SHORT COMMUNICATION MORPHOMETRIC AND MERISTIC CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSES OF TWO WESTERN IRISH POPULATIONS OF ARCTIC CHAR, SALVELINUS ALPINUS (L.) D. Doherty and T.K. McCarthy ABSTRACT Multivariate morphometric and meristic analyses of Irish Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus (L.) from Lough Eske, Co. Donegal, and Lough Mask, Co. Mayo, are presented. The analysis illustrated the monomorphic character of the two populations despite differences in growth and size between the ‘stunted’, slower-growing Lough Eske fish and the ‘normal’, faster-growing Lough Mask fish. The results are discussed in the context of other systems where sympatric morphs have been described. Differences in body size and growth rate appear to reflect the trophic status and the productivity of the two lakes. The results confirm earlier findings, which were based on dietary analysis and analysis of metazoan parasites of both Irish populations of Arctic char. D. Doherty (corresponding author; e-mail: denis.doherty@mail. and T.K. McCarthy, Zoology Department, National University of Ireland, Galway. Received 5 March 2002. Read 2 October 2003. Published 31 May 2004. BIOLOGY AND INTRODUCTION The Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus (L.) is circumpolar in distribution, being found in many subarctic, alpine and northern temperate freshwater, estuarine and marine regions. In Ireland, Arctic char mainly occur in oligotrophic freshwater lakes along the western seaboard (Fig. 1). Arctic char in Ireland are considered landlocked glacial relicts of an otherwise anadromous circumpolar species. In a description of Irish char populations by Tate Regan (1911) they were divided into six ‘species’, with both Lough Mask and Lough Eske char being classed as ‘Coles’ char Salvelinus colii Gunther. More recent biochemical taxonomic studies, though confirming the existence of considerable heterogeneity between populations, did not suggest that recognition of distinct Irish subspecies was appropriate. Ferguson (1981) suggested that all the populations examined were conspecific and descended from a common ancestor. Worldwide, Arctic char have been widely noted for their potential adaptive phenotypic plasticity, and throughout the area of distribution the species has shown extensive phenotypic and ecological variation both within and between localities (Johnson 1980). In monomorphic local populations, adult fish exhibiting different habitat uses appeared not to differ morphologically, whereas in polymorphic local populations, the ENVIRONMENT: PROCEEDINGS OF THE groups using the two main habitats of the lake (the benthic and pelagic zones) often differed in terms of characteristics such as body coloration and trophic morphology (Hindar and Johnson 1982; Sandlund et al. 1992). Up to four morphotypes have been identified from lacustrine and estuarine systems, mainly on the basis of their coloration, meristic characteristics, growth rate, size and age at sexual maturity, place of spawning, food and habitat choice and associated parasites, with some sympatric morphs being reproductively isolated (Frost 1965). This paper represents the results of a quantitative examination of two lacustrine populations of Irish char to test for both inter- and infra-lacustrine population differences in morphology. The Lough Eske population represents a typical ‘stunted’ slow-growing population, being primarily planktivorous, whereas the Lough Mask population represents a so-called ‘normal’ population, being typically faster-growing and feeding to a greater extent on macroinvertebrates (Doherty and McCarthy 2000). MATERIAL AND METHODS SAMPLES As part of a large-scale gill-netting programme undertaken by the Irish Central Fisheries Board ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, VOL. 104B, NO. 1, 75– 85 (2004). © ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY 75 BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT Fig. 1— The distribution of Arctic char in Ireland, indicating the status of the populations, past and present (Whilde 1993; Quigley and Flannery 1997). (CFB) and the Western Regional Fisheries Board, a sample of 61 spawning char were obtained from Lough Mask in November 1996 (Fig. 1). Details of this oligotrophic lake (area=80km2, maximum depth=58m, mean total phosphorous=8.4mg l − 1, mean chlorophyll a =5.9mg l − 1) are