i DEVELOPMENT OF A PC-BASED TANK MODEL REAL-TIME FLOOD FORECASTING SYSTEM. CHEOK HOU SENG A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Masters of Civil Engineering (Civil - Hydraulic and Hydrology) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia NOVEMBER 2005 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS υ JUDUL : DEVELOPMENT OF A PC-BASED TANK MODEL REAL-TIME FLOOD FORECASTING SYSTEM. SESI PENGAJIAN: Saya 2005/ 2006 CHEOK HOU SENG (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut : 1. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. 4. **Sila tandakan (9) SULIT 9 TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan TIDAK TERHAD (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat Tetap: 107, JALAN SS24/1, TAMAN MEGAH, 47301 PETALING JAYA. Tarikh: 07 – NOV - 2005 P.M. DR. SOBRI HARUN Nama Penyelia Tarikh: 07 – NOV - 2005 CATATAN: * Potong yang tidak berkenaan. ** Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/ organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. υ Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). Date: _ 07-nov-2005__ Librarian Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanaria UTM, Skudai Johor Sir, CLASSIFICATION OF THESIS AS RESTRICTED “DEVELOPMENT OF A PC-BASED TANK MODEL REAL-TIME FLOOD FORECASTING SYSTEM” By CHEOK HOU SENG Please be informed that the above mentioned project report entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF A PC-BASED TANK MODEL REAL-TIME FLOOD FORECASTING SYSTEM.” be classified as RESTRICTED for a period of three (3) years from the date of this letter. The reasons for this classification are (i) (ii) (iii) The project has potential for commercialization “I/We* hereby declare that I/we* have read this project report and in my/our* opinion this project report is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Civil Engineering (Civil - Hydraulics and Hydrology)” Signature : ………………………………….. Name of Supervisor 1 : ………………………………….. Date : ………………………………….. Signature : ………………………………….. Name of Supervisor 2 : ………………………………….. Date : ………………………………….. ii I declare that this project report entitled “Development of a PC-based Tank Model Real-Time Flood Forecasting System” is the result of my own research except as in cited references. The project report has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : ……………………….. Name of Candidate : Cheok Hou Seng Date : ……………………….. iii This project is dedicated to my family, my supervisors and to those who had given me tremendous support to contribute to the betterment of the society. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My deepest and most heartfelt gratitude goes to my supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Sobri Harun & Ir. Chong Sun Fatt, for their constant ideas and enthusiasm. Their continuous guidance, patience and support have enabled me to approach my work positively, and make even the impossible seem possible. I would also like to thank all personnel of the Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia and Dr. Nik & Associates Sendirian Berhad who had provided me much assistance in the data acquisition process. It is only with their help can this project be completed successfully. My sincerest gratitude also goes to Ng Boon Chong and his previous work in applying the Tank Model for Sungai Kuantan. He had given me much guidance and inspiration to further develop the Tank Model into a complete real-time flood forecasting system. I would also like to thank everyone who has contributed whether directly or indirectly to this project. To my family and friends, I cannot thank you enough for your support and faith in me. v ABSTRACT The Upper Klang catchment has been under-going rapid development which instigated many flash flood occurrences within the catchment, especially at the Kuala Lumpur City. A reliable and timely flood forecasting system is necessary to provide early warning to minimize the destruction caused by flash floods. Utilizing the publicly available online hydrological data combined with the most recent programming technologies, a PC-based a real-time flood forecasting system is developed for this purpose. The Tank Model is used as the hydrological model to simulate the catchment discharge while the Standard Step Method applied as the hydraulic model to simulate the water level profile of Klang River starting from the confluence of Klang and Ampang River to Jambatan Tun Perak. Integration of both models into a complete real-time hydro-dynamic flood forecasting system is programmed using the Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic For Application. Calibration and Verification of the model has proven that forecast generated by the system is highly reliable with an average Model Efficiency of 89.37% and a Mean Absolute Error of 0.23m. The system acquires real-time hydrological data from the Infobanjir server maintained by Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia at 5 minutes intervals and is therefore able to provide a reliable and timely warning at 40 minutes before the flood peak reaches the city center. vi ABSTRAK Proses urbanisasi yang berlaku dengan pesat di kawasan tadahan Upper Klang telah menyebabkan kejadian banjir kilat melanda pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur yang terletak di bahagian hilir kawasan tadahan tersebut. Untuk mengurangkan