Checklist of Strategies to Tackle Complex Word Problems I understand what all the words in the problem mean. If NO, then I need to look up the definition of the words I don’t know. I circled or underlined all the words that are related to math. I determined what type of math I need to do to solve the problem. Note: There might be multiple steps and multiple operations to perform to get to the final answer. I identified what numbers I need to work with to solve the problem. I tried the following strategies in the problem to help me solve it. Is there a pattern? Can I solve it using guess and check? Will drawing a picture help? Create a table or list? Can I write a number sentence? Does working backwards help? I understand what the question(s) are asking me to do. If NO, then I will re-read the problem SLOWLY. If I still don’t understand, I will read the problem again in chunks to help me understand. Finally, I will ask a classmate, teacher, or parent for assistance. See for examples of each strategy