given by McCarthy et al. (2000). Samples of char from other western lakes sampled during the CFB 76 gill-netting programme, which are described in Igoe et al. (2001), were not available for this analysis. Rod-caught char were sampled (n= 35) at Lough Eske (Fig. 1) during the 1996 spawning season. Lough Eske was classified by Flanagan and Toner (1975) as oligotrophic (area= 3.64km2, maximum depth= 21m, mean total phos- CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSES OF TWO WESTERN IRISH POPULATIONS phorous =0.12– 0.31mg l − 1, mean chlorophyll a =2.4mg l − 1). All fish were labelled and deepfrozen within eight hours of landing. OF ARCTIC CHAR were removed and stored to determine fish age (Frost 1978; Frost and Kipling 1980). Comparisons of body shape variation using multivariate analyses between two differently sampled char samples, i.e. gill-netted (Lough Mask) and rod-captured specimens (Lough Eske), are acceptable because these ‘shape’ variables occur irrespective of size, particularly when the data is corrected for length (or size), i.e. transformed. It was also important that both samples were similar in age. Prior to multivariate analysis, to allow for an overall effect of fish size, all the morphometric measurements, with the exception of the index of snout bluntness, were standardised for fish size Morphometric and meristic characteristics A total of 25 morphometric measurements were recorded for each fish, using the same methodology as Boulva (1972). The body characteristics measured are listed in Table 1. The head characteristics are similar to those listed by Adams et al. (1998) with the exception of the index of snout curvature, which was not used in the present study. Meristic characteristics recorded included gill raker number, branchiostegal ray number and an index of snout bluntness. Scales Table 1a —A summary of morphometric characteristics measured in millimetres (to the nearest 0.01mm) for two samples of char from Lough Mask and Lough Eske. Lough Mask (n= 61) Mean Total length Standard length Head length Head width at nostrils Head width at eyes Head depth at eyes Head depth at edge of operculae Eye diameter Lower jaw length Maxillary bone length Jaw width on ventral surface Average gill raker length Average distance between gill rakers Gape Mouth height Mouth width Body height at insertation of pectoral fin Caudal peduncle height Caudal peduncle width Caudal peduncle length Insertation of pelvic fin to insertation of anal fin length Insertation of dorsal fin to insertation of ventral fin length Insertation of dorsal fin to insertation of ventral fin width Pectoral fin length Perpendicular distance between eye and snout Min. Max. SD Lough Eske (n= 35) SE Mean Min. Max. SD SE 266.93 233.99 327.13 20.16 2.58 175.28 148.75 195.55 11.23 1.87 240.22 153.50 294.45 21.06 2.70 155.18 11.30 186.48 27.09 4.58 53.14 29.58 64.31 5.35 0.68 38.20 34.57 44.01 2.12 0.35 14.14 11.16 18.59 1.73 0.22 9.48 7.65 11.30 0.88 0.15 19.05 14.96 25.59 2.55 0.33 13.61 10.58 16.24 1.56 0.26 28.72 25.17 34.95 2.23 0.29 20.07 16.61 23.33 1.50 0.25 43.65 32.99 57.26 5.09 0.65 28.93 24.78 34.09 2.26 0.38 9.70 8.21 11.17 0.67 0.09 8.55 7.51 9.59 0.61 0.10 33.10 27.26 42.79 3.70 0.47 23.19 21.17 27.06 1.43 0.24 25.85 20.21 34.72 3.03 0.39 17.19 14.79 21.35 1.29 0.21 17.15 11.82 46.62 4.47 0.57 9.39 8.20 11.31 0.79 0.13 1.14 0.67 1.84 0.24 0.03 1.22 0.89 1.78 0.23 0.04 0.14 0.10 0.20 0.02 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.14 0.02 0.00 21.93 18.26 28.26 1.76 0.23 14.28 11.73 18.85 1.38 0.23 21.52 16.32 27.96 2.44 0.31 15.02 10.02 20.22 2.05 0.34 17.46 13.87 22.03 1.75 0.22 11.36 8.50 30.98 3.55 0.59 49.89 38.93 64.62 5.65 0.72 31.08 13.43 35.10 3.60 0.61 23.08 19.57 26.83 1.85 0.24 14.79 6.60 17.07 1.68 0.28 12.34 9.24 14.95 1.27 0.16 7.97 5.82 18.35 2.00 0.34 28.39 20.39 65.29 5.93 0.76 20.08 14.72 35.76 4.31 0.73 58.70 27.34 84.83 7.54 0.97 36.56 30.32 44.72 3.76 0.64 63.97 32.47 81.71 7.64 0.98 39.17 34.80 44.13 2.40 0.41 36.21 28.91 60.94 5.42 0.69 20.12 17.36 22.38 1.24 0.21 45.03 5.74 35.02 3.48 62.67 8.68 5.51 0.71 1.16 0.15 29.48 3.66 24.23 2.30 34.19 5.02 2.36 0.39 0.69 0.11 77 BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT using the equation of Senar et al. ( 1994), where: Table 1b — Meristic characteristics for two samples of char from Lough Mask and Lough Eske, including an index calculation. Y%i= log10Y%i −b(log10Li − log10X) and Li = Lf for fish i (where Lf = fork length), X= mean Lf (all fish), Y%i= size-corrected morphometric variable value for fish i, and b= the pooled regression coefficient of log10Y on log10L for all fish combined. We ensured that the size-corrected variables were not themselves correlated with fork length so that the effectiveness of standardisation could be checked. A multivariate technique, principal component analysis (PCA), was used to analyse the transformed morphometric data. The results of the analyses, which were carried out using Excel Stat and Minitab, highlight the possible heterogeneity between and among populations. For the meristic characteristics, the significance of inter- and intrapopulation differences was initially tested using a one-way analysis of variance. The index of snout bluntness, which was not correlated with fish length, was compared between the two populations using univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA). Subsequently discriminant function analysis was also applied to the transformed morphometric data to try to (i) classify the fish into one of several mutually exclusive groups; (ii) establish the most important characteristics for distinguishing between the groups; and (iii) calculate the percentage overlap between each group based on the generalised distance (the Mahalanobis squared distance, D 2). Lough Mask (n= 61) Branchiostegal ray no. Mean Min. Max. SE SD 10.95 10.00 12.00 1.06 0.14 Gill raker no. Snout bluntness index 23.30 22.00 26.00 0.50 0.06 0.18 0.12 0.27 0.04 0.01 Lough Eske (n= 35) Branchiostegal ray no. Mean Min. Max. SE SD 9.39 8.00 12.00 0.69 0.11 Gill raker no. Snout bluntness index 23.06 21.00 26.00 0.86 0.14 0.16 0.10 0.23 0.03 0.01 Table 2 — The length (mm) at age of Arctic char from Ireland (present study), England (Frost and Kipling 1980) and Scotland (Adams et al. 1998) and Iceland (Sandlund et al. 1992) using scale analysis. Age (years) 1 Lake Windermere, England Normal, autumn 63 Normal, spring 54 Dwarf, autumn 63 Dwarf, spring 53 Loch Rannoch, Scotland Pelagic 100 Benthic 69 Lough Mask, Ireland L. Mask Lough Eske, Ireland L. Eske Lake Thingvallavatn, Small, benthic 6.8 Iceland Large, benthic 8.1 Piscivorous 9.1 Planktonic 7.9 78 2 116 103 102 85 142 110 172 162 8.0 11.5 13.8 12.2 3 182 175 148 121 181 147 209 175 9.1 14.9 17.0 15.5 4 242 253 181 155 201 168 261 187 10.1 17.2 19.9 17.3 5 6 7 8 271 296 209 186 209 200 298 281 317 228 195 217 209 279 330 328 223 211 210 11.1 19.9 22.4 18.5 11.8 22.4 24.1 19.0 12.6 24.1 25.0 19.8 13.8 26.2 25.9 19.9 9 10 11 12 215 219 221 264 14.0 29.3 25.7 20.0 14.5 31.8 26.2 20.1 34.2 27.0 20.2 35.4 27.8 CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSES OF TWO WESTERN IRISH POPULATIONS Table 3 — The results of the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) between the char samples from Lough Mask and Lough Eske for the three meristic measurements. Gill raker number Branchiostegal ray number Index of snout bluntness F1, 94 Significance 1.054 159.09 0.3072 0.0001 7.18 0.0087 OF ARCTIC CHAR RESULTS The mean, standard deviation, standard error and range of each morphometric and meristic characteristic are shown in Table 1. The Lough Mask char were generally larger than the Lough Eske char due to the presence of larger, older, gravid females. The growth rates of Lough Mask and Lough Eske char are presented in Table 2 together with other European char populations for which several lacustrine morphotypes have been reported (Frost and Kipling 1980; Sandlund et al. 1992; Adams et al. 1998). The mean age and standard deviation of the Lough Mask and Lough Eske samples were 4.19 0.5 and 3.190.8 years Table 4 — Principal component analysis of untransformed morphometric characteristics of Lough Mask (n= 61) and Lough Eske (n= 35) Arctic char. The first three principal components accounted for 86.2% of the variance. Values in the body of the table are component loadings. Variable Total length Standard length Head length Head width at nostrils Head width at eyes Head depth at eyes Head depth at edge of operculae Eye diameter Lower jaw length Maxillary bone length Jaw width on ventral surface Average gill raker length Average distance between gill rakers Gape Mouth height Mouth width Body height at insertation of pectoral fin Caudal peduncle height Caudal peduncle width Caudal peduncle length Insertation of pelvic fin to insertation of anal fin length Insertation of dorsal fin to insertation of ventral fin length Insertation of dorsal fin to insertation of ventral fin width Pectoral fin length Perpendicular distance between eye and snout Eigen value % of variance Cumulative % variance Principal component 1 Principal component 2 Principal component 3 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.01 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.17 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.14 0.18 −0.02 −0.16 0.25 −0.03 0.00 −0.04 0.84 0.09 −0.15 −0.17 −0.01 −0.05 0.03 −0.02 −0.25 0.02 −0.05 −0.04 0.00 0.02 −0.12 −0.14 −0.03 0.12 0.13 0.09 0.02 −0.17 −0.02 −0.03 0.05 −0.17 0.46 −0.12 −0.18 −0.15 0.00 −0.10 0.13 −0.27 −0.11 −0.12 −0.08 0.01 0.66 20.57 79.13 79.13 1.27 4.87 83.99 0.56 2.16 86.20 79 BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT respectively. A total of 68.9% of the Lough Mask sample were four years old, the Lough Eske fish being generally younger, with 40.0% of the sample being three years old. The sex ratio of both populations differed, with females predominant, at 59.0% (n = 36), for Lough Mask and males predominant, at 80.0% (n =28), for the Lough Eske sample. The significance of both meristic and morphometric differences between these samples is dealt with in the statistical analyses below. STATISTICAL ANALYSES One-way analysis of variance The F-values and significance levels for all meristic measurements and the index of snout bluntness for the two samples are shown in Table 3. Highly significant differences in the mean branchiostegal ray number, gill raker number and index of snout bluntness were noted between the Lough Eske and Lough Mask samples: all were higher in the Lough Mask sample. Sexual dimorphism did not occur in either of the two samples, and there were no significant differences in length between male and female char. Principal component analysis Principal component analysis was initially applied to untransformed morphometric characteristics, i.e. measurements not standardised for fish length. Three principal components (Table 4) were extracted from the 25 morphometric characteristics. An analysis of the correlation matrix shows that all of the variables were highly correlated with fish length, the exception being average gill raker length (r value = 0.0802; P \ 0.05). The component loadings (Table 4) were also very high for most of the variables accounted for by the first principal component, which described 79.13% of the variance within the samples. The second and third principal component accounted for 4.87% and 2.16% of the total variance respectively. Jolicoeur and Mosimann (1960) demonstrated that any component having all coefficients of the same sign was indicative of size variation, whereas any component having both positive and negative coefficients was indicative of shape variation. All of the coefficients (component loadings) were of the same sign and magnitude. Therefore it can be assumed that principal component 1 accounted for size variation between Lough Mask and Lough Eske char. Individual fish from each sample are plotted (axis 1 vs. axis 2) in Fig. 2. Although it appeared from the analysis that the Lough Mask char were separating into two groups, a significant Spearman rank correlation between the component loadings on principal component 1 and fish 80 Fig. 2 — Principal component analysis of untransformed morphometric data taken from Arctic char samples from Lough Mask (n =61) and Lough Eske (n= 35). The scatter plot shows individual fish scores for axis 1 vs. axis 2. length (r 2 = − 0.382, P =0.002) indicated that these differences were due to fish size rather than fish shape. Principal component analysis was again applied to transformed morphometric characteristics excluding total and standard length. Analysis of the correlation matrix showed a mixed number of correlations with no clear pattern emerging. Details of the first three principal components are listed in Table 5. Principal component 1 (40.73%) coefficients were both positive and negative, indicating shape variation. Average gill raker length, dorsal fin to ventral fin length and jaw width on the ventral surface were among the characteristics most highly correlated with PC1. Principal component 2 described 11.32% of the variance, with caudal peduncle length and head length being most