Name____________________ Week of _________________ M A T H Write the words for the numbers 1-10. Draw your Mom’s and Dad’s ages using tens and ones blocks. Count them up when you are done. Write the Number of the Week in: Number Form Expanded Form Word Form Draw the Number of the Week in Hundreds, Tens and Ones Count by 10’s to the number 300 and write down the pattern you said. Make as many different numbers as you can using the digits: 3, 4, 5 *They do not have to be all three digit numbers Make as many number bonds as you can for the number 10. Make up 4 different 3-Digit Numbers. Put them in order from least to greatest. Count backwards from 75 to 50. Write the pattern you said. Draw out tens frames for the numbers: 21, 15, 8 Make as many number bonds as you can for the number 20. Start at the number of the week and count up by 10’s until you get to 500. Write the pattern down. Make as many number bonds as you can for your age. Draw the number 180 in Hundreds, Tens and Ones. Write it in word form and expanded form. Make up 4 different 3-digit numbers. Circle the greatest and underline the least. Count backwards from 459 to 430. Write the pattern you said. Number of the Week 356 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday