CONCRETE LIBRARY OF JSCE NO. 26, DECEMBER 1995 STUDY OF DISCHARGE EFFICIENCY FROM TRUCK AGITATOR (Translation from Concrete Research and Technology, Japan, Vol.5, No.2, July 1994) Yoshihiro HAYASHI Chikanori HASI-IIMOTO Yukikazu TSUJI Truck agitators are generally used to transport fresh concrete after mixing at a concrete plant. In placing the concrete at a construction site, the discharge efficiency from the truck agitator influences construction efficiency and concrete quality. In this report, we observe the flow of fresh concrete in the agitator, which has hitherto been impossible to observe, with the help of visualization techniques. We also investigate the influence of blade spiral pitch angle and rotational speed on discharge efficiency. Results demonstrate that the agitator has an optimum angle for discharge efficiency, and that if the sliding resistance between concrete and blade surface is higher, discharge efficiency is lower. Keywords : truck agitator, similarity law, discharge efficiency, blade, visualization technique Yoshihiro Hayashi Works for the R&D Div. of ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd. in Japan. He received his D.Eng. Degree from the University of Gumna in 1995. His research and development‘ interests include special—purpose trucks and environmental systems. He is a member of the JSCE and JCI. Chikanori Hashimoto is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Gunma University, Gunma, Japan. He received his D.Eng. Degree from the University of Tokyo in 1989. His research interests include the pumpability of flesh concrete, the flowability of fresh concrete in a concrete pump or truck agitator, the mixing efficiency of concrete in a mixer, and visualization techniques for concrete flow. He is a member of the JSCE, JCI, AJI, and VSJ. Yukikazu Tsuji is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Gunma University, Gunma, Japan. He received his D.Eng. Degree from the University of Tokyo in 1974. His research interests include the behavior of reinforced concrete structures, chemically prestressed concrete, and the properties of fresh concrete. He is a member of the JSCE, JCI, ACI, and LABSE. 1. INTRODUCTION After mixing at a concrete plant, &esh concrete is generally transported to the constructionsite in a truck agitator. If the discharge efBciencyof the truck agitator is poor, a number of problems arise, as follows. 1) Placingthe fresh concretetakes excessivetime. 2) ne quality of the &eshconcretechangesduring placing. 3) Air mixeswith the fresh concreteas it is pumped. 4) ne bladesand irmerdrumsurface of the agitatorsuffer excessivewear. 5) Undischargedfresh concretehardensinside the agitator,and removalis time-consuming. This has led to recent demands for improvementsin dischargeefBciency'especially to prevent the fh5Shconcretehardening. At the user end, dischargeefficiency can be improvedby increasingthe rotation of the agitator, while the maker can attempt to improve discharge characteristics.h this respect discharge efBciencydepends on the form of agitator in the drum, and of the blades welded to the irmer surface of the drum. rrhe drum shape cannot be changed &eely, since the Japan Automobile Body hdustry Associationregulates of that. So to improve dischargeefBciency,the blades must be made more suitable for discharge.Many blades have been designed to achievethis type of improvement,but they have not been investigatedtheoretically.Designs have largely depended on observationsand the experienceof the designer.Blade shape, in theory,be decided based on the now conditionsof fresh concrete in the agitator, but this is impossibleto observe as things stand. h this paper, we describe experimentsin which we observedthe flow of fresh concrete in the agitator and quantified discharge efficiency with the help of a newly developed visualization teclmique [1]-[4]. We were able to clarify the factors that have negative effects on discharge efBciencyand investigatethe followingcharacteristics: 2@ 1) Relationbetweenblade spiralpitch angle and dischargeefficiency 2) Relationbetweenrotationalspeedof the agitatorand dischargeefBciency 2. