DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016

DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Department/Program Name:
Student Housing & Residential Life (SHRL)
Don Yackley
Department/Program Assessment Mark Vitek, Assistant Director for Assessment & Conduct;
Contact(s) (in addition to above): Rebecca Szwarc, Administrative Assistant for Assessment
Department Mission Statement:
Department Vision Statement:
We are a diverse community of students, staff and faculty who foster student success in living-learning environments by building
relationships, promoting engagement and leading with an ethic of care.
Student Housing & Residential Life is the unrivaled experience in Student Success.
1. Launch Engaged Learning Community Groups Fall 2015 proposed by faculty/departments in Fall 2014. (DSAES
Strategic Initiative #1e)
2. Implement a first 6 weeks hall staff programming and interaction plan as part of the "Intentional Interaction
Model" for fall 2015. (Primary DSAES Strategic Initiative #1e, and secondary DSAES Strategic Initiatives #1a & #1d)
3. Create standard programming expectations by community type for each residential community for Fall 2015.
(Primary DSAES Strategic Initiative #1e and secondary DSAES Strategic Initiatives #1a & #1d)
4. Enhance the Senior RA position description for Fall 2015 to be more purposeful. (DSAES Strategic Initiative #2c)
5. Develop and execute student employment recognition incorporating National Student Employee Week and The
UH National Residence Hall Honorary. (Primary DSAES Strategic Initiative #4d and secondary DSAES Strategic
Initiatives #1d & #2a)
6. Merge the main SHRL front desk student assistants with the Tour Guide program to create a seamless
relationship. (Primary DSAES Strategic Initiative #2c, and secondary DSAES Strategic Initiative #2e)
Department FY16 Goals: (include all
department goals and DSAES
7. Develop a work flow process in RMS/Mercury (housing software system) by which students can submit room
strategic plan mapping)
change requests via their housing portal. (DSAES Strategic Initiative #2e)
8. Increase Conference and Guest Services revenue by 10% over last year. (DSAES Strategic Initiative #2b)
9. Start implementation of business process such as invoicing, accounts receivable, and payment collection in new
RMS housing system. (Primary DSAES Strategic Initiative #2b, and secondary DSAES Strategic Initiative #2e)
10. Launch updated SHRL website. (Primary DSAES Strategic Initiative #2e, and secondary DSAES Strategic Initiative
11. Formalize Assessment feedback loop process for EBI and other major assessment projects. (Primary DSAES
Strategic Initiative #4c, and secondary DSAES Strategic Initiative #4a)
12. Finalize the formal documentation of SHRL Policies and processes for all areas in the department for consistent
future training and updating. (DSAES Strategic Initiative #2a)
13. Formalize Quadrangle Replacement plan which enhances SHRL program offerings designed intentionally for
international students. Including funding model and timeline. (Primary DSAES Strategic Initiative #3b, and secondary
DSAES Strategic Initiatives #2b & #6d)
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #1): Student Experiences in the Residence Halls
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
Purpose of Assessment Activity
Objective - Assess the general
Students are more likely to be successful if
satisfaction and perceived learning they are satisfied with their environment
that occurs from residents who live and if their environment is conducive to
in residence halls.
learning. This survey measures resident
Learning Outcomes:
satisfaction with SHRL services and
As a result of living on campus,
personnel; as well as with students'
students will:
satisfaction with their college experience.
-Indicate satisfaction with their
It also measures perceived learning as a
college experience.
- result of living on campus and integration
Indicate increased knowledge of
to campus.
academic and social resources to
help navigate their transition to
University life.
