Emiter bias In the emitter bias, or self – bias , or voltage divider bias, the base voltage rather than the base current is determined by the bias circuit. The circuit is shown below. The required positive voltage for the base circuit is obtained from the potential divider circuit R1R2 . If the current flowing in the potential divider resistors is much greater than the base current (this is usually fulfilled) then the expression for the voltage across R2 is simply: U B ≅ ECC R2 R1 + R2 (we neglect IB) Thanks to this voltage the transistor conducts and U B = U BE + I E R E In this equation UB is assumed to be constant and the current through the transistor is governed by the value of UBE . If there is any tendency for IE to increase( for example as a result of an increase in temperature ), then the voltage IE RE increases which produces a reduction in UBE has the effect of reducing IE. This balancing action is an example of negative feedback which acts to stabilize the emitter current. As we will see later on, RE also introduces negative feedback for the signal to be amplified. To eliminate this effect, RE is often bypassed with a capacitor CE of sufficiently large capacitance (chosen according to the frequency band of the signal). To perform a more precise analysis, we transform the potential divider into the Thevenin equivalent. E BB = E CC R2 R1 + R2 RB = R1 R2 R1 + R2 Applying KVL to the base circuit gives: EBB = IBRB + UBE + IERE IE = (ß+1)IB And the base current is: IB = Finally: I C = βI B = E BB − U BE RB + ( β + 1) RE β (E BB − U BE ) RB + ( β + 1) RE Now the collector current is much less dependent on ß as long as ß>>1. To obtain good Q-point stability the condition RB <<( ß+1)RE Should be fulfilled as far as possible. On the other hand, low values of R1 and R2 supply and decrease the input resistance as seen by the signal source. For engineering purposes a factor of 10 is often adequate RB < 0,10(ß+1)RE and a factor of 100 is usually more then adequate. Design hints The Q-point stability improves as RE is increased. However, for given IC the increase in RE reduces the voltage available for the transistor. RE is practically chosen in such a way that the voltage drop across RE is URE = (10% - 20%)ECC The remaining voltage (i.e. (90% - 80%)Ecc) is usually equally divided into URC and UCE, so Then UB=URE +UBE and we set the current flowing through R2 to be at least 10 times larger then IB max I B max = IC β min Finally, we can find R1 I R2 from the following equations: R2 = R1 = UB I R2 IR2>>10IBmax ECC − U B I R 2 + I B max Emitter bias load line With the addition of the emitter resistor the equation for the load line is slightly modified: ECC = ICRC + UCE+IERE ≈ UCE + IC(RC+RE) 1≅ U CE + ECC IC ECC RC + RE We will see soon that the slope of the Ac load line may be often different then that of the DC load line. Collector bias The collector bias offers an alternative biasing arrangement. The circuit is shown in the figure below. This arrangement also provides negative feedback. If there is an increase in the collector current, the collector voltage (and the voltage drop across RB )will reduce the voltage drop across RC increases, and cause a reduction in the base current, which then modifies IC. PNP transistor biasing Any of the previously shown bias circuits can be used for pnp transistors but the supply voltage must be changed to negative. However in many cases pnp transistors are used together with npn transistors and the supply voltage is positive. An example of an emitter bias circuit for a pnp transistor, when the supply voltage is positive, is shown below. The analysis of this circuit is similar to that shown previously. In a simplified approach, if ID>>IB then ECC IC ≈ I E = R1 − U EB R1 + R2 RE Small – signal equivalent circuits of bipolar transistors The amplification of analogue signals is an important application for bipolar transistors. The DC bias circuits are used to establish the DC operating point so that the Q-point is, preferably, mid-way along the load line. As it was shown previously, the relationship between the input and output voltages of a transistor amplifier is nonlinear , which makes the analysis of such circuits difficult for large – signal operation. The distortion of the signal, resulting from the nonlinearity of the transfer characteristic, is known as nonlinear distortion. For aperiodic excitation the nonlinear distotrtion manifests by harmonics that appear in the output signal and are not present in the input signal. The measure of nonlinear distortion for a sinewave input signal is known as harmonic distortion factor or simply harmonic distortion: D= U 22 + U 32 + U 42 + ... or D= U 22 + U 32 + U 42 + ... U1 U 12 + U 22 + U 32 + ... where U1 is the magnitude ( or RMS value) of the fundamental, of first harmonic, of the output signal and U2, U3 … are the magnitudes (or RMS values) of the second and higher harmonics. Many transistor circuits process signals so small that the transistor behaves linearly insofar as these signals are concerned. In other words, the variations of the signal around the Q-point are sufficiently small in comparison with DC currents and voltages so that the nonlinear parameters associated with the transistor are assumed to be constant. This assumption forms the basis of small – signal analysis. With this approach a linear model of a transistor