Application for The Dutch International Society Scholarship

for The Dutch International Society Scholarship
A Dutch International Society Scholarship is available to students involved in study in the
Netherlands. Preference is given to students involved in Dutch language study, but other students will
be considered as well. The amount of the scholarship may vary from year to year but will be a
minimum of $300.
The criteria for awarding the stipend are as follows.
1. Serious of purpose and level of motivation of the applicant.
2. Past and potential involvement in Dutch language study or other relevant involvement in matters of
Netherlandic culture.
3. Financial need. Financial need as defined by government programs is not required, but there
should be some evidence that the scholarship is needed to help meet educational expenses.
Name of applicant ____________________________________ Student #
Class level
Overall GPA __________
Major program(s)
Minor program(s)
Previous stays in the Netherlands or Belgium: when, where, why, and length of stay:
Please indicate why you wish to participate in an interim or semester program in the Netherlands and
how the stay will enhance your broader educational and personal objectives. (Address abovementioned criteria as necessary).