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE The interior of an agitator is illustrated in Fig. 1. Two spiral blades are welded to the inner surfaceof the drum with a 180-degree phase angle. When the agitatorrotates, the blades force the &esh concrete inward and agitateit. When the agitatorrotates in the opposite direction,the blades push the &esh concrete toward the outlet and dischargeit. Figure 2 illustrateshow the agitatordischargesthe fresh concrete. Drum 21BggipgW We designed equipmentthat would give a visualization of the situation in order to observe and quantify the Bows of &esh concrete in the drum. This equipment comprises a model agitator, a model of &eshconcrete,an imageanalyzer,and other Systems. i/ (Interi(or) scale is 1/5, and the -20- & Io{tlet 0 / (( Photo 1 showsthe model agitator.This is a model of the type of agitator fitted to a 10-ton chassis. ne Blades Fig.1 drum nlustrationof agitaorinterior -y A- blade -> A Photo 1 Modelagitaotr Halfrotation model consistsof the drum, a drive motor, and -> A- Ban:STreelt Theac,yd.TfSsin?adewhOi:h COlarll.eLs; observations of the flows of model concrete inside. ne drive motor has a rating of 100 watts, and its rotation is reversible. Rotational speed can be control &eely between 0 and 24 n rpm. Fig.2 Discharge motion of &esh conaete We assumed that the fresh concrete consists of two phases : coarse aggregatesand mortar. On this basis, we made the model fresh concrete. It is a mixture of artificiallight aggregates (of particle size 5-10 mm and specific gravity 1.45) as coarse aggregatesand a high-polymer resin solutionas the mortar.The consistencyof the model concreteis controlledby adjustingthe consistencyof the solution and the ratio of light aggerates to model mortar. (Thisis known as the volumeratio here.)The consistencyof the resin solution can be controlledby adding water to the high-polymer resin. ne consistency of the model mortar is defhed by its flow time (accordingto the criterionof Japan Society of Civil Engineering JSCE-1986 : ne Bowing test of the injected mortar for prepacked concrete.)The flow time is the time taken for all model mortar to flow out hm a Blled P-type funnel. The relationshipbetween model concrete, consisting of resin solution and light aggregates,and real fresh concretewill be mentionedlater. 23* ne image analyzer comprises CCD cameras for B1mingthe flow of model concrete in the model agitator, a video tape recorder for recording and playing back the images, and ancillary equipment. Two main factors are considered in the discharge efficiency experimentson model concrete using this visualizationequipment : blade spiral pitch angle and rotationalspeed. An outlineof how dischargeefficiencyis affectedby each factor is givenbelow. (1) hfluence of spiral pitch angle h this experiment,we used model agitatorswith spiral pitch angles of ll.3, 12.8, 14.9, 16.0, 18.0, and 20.0 spiral pitch angle is the angle betweenthe blade welding line and a perpendicularhm the rotationalaxis of the agitator(see Fig. 3). When the spiral pitch angle is large, the spiral pitch (representingthe blade spacing) is large and the angle of attack of the blade surface is easy. ne experiment is illustrated in Fig. 4. The model agitator is placed horizontallyand is chargedwith 40 I. (equivalentto 5 cubic metersin the real agitator)of model rotational speed of model agitator is set to 3 rpm, which is the speed at which a real agitator usually discharges Besh concrete. rrhe number of rotations [revs] of the model -21- Spiralpitchangle Model concrete --tA Modelagitator Outlet Charging hoppe1 / Chute Rotationa1 axis / / ? , Bucket i Blade Digitalweigher Fig.3 Spiral pitch angle Fig.4 Zd Experimental method for discharge efficiency agitator required to complete the discharge is measured along with the weight of discharged concrete. The discharge rate [l] is then calculated. The number of rotations divided by the discharge is defined as the rotations