4t ffie ,.i!l ti E i p &ACE@696@6€e66€e,G+eSCeee€ ffi*Ea## ffimfs rJGee€:e€eA@@ee6eG€,ett€:6S€,6€:€i{regeG€)GGee,eej€|S,e6r a.a n th9 powel.s of the pollce !n $h.a1weqe Fdazi Germany? Hitler wanted rhe German people to obey him. One way to achieve this was through propaganda (see pages 36-7). Hand in hand with-this wlnt terror. If people would not accept Nazi ideas through choice then they must be forced to accept them. Germany became a police state. This ,rr.urn that the police had the power to do whatever they wanted. They could decide what needed to be 'for the good of the counrry'. The rights of $o1e individual German cirizens counted for very littte. Hitler developed a number of organisalions to enforce this terror. had to search out and deal with enemies of the Nazis. 2 T'Fze ia,Iaffen SS" These were units r,r'ho foueht alongside the army. 3 Tlze Deat,Ia's Ffead Undts. These took control of the concentration camps. Originaliy these had been in the hands of rhe SA. it like a seedsman lgho, wan..ng to improve the sbain of a good old variety. which has We went about become crossbred and lost its vigour, goes through the fields to pick the seeds of tle best plants. We sorted out the people r+tro we thought ,nsuitable for the formation of the SS simply on the basis of outward. aPPearance. In a future war we shall not only have the Army's front on land, the Nat's front on sea and the Airforce's front in the skies over Germany, but we shall have a fourth theatre of war: the home fiont! These are the grass roots which we must keep healthy by hook or by crook because otherwise the three others, the fighting parts of Germany, would once more be stabb,.:d in the back. We must be clear about the fact that our opponent irr this war is not only an opponent in a military sense, but also a political opponent .., our natural enemy. international Bolshevism, led by Jews. Elte Gesrag:* The SS f!9 SS or Schutzstaffelwere ser up in 1925 as parr of the SA. In 1934 they were used. to destroy rhe power of the SA in the Night of the Long Knives (see pages 28-9). They were led by Heinrich Himmler. They were torally loyal to Hitler and would carry out any order. They were supposed to be perfect examples of Aryan men. The Sb *e.e eventually divided into three main sections. tr Th.e,SD or Sicherheitdienst. The SD were responsible for state security. That means thev The Gestapo or Geheime Staatspolizeiwere the secret police. They were firsr set up in 1933 by Goring when he had been Prussian Minister of the Interior in Hitler's fi.rst government. In 1936 they were &as given power in the whole of Germany. Llke the SD theirjob was ro search our opponents of the Nazis. The Gestapo could arrest anybne and send *rem to concentration camps without a rial. They used informers to uncover any attempm ro organise opposition (see pages b8-g). ny I^SSS there were 162 000 Germans imprisoned without trial. In 1936 Himmler's depury, Richard Heydrich, became the head of the Gesrapo. This meant rhat the Gestapo was in effect under SS controi. r,r , I j::t :,:j ljl: Since the SD and the Gestapo could put people in concentration camps without a trial the courts could not protect Germans from their police. However, this was not to be the role of ihe courts. The judges were replaced by Nazi supporters. This meanr rhat opponents of the Nazis woutd still be pr-rnished even if they did ger a rrial. In 1934 Hitler t:t:,p the People's Courr. This was to rry ,enemies of the srate'. Of course any opponent of the Nazis couid be called an enemy of ihe stare. By 1939 it had sentenced over 500 people to death and sent many others