Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply
Chain Management
Course structure and content 2015 - 2016
The course has been developed to produce expert logistics and supply chain professionals who can take the
skills they develop here at Cranfield and make a significant difference in the marketplace.
Students will complete a series of core modules and then a selected amount of elective modules, which focus
on the individual's personal career plan.
The culmination of the learning process features an optional logistics consultancy project. You will work on a
real company project in teams, competing against your class colleagues to make the strongest logistics and
supply chain management presentation to senior executives from partner firms. Previous projects have been
conducted with organisations such as Tarmac Quarry Products, Guinness and Unipart.
2015 term dates
Term 1: 28 September 2015 – 18 December 2015
Term 2: 04 January 2016 – 24 March 2016
Term 3: 11 April 2016 – 24 June 2016
Term 4: 27 June 2016 – 09 September 2016
Term 1 Core Modules
Supply Chain Strategy and Sustainability
This module is intended to provide you with a sound foundation to the course by introducing the main
concepts and principles that underpin Logistics and Supply Chain Management, including the important issue
of sustainability.
The module is called ‘Supply Chain Strategy & Sustainability’ and presents the fundamental principles of
contemporary logistics and supply chain management within a business context. This unit will explore the
ways in which good practice in these fields can contribute to achieving sustainable competitive advantage.
Overarching aspects of Supply chain sustainability are explored, such as corporate responsibility, ethics and
reverse logistics. Further the Global Supply Chain Game will enable students to understand through an
interactive and competitive business game the principles of building an efficient global sourcing and supply
chain under conditions of uncertainty so as to achieve high levels of profit and product availability.
Global marketplaces are characterised by shortening product life cycles, increasing product variety, and
highly variable demand that is difficult to forecast. The module explores how the competitive landscape is
constantly changing, and how supply chain strategy can be developed and applied to meet changing market
needs. Research from CLSCM faculty is integrated with our own case studies, originating from a network of
companies in a range of sectors to demonstrate particular supply chain concepts.
Principles of Strategic Procurement
The course will explore the subject of procurement and supply in the industrial and commercial context,
explaining its role and purpose within the supply chain. Students will learn how procurement has developed,
the skills and information needed by procurement professionals, the academic theory and knowledge
accumulated on the subject area and the use of specific tools and techniques employed in managing the
procurement function. In addition we will explore and use some of the recently emerged technologies within
e-procurement which are designed to improve both process and cost management.
Accounting and Finance
The aim of the Accounting and Finance for Supply Chain Management (ACF) module is to introduce a
number of traditional and contemporary costing approaches that will increase the visibility of cost and aid
decision-making in the supply chain.
The module begins with an introduction to key financial statements contained in the Report and Accounts of
a business. Highlights the role of management accounting and needs of users of financial information. Later
lectures then introduce the participants to the fundamental concepts of cost accounting and its principles,
before moving on to evaluate the different costing tools and their impact on the management of the supply
This module will require students to demonstrate their ability to master and apply the knowledge and skills
that they have gained from this module to the application of a variety of practical supply chain problems,
and case studies will be used to deliver the learning objectives an open-book examination will be used to
assess the performance of the student.
Analytical Techniques for Supply Chain Management
Managerial decisions in logistics and supply chain management are heavily based on quantitative analysis
using models from the management science discipline. Data, models and available software have
dramatically changed the operations in manufacturing, services and logistics sectors. The module aims to
provide students with an introduction to the role and relevance of analytical techniques in logistics and
supply chain management. From simple graphs to deterministic and stochastic optimisation models, it offers
transferable skills to use associated techniques for the practice of these disciplines. Students will develop the
ability to model and solve realistic decision problems in the context of logistics and supply chain
management. This process will be facilitated by spreadsheet-based software packages where the students
will have an opportunity to build their own spreadsheet models with emphasis on appropriate application of
methods and interpretation of output.
Freight Transport
The Freight Transport module element provides a sound foundation in road, rail, air and sea freight
transport. The focus is primarily from a user perspective in order to provide a logistics and supply chain
management viewpoint. However, in road freight, the module also covers more detailed fleet management
and operational aspects, recognising that many organisations operate their own road transport fleets but
also reflecting the importance of road freight as the primary inland freight mode in most geographies for
national traffic.
Inventory and Operations Management
Operations issues remain crucial to business competitiveness especially for Fast Moving Consumer Goods
(FMCG), food and drink and automotive supply chains. This module aims to provide students with a
comprehension of the roles of operations within the overall context of Supply Chain Management and to
equip them with tools and techniques to analyse and design effective supply chain operations with the
ultimate goal to improve the match between demand and supply. The module focusses on the operational
topics in modern supply chain, which include inventory management, analysis and mapping of supply chains,
capacity planning and scheduling, and the applications of production systems techniques and methods to
supply chain operations.
Term 2 Core Modules
Information Systems and e Business
To provide theoretical and practical knowledge about:
The value of information and the role of information systems for supply chain management.
The opportunities provided for the supply chain management operations of companies by applying the
information systems, and also the challenges that they will have when implementing the information
The role of information systems in e-business and the impacts of e-business on supply chain
management of companies.
Project Management
This module provides an opportunity to integrate various aspects of the developed skill and knowledge
gained prior to, and during the programme. The ability to integrate in this way is central to the value added
by project managers and project teams. Managers need to recognise ‘when’ it is appropriate to apply the
procedures, tools and techniques to delivery. This module will introduce students to a relatively formal level
of project management. The student will be expected to recognise the situations and the level of formality
required for the application of these concepts beyond the module.
As the volume and rate of technological and other business change increases, managers are faced with
radically increased complexity. The pressure and stress of managing multiple initiatives across organisational
and national boundaries, is already evident in many global organisations.
While this module will essentially focus on the processes, tools and techniques required to define, scope,
plan and resource (and then manage) an individual project, this is done within the context of the enterprise.
Programme management of projects are outside of the scope of the simulation within this introductory
Physical Network Design
The heart of any logistics and supply chain operation is its physical network. The location of factories,
distribution centres, suppliers, customers and so forth and the means by which they are linked,
fundamentally affects the efficiency with which an organisation’s network operates.
This module aims to introduce the concepts and techniques of network theory and analysis and use these to
demonstrate how physical networks are designed, redesigned and optimised. All aspects of the module are
illustrated by the use of practical examples, ranging from manual calculations through to computerised
network optimisation software.
The module provides a thorough grounding in the role and operation of warehouses including the range of
storage and handling equipment, the design of warehouses and the use of information technology. It
emphasises on the strategic use of methods to analyse the wide range of available options in order to enable
informed decision making. Additionally, the module focuses on developing the students’ ability to discern
and use appropriate warehouse design techniques.
This module is taught in light of the wider context of an organisation’s supply chain strategy and, thus,
equips students with the means to tackle the warehousing aspects of complex supply chain problems.
Term 2 Electives
Supply Chain Resilience
This module explores the dimensions, approaches, decision-making and causalities of resilience. Drawing on
insights from retrospective and real time case studies and through experiment, you will learn about the
vulnerability of today’s global supply chains.
Logistics Outsourcing
Third Party Logistics (3PL) has become a very competitive and dynamic industry over the last ten years and
this module will take you through the various aspects related to selecting and working with a third party
logistics contractor. You will also explore the use of 3PL in international logistics and the development of
Fourth Party Logistics (4PL).
Master Data in the Supply Chain
This module has been developed in association with GS1 UK and will introduce you to common supply chain
standards and the methods of managing supply chain data.
Planning and Resourcing for Road Freight
This module will reinforce the planning steps to determine resource requirements and give you hands-on
experience of the UK’s leading vehicle routing and scheduling software package – Paragon.
Humanitarian Logistics
The aim of this module is to provide a thorough foundation of humanitarian logistics concepts and
methodologies for people who want to work in aid and disaster relief departments in commercial
organisations or in the third sector, or who may find themselves assigned to a disaster project.
Six Sigma
This module will provide an understanding of and practical utilisation of the Six Sigma methodology,
following the define-measure-analyse-improve-control approach. We combine theory with practical case
work and experiment with quantitative and qualitative techniques. This module will bring you to the
equivalent level of a 6 Sigma ‘Green Belt’.
Performance Measurement in the Supply Chain
In this module you will focus on the main issues that surround analysis, design and implementation of
accurate performance measurement. You will explore the factors affecting performance in strategic alliances
and also in large organisations with highly advanced supply chains.
Sales and Operations Planning
This module will provide you with a thorough foundation in the methodologies that underpin an effective
sales and operations planning process. You will learn how to adapt a variety of tools, technologies and
approaches to different organisations and to manage a number of difficult interactions.
Negotiation and Contract Management
This module will help you develop your knowledge, skills and confidence in managing negotiations. You will
learn to understand the principles of negotiation, have an opportunity to practice them and obtain feedback
on your performance. You will also develop an understanding of how to manage contractual relationships
throughout their lifecycle, from negotiation through to contract termination.
Supplier Selection and Evaluation
During this module you will be introduced to the supplier selection process and to discuss its elements and
implications. You will be presented with different approaches to supplier selection and various decisionmaking techniques are reviewed. Various supplier selection criteria and evaluation factors are also
introduced in different sectors.
Retail Logistics
This module will provide you with an overview of retail logistics operations in modern retail organisations.
You will learn about the key strategic issues involved in the way retail organisations manage their logistics
activities and facilities within and beyond the firm boundaries.
This module will provide you with an appreciation of the application, strengths and weaknesses of
simulation modelling techniques and the software that can be used to support decision-making in logistics
and supply chain management.
Terms 3 and 4
International Study Tour
This is a unique opportunity to experience a differing economic region in the world from a logistics and
supply chain perspective. You will gain first-hand experience of how supply strategies in the region are
influenced by different pressures (both internal and external) and you will gain a rich understanding of the
differences between logistics and supply chain practices. The tour normally takes place over five days. Each
day you will take part in formal class sessions, group discussions and site visits. On your return you will have
gained valuable experience and will appreciate the diverse nature of logistics and supply chain management
in the specified region.
Research Methods
This module will equip you to design, conduct and report on your research project. You will learn to
articulate and define management problems and design research that will help you to make informed
management decisions.
Individual Thesis
The culmination of the learning process is your opportunity to undertake a major research project either as
an in-company project with one of our leading industry partners or in your own area of interest. You will
work closely with your supervisor and writing your thesis will give you grounding in a number of transferable
skills to apply to future complex research challenges in the workplace.
Personal and professional development runs throughout the year
To prepare you for your future career and support you throughout your studies at Cranfield, a series of
personal development workshops will be offered to help you to develop your skills in areas such as study
skills, effective writing, presentation skills, working in teams and problem solving in unstructured
environments. You will also enhance your skills in project planning, skills which will help with your CV
preparation, interviewing skills, assessment centres and networking.