-Engage with faculty outside the
Frequency / Timeline
The Educational Benchmarking, Inc., (EBI)
Residential Survey will be administered to
all residents. The EBI is a yearly national
survey that allows the institution to rate
current performance, compare to past
performance, and benchmark against
other institutions. In addition to
measuring specific areas of satisfaction
and self-reported learning, it combines
these factors to measure overall
satisfaction, overall self-perceived learning
as a result of living in the residence halls,
and overall program effectiveness. Goal is
to achieve an average 5.5 on a 7-point
Likert scale, which is equivalent to a 75%
satisfaction rate. Objective is to maintain
5.5 EBI goal on factors already above the
goal; move intermediate (score of 5.255.49) factors above goal; and move the
"issue" (score below 5.25) factors to the
intermediate or better level, or at least
improve them. Results will be compared
to previous years' EBI surveys and
benchmarked against other institutions.
The Residential EBI will
be administered once
a year at a time when
it does not interfere
with another massive
survey (MAP-Works),
and this year, will be
in November.
Preliminary results will
be available soon after
survey closes.
Benchmarking data
will not be available
until July.
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
FY16 Goal(s)
goals #1, #2, #3,
#7, and #11;
Initiatives #1b
(primary) &
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #2): Freshmen Residents' Particular Experiences in Residence Halls
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
Activity Objectives:
As a result of living on campus,
students will:
-Return to the University the next
-Demonstrate a high degree of
satisfaction with their residential
Purpose of Assessment Activity
To gauge the impact of the intentional
interaction model and targeted
programing on the student success of
freshmen residents, including the extent
to which freshmen residents feel
supported in their choices; are engaged in
college life; and persist in their studies to
the next year. Intentional interaction
requires that RAs be proactive in seeking
interaction, encouraging campus
integration, and offering assistance to their
residents. FYRE programing is targeted to
the special needs and concerns of
freshmen residents.
The EBI Resident Survey will be sent to all
residents, and data collected from
freshmen residents (self-identified) will be
filtered out and compared to the aggregate
SHRL results. As a result of the special
attention freshmen receive, their scores,
especially on the overall satisfaction,
overall learning, and overall program
effectiveness, should be higher than the
aggregate. In addition, as measures of
student success, GPAs and retention
(returning to the University the next year)
will be pulled and compared to rates of all
UH first-year (FTIC) students. Attendance
rates to FYRE (First Year Residential
Experience) programs will be examined
and compared to last year. Results will be
tracked over time.
Frequency / Timeline
The EBI will be
administered once in
November. Program
attendance rates will
be examined at the
beginning of June.
GPAs will be pulled
mid-July. Retention
will be determined in
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
FY16 Goal(s)
goals #2, #3,
and #11; and
DSAES Strategic
Initiatives #1a
(primary),#1e &
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #3): Sophomore Residents' Particular Experiences in Residence Halls
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Assessment Activity Objective(s)
Purpose of Assessment Activity
Activity Objectives:
As To gauge the impact of the intentional
a result of living on campus,
interaction model and targeted
sophomore students will:
programing on the student success of
-Return to the University the next
sophomore residents, including the extent
to which sophomore residents feel
-Demonstrate a high degree of
supported in their choices; are engaged in
satisfaction with their residential
college life; and persist in their studies to
the next year. Intentional interaction
requires that RAs be proactive in seeking
interaction, encouraging campus
integration, and offering assistance to their
residents. SYRE programing is targeted to
the special needs and concerns of
sophomore residents.
The EBI Resident Survey will be sent to all
residents, and data collected from
sophomore residents (self-identified) will
be filtered out and compared to the
aggregate SHRL results. As a result of the
special attention sophomores receive,
their scores, especially on the overall
satisfaction, overall learning, and overall
program effectiveness, should be higher
than the aggregate. In addition, as
measures of student success, GPAs and
retention (returning to the University the
next year) will be pulled and compared to
rates of all UH sophomore students.
Attendance rates to SYRE (Second Year
Residential Experience) programs will be
examined and compared to last year.
Results will be tracked over time.
Frequency / Timeline
The EBI will be
administered once in
November. Program
attendance rates will
be examined at the
beginning of June.
