Matakuliah Tahun Versi : J0114 – Manajemen Pemasaran : 2005 :1 Pertemuan 20 Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran 1 Learning Outcomes Mahasiswa dapat menerangkan bagaimana merancang strategi komunikasi yang efektif dan bertanggung jawab 2 Outline Materi Pokok Bahasan : Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Materi Developing Effective Communication Menentukan Anggaran Bauran Promosi Total Komunikasi Pemasaran yang Bertanggungjawab 3 Menentukan Anggaran dan Bauran Promosi Total A. Menentukan Anggaran Promosi Total Empat metode yang dipakai untuk menetapkan anggaran total untuk promosi ; 1. Metode sesuai kemampuan 2. Metode persentase penjualan 3. Metode menyamai-pesan 4. Metode sasaran dan tugas 4 B. Menentukan Bauran Promosi Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemasaran dalam memilih alat promosi : a. Sifat dari setiap alat promosi setiap alat promosi (periklanan, penjulan personal, promosi penjualan, hubungan masyarakat dan pemasaran langsung), memiliki sifat dan karakteristik yang berbeda 5 b. Strategi Bauran Pemasaran - Strategi dorong strategi promosi yang menuntut pemanfaatan tenaga penjualan dan promosi dagang untuk mendorong produk melalui saluran - Strategi tarik strategi promosi yang menuntut pengeluaran yang besar untuk iklan dan promosi penjualan guna menciptakan permintaan konsumen. 6 Typers of Communication One to One • Conversation (implies two-way communication) • Message passing (limited to one-way) - see pheromones below for example One to Many • Lecture to live audience or recorded for later playing using various media or sent via computer or TV to remote audience. • "Marking" a territory; for example, by scent, police tape, etc. • Journalism, including use of newspaper, magazine, or other mass medium • Public relations, including spin doctoring 7 Many to Many • Conferences, academic, political, religious, etc. • Party or other social gathering Now to Future • Diary • Blog • Time capsule 8 Propaganda • Propaganda is a specific type of message presentation aimed at serving an agenda. At its root, the denotation of propaganda is 'to propagate (actively spread) a philosophy or point of view'. The most common use of the term (historically) is in political contexts; in particular to refer to certain efforts sponsored by governments or political groups. 9 Public Affairs • Public affairs is a catch-all term that includes public policy as well as public administration, both of which are closely related to and draw upon the fields of political science as well as economics. • Public policy discussions are generally and consciously partisan, and we assume that participants in public policy discussion have a specific point of view which they seek to advance in the discussion. 10