to discharge a fixed quantity of concrete [rev/l]. A small value means that the discharge ef6ciency is good. If the model concrete fails to fully discharge after two rotations, we assume that the discharge is completed even if some model concrete remains in the agitator. The model agitator was also inclined at 12 degrees (with the outlet side raised) for further tests of discharge efficiency.We comparedthe discharge efBciencyin the horizontallyconditionand in the inclined condition, and investigatedthe innuence of the rate of concrete sliding over the blade surface on the dischargeefficiency. (2) hnuence of rotationalspeed h this experimentwe use a the model agitator with a spiral pitch angle of 12.8 degrees. It is placed horizontally and charged with 40 l of model concrete. As the model concrete is dischargedat rotational speeds of 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 6.0 rpm, we measure the time to hish the discharge [s], the number of rotations [rev], and the discharged amount [l]. Using these values, we clarify the relationship between time, number of rotations to discharge, and the discharge ratio (the ratio of the amount discharged to the amount charged) to the rotational speed. Incidentally, in this study, we represent the discharge efBciency by the number of rotations or the dischargeratio, rather than by using the number of rotations to discharge a bed quantityof concrete. h investigatingthe innuence of rotationalspeed, if the latter measurewere to be used, the discharge efBciencywould be incorrectlyestimated, because, at high rotational speeds, discharge ef6ciency may be low. Because that the total number of rotations needed to discharge is large even if the number of rotations to discharge a fixed quantity of concrete is small, and that the reduced concrete is many for that the many concrete adheres to the inner surfaceof the drum. 3 . INVESTIGATION OF SIMILAmY This approachis that of a reductivemodel.The aim is to make a reductivemodel that reflects the real world, allowing the results for the reductive model to be applied to the real thing. Therefore, we h our eyes upon two Theologicalconstants, the yield point and the plastic consistency,that control concrete flow conditions.On this basis, we investigatehow closely the model simulatesthe real world. Pi-numbers relatingthese rheologicalconstantsare the Bingham number and the Hedstromnumber, which is the Bingham number multipliedby inertia. These numbersare dehed as follows [5]. -22- T m 0 a_l 300 •` F200 Flow time : 200s •`O U) y) E 8 100 O - a)200 Video Camera Monitor tttt Q c3 l50 # 4qOO ^ •` n I. 5 Flow time : 200s E: U % •` O A Q E I .0 I•` O D- I nner cylinder Outercylinder Timera Flowtime : loos U) D•` IE) C) P Flowtime : loos 0 .5 D Video recorder 0 .0 Rotation-type consistencygauge Unit : mm Fig.5 Measurement of Theologyconstants O .2 0. 1 .U 6 Volumeratio Fig.6 Ryeology constzult Of model concrete Tl Bingham number : Bi = Hedstrom number : He = (1) PV pTl2 (2) FL where, T : yield point p : plastic consistency p : density v: velocity l: length where the situationin questionis a now problemin a pipe, such as concretebeing transported by a pump [4], the Bingham number is usually adapted as the main pi-number, since the concrete has no free surface. However,in case of concrete flow in an agitator, as in this study, we believe it is more appropriatethat the Hedstrom number be used as the main pi-number, sincethe concretedoes have a free surface. we thereforeinvestigatethe similarity of the model concreteto real concrete by calculatingthe Hedstromnumbers. First, the Theologicalconstantsof some model concreteswith differentflow times and volume ratios were measured from a video image by the oneiOint method using a double-cylinder inner rotation type of consistencygauge. An oudine of this measurementis shown in Fig. 5. We recorded the flow conditionsof the model concrete on its free surfacewith a video tape recorder, and measured the angular velocities of tracer grains floating on the Bee surfacefrom the video images.Using the torque and angularvelocitiesof tracer grains measured in this experiment,we plotted the consistencycurve and calculated the plastic consistencyand yield point diagrammatically.Here, to calculatethe Theologicalconstants, we used six kinds of model concrete with flow times of loos or 200s and volume ratios of 0.6, 0.8, or 1.0 [6]. 1 EoenscurltsteN=eSf.ouTd To;1f.h6e. fTueos!ansgt.ic(Eio:s!shtae,naCc7e,E idTedd tee,yieideEof:i ,Thysi::lthvealumeSdoef model concrete.) FL' = 100-200 I ' = 0.70-1.50 Poise (3) gf/cm2 -23- The plastic consistency FL and yield point T Ofconcrete have been given differentvalues by many workers using various methods.Accordingto Kikkawa' s measurements[7], the values for concretewith a slump value of 10 to 15 cm and incorporatingwater gravel are as follows. ; : f7.o•`-1Tgf/oc1:e2 (4) By substitutingvalue (4) into equation(2), the Hedstrom number He of real concrete can be obtainedas follows. H e = p x(1.4-1.9)Xl2 (250- (5) 400) 2 = (1.19-2.24)X10-5x pl2 rrhe relationshipsbetweenmodel concrete density and real concrete density,and betweenmodel agitatorlength and real agitatorlengthare as follows. p'=p/2, l'=l/5 (6) By substitutingvalue (3) and equation(6) into equation (2), the Hedstrom number He' of the model concreteis found to be H e'= (p/2)X(0.70-1.50)X(l/5)2 (100- 200) 2 = (o.o75-0.140)X 10-5 x pl2 (7) nus the ratio of the two Hedstrom numbers is about 16. When this Hedstrom number ratio diverges from 1, the concrete sliding and adhesion phenomena in the model experiment are different Bom the real situation. h short, this Hedstromnumber ratio is a measure of how well the phenomena in the model experimentsimulatethe real phenomena. 4. DETERMINATION OF MjCNG CONI)ITIONS FOR THE MODEL CONCRETE It is necessary to decide on mixing conditionsfor the high-polymer resin solution and the artiBciallight aggregatesto ensure that the model concrete correspondsto real concreteof the prescribedconsistency.It would be difBcultto h the mixing conditionsthroughslumptests, so we need to use another type of consistencytest. We choose to Bx the mixing conditionsby comparingthe dischargeefficiency of real concrete with vadous slump values and of model concretemade under variousmixingconditions with the number of rotations needed to B discharge a bed quantity of concrete. In 55DA short, we aim to hd a correspondencein a 200, I.0 5! B limited physical property; that is, the flow %a l50, i.O conditionsof concretein the dischargeprocess. a E3 If the number or rotationsneededto discharge /loo, 1.0 .sa: a fixed quantityof concreteare equal, we can i A 200, 0.6 consider that the consistency of the model 200, O.8 concrete mixed under a certain conditions -: '! l50,0.8 / corresponds to that of fresh concrete with a loo, 0.8 certainslumpvalue. A eq d) > A I- - •` CTI B3 2: a 5 1 0 15 We investigated the discharge of a bed Slump value (cm) quantityof model concretemade with various Bowtimes and various volumeratios. Figure 7 Fig.7 Number of rotations needed to discharge a fixed quantity of various model concretes shows the results, along with corresponding -24 - d6 d6B 1 O OO oo C Q C) clO Q0 QQ _OQ (a) 51.o.:ig?reat=i.2?Oo: 6 o,)51oolTL:ehreat:io2? Oo: 8 QQQ Q QO Q Fig.8 Appearanceof model conaete now in the section direction 1',/'S,- -x>'.I, A d h e rin g F re e su rfap c∼e w hi:wi;M"h IIl'st i e p 9 ris in g ;I._,T P g[?i /A aQ Q Q 0 O O oQt} QQq aQQQc.iQ Q OTIQ C} E) 0 Blade plane n / LSe=QQ;bog D Q-c) D 0 o aO Fig.9 Process of adhering and rising up rop down Fig.10 Rearward motion of concrete slump values of the real concrete. The solid line in the Bgure shows rotation number for the discharge of a fixed quantity of concrete for the real concrete and the real agitator, while the data pohts representflow time and volume ratio for variousmodel concretes.Model concreteof flow time 200s and volume ratio 0.8 corresponds to concrete with a slump value of 5.5cm. Model concretewith a flow time of 200s and a volume ratio of 0.6 correspondsto concretewith a slump value of 5.5cm. h the subsequent discharge efficiency experiment, only these two types of model concrete are used. Qualitatively,a model concrete with a long now time or a large volume ratio corresponds to a low slump concrete. 