kemysnahan akibat banjir kilat yang berlaku, satu sistem peramalan banjir “realtime” berasaskan computer peribadi harus dibangunkan untuk memberi amaran awal tentang kejadian banjir kepada penduduk-penduduk di kawasan pusat bandar. Dengan gabungan teknologi aturcara dan data hydrologi on-line yang disediakan oleh Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS), suatu sistem peramalan banjir telah dibangunkan bagi tujuan tersebut. Dalam sistem yang dibangunkan, Model Tangki telah digunakan sebagai model hidrologi untuk meramalkan hidrograf discas dari kawasan kajian. Kaedah “Standard Step” pula digunakan untuk mensimulasikan aras air bagi sungai kajian iaitu Sungai Klang, bermula dari pertemuan Sungai Klang dan Sungai Ampang ke pertemuan Sungai Klang dan Sungai Gombak. Kedua-dua model ini kemudian diintegrasikan menjadi satu sistem peramalan banjir yang lengkap dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan Aturcara Visual Basic For Application. Kalibrasi dan verifikasi model tersebut telah membuktikan bahawa ketepatan ramalan yang dihasilkan oleh sistem ini adalah memuaskan, dengan keberkesanan model sebanyak 89.67% dan purata perbezaan mutlak sebanyak 0.23mm. Sistem peramalan ini akan mengambil data hidrologi melalui internet pada sela masa setiap 5 minit dari server Infobanjir yang disediakan oleh JPS. Maka sistem ini boleh memberi ramalan banjir yang memuaskan 40 minit sebelum puncak banjir hidrograf sampai ke pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur. vii TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENTS PAGE TITLE i STATEMENT ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS/ABBREVIATIONS xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xv CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study 1 1.2 Statement of Problem 4 1.3 Objective of Study 4 1.4 Scope and Limitation of Study 5 1.5 Importance of Study 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.1 Hydrological and Hydraulic Model Selection 8 2.2 Hydrological Tank Model 10 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 3 4 TITLE PAGE 2.3 Standard Step Method 14 2.4 Software and Internet Programming Techonologies 17 2.4.1 HTTP Web Request 17 2.4.2 Ms Excel Web Query 19 2.4.3 Microsoft Visual Basic for Application 22 2.4.4 Microsoft Office Automation 23 2.4.5 ActiveX Controls 24 2.4.6 Windows API 24 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 27 3.1 Project Design and Approach 27 3.2 The Upper Klang Study Catchment 28 3.3 Subjects and Data Sources 30 3.4 Model Calibration and Verification 32 3.5 System Architecture 34 3.6 Automated Flood Forecasting Operation 37 RESULTS ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 40 4.1 Tank Model Calibration Results 40 4.2 Tank Model Accuracy 45 4.3 Verification of Tank Model 46 4.4 Hydraulic Model Results Analysis 47 CONCLUSIONS 48 5.1 Model Accuracy 48 5.2 Assumptions and Limitations 49 5.3 Advantages of the System 51 5.4 Overall Flood Forecasting System 52 5 ix CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE 5.5 PAGE Recommendations for Future Improvements 52 REFERENCES Reference and Bibliography 54 APPENDIX A Detail Calculation of the Standard Step Method in 56 th Simulating th Water Level Profiles for the 10 July 2005 Storm Event APPENDIX B Example of the Tank Model Worksheet Used to 58 Simulate the Discharge Hydrograph of the Upper Klang Catchment. APPENDIX C Example of Infobanjir HTML web Page Displaying 59 Real-time Hydrological Data for Jambatan Tun Perak Station. APPENDIX D Example of the Real-Time Data Acquisition 60 Worksheet Used to Acquire Hydrological Data from Infobanjir at Every 5 Minutes Interval. APPENDIX E Example of Thiessen Polygon Analysis to Obtain the 61 Mean Areal Rainfall for the Upper Klang Catchment APPENDIX F Example of the Cross Sectional Plot Showing the Current Water Level and the 45 Minutes Lead Time Forecasted Water Level 62 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 4.1 TITLE PAGE Calibrated parameters of the Tank Model for the Upper 41 Klang catchment. 4.2 Mean absolute error and model efficiency for all historical storm events used for model calibration 45 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE PAGE Flash Flood Occurrence in the Kuala Lumpur City Center 2 due to a Heavy Downpour on the 26th April 2001. 1.2 Photos showing the damage caused by the 10th June 2003 2 Flash flood event at the Kuala Lumpur City Center. 1.3 Budget allocated for flood mitigation projects by the 3 government for past Malaysian Plans. 2.1 Concept of the Tank Model to simulate the physical 11 hydrological processes using a series of storage tanks. 2.2 Typical configuration of a Tank model. 13 2.3 Definition sketch of the energy grade line used to determine 15 the flow depth at a specified location. 2.4 HTTP request-response between a client computer and the 18 web server. 2.5 Screen shot showing the use of web query in acquiring 20 real-time rainfall data from JPS Ampang station which is used as input for the Tank-SStep Model 2.6 Screen shot showing the option settings for the web query used 21 for the real-time data acquisition module of the Tank-SStep Flood Forecasting system. 2.7 Screen shot showing the built-in Visual Basic editor used to program macros for automating the real-time data acquisition module. 