage ( % ) Additional limit (C) 10 100 100 - 5.0 98.7 89-100 - 2.38 64.6 60-100 60-100 1.18 49.0 30-100 30-90 600 38.8 15-100 15-54 300 26.6 5-70 5-40 150 12.2 0-15 - 75 6.4 - - According to BS. 882:1992, the grading of the sand shall comply with the overall limits given in Table3.8. Additionally, not more than one in ten consecutive samples shall have a grading outside the limits for any one of the gradations C, M or F. 59 100 100 100 100 100 98.8 Passing percentage ( % ) 90 89 80 70 70 64.4 60 60 50 Bottom ash 49 40 Lower limit 38.8 30 20 100 100 15 15 12.2 10 Upper limit 30 26.6 5 0 0 150 300 600 1.18 2.36 5 10 BS. Sieve Figure 3.8: Grading curve for bottom ash The fineness modulus of bottom ash was calculated based on the results of bottom ash sieve analysis which was tabulated in Table3.4. The fineness modulus was measured by summation of the cumulative percentage retained on the sieve series of 150, 300, 600μm, 1.18, 2.36 and 5.0 mm. The calculated fineness modulus of bottom ash was 3.25 which showed coarser nature of this material. Bottom ash was also prepared in saturated surface dry (SSD) condition. This process was performed about one month before the casting with a similar method for sand. For preparation of bottom ash, it was sieved through sieve 5mm which lead to upper limit grading as it is for sand. Figure 3.9 shows the method of soaking bottom ash in water which took 24 hours. As it can be seen in the photo, after filling the bucket with water, large air bubbles released which showed bottom ash has a porous nature. 61 Figure 3.9: Immersion of bottom ash in water During discharging the extra water, BS sieve 75μm was used. According the literature, this process of washing was named as washing the bottom ash and the produced was named as washed bottom ash (WBA). The process was continued by distributing the wet bottom ash on plastic sheets to become in surface dry mode. Figure3.10 shows drying process of bottom ash for SSD condition. The left material is natural sand and the right one is bottom ash which was darker than natural sand. Figure 3.10: Drying process of bottom ash and sand for SSD condition 60 SSD bulk specific gravity of washed bottom ash was also measured in accordance with ASTM C 128 – 01” Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Fine Aggregate’’ with use of 500 gr SSD bottom ash. Figure3.11 shows the process of preparation of bottom ash for SSD bulk specific test. Figure 3.11: Preparation of bottom ash for SSD bulk specific test After drying the sample at 110oC and weighting the dried sample, SSD bulk specific gravity of bottom ash was measured as 1.74. Water absorption was computed as a percentage by subtracting the oven-dry mass from the saturated surface-dry mass, dividing by the oven-dry mass, and multiplying by 100. In concrete technology, aggregate moisture is expressed as a percent of the dry weight of the aggregate. Absorption natural sand measured on 500 gr SSD bottom ash and it was calculated to be 10.81 %. ASTM C 29/C 29M – 97’’ Standard Test Method for Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”) and Voids in Aggregate’’ was selected as the code of practice to measure dry and SSD bulk density of sand. Sand was filled in the cylinder at three layers and 62 for each layer 25 strokes was used for rodding. Figure3.12 illustrates the process of preparing the sand for SSD bulk density. Dry bulk density was calculated as 957.7kg/m3 and its SSD bulk density was calculated with use of absorption (10.81 %) to be 1061.2 kg/m3. Figure 3.12: Preparation process for SSD bulk density Void content was measured according to ASTM C 29/C 29M – 97, density of water was reported in this standard in 26.7oC as 996.6kg/m3. Thus, void content of bottom ash was 44.7 %. 3.2.5 Super plasticizer (SP) As it was mentioned above, workability of mixtures was not proper to cast in the moulds, so extra water and superplasticizer were added to the mixtures to provide a moderate slump. Commercially available SP in powder form was added to the mixtures by 2% of weight of fly ash to improve workability. According to British 63 Standard BS EN 206-1:2000, concrete specification, performance, production and conformity, The total amount of admixtures, if any, shall not exceed the maximum dosage recommended by the admixture producer and not exceed 50 g of admixture (as supplied) per kg cement unless the influence of the higher dosage on the performance and the durability of the concrete is established. Admixtures used in quantities less than 2 g/kg cement are only permitted if they are dispersed in part of the mixing water. However, this was not a major problem since the amount of SP was more than that ratio. Figure 3.13: Applied super plasticizer in powder form 3.3 Preliminary Works To start geopolymer concrete without bottom ash was produced to familiarize with the process and behavior of the material. The first two mixes were prepared in the middle of September, 2011, with the use of a pan mixer. Samples were poured in 100x100x100mm cubes for compression strength test. Heat-curing in oven was the method to cure trial mixes to speed up the process and another two trial mixes were casted in the end of September, 2011 and another two were made in August, 2011. 