5. FLOW CONDITIONS IN THE I)ISCMGE PROCESS We observedthe flow of model concrete during the dischargeprocess in detail, by naked eye and with the video camera.This quicklydemonstratedthat the followingtwo phenomenahamed the dischargeefficiencyof modelconcrete [5] : 1) The effectof the concreteslidingspeed over the blade surface Figure 8 shows how the model concrete Rows across a section through the agitator. In regionA, if the sliding resistanceof the concreteover the blade surfaceis high, the concrete rises up as the agitator rotates. We call this effect "adheringand rising up". Figure 9 shows how 17adhering and rising up17takes place using a side view of the agitator. h region B in Fig.8, the concrete flows down the slope made as the agitatorrotates. Concretewith a long now time and large volume ratio slides slowly over the blade surface as a result of its low nuidity, so it rises further up the drum. ne concrete which rises in this way flows back toward the center of the agitator, because of the inclined rotational axis. As a result, the dischargeefficiencyis lower. Figure 10 shows how the concrete flows backwardBom the dischargeoutlet. During the discharge of concrete with a flow time of 200s and a volume ratio of 0.8, i.e. low slump concrete,it was also observedthat the concreterose up near the -25- J^ •` ( c 0 .8 •`.t- _a 1&i BS B S .u b Drop down 0.6 Flow time : Zoos volume ra(io : 0. 8 0 .4 ed A •` - TC b L B'! -C h 0. B3 a a ection A- A S 2 Flow time : Zoos Volume ratio : 0. 6 U 0.0 r-C A ill l6 18 20 spiralpitch angle ( o) Flow back LuA L l2 Fig.12 Relationbetweenspiral pitch angleand number of rotationsneededto discharge a Bxed quantityof conaete top of the agitatorand droppeddownunder Lc gravity. Clearly, if the sliding speed over the blade surface is lower, the discharge efdciency is lower. 3; 2) The effect of the sectional area of flow route near the outlet Near the oudet of the agitator, the inside of the drum tapers because the drum is a conoid. h this area, the blade spiral pitch becomes smaller. TLele is also a blade A plane though which to charge the concrete. As a result, the sectional area of the flow Section C- C route near the outlet is smaller than at any Fig.ll Concrete flow neau:outlet other position. Figure ll shows how the concrete Rows near outlet. Though the concrete in the center of the agitator is carried close to the outlet in large amounts,the agitatoris unableto pass it throughthe outletbecauseof the smallcross-sectionalarea,and the concreterises upwardbeforedroppingbackinside the agitator. To improvethe discharge ef6ciency of a truck agitator, it is clearly importantto increase the slidingspeed of the concreteover the bladesurfaceand to increasethe sectionalarea of the flow route throughthe oudet. 6. EFFECT OF SPIRAL PITCH ANGLE We measuredthe number of rotations needed to dischaqgea fixed quantity of concretefrom model agitators in which the drums had blade spiral pitch angles ranging from 113 to 20.0 degrees.Figure 12 shows the result. Regardlessof the type of model concrete,the agitatorwith the small pitch angle needed the least rotationsto dischargea fixed quantityof concrete.The dischargeefficiencyof such a blade is consideredgood. When the blade spiral pitch angle is large, the sectionalarea of the flow route near the outlet is greater,because the blade pitch is large.TtLisalso has the effect of increasingthe distancemovedby the concretein one rotation of the agitator. h the case of an agitatorwith a spiral pitch angle of about 12 degrees,the number of rotations to dischargea bed quantityof concreteis much affectedto the spiral pitch angle, but in case of about 18 degrees,it is not much. It is the cause that the sliding speed of the concreteoverthe blade is small because the large spiral pitch angle makes easy the incline of blade surface.In short, a large spiral pitch angle has a positiveeffect on dischargeefBciencyin that the sectional -26- J•` •` LI. 0 tt &&i uu, B 3. 'i6 0 Flow time : 200s Volume ratio : 0. 8 a 52 t! .eBo - 2.0 aJJ 0 > - 0 B{! I. t< 0 Flow time : 200s Volume ratio : 0. 6 B3 2: co 0 0 CTI 0.0 I 0 1 2 i 4 I 6 I 8 20 spiral pitchangle (.) Fig.13 (a) Horizontal condition Discharge efficiency in inclined condition (b) hclined condition Fig.14 Conditionof conaete during discharge area of the now route is large, but it also has a negative effect becausethe blade surfacehas an easy angle. nerefore, in case of an agitatorwith a larger spiral pitch angle, it is assumedthat the discharge efBciencyis worse, and thereforean agitator probably exists of which the spiral pitchangle is optimumfor dischargeef6ciency. To confim this, we set up the model agitatoron an incline, and examinedit for the discharging efBciency.rrhe result is shown in Fig. 13. The dischargeefficiencyin this inclined condition is considerablyworse as comparedwith that in the horizontallycondition,even for the same spiral pitch angle. Further,in the horizontal case, the spiral pitch angle giving the mium numberof rotations for a bed dischargeis more than 12 degreesPig. 12), while in the inclined case, it is about 15 degrees (Fig. 13). This clariBes that if the angle of incline is larger, the spiral pitch angle for making the least number of rotations to discharge a fixed quantity of concrete is smaller. Figure 14 illustratesthe concrete position in the inclined and horizontalcases duhg discharge. h the horizontal case, the Bee surface of the concrete is almost flat. On the other hand, in the inclined case, it is steeply inclined such that the concrete adheres to the blade surface and flows with the blade. If we focus attention upon the concrete as it slides over the blade surface during the discharge process, it appears that discharging the agitator in the inclined condition is equivalent to dischargingan agitator with a larger spiral pitch angle in the horizontal condition; the sliding speed of the concreteover the blade surface is smallerand the dischargeefBciencyis lower. h the horizontalcondition, it is found that the most efficientspiral pitch angle for dischargeis more than 20 degrees,but in the inclined conditionthe number of rotations needed to discharge a fixed quantity of concrete Bom a 15-degree agitator is smallest. Thus it is shown that an agitatorwith an opdmumspiral pitch angle exists. h other words, increasing the sectional area of the now route near the outlet by makingthe l20O spiral pitch angle larger means causing a lower sliding speed of the concreteover the blade surface, so there is a trade-ofEeffect. As a result, the blade Flow time : 200s e, goo Volume ratio : 0. 8 spiral pitch angle, which hfluences the discharge 0 ef6ciency, has an optimumvalue because of these .E3 two relations : the increase in discharge amount o 600 arising &om an increase in the sectionalarea of the 5 Flow t;me : 200s flow route and the decrease resulting &om reduced ¥B 300 Volume ratio : 0. 6 slidingspeed over the blade surface. A O 5J) A O 7. EmCT yi 2 OF ROTATIONAL SPEEI) 4 6 Rotationalspeed ofagitator (rpm) Figure 15 shows the relationship between the Fig.15 Relationshipbetweenrotationalspeed of agitatorand dischargetime rotational speed of the agitator and the discharge -27- ^ > 0 0 e 80 Flow time : Zoos Volume ratio : 0.6 V O 5J) 0 Ll du i3 A •`g 60 T -C g C a O - Flow time : Zoos volume ratio : 0. 8 40 e 80 time 00Flow : 2OOs Volume ra(1o : 0. 8 O bJ) a 0 O A uEh LI 6, L4•`o 20 t•` O J= e1.olTIem,eat=l.2?Oo: 6 70 E3 E j 2: 90 6 0 0 , 2 4 2 4 6 6 Rotationalspeed ofagitator(rpm) Rotationalspeed ofagitator(rpm) Fig.16 Relationshipbetweenrotational speedand number of rotationsneededto discharge Fig.17 Relationshipbetween rotationalspeed of agitatorand dischargeratio time. The discharge time is short at high rotational speeds. Figure 16 shows the number of rotations needed to make a discharge. Many rotations are needed to discharge when the rotational speed is high, and as the rotational speed increases, the discharge becomes less smooth. The concreteis pushed by the blade toward the outlet by sliding over the blade surface or on the inner surface of the drum. Yet the drum itself rotates, so when the rotationalspeed is high, the rotational speed of the drum is faster than the sliding of the concrete over the blade surface. The concrete then adheres and moves with the rotation of agitator,failing to slide over the blade surfacetowardthe outlet. Figure 17 showsthe relationshipbetween dischargeratio and rotationalspeed. When the rotationalspeed is high, the dischargeratio is low and someconcrete fails to be dischargedbecause it adheres to the drum or the blade. h short, the discharge ratio falls if a high rotational speed is chosen to get a good discharge speed, while the dischargespeed falls if a low rotationalspeed is chosento get a high discharge ratio. To achieve a short dischargetime without a detrimentaleffect on the dischargeratio, it is advisable to vary the rotational speed during discharge, e.g. use a high rotational speed until most of the concreteis discharged,and then reduce the speed to get a high dischargeratio. 8. SUMh4ARY h this study of the dischargeefBciencyof concretefrom an the agitator,we made the process visible by using a model agitatorand investigatedthe influenceof blade spiral pitch angle and drum speed on dischargeefficiency.The results were used to hd factors which influencethe dischargeefBciency.Resultswere as follows: (1) Observationsof the flow conditionof concreteduring the dischargeprocessdemonstratethat the factors which have a detrimentaleffect on dischargeefficiency are the sliding of concrete overthe bladesurfaceand the limitedsectionalarea of the Bowroute near the outlet. (2) Measurementsof the numberof rotationsneededto dischargea fixed quantityof concretefor various dischargeconditionsand blade spiral pitch angles clarifiedthat an agitatorwith a large spiral pitch anglehas good dischargeef6ciencybecausethe sectionalarea of the flow route near the oudet is larger. On the other hand, it had a negativeeffect in that the sliding speed of the concretewas reducedbecause the angle of the blade is easier. h short,it was demonstratedthat an opdmumspiralpitch anglefor the dischargeof concreteexists. (3) An investigationof the innuence of rotational speed on dischargetime and dischargeratio showed that the dischargeratio falls at higher rotationalspeeds, while the dischargespeed falls at a low rotationalspeed.To obtain a short dischargetime without causingthe dischargingratio to fall, it is advisableto change the rotational speed than to keep a constant rotational speed throughoutthe discharge. -28 - References [1] C.Hashimoto, M.Yoshida, J.Asaka, and Y,Tsuji, 'fSimilitudeof Dimensions of Experiment on Concrete flow with Help of Visualization Teclmiques,'f Proc. of the JCI annual conference, Vol. 13-1, pp. 89-94, 1991 (in Japanese) [2] A.Yasumoto, C.Hashimoto, K.Maruyama, and Y,Tsuji, "Visualization of Agitation of Fresh Concrete hm Truck Agitator," Proc. of the JCI armual conference, Vol. 13J, pp. 107- 112, 1991 (in Japanese) [3] C.Hashimoto, M.Yoshida, Y,Tsuji, and Y.Hayashi, "An Experimental Study on ef6ciency of Discharging of Fresh Concrete from Truck Agitator," Proc. of the JCI annual conference, Vol. 14-1, pp. 107- 112, 1992 (in Japanese) [4] C.Hashimoto, K.Maruyama, and K.Shimizu, "Study on Visualization Teclmique for Blocking of Fresh Concrete Flowing in pipe," Concrete Library of JSCE, No. 12, pp. 139- 153, 1989 [5] I.Emori and D.J.Schuring, "rme theory and application of the model experiment,T7Sankaido, pp. 84-85, 1988 (in Japanese) [6] J.Murata and K.Okada, "ne newest concrete teclmology select books I, The rheology of the &esh concrete, The elasticity and creep of concrete,TTSankaido, pp. 77-78, 1981 (in Japanese) [7] K.Kikkawa, "Studies on the consistency equation of Besh concrete and its application,T7 doctoral thesis in the Department of Science and Engineering at Meijo university, 1987 (in Japanese) -29 -