Adam Johnson is a native Texan born of a working... seventeen he joined the Army and became a United States...

Adam Johnson is a native Texan born of a working class family in Beaumont, Texas. At the age of
seventeen he joined the Army and became a United States Paratrooper and served with a number of
historic military units including the 82nd Airborne. He would eventually serve eleven years in the
military, including a year overseas in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring
Freedom. Adam attended Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. His strong working class back ground
and his time in the military motivated him to graduate with high honors (Magnum Cum Laude) with a
bachelors of science in Political Science; this is also where he met his wife of 13 years, Lacy. Adam loves
being active and has run a dozen full marathons and ultra marathons and has also done numerous
triathlons, including the Ironman. Adam discovered his love of teaching 12 years ago as part of the HISD
Alternative Certification Program. Adam is excited to be part of the team here at Baylor College of
Medicine at Ryan Middle School and brings with him over a decade of teaching experience.