64 The main objectives to perform those pre-investigations were: Familiarizing with the process of manufacturing fly ash based geopolymer concrete and optimizing the mix design Discovering the most suitable combination of aggregates for the mixture Investigating the amount of extra water that was required for workability by means of slump test Finding suitable temperature for curing of fly ash based geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash Exploring the setting time in order to prevent flash set in the mixer Mix proportions, method of mixing and casting were based on the results of trial mixes which were discussed below: 3.4 Proportions, Mixing, and Casting The mixing phase had a notable influence in the production of geopolymer concrete, because a wrong and unbalanced mixture may cause flash set or even prevent hardening process which both are failures for the designer and waste of time and materials are its consequences. 65 According to the literature which was reported in Chapter 2 and also results based on trial mixes, a brief review on the type, size and content of constituents of the final mix designs were presented: Low calcium fly ash was obtained from Kapar power station, Malaysia Bottom ash was attained from Tanjung Bin power station, Johor, Malaysia Alkaline liquid was a mixture of sodium silicate solution and sodium hydroxide solution with the ratio of 2.5. Sodium hydroxide solution was in molarity of 14M. Ratio of alkaline liquid/fly ash was kept on 0.4 by mass. 70% of the weight of the mixtures was aggregates in the size of 10 mm and sand Bottom ash was replaced by 0, 20, 40 and 60 percent of fine aggregate by mass It was assumed that the average unit-weight of geopolymer concrete was 2350 kg/m3and the mass of combined aggregates was 70% of the whole mass of concrete which 0.70×2350= 1645 kg/m3. The aggregate size shall be selected to satisfy the standard grading curves used in the design of OPC concrete mixtures. The aggregate part consisted of 822.5 kg/m3 (50%) of 10 mm aggregates and 822.5 kg/m3 (50%) of sand to meet the requirements of standard grading curves. All specifications were in accordance with British Standard BS882:1992. By decreasing the unit-weight of geopolymer concrete from the aggregates content, the mass of low-calcium fly ash and the alkaline liquid were equal to 66 705kg/m3 (2350 – 1645 = 705 kg/m3). As it was mentioned, the alkaline liquid/ fly ash ratio by mass was taken as 0.4. Therefore, the mass of fly ash became 503 kg/m3 which is (705/ (1+0.4) =503 kg/m3) and the mass of alkaline liquid was 202 kg/m3 according to (705 - 503 = 202 kg/m3). In this project, the ratio of sodium silicate solution/sodium hydroxide solution by mass was selected as 2.5; the mass of sodium hydroxide solution = 202/ (1+2.5) = 58 kg/m3, while the mass of sodium silicate solution was equal to 144 kg/m3 that (202 – 58 =144 kg/m3). Commercially available super plasticizer with amount of approximately 2% of mass of fly ash, 503 × (2/100) = 10 kg/m3was added into the mixture to assist the placement of fresh concrete. Water was also added to mixtures to improve the workability and produce a desirable moderate slump value. It was decided to fix the slump value of all mixtures to a specific amount to compare the strengths of them. According to the BS EN: 206-1:2000, class S2 with 80mm slump value was the target. These proportions were tabulated in Table3.5 as below: Table 3.5: Final mix designs (kg/m3) Item Mix0 Mix20 Mix40 Mix60 503 503 503 503 Coarse aggregate 10mm 822.5 822.5 822.5 822.5 Sand 822.5 658 493.5 329 Bottom Ash 0 164.5 329 493.5 Sodium Hydroxide (14M) 58 58 58 58 Sodium Silicate 144 144 144 144 Super plasticizer 10 10 10 10 Extra water 9.1 4.5 1.8 0 Fly ash 61 Figure3.14: Prepared dry components of geopolymer concrete before casting Davidovits (2002) recommended that the mixture of the sodium silicate solution and the sodium hydroxide solution should be prepared at least one day before addition into the solid constituents. Following this recommendation, the sodium hydroxide solution was mixed with sodium silicate solution one day before the mixing and then sealed in a tank as showed in Figure3.15. Figure 3.15: Sealing alkaline activator in the tank 68 Nine cubes for 7, 14 and 28 days compressive strength were casted. Six 200×100mm cylinders were prepared for tensile splitting strength test at the age of 7-day and 28-day, meanwhile six 100×100×500mm prisms were also prepared for calculation of flexural strength at the age of 7-day and 28-day and one extra prism to measure water absorption Detailed calculation for required amount of concreting is tabulated in Table3.6 which must be prepared four times. Table 3.6: Quantity estimation and planning of experiment Test Description Size (mm) No. of specimens Age of testing Volume (m3) Total (m3) Compressive Tensile Flexural Water strength strength strength absorption 100×100×100 200×100 100×100×500 100×100×500 3 3 3 1 7 and 28 7 and 28 28 0.009 0.03 0.005 7, 14 and 28 0.009 0.053+10%=0.058 for each mix design At first, all dry constituents such as aggregates, fly ash and bottom ash (except for the first mixture) were combined for about 5 minutes. Then, the alkaline solution was inserted into the dry mix gradually. Mixing was continued until formation of a homogenous combined paste which was about another 5±1 minutes. It was observed from trial mixes that addition of 2% of the weight of fly ash as super plasticizer would not provide the workability solely, thus extra water was added to mixes for providing slump value of 80-90 mm. Figure3.16 shows mixing the geopolymer concrete in the pan mixer. 