GPAs will be pulled in
mid-July. Retention
will be determined in
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
FY16 Goal(s)
goals #2, #3,
and #11; and
DSAES Strategic
Initiatives #1a
(primary), #1e
& #4c.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #4): Resident Advisors' (RAs) Ability to Connect Work & Classroom Learning
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
As a result of their employment,
Senior RAs and RAs will be able to:
-Articulate at least three ways that
they will be able to use
knowledge/experience that they
gained in their student employment
in their future career path.
-Describe one way that they were
able to apply knowledge they
learned in class to their work in their
S/RA role.
Articulate one way that they applied
information from their S/RA position
to their classwork.
Frequency / Timeline
According to a recent Gallup survey, there
are six experiences that if a student has
them in college, in the future, they are
more likely to be engaged at work,
experience a higher degree of well-being,
and be more attached to their alma mater.
One of these six experiences is whether
they had an internship or job that allowed
them to apply what they were learning in
the classroom. As campus leaders, RAs
should be able to demonstrate and model
to their residents how all aspects of their
college experience integrates into their
learning, and how their whole college
experience prepares them for their future
professions and affects their future lives.
This includes both straight-forward
classroom learning and the acquisition of
soft/transferable skills. This seeks to
gauge that understanding.
SHRL Assessment Team members will
introduce and explain the learning
objectives to RAs during a meeting early in
the Fall semester. At the end of each
month, SHRL Assessment Team members
will attend a regularly scheduled meeting
and ask RAs to answer brief reflection
questions using Baseline Student
Response. At the end of the Spring
semester, SHRL Assessment Team
members will conduct short, individual
interviews with a representative sample of
RAs or conduct focus groups to gauge their
understanding of the totality of their
experience. This method of assessment is
a pilot program, and as such, consistency
of results is a concern. Therefore, the
SHRL Assessment team will conduct the
The first meeting with
RAs will be in August
or early September.
The Assessment Team
will ask to participate
in a regular meetings
at the end of
September, October,
November, February
and March. Interviews
or focus groups will be
conducted in April.
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
goals #11; and
DSAES Strategic
Initiative #2c.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2015-2016
Program or Services Being Assessed (Assessment Activity #5): Desk Assistants' (DAs) Ability to Connect Work and Classroom Learning
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Frequency / Timeline
Program Objective(s)
As a result of their employment,
According to a recent Gallup survey, there SHRL Assessment Team members will
DA training is in
Senior DAs and DAs will be able to: are six experiences that if a student has
introduce and explain the learning
August. The
-Articulate at least three ways that
them in college, in the future, they are
objectives to DAs during training. At the
Assessment Team will
they will be able to use
more likely to be engaged at work,
end of each month, SHRL Assessment
ask to participate in a
knowledge/experience that they
experience a higher degree of well-being, Team members will attend a regularly
regular meetings at
gained in their student employment and be more attached to their alma mater. scheduled meeting and ask DAs to answer the end of September,
in their future career path.
One of these six experiences is whether
brief reflection questions using Baseline
October, November,
-Describe one way that they were
they had an internship or job that allowed Student Response. At the end of the
February and March.
able to apply knowledge they
them to apply what they were learning in Spring semester, SHRL Assessment Team Interviews or focus
learned in class to their work in their the classroom. As campus leaders, DAs
members will conduct short, individual
groups will be
S/DA role.
should be able to demonstrate and model interviews with a representative sample of conducted in April.
Articulate one way that they applied to their residents how all aspects of their DAs or conduct focus groups to gauge their
information from their S/DA position college experience integrates into their
understanding of the totality of their
to their classwork.
learning, and how their whole college
experience. This method of assessment is
experience prepares them for their future a pilot program, and as such, consistency
professions and affects their future lives. of results is a concern. Therefore, the
This includes both straight-forward
SHRL Assessment team will conduct the
classroom learning and the acquisition of interviews.
soft/transferable skills. This seeks to
gauge that understanding.
Summary of this activity (to be completed at the end assessment cycle for this activity)
Results (i.e. data collected):
Action (i.e. what will change in the department or program as a result of the data collected):
goals #6, and
#11; and DSAES
Initiatives #2c.