22 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 2.8 TITLE PAGE Project break-down of the development of a real-time 28 PC-based flood forecasting system for the Upper Klang catchment. 3.2 Catchment map showing the Upper Klang catchment. 29 3.3 Rainfall and water level used for the development of the 31 Tank-SStep Flood Forecasting System for the Upper Klang Catchment. 3.4 Rating curve for Klang River at Jambatan Tun Perak 32 3.5 System architecture fot the Tank-SStep Flood Forecasting 34 System. 3.6 Each module in the Tank-SStep system is programmed as an 35 individual Excel worksheet. All the modules are contained within the same Excel workbook. 3.7 Automated processes involved in the operation of the 38 Tank-SStep PC-bassed, real-time flood forecasting system. 4.1 Observed and simulated water level hydrograph for the 02 41 July 2005 storm event. 4.1 Observed and simulated water level hydrograph for the 02 41 July 2005 storm event. 4.2 Observed and simulated water level hydrograph for the 28 42 April 2005 storm event. 4.3 Observed and simulated water level hydrograph for the 23 March 2005 storm event. 42 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 4.4 TITLE Observed and simulated water level hydrograph for the 13 PAGE 43 February 2005 storm event. 4.5 Observed and simulated water level hydrograph for the 25 43 February 2004 storm event. 4.6 Observed and simulated water level hydrograph for the 02 44 November 2003 storm event. 4.7 Observed and simulated water level hydrograph for the 17 44 March 2003 storm event. 4.8 Water level time series at Jambatan Tun Perak for the 10th 46 July 2005 storm event. 4.9 Longitudinal water level profile for the study channel on 10th 47 July 2005 at 7:22pm 5.1 Figure showing the lag time between the simulated water level and the observed water level captured at Jambatan Tun Perak. 49 xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS/ABBREVIATIONS DID - Department of Irrigaion and Drainage, Malaysia JPS - Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Malaysia RF - Rainfall Q - Flood Discharge WL - Water Level m R.L. - Meters Reduced Level Ms Excel - Microsoft Excel VB - Visual Basic BASIC - Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code GVF - Gradually Varied Flow HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol URL - Uniform Resource Locator RFC - Request for Comments PC - Personal Computer WWW - World Wide Web HTML - HyperText Marked-up Language VBA - Microsoft Visual Basic for Application GUI - Graphical User Interface GIF - Graphic Interchange Format API - Application Programming Interface xv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX APPENDIX A TITLE Detail Calculation of the Standard Step Method in PAGE 56 Simulating th Water Level Profiles for the 10th July 2005 Storm Event APPENDIX B Example of the Tank Model Worksheet Used to 58 Simulate the Discharge Hydrograph of the Upper Klang Catchment. APPENDIX C Example of Infobanjir HTML web Page Displaying 59 Real-time Hydrological Data for Jambatan Tun Perak Station. APPENDIX D Example of the Real-Time Data Acquisition 60 Worksheet Used to Acquire Hydrological Data from Infobanjir at Every 5 Minutes Interval. APPENDIX E Example of Thiessen Polygon Analysis to Obtain the 61 Mean Areal Rainfall for the Upper Klang Catchment APPENDIX F Example of the Cross Sectional Plot Showing the Current Water Level and the 45 Minutes Lead Time Forecasted Water Level 62 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study The Upper Klang Catchment covers a total area of 108km2 (excluding the Klang Gate catchment), which extends from the tip of Klang River until the confluence of Klang and Gombak River. The downstream of the catchment, which includes part of the Kuala Lumpur City Center is fully developed while the upstream part like Taman Melati, Wangsa Maju and Ulu Klang are being rapidly developed to accommodate the drastic increase in the capital’s population. With the rapid development, many areas have been paved impervious by roads and building which eventually reduces the amount of rainfall infiltrated into the ground and caused an increase in surface runoff (MASMA, 2000). Besides that, impervious areas like roads and concrete pavements have smoother surfaces compared to the undeveloped vegetation. This causes the reduction in the time of concentration of the catchment, which literally means that the rainfall will discharge much faster into the river, causing the water level in the river system to rise drastically during storm events. The combined effects due to the rapid development has contributed to an increase in the river discharge and thus caused many flash flood occurrences in the catchment for the past few years (refer Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2). 2 Figure 1.1 flash flood occurrence in the Kuala Lumpur City Center due to a heavy downpour on the 26th April 2001 Figure 1.2 Photos showing the damages caused by the 10th June 2003 flash flood event at the Kuala Lumpur City Center. 3 These flash floods nuisance have forced the government to allocate a total of RM 2.7 billion from the Eighth Malaysian Plan to mitigate the problem (refer Figure 1.3). According to a study by The Drainage & Flood Mitigation Division of Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) Malaysia in 2003, the flood mitigation projects implemented has successfully reduced the flood damages from RM1356 million to RM915 million. However most of these mitigation measures are structural river improvement works. In order to further reduce the flood damages caused, a timely and reliable flood forecasting system is important to provide early warning to evacuate people and properties from the flood-prone areas. Figure 1.3 Budget allocated for flood mitigation projects by the government for past Malysian Plans. 