to the concentration camps. . a' .' :: ", - ,- , . f..;r'-: ;r ' -. Concentration camps were prisons set up for Hitler's enemies. The first of th.s. was at Dachau. It was opened in 1933. Orhers soon followed. Thev were sllpposedly to ,correct' opponents so that they stopped opposing the Nazis. As sources E and .f suggest rhey were places of torture. Many prisoners died in the concentration .u-pr. During the war camps such as Dachau became extermination camps (see page b4) I and three other leaders of the gqsirlist Workers, Party were ordered into the puuishment stockade, a wooden structlrre 60 cm by 60 cm. you could. onlv stand upright in it - you couldn,t sit or eveu bend. i was in it for four days. I was beaten repeatedly in between. After four days my whole body ius swollen 9166 5anding up. m*-! / ReodsourceC. light of this, ffi o) What is Himmler referring to when he soys that German ormed forces,would once ' morebe stabbedintheback?.:;,, , -, b) According to Himmler, who ore the reol ,, .: enemies of the SS in o war? o)What rmpression of the SS is given by,,. ,,,,. ,;, : -:', ' source A? b) How occurate is this impression? o) Exploin how eoch o.f the following hetped the Nozis agoinst their opponents: , , ., '1 2 3- oS5; punishrnent will be mercilessly handed out whenever the interests of the Fatherland require it. The fellow countrymean who is decent but misled will never be affected by these regulations. .,- .::'I o . t ,,'r Gestopo; the cou,ts; r' the concentration comps. b) lf Hitler wos so populor, why did he need all of these to stoy in power?. , . ,. , The S.S. - The "Elite Guard" > Adolf Hitler handpicked a few top men to serve as bodyguards to him and other Nazi leaders. He called this group the Schutzstffil, meaning "protective guard" or the S.S. Because they wore black uniforms, they were sometimes called "the black shirts". Throughout Nazi-occupied Europe, however, they were referred to as "Hitler's butchers." ) Hitler planned to use them as his elite underlords to help him rule the InASSES. } blooded" master race of superior "super people'" By 1933, S.S. membership was 30, 000' > FANATICS. Average citizens, young German boys attracted by the flash black uniform. Power hungry peopie from all walks of life. . . doctors. . . nurses ...etc... ... engineers' .. lawyers .. .judges -. . teachers submitting his family tree dating back to 1750. F Family medical records were closely examined to prove that there was no history of hereditarY diseases. ) ) ) Prospective brides also had to submit the same records before marriages were permitted. all enemies of the Fuehor. He would receive a special dagger as a symbol of his honour. No law, judge or court could punish him. killers with a license. schools, tainees exercised, received military faining, studied Nazi theories about their superior race, and ate only special foods suitable for their "pure" blood. By the time they were finished, they had become so "pump'ed" up with their ovwt glory that they finily be)ieved that they beheved all non-Germans were sub-trurnan' Divisions of the S-S. 1. Death's Head Resiment . 2. Commanded the Nazi concenffation camps. They wore skull and crossbones insignia on their uniforms' Gestapo . Or the secret state police. They made Germany a prison. They had spies living among every German neighborhood and even among concentration camp prisoners. They made arrests, searched homes without warrants, and dragged people off to prison camps. Their spy system spread around the world. 