
Behavioral Management
Strategy: Teach Student’s Socially Appropriate Behaviors
Appropriate Grade Level: All Grade Levels
 Use what you know about the reasons the student produces the
behavior to create and teach alternatives to the behavior.
 Teach both alternative behaviors and means of communication for the
student to use when they are in conflict.
 Example:
 Scenario: A student who complains when they need help.
 Teach the student to ask for help in place of complaining.
 When the student asks for help, respond immediately,
otherwise, the student will go back to complaining since they
do not get the desired effect.
Comments and/or tips:
 There is no substitute for teaching students socially appropriate
behavior to replace problem behavior.
REMINDER: Once a behavior is taught and used, a teacher must
respond immediately to reinforce the behavior.
Shukla-Mehta, S., & Albin, R. W. (2003). Twelve practical strategies to
prevent behavioral escalation in classroom settings. Preventing School
Failure, 47, 156-161.