69 Figure 3.16: Mixing the geopolymer concrete in the pan mixer. It was observed that geopolymer concrete physical shape was different from OPC concrete. In fact, fresh geopolymer concrete was very dark and shiny and had an extremely sticky and cohesive nature and pouring geopolymer concrete needed more time and energy due to the difficulty of moving. Figur3.17 demonstrates fresh geopolymer concrete containing 20% bottom ash. Figure 3.17: Fresh geopolymer concrete containing 20% bottom ash For the first step in the casting stage, moulds were prepared for concreting by lubricating with a polymeric wax. For the use of geopolymer concrete, the usual grease or oil is not suitable and a polymeric mould releaser material must be used. 11 The next step was performed by filling the half of moulds with the prepared paste. The compaction process was performed by twenty five manual strokes per layer as well as ten seconds of vibration on vibration table to vanish the air bubbles and for the next layer the same procedure was utilized. Figure3.18 and Figure3.19 shows the cubes and prisms on the vibration table. The duration and type of vibration was chosen in accordance with preliminary experiments. Figure 3.18: Cube moulds after the compaction process Figure 3.19: Prisms filled and compacted with the Mix40 10 3.5 Curing It was found that strength properties of geopolymers significantly increase with the increase in the temperature of curing. Ambient curing in indoor temperature (28oC) was used as the regime of curing and there was no need to seal the specimens and samples were only covered by plastic sheets for 1-2 days as can be seen in Figure3.20. Figure 3.20: Covering geopolymer concrete samples after casting After 3 days of curing in indoor temperature, the moulds of Mix0, Mix20 and Mix40 were opened. After 3 days, these mixtures were set and it was applicable to move, but Mix60 moulds were opened on the 4th day after casting since it needed more time to harden. Thus, all moulds were removed and striped samples were put in a safe corner with indoor temperature of 28oC and average humidity of 85%. Figure3.21 shows the geopolymer concrete containing 0% bottom ash at the age of 7days, and Figure3.22 is one set of samples for each strength test, while Figure3.23 shows Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 at various ages. 12 Figure 3.21: Geopolymer concrete containing 0% bottom ash at 7-day Figure 3.22: One set of samples for strength tests 13 Figure 3.23: Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 cubes at different ages 3.6 Conclusive Tests After finishing all preliminary tests on trial mixtures which were more than 10 mix designs and also performing tests on the raw materials to acquire information about their physical properties and chemical compositions, conclusive tests on strength properties of the final samples were elaborated. Methods of testing were mentioned as below: 3.6.1 Density of Geopolymer Concrete Density of geopolymer concrete was calculated based on the method that have been used for OPC concrete. BS. 1881: Part 114: 1983 was selected as code of practice which described density as the mass of a unit volume of hardened concrete 14 and expressed in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3). For determination of volume, dimension of the cubes were measured and cubes were weighted as-received in air. Figure3.24. shows the process of weighting by balance in indoor temperature. Figure 3.24: Weight measurement for density calculation 3.6.2 Ultrasonic Pulses Velocity (UPV) Test To investigate the effect of replacing sand with bottom ash on geopolymer concrete uniformity, UPV test was conducted on specimens at the age of 7, 14 and 28days. This was performed by measuring the velocity of ultrasonic pulses for two pairs of cube side for three times by direct transmission which means six reading for each cube. The electronic timing apparatus’s accuracy needed to be checked with the reference bar. Checking the accuracy with the reference bar was shown in Figure3.25. 15 Figure 3.25: Checking the accuracy of UPV test apparatus with reference bar Before starting the measurement, center of cube faces were marked. Green grease was used as couplant for both transmitters. For each face three measurements were conducted and for each cube two faces were tested for velocity of ultrasonic pulses. The process of measurement was shown in Figure3.26. Figure 3.26: Measuring velocity of ultrasonic pulses by direct transmission 16 The process was followed by averaging the three values of each face and reported as velocity of ultrasonic pulses for the geopolymer concrete at the age of 7, 14 and 28days. Electronic timing circuits enable the transit time T of the pulse to be measured. The ultrasonic pulse velocity V (m/s) was calculated according to BS. 1881: Part 203:1986: (3.1) where L is the path length; T is the time taken by the pulse to traverse that length. 