) 'I "If

Control of the Youth and E/ucation
Hitler knew the minds of children could be shaped like clay. He once
stated in a 1933 speech: "If an adult says 'I wiil not come over to your
side' I will calmly answer 'your child belongs to us already.' What are
you? You will pass on!"
He warned parents that interference or failure to cooperate wouid
result in imprisonment or having their children sent to other Nazi
homes to be reared.
young people who will grow up to frighten the world... arrogant,
violent, unafraid, cruel youth who must be able to suffer pain.
Nothing tender and weak must be left in them."
Nazi training center.
ther anti-Nazi parents in to be jailed.
A Typical School Scene in Nazi Germany
> At the front of the class, a picfure of Hitler.
an oath to Hitler promising to make students into Nazis. Mien Kampf
was to be the foundation of all teaching.
the master race that would rule the world by force.
Math problems
New course called "Racial Science" was developed'
poisonous mushrooms'
reading called the Jews devils, scum and even
the oigantzatton. They attended military camps'
trained to be soldiers, studied the Nazi philosophy and
swore an oath to Hitler, They were given a dagger
with the words "Blood and Honour" upon graduation
and a diploma from the Hitler youth'
League of German Maidens - girls 10-18
uniforms, went backpacking on long marches and
learn how to be "proper nazi mothers'"
The Fuehor wills itl Marriage is unimportant'"
As a result many young teenagers became mothers'
,.Nazified,, education in schools, pius Hitler youth or the League of
minds had been thoroughly
German Maiden, is it any wonder that many
poisoned bY Nazism?
you? why were textbooks
How do you think such schooling would affect
-"s,i1r-:t $r,"**a,"ad.-*'*-**"-=
Hg H'E
On being a member of the JungDolk:
"Far from being forced to enter the ranks of the Jungoolk, I could barely contain my impatience and was, in fact,
accepted before I was quite 10. It seemed like an exciting life, free from parental supervision, filled with'duties'
that seemed sheer pleasure. Precision marching was something one could endure for hiking, camping, war games
in the field, and a constant emphasis on sports . . . . To a degree, our pre-war activities resembled those of the
Boy Scouts, with much more emphasis on discipline and political indoctrination. There were the paraphernalia
fpins, ceremonial daggers, and so on] and symbols, the pomp and mysticism, very close in feeling to religious
One of the first significant demands was the so-calledMafprobe"test of courage,'which was usually administered
afrer a six-month period of probation. The members of my Scbar, a platoon-like unit of about 40-50 boys, were
required to dive off the three-meter board-about 10 feet high-head first in the town's swimming pool, There
were some strnglngbelly flops, but the pain was worth it when our Fabnleint'uber, the 15-year-old leader of our
Fabnlein (literally "11t1e flag'), a company-like unit of about 160 boys, handed us the coveted dagger with
inscription 'Blood and Honor.' From that moment on we
from Alfons Heck's Diary of a Hitler Youth.
Both boys and girls wore a
diamond-shaped pin like this
on their Hitler Youth uniforms.
Boys wearing the "Blood and Honor" daggers of the Hitler Youth
chanted slogans such as, "We are born to die for Germany."
Boys in the Hitler Youth parlicipated in
miiitary training activities like camping and
marksmanship, while girls focused on
domestic chores and first aid. Both spent a
lot of time on physical education. Boys
had to be fit for combat and girls fit
to bear numerous children.
Junguolk had to take the following oath
before a Nazi fiag:
"ln the presence of thls blood banner,
which represents our Fuehrer, I swear to
devote all my energies and my strength
to the savior of our country, Adolf Hitler.
I am willing and ready to give up my life
for him so heln me Cod."
History- WWIf
Hitler Youth and Other Nazi Orgonizations
Seorch the provided websites to discover the onswers to the
following guestions. The provided websites serve os o guide for you.
They ore the best thot r could find on eoch issue. Feel free to
seorch on your own.
1. Who we?e the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend)? Why did Hitler focus
so much ottention on this group?
2. What wos the educotion like for these students?
3. Whot was expected of young German girls?
4. Whot were the moin principles ond beliefs of the Hitler Youth?
5. Whot ore the moin principles of the Hitler Youth Anthem?
6. At its peok, whot wos the enrolment for the HJ?
7. Whot wos the Milgrom Experiment? (Sixth Website)
8. whot hoppened during the olympics of t936? (Seventh Website)
9. Whot wos the role of the 6estopo? Who wos in charge of it?
10. Whot wos the 55? Who we?e the Woffen SS?
r1. who wos Ernst Rohm ond whot wos the Night of Long Knives?
http: //www.shooheducqtion.comlHJ. html
http://www.historyleorningsite.co.uk/hitler youth.htm
http: //www.historyploce.com/worldwor2/hitlervouth/
http://www.shoqheducqtion.com/bef ehl.html
http //www.shooheducotion.comlbb3 r. htm
http://www.bushywood.com/gestopo secret police.htm
http: //www.f oothi l.netl-yerqenlpurpose.html
http: //www.germon-hel mets.comlWSS %20MAf N. htm
http //www. historyploce.comlworldwor2/ti mel i nelroehm.htm
http://www.historyleorningsite.co.uk/night of the long knives.htm
htto://www. jewishvirtuql I ibrory.orqljsource/Ho locoust/knives. html
http://www.volourondhorror.comlDB/BACKlSS bkgd.htm