highly correlated with principal component 2. The first three principal components accounted for 60.12% of the total variance in the three samples. Individual fish from each sample are plotted (axis 1 vs. axis 2) in Fig. 3. Some separation of both the Lough Mask and Lough Eske char samples was evident along axis 1 as shown in Fig. 3. CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSES OF TWO WESTERN IRISH POPULATIONS OF ARCTIC CHAR Table 5 — Principal component analysis of transformed morphometric characteristics of Arctic char in Lough Mask (n=61) and Lough Eske (n=35). The first three principal components accounted for 60.12% of the variance. Values in the body of the table are component loadings. Variable Principal component 1 Principal component 2 Principal component 3 Head length Head width at nostrils Head width at eyes Head depth at eyes Head depth at edge of operculae Eye diameter Lower jaw length Maxillary bone length Jaw width on ventral surface Average gill raker length Average distance between gill rakers Gape Mouth height Mouth width Body height at insertation of pectoral fin Caudal peduncle height Caudal peduncle width Caudal peduncle length Insertation of pelvic fin to insertation of anal fin length Insertation of dorsal fin to insertation of ventral fin length Insertation of dorsal fin to insertation of ventral fin width Pectoral fin length Perpendicular distance between eye and snout 0.07 0.07 0.14 0.22 0.27 −0.21 0.25 0.22 0.27 −0.24 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.25 0.26 0.22 0.08 0.00 0.27 0.25 0.04 −0.12 0.45 0.37 0.34 0.13 −0.06 0.23 0.15 0.19 0.03 0.23 0.21 0.00 0.02 0.08 −0.02 −0.01 −0.02 −0.24 −0.05 −0.07 −0.11 0.29 0.28 0.19 −0.29 −0.31 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.18 0.19 −0.06 −0.02 −0.12 0.44 0.41 0.23 −0.10 −0.10 −0.19 0.25 −0.16 −0.08 −0.08 0.26 −0.13 10.59 40.73 40.73 2.94 11.32 52.05 2.10 8.07 60.12 Eigen value % of variance Cumulative % variance Discriminant function analysis Since it was possible to distinguish between the two populations of char on the basis of length alone, linear discriminant function analysis was carried out without total length and standard length using transformed morphometric data, with fish being classified a priori to their respective samples. The predicted group membership is determined by assigning each char specimen to the group whose mean is closest (under the Mahalanobis distance) to the specimen. The overall percentage of fish classified correctly to each group according to the discriminating function was 100%, with a Mahalanobis squared distance (D 2) between the two samples of 86.6 (Fishers F = 79.89, P= 0.0001). The standardised function coefficient for each morphometric characteristic is given in Table 6. The large size of the dorsal fin to ventral fin length function coefficient and the head length coefficient compared to the function coefficients of other characteristics indicates that the addition of many of these characteristics was trivial, the least relevant being the perpendicular distance between eye and snout. However, no consistent shape variation that could be related to a functional use could be identified in either population investigated. DISCUSSION According to Malmquist (1992), morphotypes described from lacustrine environments are usually morphologically and ecologically distinct, with the feeding of cryptically coloured benthic morphs on slow-moving zoobenthos (such as snails) being improved by their broad body form, relatively 81 BIOLOGY AND large pectoral fins and the wide, terminally positioned mouth. The size of the mouth in these benthic morphotypes is thought to allow the larger benthic morphotypes to feed upon relatively larger prey items. In comparison, the fusiform body of the more brightly coloured, slimmer limnetic morphotypes aids their efficiency in searching for and feeding on dispersed and mobile open water prey, and their narrow terminal snouts help decrease drag and increase suction power. In addition, their relatively longer gill rakers and the narrower spacings between the gill rakers may further increase the retention of zooplankton. Malmquist (1992) also noted that larger piscivorous char were similar to planktivorous char, with a fusiform body but with wide powerful jaws with pronounced teeth. In contrast, the results of the present study indicate the monomorphic characteristics