School of Physics Seminar Programme 2014-2015 AM108 (Arts Millennium Building) Thursday, December 11th at 11:00 Biophotonics at the Center for Lasers and Application IPEN University of Sao Paulo Research on Nanophotonics and Biophotonics at the Physics Department, UFPE, Recife, Brazil Prof. Denise Zezell will discuss the development of new treatment and diagnosis methods based on optical techniques, such as: - Caries and erosion prevention with lasers - Tissue characterization and tumour diagnosis using micro-FTIR and OCT - femtosecond lasers as a adjuvant treatment of burned skin. Prof. Anderson Gomes will describe his group’s recent research on nanophotonics, particularly random lasers and nonlinear optics in nanostructured materials, as well as on biophotonics, with emphasis on optical coherence tomography in dentistry.