3.6.3 Water Absorption Test To investigate water absorption of fly ash based geopolymer concrete containing different percentages of bottom ash, for each mixture one prism was prepared from the same batch with similar method of curing. Following the BS. 1881: Part 122: 1983, this test should be conducted when the age of samples is in the range of 28 to 32 days. Thus at the age of 28 days, it was cored with the diameter of 75mm. Density and dimension of specimens were measured in accordance with BS. 118: Part 114. Then the cores were dried in the oven at 110oC until their mass become constant. 11 Figure 3.27: Arrangement of specimens in the oven After removal from the oven, the cores were put in an airtight vessel for 24 hours to cool. The process was followed by weighting the specimens and then they were immersed in water tank for 30 minutes with its longitudinal axis horizontal and at a depth such that there was 25 mm of water over the top of the specimens. Process of immersion is presented in Figure3.28. Figure 3.28: Immersed geopolymer concrete cores in water 18 Then, they brought out the water tank and wiped with a cloth and again they were weighted. The increase in mass resulting from immersion expressed as a percentage of the mass of the dry specimen for water absorption of geopolymer concrete. Results of water absorption were checked with the assessment criteria of CEB (1989) which was presented in Table3.7. Table 3.7: Assessment criteria for water absorption (CEB, 1989) Absorption (%) Absorption rating Concrete quality at 30 minutes < 3.0 Low Good 3.0 to 5.0 Average Average > 5.0 High Poor Since length of samples were 100mm, a correction factor based on BS 1881Part 122-83 should be applied to the results. 3.6.4 Compressive, Indirect Tensile Splitting and Flexural Strengths Tests As it was stated above, the compressive, tensile and flexural strengths of geopolymer concrete were the main targets of this investigation. Therefore, tests were conducted on the hardened geopolymer concrete cubes at 7, 14 and 28 days while cylinders and prisms were tested at 7 and 28 days after concreting. The tests were elaborated by use of hydraulic testing machines for compressive, splitting tensile and ultimate flexural strengths tests. Compressive strength test was elaborated based on BS. 1881: Part116: 1983 by means of three 100x100x100 mm geopolymer concrete cubes. Sizes on the 19 specimens were measured to calculate their cross-sectional area. In the next step, load was applied without shock and continuously at a nominal rate of 0.3 N/ (mm² .s) which was in the range that the standard suggested. Figure3.29 shows the process of loading by hydraulic strength machine. Figure 3.29: Geopolymer concrete cube placed in compressive strength test machine Compressive strength calculation of each cube was performed by dividing the maximum load applied to it by the cross-sectional area and results were reported to the nearest 0.5 N/mm². The tensile splitting strength test was performed based on BS. 1881: 117: 1983 on three 200x100 mm cylinders at 7 and 28 days after casting. Since the cylinder was fully covered by steel loading surfaces, no extra plate was used and loading with pace rate of 0.02 N/ (mm2.s). Method placing the cylinders in the machine was presented in Figure3.30. 81 Figure3.30: Placing the geopolymer concrete cylinder in hydraulic machine for tensile splitting strength test The tensile splitting strength ( in N/m² is calculated by the formula: (3.2) where F is the maximum load (in N); L is the length of the specimen as shown (in mm); d is the cross-sectional dimension of the specimen (in mm). The tensile splitting strength was expressed to the nearest 0.05 N/mm². BS. 1881: Part 118: 1983 was selected as code of practice to measure flexural strength of geopolymer concrete containing different percentages of bottom ash as replacement of sand. To measure the flexural strength of geopolymer concrete, 100×100×500mm prisms were tested with pace rate of 0.06 N/ (mm².s). Figure3.31 shows the arrangement of supports and loading rolls on a geopolymer concrete prism in the flexural strength test machine. 80 Figure 3.31: Geopolymer concrete prism placed in flexural strength test machine The flexural strength of geopolymer concrete fcf (N/mm²) was calculated by: (3.3) Where F is the breaking load (N) d1 and d2 are the lateral dimensions of the cross-section (mm) L is the distance between the supporting rollers (mm). And final results were expressed to the nearest 0.1 N/mm². CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, it is going to report and discuss about the results which were achieved in accordance with the methods that were mentioned in the previous chapter. For each item, three specimens were tested and mean value of the data are plotted in figures and tables to analyze. The standard deviations are calculated on the test results as the error bar. Significant observations and occurrences are reported with discussion about the possible reasons. In this chapter, the effects of replacement of bottom ash instead of natural sand on the strengths and a number of basic properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete are discussed. The concentration is on the density, velocity of ultrasonic pulses, water absorption, compressive strength, tensile splitting strength and flexural strength of geopolymer concrete. 