of the Lough Mask and Lough Eske char populations investigated. However, significant differences in body size between the two sites were apparent and higher meristic values for the Lough Mask samples were also clear (Table 1). Although the Lough Mask fish appeared to separate into two groups in the PCA analysis of the untransformed data (Fig. 2), this separation could be accounted for by differences in fish size, not fish shape. However, in the case of the transformed data (Fig. 3), there were differences associated with a number of morphometric characteristics (Table 3). Nevertheless, since none of these characteristics could be attributed to a clear functional use, it is thought that the Lough Mask population is monomorphic. Similarly, an analysis of the diet and parasite burdens of the Lough Mask char using PCA analysis (Doherty and McCarthy 2000) also found no separation of the Lough Mask samples. Differences in char morphometrics linked to body size, as observed in respect of the Lough Eske and Lough Mask char populations, may be due to differing parasite burdens, as well as opportunities for benthic feeding (Doherty and McCarthy 2000). Lough Mask char fed predominantly on benthic macroinvertebrates, and the presence of three acanthocephalan and one swim-bladder nematode parasite species (all four of which use Gammarus species as intermediate hosts) further substantiated the dominance of macroinvertebrates in the diet. In contrast, the Lough Eske char were recorded to be feeding on planktonic copepods to a large extent, and consequently higher burdens of three cestode species occurred (Doherty and McCarthy 2000). The partitioning of the food and the habitat use by sympatric morphotypes have been shown elsewhere to be important as determinants of the parasite community and in distinguishing between anadromous and lacustrine char stocks (Dick 1984; Frandsen et al. 1989; Dorucu et al. 1995). 82 ENVIRONMENT Fig. 3 — Principal component analysis of transformed morphometric data taken from Arctic char samples from Lough Mask (n =61) and Lough Eske (n= 35). The scatter plot shows individual fish scores for axis 1 vs. axis 2. However, Doherty and McCarthy (2000) concluded that no evidence existed for the presence of sympatric char morphotypes in either Lough Mask or Lough Eske based upon dietary analysis and associated metazoan parasites. Despite the monomorphic nature of the two lacustrine populations investigated in the present study, it does not preclude the existence of sympatric morphotypes within lacustrine environments elsewhere in Ireland. Behnke (1980) suggested that some geographical regions may have suitable environments but no native char populations sufficiently specialised to most efficiently occupy the various trophic niches. According to Sandlund et al. (1992) and Adams et al. (1998), possible reasons for sympatric morphotypes in lacustrine habitats are thought to be related to lake morphology. Factors such as lake depth (with distinct pelagic and benthic zones) and the substrate type available to populations of arctic char may affect the development of multiple morphotypes. However, Behnke (1980) was of the CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSES OF TWO WESTERN IRISH POPULATIONS opinion that sympatric stocks may have been subject to multiple invasions of incipient species that have developed in geographical isolation or they may be the result of differentiation in response to ecological conditions within a particular waterbody. According to Langeland and Jonsson (1990) and L’Abée-Lund et al. (1993) the most pronounced monomorphisms are to found in the so-called ‘stunted’ populations, which feature low juvenile growth rates, small and homogenous size at sexual maturation and negligible adult growth rates. According to Bjøru and Sandlund (1995), the occurrence of stunted or ‘dwarf’ char populations are generally caused by good spawning conditions yielding high recruitment relative to the food available. This may be the case for the Lough Eske population, where suitable known spawning sites are sufficient for recruitment but the oligotrophic nature of the lake may result in poor feeding. No spawning site is known for the Lough Mask Arctic char. Both Lough Mask and Lough Eske char populations appear to be exclusively autumn-spawning, in contrast to other populations OF ARCTIC CHAR such as Lake Windermere