BT,TY'Ztr{TITTiG B [irzhrieg is the Gerrnan word Iighlning war and fo r ir is used ro describe the highly mobile merhod of warlare adopted by- rhe German Army, in the early yes rs of World War II. In the 1930s a group of Brirish rnilitar)' thinkers, including Caprain Basil Liddell Harr, workcd on ideas o[ tank rvarfare. The German Army used the same tacrics of curting ofl the enemy from supplies and communic'ations. In the firsr phase aircraft \r'ere used to solten up and tcrrorize the enerny. Then (anks \verc rushed in to envelop the enerny I Bombers, ruch 2 Junlon Ju 87 e: the Junler: Ju 88, were seot in to aneck Unes of communieatiou rnd slrategic tergets. 3 Paratroops were rcot in to sei:e key poriLions, sucb zr r fort or a snd florce it to surrender. Surprise and fear were major elcments of ht. t t b lttzRneg. In '1939 the tacric was used wirh great success in rhe Polish campaign. The land was very flar and ideally suited 4 to tank warfare. Tents, kno.ra -ss Ptazer, [-heo rusbed in to encirclera tie eDemy ltr r pmccr moYement with two force I converging. Srul<: divcbomberi smrsbcd e path. $ff {$p$r $ir' ' ./- ,e-/ Blitzkrieg! In 1939, Germany invaded Poland using a new military tactic called "blitzkri€8", whieh means 'olightning war". A blitzkrieg attack used fast- moving tanks to spearhead theberman advance. i{ext, the enemy forces were surrounded, cut off and wiped out. Airplanes ;;;;;il]; dive-bomb enemy soldiers as weII as to terrorize the general populruoo. The AIIied generals who still believed that "trench,'iarfare would be the way in which war would be fought, were quickly beaten. )\a * lr L' .1' J \r,ril'7-,;rar \J ,e^r-L.rT',r), 'fi' C ? -h^12\I( (- Jffrc c'E rG Hitler swiftly overpowered Poland and in lg11rinvaded France. The "lightning war" defeated the combined French and British forces in eight short weeks and all of Europe (except Britain) was under German control. In addition to the soldieis fighting on both sides - the general population, the cities in which they lived and the places where they worked became targets. The term ,,total wrr, was born.