4 1.2 Statement of Problem There are currently 2 flood forecasting models setup for Kuala Lumpur, namely the FloodWatch System and a Unit Hydrograph Model. However both models require cumbersome maintenance and are still being evaluated in their capability to provide reliable real-time flood warnings. Taking advantage of the online hydrological data for the Klang River Basin and utilizing the various programming technologies available, it is time to research into the development of a new personal computer-based flood forecasting model to provide timely and reliable flood forecast to prevent loss of lives and properties within the Kuala Lumpur City Center. 1.3 Objective of Study The main objectives of the project are: 1. To develop and setup a hydrological Tank Model to simulate the discharge hydrograph of the Upper Klang catchment at Jambatan Tun Perak. 2. To develop and setup a hydraulic model, using the Standard Step Method to simulate the water level profile for Klang River starting from the confluence of Klang and Ampang River until Jambatan Tun Perak. 3. To develop a real-time PC-Based flood forecasting system with user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for easy model updating, calibration and flood forecasting operations. 5 1.4 Scope and Limitation of Study 1. To obtain and process relevant hydrological data of various historical storms which are used for calibration and verification purposes of the developed models. 2. To calibrate the Tank Model based on historical flood events to provide reliable simulation of flood discharges at Jambatan Tun Perak. 3. To obtain and process all relevant hydraulic data which are used for the Standard Step Method Model to simulate the water level profile within the study channel. 4. To develop a PC-based system to integrate both the Tank Model and the Hydraulic Model into a complete Hydro-dynamic model for the Upper-Klang catchment. 5. To develop a software module to acquire hydrological data at 5 minutes interval from the Infobanjir web site to be inputted into the PC-based forecasting system to provide real-time flood forecast at Jambatan Tun Perak. 6. The main limitation of the study is the availability of reliable and error-free hydrological data. Therefore the scope of the study is only limited to the Upper Klang catchment because of the inadequacy of well-established on-line hydrological data in other catchments. 7. The scope of the hydraulic model development is limited to the determination of water level profile for a river channel with one inflow and one outflow. Modelling of complicated river networks with lateral inflow is not covered in this study. 8. The hydraulic model can model river channel without any flow control structures. The modeling of water level profiles regulated by flow control structures are not covered in this study. 6 1.5 Importance of Study The developed system synergizes the most recent engineering modeling techniques with the technologies in software and the internet programming in order to achieve the objective of providing an accurate and timely flood forecast to the masses. The developed system, given the name Tank-SStep Model uses the hydrological Tank Model to simulate the catchment discharge hydrograph while the water level profile within the Klang River is generated using the Standard Step Method. It also includes a data acquisition module to continuously acquire rainfall and water level data from the Infobanjir web server as input to the model. The generated output of flood forecast warnings can then be disseminated using various communication technologies like through the internet, cell phones and other wireless devices. CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 INTRODUCTION The project of developing a real-time PC-based flood forecasting system requires a sound knowledge in hydrology and hydraulic engineering and the manipulation of the latest programming technology. Hydrology modeling allows us to simulate the discharge hydrograph generated by the study catchment in response to a rainfall event while hydraulic modeling is capable of simulating the water level profile along the river channel. Utilizing the programming technologies available for internet and PC-based programming, we can setup an automated real-time flood forecasting system to provide early flood warning to the citizens in the Kuala Lumpur City Center. The advancement in Information Technology has caused the proliferation of various modeling and programming techniques which can be applied in the study. However deliberate study is critical in selecting the most suitable hydrological and hydraulic model, as well as the programming technologies to be adopted in order to effectively achieve the objectives of the project. This chapter outlines the 8 fundamental concepts and theoretical background for the modeling techniques and programming technologies applied in the course of the study. 