How to make an enemy follow your player So, the first step is to make a player sprite (if you don’t have one already). It doesn’t matter what it looks like this is just a tutorial. After that just make a quick wall sprite. Now, we need to make an enemy sprite. This involves 2 sprites, one that goes left and one that goes right. Check the image below just for example of an enemy going both ways. Make sure you center both of them. On the enemy right call it Enemy_R and for the enemy left call it Enemy_L You will see why later. Enemy right enemy left Make all your sprites into objects. Then go ahead on the player and add movement, gravity, and collision with wall. I’m sure you know to set the wall to a solid. Now for the enemy. Go into the enemies object settings and add the step event exactly like the player, add gravity to the enemy too. then, add a script in the step event of the enemy. It is the icon that looks like this image . Now, type in this piece of code- if distance_to_object(Player) <100 //you can always change the 100 to whatever satisfies you { sprite_index=Enemy_L; //use only if you have a left & right enemy move_towards_point(Player.x,y,2) }; //use only if you have a left & right enemy if hspeed < 0 { sprite_index=Enemy_L; }; else { sprite_index=Enemy_R; }; That’s it you should be almost ready to play the game. Just make sure you have a collision with wall event on your enemy to. Test out game once you have made the room and the player, walls, and enemies in the room.