3. S.D. or Security Police . Headed by Reinhard Heydrich. They collected intelligence and information. They handled the organization of the mass murders' 4. The Einsatzgmppen Or the S.S. political police. The killing squads that moved through Poland and Russia. They carried out mass shootings of a million Jews and others. Most victims were shot over open trenches, which they were first forced to dig. 5. The Waffen S.S. Consisted of military S.S. units - an army within an anny. They were controlled not by the regular anny Generals but by Hitler arid the S.S. itself. They fought in the battlefields alongside the Wehrmacht (the German Army). They also became the hunting units for Jews throughout EuroPe' . . out the old rule about "pure German blood." He allowed Italians, Dutch, Hungarians, French, Albanians, Croatians, Norwegians, Flemings and other "sub-human" races to form their own Waffen S'S' divisions' Eventually the Waffen S.S. grew to be over 1 million fighting men' Hirlert Top Hcnchntcn a tarmer rvirh a pirchfork. Hirlcr u,rs ftrrious when hc heard abour his secretary,s acriolrs. And the English, who pronounced Hess crrz),, licpr him in jail unril rhe *a,. .i.,J.,,t. "it., Gocbbcls, Joscf H i r I er'.s proi)e ga n(la ch i cf, held.thc collcge degree of docror Jf philur.,pi.,y. Bur hc could r.lever keep a job unril he becanrc a Nazi. So snrall rl:ar he was'alnrosr a dwarf, and lrandicapped wirh a disfigurcd leg, Gocbbcls was a birrer, nasry man. As Hirlert ..nresrcr of rlre big lics,,, Gocbbcls nrade surc rhar Gernrans ,""d ,rily books approved or wrirren by Nazis. Aliorhers hc sinr_ ply had burned. tn f 933 h. ordcr.J rhar all books wrirren by Jewish, .nrnn.,un;rr, or orher "unapproved', aurhors be removed from book_ srore shelves and libraries and rlrrown inro rhe srreers. On May l0 he called for book_bu.ninge cerenronies. In llerlin alone, 20,000 books drenched wirh gasolinc wenr up in smoke. Afrer Adolf Hirler,s dearh in I945, Goebbels pro.u.ei lris loyalry to his Fuchrer. Dccicling he and his whole fanrill,could nor srand ro liie in a rvorld wirhour Adolf Hirler, he had his six yourlg children poisoned. Then he and his rvife conrir_ red suicidc Alfrcd ltoscnbcrg, rhe ,,[rrains,, of Ilirlcr,s nrol>, rvas a rvild fanaric rvlro had [:ccn cducatcd as an archirccr in Moscorv before lre enrigrarcd ro Cern:any in l91g and joincd rhe pnrry. IJirlcr looked up ro l{osenbcrg ,na ,tt t;, ideas. Ir was Rosenberg *ho "...prJa gru.'lrim rhe .,scienrific evidence,' proving G.ri.,rn, a superior race and Jews subhun.rans. Hermann Gocring, who hcd joined rhe arnrv rwo Nazi and a drug addicr. A well-known pilot rnd hero of Worlj War I, he used his old war fanre ro bccome elecred presidenr of the Reichsrag. Fronr rhis posirion,.he helped ro desrroy rhl den.,ocrr.y from wirhin. .ln rhe Nazi srate, Goering creared the Gescapo, or secret police, who hunred down Ger_ mans opposed ro Hirler. To house and punish these "Nazi enemies,', Gocring also direcrcd rhe building of the firsr concenrrniion camps. . Yrilg his prior experience, Coering becanre head of rhe Lufrwaffe, or Gernran Air Force, during World Var II. By rhen, howevcr, this air force chief had become so horribly fat he could nor even fit inro rhe cockpir of an airplane. Nor on-ly did he enjoy food, he also hclped himself r<; a forrune's worrh of priceless painiings srolen by his Nazis from Jewish vicrims of che Holo."urr. 