83 4.2 Overview on the Mixing Water It was observed that by increase in the amount of bottom ash in the mixture, workability improved without requirement to extra water in Mix40 and Mix60. According to investigations which were stated in Chapter 3, moisture contents of natural sand and bottom ash were 2.7% and 10.81%, respectively. Table4.1 shows the difference of mixing water in each mixture as the sum of moisture content of sand and bottom ash plus the extra water which was added to mixture to improve the workability to a moderate slump. Table 4.1: Discrepancy in the mixing water Water content ( kg/m3) Mix0 Mix20 Mix40 Mix60 Sand 22.2 17.7 13.3 8.8 Bottom ash 0 17.7 35.5 53.3 Extra water 9.1 4.5 1.8 0 Total 31.3 39.9 50.6 62.1 As it can be seen in Table4.1, with the increase in bottom ash, the mixing water in the mixture increased. In fact, absorption of bottom ash was 4 times more than natural sand. Moisture highly retained into and onto the bottom ash due to the high porosity and irregular surface. According to literature about usage of bottom ash in normal concrete, the same behaviour was reported. 84 4.3 Physical Properties of Bottom Ash and Natural Sand To compare physical properties bottom ash and sand, tests were conducted on these two materials and results are presented in Table4.2. Table 4.2: Physical properties of sand and bottom ash Property Natural sand Bottom ash Fineness modulus 2.36 3.25 SSD bulk specific gravity 2.47 1.74 Dry bulk specific gravity 2.41 1.57 Absorption ( % ) 2.7 10.81 Dry bulk density (kg/m3) 1641 957.7 SSD bulk density (kg/m3) 1685 1061.2 Void content ( % ) 31.3 44.7 Bottom ash had a higher fineness modulus in comparison with natural sand, which shows it was coarser than sand. By investigations on bulk specific gravity and also bulk density of bottom ash it was discovered that bottom ash was lighter and had a higher void content than normal sand. This can reduce the unit weight of the end product and consequently may deduct the strength properties. 85 4.4 Effect of Using Bottom Ash on Density of Geopolymer Concrete Densities of all the four mixtures were calculated at the age of 7, 14 and 28days to investigate variation on the density by time and also understanding how replacement of bottom ash would affect the density. Meanwhile, physical shapes of the end products were similar except Mix60 which needed more time to harden and it was not physically stable like the other samples. Table4.3 shows the densities Mix0, Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 at age of 7, 14 and 28days. Table 4.3: Density of geopolymer concrete specimens Density (kg/m3) Mixture 7-day Standard Deviation 14-day Standard Deviation 28-day Standard Deviation Mix0 2230 10 2242 11 2247 34 Mix20 2187 8 2192 26 2216 27 Mix40 2112 25 2114 39 2122 40 Mix60 2098 11 2099 22 2102 18 86 2250 2230 Density (kg/m3) 2210 2190 2170 Mix0 2150 Mix20 2130 Mix40 2110 Mix60 2090 2070 2050 7 14 28 Age ( Days ) Figure 4.1: The influence of adding bottom ash on density of the mixtures As it can be seen, density dropped dramatically by addition of bottom to the geopolymer concrete mixture, on the other hand, similar to normal concrete with increase in the period of curing density of samples increased. The highest density for a mixture with bottom ash was 2216 kg/m3 at 28 days, while at the same age for normal geopolymer concrete density gained to 2247 kg/m3. For the last mixture, density remained approximately constant during age 7-day and 28-day. 4.5 Velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses for Geopolymer Concrete Direct UPV as a non-destructive test was conducted and mean values for each mixture are shown in Table4.4 and Figure4.2. 81 Table 4.4: Result of UPV test for mixtures with different proportions of bottom ash Velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses ( m/s ) Mixture 7 Days Standard Deviation 14 Days Standard Deviation 28 Days Standard Deviation Mix0 3745 0.21 3981 0.25 4213 0.35 Mix20 3331 0.14 3685 0.86 3797 0.47 Mix40 3053 1.3 3212 1.02 3268 0.63 Mix60 2195 1.6 2339 0.65 2340 0.59 Velocity of ultrasonic pulses (m/s) 4500 Velocity of ultrasonic pulses vs. Age 4000 3500 Mix0 Mix20 3000 Mix40 Mix60 2500 2000 7 14 28 Age ( Days ) Figure 4.2: Velocity of ultrasonic pulses against the age Adding bottom ash significantly reduced velocity of ultrasonic pulses and homogeneity of geopolymer concrete. However, according the quality assessment of concrete by Whitehurst (1951), both Mix0 and Mix20 can be categorized as generally good quality concrete since their pulse velocity inside them were more than 3500 m/s, while Mix4 was in the range of questionable quality and Mix60 was generally poor. 88 4.5.1 Relationship between Velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses and Density in Geopolymer Concrete There was a direct relationship between density and velocity of ultrasonic pulses; however, more investigation is required to plot and introduce a correlation with high accuracy which was not in the scope of this project. 2260 2240 Density ( kg/m3) 2220 2200 2180 2160 2140 2120 2100 2080 2060 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Velocity of ultrasonic pulses ( m/s ) Figure 4.3: Relationship between velocity of ultrasonic pulses and density As it can be seen in the above figure, with the increase in density, pulses velocity increased inside the geopolymer concrete specimens. 