MESSAGES: Ms. Hurt’s 4 Grade Classroom News

On Thursday, December 17 at 2:15-2:45
Students will be presenting their T.A.G.
projects that they have been working on
this past month. Biographies will be in Ms.
Peterson’s classroom, Public Service
Announcements in Ms. Peppmeyer’s room,
Magic School Bus original script Reader’s
Theater in Ms. Hurt’s room and finally Time
for Kids Magazine in Mrs. Gregg’s room.
Please ask your child about their project
and which room you should go to on
Oral Language- Family Day
December 17 for Joey, Amy, Dillon, Jareli,
Kai, Kaavya, Grant & Xander
Oral Language – 2016 Mindset Resolution
January 7 for Xander, Anya, Joe, Kevin,
January 14 for Omar, Saioa, Liam, Joey, Amy
Other Important Dates:
Tuesday, December 15 – MW Chorus
Concert 7:00-8:00PM at May Whitney gym
Monday, December 21 – Friday,
January 1 – Winter Break – No student
Monday, January 4 – Classes resume
Katy & Matthew
Katy developed a strong interest in her nonfiction
topic about Sue the Dinosaur. Her passion and
energetic approach to her learning was a great
example for others to follow!
Matthew is a diligent student who is always
listening and attending to our classroom lessons
and activities. He takes his school work seriously
and takes pride in his accomplishments.
Ms. Hurt’s
4 Grade Classroom News
December 11, 2015
The students will apply the area & perimeter formulas for
rectangles in real world and math problems. The students
have been making sense of problems and persevere in
solving them. We will be working division concepts this
week and when we return after break.
Students are summarizing important information
from the text along with identifying author’s
purpose for writing text/
The students are applying this knowledge in their
interest based project during our TAG time.
We have been working on writing a good sentence
using proper structure and detail responses.
We started the “Words Their Way” the spelling
program. Each group has a color name and
different day we meet to learn about their word
sorts. A packet of activities will be due on a
certain day and an assessment will be taken on
that day. Students should also work on different
“sorts” throughout the week.
I am also starting a way for students to do some
extra skill practice in reading. If the students would
like some extra practice, I will have the “Spectrum
Grade 4” reading sheets for the students to
complete. These sheets may be completed at
school if finished with class work or for homework.
Their grade will be considered extra credit and will
be tallied up at the end of the trimester. This is an
optional activity but a way for students to practice
a variety of reading comprehension skills.
We will move onto identification of rocks &
minerals. We will be starting our unit on the
Northeast region.