'When he was asked his feelings roward the Nazi torrures and,killings during Hirler,s regin.re, loering answered, ..1 have no conscien.". ,ily - -onscience is Adolf Hirler!,, Rudolf Hess, a big man wirh thick bushy e.y.eb19ws and piercing black eyes, was Hirlcrt rhird in command unril l9al.'So nrcntally unbalanced rhar his Nazi friends callcd hinr "Mad Rudi,,' Hess suffered fronr hallucinarions and bours of amnesia. His worship of Adolf Hirler was fanarical. .On::, ro please his beloved Fuehrer, Hess rook off from Germany for England in an opencockpir Messerschmirr. He plarined broughr Hirler a fake paper j:t.nfcrg als.o,,proved', ro ask prime ,-^ rrom I(ussta that Minisrer Vinsron Churchili if he rvouldn,r . the Jews were con_ like spiring ro rake ove.r rhe world. ih. ro change his nrind and join wirh p"p.r, rl.,e rhe Germans Protocols of the El.ders of Zion,*as'supposedly againsr rhe Russians. His flighr rook place on rhe minures of an inrernarion"t'rn..iing 794t, righr of Jewin rhe m;ddle ui furiou, Yry.10, ish leaders rvho had gathered in a bombing raids berween rhe Germans cemerery in and rhe Praguc ro discuss rheir plans ro English. blow up all rhe world's ciries and rake over all world Hess finally was forced ro crash-land banks and in an governmenrs. The protocols had open field in Scorland, where he u,as long since lreen caprured by proven a roral forgery. However,'Hirler and his in L921,, was rhe nunrber llitlcr Nazis belicved rhe telc rvholclrearrcdly. Thcy had rhc protoc<tls rcprinred ;n ,i.-igZO,s, and circulated ir widell,anlong rhe Gcrman nrasses during polirica I c"nlp, ignl. .. Ros_enbcrg also convinced Hirlcr rhar rhc 'same Jervish insrigarors of rlrc Itussian Ilol-of shevik Itevolutior., i gr ?" ,;;;;;l^1o.,. ;n Germany. Heinrich Himnrlcr, Hirler,s SS chief, rvas the mosr feared and dreadcd Nrr; uf rlrcnr all. Bespecracled, wirlr a receding .l-.,in sunkcn chesr, rhis one_r.irlc chickc' "n,i ;;;;;;, trad becn arresred for killing his girlfriend, tu, ,u", released for lack of eu;ience. ,a.'H;rt.r,s n:an in charge. of rhe Jewish.slaugt.,r.'. ;;;", rhe Holocausr, he well proved lris Iapaciry fo, murdcr. In comrnand of all exrerminrriun o, d..rh .",;;;; he persor:al11, chccked ,n. fun.rio,.,;ng of rhe gas chanrbers end warch.a .*..uriunr. H. ordered Nazi docrors ra r,"o:^::. "tru huma n, ;;,";;'.",: Na:rs 39 l"r:,arrracred by rhc flashy [rleck uni_ l:::lr"with tornrs silver rrim. powcr_l.,rngry people from all walks of life .'. . ;;;;;' engineers. . rawyerc . .,lJJili;. Beconring an SS ,.,.,.nr1r.,. ;,;'". sinrplc nrar_ rcr, lrowever. A prospecrive SS nr:rn had ro prove l:is Ccrnran blood,was ,,p;;; bysubnrircing lris far,ily rrec daring b"ck riliroltu,, family nred_ ical records hed ro tr. .torjy-.ianrirrecl ro prove he had no of l,.,r.diry;;;;r.r. Ilesidcs ell rhrr, lre 'isrory had t<lbetrll,1i,i,.ri., true-eyed, rnd :rrhleric. prospectivc SS bridcs lr"; r" su[>mir rlre ser.ne records before nrarriages were pernrirtcd. Oncc acceDred, an SS nrin ,ool an oarh ro I-tirler in wlricir 1.,.'r*or. ,"'iiri"Tienenries of rlre Fuchrcr_even his ownb;;;;; if necessary. I-ie received a special SS d"gg;;s a symbol of rhis "honor.,, And l;;-j"r?;"'o,. .or* could "" rlrc punish him. In shorr, SS b;r";. norhing nrore rlran a crinrinal organizar;;;, group of killers wirh a licensc. " Speciar rraining produced rhe cord-br.oded SS killers Hirlel ;;;;;". ;"" il ;,'J lTr?Ji; " rnenrs. Oncc, rvhen asked h,r* 1.,. .uuld excermi_ nare helpless, innocenr Jcwish children, -'immler proresred, ,,nu, ,rr.f :H:":: ]r" ]n;,r,rlrt,, r ra i n ees ...,;;. ;',:::* *, f# :fi ",:;*il1', srudied Nazism's rheories iiru,. superior race, and are onlv special "l'r"", foods ruir"U. for rhcir "pure" blood. Bv rhe ,;-. ,tr.i u].r. nn,rtl.a, rhey had becom" so. puffed up with rheir own glory rh.at rhey firnrly lr"ti;;; were subhuman. "ii'"""-c.rmans THa SS_THE ,.ELrrE GuertD,, From rlre ranks of rhe SA in 19) ter hrndpicked a ferv,"p;;;';;lJ*.S,Adolf Hirr, body_ guards ro him and orhe, lVr.i f ."j.rs. He called rh is g rou p Sch u rzstaffcl, Guard," or rhe SS. because "r;;rhey,;;;llpro,..riu. black unif::*r, rhey rvere somerimes .rll.dwore i rh. Bl".kThroughou r Nazi-occrp;.a Eu roo., :11::::. ho\vever, the1, rvere referred to *H-itlert as Butchers.', In his furure Cernran Enrpire, Hirler to use rhe SS as his elire undcrtorarro planned help him rule rhe masses. Thry and rhei,. brides rvere arso to be rhe parenrs of ih. .,pur.