89 4.6 Water Absorption of Geopolymer Concrete Containing Bottom Ash Water absorption for all the four mixtures were measured at the age of 28-day and were corrected by correction factor of 1.09 since their lengths were 100mm and results are presented in Table4.5. Table 4.5: Corrected water absorption rate for the four mixtures Mixture Water absorption (%) Quality in Accordance with CEB 1989 Mix0 2.1 Good Mix20 4.0 Average Mix40 4.8 Average Mix60 5.9 Low According to results, water absorption increased with higher contents of bottom ash in geopolymer concrete. The ratio of 2.1% increased to 4% by addition of 20% bottom ash to the mixture, which changed the quality status of the samples from good quality to average quality. In Mix40, the water absorption reached 4.8% which was so close the 5% as the limit for average quality concrete, while water absorption of Mix60 dropped to 5.9% which shows its high porosity and low quality. 91 4.7 Compressive strength results To investigate the effect of using bottom ash in geopolymer concrete instead of natural sand, three cubes were tested at the age of 7, 14 and 28 days and results are shown in Table4.6 and Figure4.4. Table 4.6: Compressive strength of geopolymer concrete containing 0, 20, 40 and 60% of bottom ash Compressive strength (MPa) Mixture 7 Days Standard Deviation 14 Days Standard Deviation 28 Days Standard Deviation Mix0 24.5 1.2 32.0 0.6 37.4 3.5 Mix20 16.0 1 19.5 0.95 26.5 2 Mix40 8.0 1.8 9.5 1.5 11.5 1.4 Mix60 5.0 1.1 6.5 1.1 6.0 0.5 45 Compressive strength Compressive strength (MPa) 40 35 30 25 Mix0 20 Mix20 Mix40 15 Mix60 10 5 0 7 14 28 Age ( Days ) Figure 4.4: Compressive strength development during 7 days until 28 days 90 In all the mixture, with increase in the period of curing the compressive strength improved. For Mix0, it increased from 24.5 MPa at 7-day to 37.5 MPa at 28day, and for Mix20, it increase from 16MPa to 26.5 MPa. With 20% replacement of sand, 30% of 28-day compressive strength decreased. In other words, by 7% change in the whole mass of geopolymer concrete, 30% of 28 days compressive strength decreased. When the ratio of replacement reached 40%, the compressive strength increased from 8 MPa to 11.5MPa. Development of compressive strength in Mix60 which had the highest amount of bottom ash was from 5MPa to 6.5MPa. 4.7.1 Effect of Age on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete Investigations of compressive strength development of the samples were performed based on the ratio of compressive strength at 7 days and 28 days. 100 90 80 70 60 50 28 days 40 7 days 30 20 10 0 Mix0 Mix20 Mix40 Mix60 Figure 4.5: Ratio of compressive strength development between age 7-day and 28-day 92 At 7-day, mixture without bottom ash gained 65% of its 28-day compressive strength, while this ratio decreased to 61% for Mix20. However, with higher bottom content, the ratio increased to 70% and 79% for Mix40 and Mix60, respectively. 4.7.2 Relationship between Compressive Strength and Density Similar to normal concrete, there was a direct relationship between compressive strength and density of geopolymer concrete. With increase in density, compressive strength was also increased. 4.8 Indirect Tensile Splitting Strength Results from testing cylinders and prisms for indirect tensile splitting strength of geopolymer concrete are categorized in Table4.7 and explained by Figure 4.6. Table 4.7: Tensile splitting strength of geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash Tensile splitting strength (MPa) Mixture 7 Days Standard Deviation 28 Days Standard Deviation Mix0 2.15 0.28 3.55 0.21 Mix20 1.80 0.20 2.45 0.13 Mix40 1.05 0.04 1.55 0.2 Mix60 0.70 0.01 0.90 0.12 93 Tensile splitting Strength (MPa) 4 Tensile splitting strength 3.5 3 2.5 Mix0 2 Mix20 1.5 Mix40 1 Mix60 0.5 0 7 28 Age ( Days ) Figure 4.6: Tensile splitting strength at the age of 7 and 28days As it can be seen in Figure4.6, tensile strength of geopolymer decreased with replacing sand with bottom ash. Tensile strength of geopolymer concrete without bottom ash at the age of 7-day was 2.15MPa and increased to more 3.5MPa at 28day, while the same trend for Mix20 was from 1.8MPa to 2.45MPa. For Mix60 the 28-day tensile strength dropped to less than 1.0MPa. 4.8.1 Ratio of Tensile Splitting Strength to Compressive Strength According to results from section 4.8 and 4.9, ratio of tensile splitting strength to compressive strength of geopolymer concrete with different proportions of bottom ash was calculated at the age of 7-day and 28-day. 94 Tensile splitting strength/compressive strength 15 14 13 12 7 11 28 10 9 8 Mix0 Mix20 Mix40 Mix60 Mixture Figure 4.7: Ratio of tensile splitting strength to compressive strength at 7day and 28-day Mehta and Monteiro (1993) conducted a research on strength properties of normal concrete and results of their works is tabulated Table4.7. Table 4.8: Relation between compressive, flexural, and tensile strength of concrete 95 According to their work, with increase in compressive strength from 1000psi to 9000psi the ratio of tensile strength to compressive strength decreased from 11% to 7%. In cement concrete, age is a significant factor in the relation between ft and fc, beyond about one month, the tensile strength increases more slowly than the compressive strength. So the ft/fc´ decreases with time. But in this experiment, with decrease in the compressive