2.2 Hydrological and Hydraulic Model Selection Many different flood forecasting models, ranging from simple stage regression techniques to sophisticated physically-based distributed hydrologic models have been developed and used to forecast floods. A flood forecasting model is one specific type of hydrologic model developed to simulate catchment responses to precipitation and generate forecasts of the water level and stream flow. Generally flood forecasting model can be categorized into three types: 1. Distributed physics-based models (e.g. SHE, TOP-model) 2. Lumped conceptual models (e.g. Sacramento, Tank, CLS) 3. Black box models (e.g. stage-regression, Unit Hydrograph, LTF) From the various types of models available, the selection of a suitable flood forecasting model has to be carried out with caution depending on the catchment characteristics especially due to urbanization and the balance between the model complexities versus the accuracy of the forecast required. According to Pilgrim (1987), the factors which need to be considered in the choice of flood estimation method are: i. The form and structure of available methods, the factors they consider, their theoretical basis, and their accuracies. ii. The data available for calibration. The amount and range of the data on which the relationships in the methods are based, and their applicability to the design catchment. iii. The type and importance of the work for which the design is required, the cost of the structure, and the design risk of surcharge. These affect the desired 9 accuracy and the type of information required, such as whether a peak discharge is adequate or a complete hydrograph is needed. iv. The time that can be spent on obtaining an estimate. v. The expertise available. The more complex methods generally require more expertise for their valid use and interpretation. Answering these factors, the Tank Model has been identified as the best solution to model the hydrological processes of the Upper Klang Catchment due to the advantages below: 1. The structure of the model using a series of storage tanks can reliably depict the physical hydrological processes such as infiltration, base flow, river discharge, evaporation, tank storages etc. 2. The available data for this study is the online rainfall and water level data provided by the Infobanjir server, maintained by the DID. No soil investigation study has been carried out for the catchment. Because the Tank Model only requires the rainfall data as input and historical water level data for model calibration purposes, it is adequate for the model to simulate the hydrological processes with the available data. 3. For flood forecasting purposes, the progression of the flood against time is very important especially in determining the available lag time for an early warning and the inundation period of the flood if the banks are over spilled. With a complete rainfall hyetograph, the Tank Model is able to simulate the complete discharge hydrograph of the catchment. 4. The tank model uses simple mathematical equations which can be easily programmed and calculated with an electronic spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel. Therefore the forecast can be calculated within less than one second after the rainfall data is inputted into the system. 5. Because of its simple model structure and minimal input parameters, it can be easily understood, operated and maintained by flood operating personnel with a fundamental knowledge in hydrology and flood forecasting. 10 For the hydraulic model, the Standard Step Method has been identified as the suitable model for the study channel based on the following reasons: 1. The study river has a mild slope without any regulating control structures along the channel, making it a channel with a gradually varying flow. Therefore all assumptions for a gradually varied flow are valid and the Standard Step Method can be applied to simulate the water levels within the study channel. 2. The method can be applied to nonprismatic channels and is best suited to computations for natural channels (Lejeune, 1994). With the cross section data collected for the channel stretch, the flow depth at all of the cross sections can be calculated iteratively by a trial and error process. 3. The Standard Step Method be is an iterative computation that can be easily tabulated and programmed into an electronic spreadsheet (Chaudry, 1993). 2.3 Hydrological Tank Model For the purpose of this study, the TANK model by Sugawara (1979) is proposed due to its various advantages over other models. It is a linear conceptual model which uses a series of storage tank configuration to simulate the hydrological processes that occur in a catchment. It is simple to use but at the same time, capable of depicting the physical hydrological processes like evaporation, groundwater infiltration, precipitation, and stream flow to a considerable accuracy (Chong, 1998). Each storage tank literally represents one soil layer. The upper-most tank is used to model the hydrological processes occurring in the top soil layer including rainfall precipitation, evaporation, surface runoff and also infiltration and exfiltration between the top soil and the sub soil layer. Because most of the discharge in the river is contributed by the surface runoff, the first tank has the most influence in the simulated discharge. Similarly, the subsequent tanks in the vertical tank series is used