-irl-ooii"o,, n..,"rr.,. race of superpeople. 1933, SS membership rvas ,had By 30,000. Who joined? Fanarics. Average ciriz-e-,rr young anc!'tlte Divisions of thc SS There were several divisions of rhe SS. The commandanrs <lf all Nazi .on."nrr"r; rvere menrbers of rne Dearlr,s who wore skull_and-cr"r;;";;;;"or),, on cheir uniforms. The Gesrapo, or secre, ,,Jr. police, Cernrany a priion Tl*, t;il;;es riving in i]id. Cerman neighborho"d;;;;;:n amons :::11 concentration cam ;-.,,J;il;iJit a rresrs,,., ;, ;'; i,.iJl'il,T1;ll'J.:'::,: people off ,*:gt_.-, tlrelr sp1, s)'stenr t<.r prison ..nipr.'Euenrrally around ,1..r.=r*.f a. sprc:.rd 1,1 l.J l:ll ;lll tnl l]t Anorher SS agcncy wirh agcnrs irrsidc rnd Cermany wes chc SD, or sccuriry policc, 3ucsydl hcrdcd by Rcinhard Hcydrich. Thcy collccrcd inrclligcncc informr cion. Th ird' in command afrcr Hicler and HimnrJcr in charge of che ex(errninacion of Jews, Hcydrich rnd his sccuriry po.lice hrndled che orgrnizacion of ch.nrrs rn u rder. The Einsaczgruppcn, or SS policical police, wcrc killing squads who moved all abour, especially chrough Poland and Russie. Thcy carricd out rnass shoocings of e miliion Jews rnd orhcrs. Mosc oF chcir vicrims wcre shoc over opcn trenches,'which chey werc forccd co dig Ersc. Finrlly, rhc Vaffen 55 consisccd of SS milirary unirs during rhe Second World !/ar. Thcy bccamc an a(my wichin an a(my. Buc chey wqls concrolled noc by che regular 3rmy gencrals buc by Hicler and chc SS icself. Co.pos.d oIall vol_ unteers, chc Waffcn SS were co be chc guards of che coming Rcich. During l0bcld \X'ar II, chcy foughr in che bacrleficlds alongsidc chc W.hrmachc (Hiclcr's ncw nrm. For chc R:ichswehr, or Cerrnan arrny). fr6wcvcr, rhc Waffen SS aiso bccame huncing unics for Jcws rhrougfieu, w.herever chcy w:nr, ch.y c,imn,;,,.d !_"tgli crrmes againscJews, 'no.rn0lc ocher ciuil,irns, rn,.. prisoncrs of wrr. In 1943, when F{iclcr wrnccC rc increrse ilrc size of lris iorccs, he chrcw che old rulc rboul "pure Ccrrnan blood" for che SS mcn oui rhc window. Hc ailowed ica[i:ns, Ducch, Hungrricns, French, Albanians,.Russians, Norwcgians, Flemings, Croacians, and ocher,.sublrum.n- rrces io form rhcir own !7effcn SS divisions. Evenrurlly chc \Uaffcn SS grcw co rnorc rhrn a miliion 6ghcing nren. Thc SS hrd meny ochcr dcparcmcncs chrc lpcnrcd chc dirry business of Hiclcrt Third Rcich. Somc of chcsc depann.,lcncs organizcd shve labor and chc hrndling of ,rrr, of Jcrvish propcrry, which chcy scolc and ",.noui,, discribuccd :mong chcrnscl ves. Discussion Compare chc SS, Hiclcr\ killcis, Qucscion: cc hii Nazi chicfs. Were che y che samc cypc of pcoplc? Comparc chc SS co chc SA. L Who is Herman Goering? What did he create? 2. What was the responsibility of ttre Gestapo? 3. Describe Josef Goebbels. What did he do for the Nazi patrty? 4. what (false) "evidence" did AIfred Rosenberg uncover for the Nazis? 5. what role did Heinrich Himmler play in the Nazi pafiy? 6. Describe the SS and the people who Joined it. 7 . What would a German have to prove in order to join the SS? 8. Describe the different divisions of the SS. Explain each one in detail.