strength from Mix0 to Mix60, the ratio of tensile splitting strength-to-compressive strength increases. In fact, it increased from 8% to 13% at 7-days and from 9% to 14% at 28-day. 4.9 Flexural Strength Results Flexural strength of Mix0, Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 were calculated and mentioned in Table4.9 and discussion was conducted by Figure4.8. Table 4.9: Flexural strength of geopolymer concrete containing 0, 20, 40 and 60% of bottom ash Flexural strength (MPa) Mixture 7 Days Standard Deviation 28 Days Standard Deviation Mix 4.4 0.1 6.7 0.27 Mix20 3.0 0.1 4.7 0.11 Mix40 1.6 0.27 2.3 0.12 Mix60 1.2 0.2 1.4 0.12 96 8 Flexural strength Flexural Strength (MPa) 7 6 5 Mix0 4 Mix20 3 Mix40 2 Mix60 1 0 7 28 Age ( Days ) Figure 4.8: Flexural strength at 7-day and 28-day Similar to other strength properties, flexural strength of geopolymer concrete decreased with usage of bottom ash in the mixture. Flexural strength of Mix0 developed from 4.4MPa to 6.7MPa which was considerably high. However, for mixtures containing bottom ash the highest result was 4.7MPa for Mix20 at 28-day which was slightly higher than 7-day flexural strength of Mix0. 4.9.1 Ratio of Flexural Strength to Compressive Strength According to results from section 4.8 and 4.10, ratio of flexural strength to compressive strength of geopolymer concrete with different proportions of bottom ash was calculated at the age of 7-day and 28-day. 91 Flexural strenghth / compressive strength 25 24 23 22 21 20 7 19 28 18 17 16 15 Mix0 Mix20 Mix40 Mix60 Mixture Figure 4.9: Ratio of flexural strength to compressive strength at 7-day and 28-day According to Mehta and Monteiro (1993) results, with the increase in compressive strength from 1000psi to 9000psi, the ratio of flexural strength to compressive strength decreased from 23% to 11.2%. In this experiment, as the period of curing increased the ratio decreased. Although with increase in the amount of bottom ash in the mixture compressive strength decreased, the ratio increased. This trend was not similar to normal concrete trend which may due to better performance of mixtures with bottom ash in flexure. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Summary This chapter presents a summary of the research work and also the major observations and conclusions from the conducted results. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of using bottom ash in geopolymer concrete as a replacement for natural sand and find applicability of using geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash in structural works. After production of many trial mixes and also following the works of other researchers in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), a mix design was achieved for geopolymer concrete without any bottom ash and then investigations were elaborated by replacing partials of sand with bottom ash and influences of this parameter was monitored in terms of workability, density, water absorption, velocity of ultrasonic, compressive strength, tensile splitting strength and also flexural strength. The two material (geopolymer concrete with and without bottom ash) differed by more than just replacement of sand and it was found that bottom ash which absorbed more water in its pores significantly reduced the extra water. The magnitude was occurred in Mix60 which there was no need to extra water. In order to maintain constant approaches between the mixtures, consideration was taken about material preparation, ratio of alkaline liquid-to-fly ash, ratio of sodium silicate-to-sodium hydroxide, workability, mixing procedures, compaction, 99 storage and curing condition to keep them constant for all the mixtures. Thus, for all of the mixtures the dry mixing was 5minutes and wet mixing was 5±1min. The process of compaction was performed both with tamper and vibration table and then the samples were cured at ambient condition. Workability was monitored as the only characteristic of fresh geopolymer concrete to investigate the effect of using bottom ash in geopolymer concrete. After 3days of casting the moulds were opened and samples were kept at ambient condition with average temperature of 28oC until the date of testing. At the age of 7 and 28 days, density, velocity of ultrasonic pulses, compressive strength, tensile splitting strength and flexural strength were measured. While at the age of 14days, only density, velocity of ultrasonic pulses and compressive strength was measured. At the age of 28days, water absorption was also measured by making three cores on a prism. Conclusive tests were compressive strength test on 100×100×100mm cubes, tensile splitting strength test on 200×100mm cylinders and flexural strength test on 100×100×500mm prisms. Detailed results of the tests and the relations between them are tabulated and plotted in Chapter4. 