in northern England, where both autumn- and spring-spawning char are found (Frost 1965). At least within Lough Eske, the apparent lack of spatial and temporal segregation, which may enhance genetic segregation of within lacustrine char stocks, may be a factor for the monomorphic nature of the char stock. The distribution of Arctic char populations in Ireland (Fig. 1) has been reported by Whilde (1993). Ireland’s Arctic char population appears to be decreasing, despite the recent addition of some newly reported populations by Quigley and Flannery (1997). In Ireland, the effects of pollution, eutrophication, climate change and possibly competition with and predation by introduced species such as roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and pike (Esox luscius L.) have led to a contraction of the Arctic char’s range (Whilde 1993; Doherty and McCarthy 2000; McCarthy et al. 2000, 2001; Igoe et al. 2001). Possible threats to European populations of freshwater fish have been extensively covered by Cowx (2002) and Cowx Table 6 —A summary of linear discriminant function analysis of standardised morphometric characteristics for Arctic Char in Lough Mask and Lough Eske. Variable Lough Mask (n= 61) Lough Eske (n= 35) Standardised function coefficient Head length Head width at nostrils Head width at eyes Head depth at eyes Head depth at edge of operculae Eye diameter Lower jaw length Maxillary bone length Jaw width on ventral surface Average gill raker length Average distance between gill rakers Gape Mouth height Mouth width Body height at insertation of pectoral fin Caudal peduncle height Caudal peduncle width Caudal peduncle length Insertation of pelvic fin to insertation of anal fin length Insertation of dorsal fin to insertation of ventral fin length Insertation of dorsal fin to insertation of ventral fin width Pectoral fin length Perpendicular distance between eye and snout Constant 9678 1828 −2172 196 −8 1764 −668 581 −2074 281 −2038 816 −434 −1539 −186 496 −17 811 2652 3144 3286 2482 479 −18564 9880 1866 −2199 205 −115 1922 −727 528 −2151 327 −2061 926 −468 −1514 −29 400 4 881 2625 2897 3184 2557 479 −18591 −202 −38 27 −9 107 −158 59 53 77 −46 23 −110 34 −25 −157 96 −21 −70 27 247 102 −75 0 27 83 BIOLOGY AND and Collares-Pereira (2002), who concluded that there was an immediate need to protect threatened species from further loss through sanctuaries and enforcement of legislation. As expected, the growth rates (Table 2) of the four char populations from the British Isles were much faster-growing compared to the Icelandic char population. Differences in growth between the morphotypes present in these lakes were also evident. The two monomorphic Irish char populations were faster-growing and shorter-lived compared to the more northerly populations from Windermere and Lough Rannoch. Char sampled from Lough Mask in 1996 were considerably older and larger than those reported by Went (1945, 1946), although it appears that the Lough Mask char growth rates have not varied in the past 50 years. In conclusion, the results confirm earlier findings, which were based upon dietary analysis and metazoan parasites of both Irish populations of Arctic char (Doherty and McCarthy 2000). Thus, no clear evidence exists for the presence of sympatric char morphotypes within either Lough Mask or Lough Eske, based upon the present morphological and meristic analyses. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was undertaken as part of Investigation of Eutrophication Processes in the Littoral Zones of Western Irish Lakes, a project funded under the European Union Operational Programme: Environmental Services 1994– 99. The assistance of the Central Fisheries Board, the Western Fishery Board and the Northern Fishery Board is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES Adams, C.E., Fraser, D., Huntingford, F.A., Greer, R.B., Askew, C.M. and Walker A.F. 1998 Trophic polymorphism amongst Arctic charr from Loch Rannoch, Scotland. Journal of Fish Biology 52, 1259 –71. Behnke, R. J. 1980 A systematic review of the genus Salvelinus. In E.K. Balon (ed.), Charrs: salmonid fish of the genus Salvelinus, 441 – 79. The Hague. Dr. W. Junk. Bjøru, B. and Sandlund, O.T. 1995 Differences in morphology and ecology within a stunted Arctic char population. Nordic Journal of Freshwater Research 71, 163–72. 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