is needed in order that the powerful tools of linear circuit theory can be utilized. There are a large number of possible small – signal equivalent circuits for the bipolar transistor. Many of them were developed from the “black box” concept with input and output terminals as shown in the figure below. The operation of this two-port network is then described in terms of the terminal currents and voltages. Thus for y parameters (admittance parameters) the equations for the network are: i1 = y11u1 + y12u2 where y11 (or y i ) = i2 = y21u1 + y22u2 i1 u1 (short-circuit) input admittance u2=0 y12 (or y i ) = i1 u2 (short-circuit) reverse-transfer admittance u1=0 y 21 (or y i ) = i2 u1 (short-circuit) forward-transfer admittance u2=0 y 22 (or y i ) = i2 u2 (short-circuit) output admittance u1=0 The above current – voltage relationships can also be represented as an electrical circuit, as shown in the following figure. For a set of h parameters (hybrid parameters), which are probably the most commonly used, the equations for the network are: u1 = h11i1 + h12u2 i2 = h21i1 + h22 u2 where h11 (or hi ) = u1 i1 (short-circuit) input impedance u2=0 h12 (or hi ) = u1 i2 (short-circuit) reverse voltage feedback i1=0 h21 (or hi ) = i2 i1 (short-circuit) forward current gain u2=0 h22 (or hi ) = i2 u2 (short-circuit) output admittance i1=0 The circuit shown in the figure below is an accurate representation of the above equations. The models described above are valid for any two-port network. As for bipolar transistors, their static characteristics can be described mathematically in terms of two current variables and two voltage variables. Depending on the choice of independent and dependent variables, various models of a bipolar transistor can be obtained. If we express uBE and iC as functions of iB and uCE , as indicated by relations uBE = f(iB,uCE) iC = f(iB,uCE) we can define the h model of the transistor for the common-emitter configuration. CE ube = h11eib + h12euce ic = h21eib + h22euce where δu BE δi B δi h21 = C ≈ β δi B h11e = h12 e = h22 e = δu BE δu CE δiC δu CE Similar models can be defined for the common-base and the common-collector configuration. CB ucb = h11ie + h12bucb ic = h21bie + h22ucb where h11b = δu EB δi E h12b = δu EB δu CB h21b = δ iC ≈ −α δi E h22b = δiC δu CB Admittance parameters can be defined in a similar way. Valued for the h or y parameters may be obtained from measurements of the small-signal currents and voltages performed on the transistors with the appropriate DC bias applied. They are often quoted in manufacturers’ and so the subscript “e” is often omitted. In practical devices the reverse voltage feedback h12e is very small so that this parameter can be ignored. The output admittance can also be ignored for most practical transistor circuits, because the resulting resistance (more than 50kΩ, typically) is usually greater than typically collector resistors. Thus the equivalent circuit for the CE shown in the figure below. Small-signal parameters of the bipolar transistor are dependent on the DC operating points. Their values for different Q-points can be found by measurement of form data sheets. The h and y parameters are derived from a network representation of the transistor and can be used for any two-port network. There are also small-signal models that are specific for bipolar transistors. One of such models is based on the following description of the bipolar transistor for the active region: IC ≅ I C0e U BE UT (from Ebnes-Moll equations for active regions) I C ≅ βI B Let us linearize both equations around some DC operation point by differentiation: U BE I 1 ∆I C ≈ I C 0 e U T ⋅ ∆U BE = C ⋅ ∆U BE UT UT ∆I C = iC ∆U BE = u be ∆I C i I = C = C = qm ∆U BE u be U T ∆I C = β∆I B ic = βib ∆U BE u be u be U β = = = = β T = rbe ic ∆I B ib qm IC β qm is called transfer conductance , and rbe is the input resistance of the transistor. With the addition of another parameter, output resistance rce (which is often neglected), these small-signal parameters describe the small-signal operation of the bipolar transistor in the following way: ib = 1 u be rbe ic = q m ⋅ u be + 1 u ce rce This model is similar to the y model, but feedback is ignored. Note that 1 qm =y21e rbe = h11 = y11e The equivalent circuit is shown in the figure below. The advantage of this model is that the small-signal parameters are directly associated with the DC operating point: IC U rbe = β T UT IC for example, if IC = 1mA ß=100 qm = kT ≈ 26mV at 300K then qm = 40mS rbe = 4kΩ q The simple small-signal models discussed up to now are adequate for hand-based calculations for low-frequency analysis ( up to tens or hundreds of kHZ, typically). However , capacitive effects are associated with the p-n junctions. These capacitance effects have a considerable influence on the high-frequency performance of a transistor amplifier An equivalent circuit which is suitable for use with hand-based calculations for high frequencies is the hybrid Π model, as shown in the figure below. and U T = In this circuit there is an internal base contact, B’ for the ideal transistor, and an external base contact B, which represents the actual contact to the base. rbb’ represents the resistance between the ideal transistor and the actual base connection of two capacitors which represent the junction capacitance of the base-emitter and base-collector.