5.2 Significant observations 5.2.1 Mould preparation One of the most difficult tasks in the process of making the samples was mould preparation. Since normal oil is not suitable for making geopolymer concrete, after each time casting, internal surfaces of the moulds were not smooth and 011 hardworking was required to prepare the mould for the next casting. It is highly recommended to use new moulds with smooth surface to avoid waste of time. 5.2.2 Crystallization in the alkaline activator It was observed that five days after the mixing of the alkaline solution consisting of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate crystallization was started and on the sixth day after mixing large solid particles were appeared in the solution. With a sudden movement of the container the hardening was speeded up. Prepared alkaline solution shall not be used after 3 days of mixing, unless it was tested by a trial mix. 5.2.3 Physical form of the four mixtures After adding 20, 40 and 60 bottom ash into the mixture, no visual outcome was observed during the mixing process. The only occurrence was the decrease in the requirement of extra water with the increase of bottom ash in the mixtures. Mix60 kept one day more than other mixtures in moulds, since the samples were not completely set. After striping the moulds, the surface of Mix0 samples were smooth and surface voids were not intensive. While, for Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 intensive small voids were observed on the surface of the samples. Sample Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 are presented in Figure5.1. 010 Figure 5.1: Mix20, Mix40 and Mix60 physical shape 5.3 Conclusions After performing the tests on the four mixtures with various percentages of bottom ash, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. Although the growth in density of geopolymer concrete with age was not significant, density of all the four mixtures increased with period of curing. As the amount of replacement of bottom ash increases, density decreases. In fact, the density of geopolymer concrete without bottom ash was 2247 Kg/m3 at 28-day, while at the same age this amount was 2216 kg/m3 for Mix20 which was the highest density among the mixtures with bottom ash. 012 2. Velocity of ultrasonic pulses increases with the age geopolymer concrete, but decreases as the percentage of bottom ash increases. It increased 12.5 % from 7-day to 28-day for geopolymer concrete without bottom ash, while it improved by 14% for mixture with 20% bottom ash. 3. According to Whitehurst (1951), quality of Mix0 and Mix20 can be categorized as generally good quality concrete. By increase in the amount of bottom ash in the mixture, the quality becomes poor and poorer due to higher porosity and lower homogeneity. 4. Water absorption increases with the increase in amount of bottom ash of the mixture. As a matter of fact, normal geopolymer concrete has a low ratio of water absorption, while this ratio increases as the bottom ash increases in the mixture. Normal geopolymer concrete water absorption was less than 3% which causes good durability properties. 5. There is a direct relation between compressive strength of geopolymer concrete (with and without bottom ash) with period of curing. However, by replacing more bottom ash with sand, compressive strength decreases. 6. With increase in bottom ash of the mixtures, the ratio of 7-day to 28-day compressive strength increases, which means it improves the early strength. 7. Tensile splitting strength decreases with growth in the proportion of bottom ash in geopolymer concrete. On the other hand, the ratio of tensile splitting strength-to-compressive strength increases with higher 013 amounts of bottom ash in the mixture and also age of the mixture, which shows good behaviour of bottom ash geopolymer concrete in tension. 8. With the increase in amount of bottom ash, flexural strength decreases. But ratio of flexural strength-to-compressive strength increases with increase in the proportion of bottom ash, while it decreases in one mixture as the time passes. 5.4 Recommendations For acquiring more knowledge on the strength and durability properties of geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash in order to be used in structural works, more investigations are needed to be conducted on the properties of this material. The scope of this research extends to very limited variables due to time restraints. However, there are recommendations to be investigated in further research on geopolymer concrete mix design. 1. As it can be seen in Figure4.1 and 4.4 the density and compressive strength development of geopolymer concrete extends for a period beyond 28 days. More samples were prepared for 60 days compressive strength test, but due to time restrictions the results of conducted tests were not mentioned in this report. The investigation should not be limited to this period of curing and more tests on strength development of geopolymer concrete containing bottom ash for long term periods after pouring must be elaborated. 2. In this project, trial mixes were designed to find the optimum proportions for highest rates of compressive strength and then it was used as a 014 control mix to investigate the effect of replacement of bottom ash on strength properties and finding the best ratio of replacement. Probably, by further investigations higher rates of strength can be achieved for Mix20, if different mix designs were prepared specially for this kind of geopolymer concrete. 3. Investigation was performed on the relationship between compressive strength and UPV result to find a correlation between these two properties in order to estimate the strength of geopolymer concrete during age of 7 days to 60 days. 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