Messagein the medium In 35 years,Dr.Herb Dershem of the computersciencetaculty reallyhas seenit all. md Ci.m?n, undeabnd5 L\e hdtn:le cd linsuase5,dal thrt reiL'i !ptuvidls riui8$ rnd lcan' how to prorq'?n, Flh.r rlnf hos o i!( (d.h i h88uise," he Johnnri ot whit. tlher h{: {n\ d i5 i !!ms prtilsstr or'n{h mrl'slrh.k Msrl ycri dcpM n.or !r q)mpubf acN!) in u,e, H.l)c i,rhsm*i.! doubr.maiol.isrNd rr3o rh.i wci8Ed 2,2i0pddJr, hid 3I( pnrr,inDi',ts bis&r, btrr as Drolc ($l!0.000 dsk..,l,.Lnl, ,r,!i .oi $30,000 ir 2003iilitrl No nonr'! L.o6,n ,m!c t' you .b y,r' .'tu Lc,min* f$! nrnv open )d cotr'ptrts s.iu'.c 110pilord bt his d Iri[( crd rtrmer nklenr) L]r. tyd M.|i||,9]lri(iLlL'N]ns'\]lh|os'r rdr.rb.cnrip.nt r.[rd Pcrni il'.n iL'oy (i\rr up r, ,nl tu ditrrNnL ia ({tL'lic$ n Plrorns, Lrs I h c n l ) n n n e Gd raro ot ch'ns6 In oi H.rb D.Ehom,whololnsdthalsculryl.1s€e, hold! a l,bl€r Pc amidsia wnsty or m.chh.s lrom €arrl€r.83. It. rqr.LLle (30(;1, \rnhtr!,, ihe rtrtr'iror,t'ci, Nr nn'ki Lv [r. nD,Pr (r .,(5r ki rh. (ii\rinnk n$r,trrY ll,r dr[r$ oI d'an|:c ]ll,iiurcs tl'd dupilhnont'rmil,tr.rulLcnscrnd suiding priNiplc. roprcpin$ud.mstorhivcinr licld in which{knc! li.riod kinsloos t) "Ttu [* LlntrNir trY ! !r ninprtrr nn\ni., rh!y'r! soi',s b b. sr(:ntrs (l'rf rhr Vix )r llt)|) pdm L kJ ft'rrfk r!!a Imur.'nco'Jv s nf,t'ide b(rnL nrnLroi{ t{*od Lhenu'\.$rn 1 r,i(rd(r 'ln rewini r[ nrr{\r!( dr ] 1(rv {,P. fr, ri\(, d!$nmrnr (lrL (," hf i,id ^ll oI (r,\'i *) Lik$ fl,tr! 'lithin r kirrr hhrr.r rirrnLrc (Dten ,, ! 's rra.Lrr{.itrir,rr.! trll r.r'in *,nrf, i)N.ihor i,r i rrlr,id fro,Ld or (D,F6 I rln,d,, r- d,,)! dr |r *rrl 5do,n!'s trr Lre'!*L dr iNri ou (omru! 'nitl,ifts !$,! trl\ L+ rLs.$rtu\or{. Nc!r,,N, il's .+rr Do\ok)|a{sofippl'!.t r,nc ri worIround LiNiiRlDfmory (or $w, ri L!AL.),i! do dulirs Nirh 'rh( dcpdmrnr Ls.Ibqrin ii rh..irly r)ivid Mai[u (wh. lis rhis y!i/s oponint convo.ari'r spelkcFplc$c iec plgc twd D! Dcrehc bfr cdDif i'1l97s,scrving$(ll suftcddd by Dr. Mi.hrer jippi's |nis ycr Tod:y rhc dcpiilmcn(ha rour tull-timc laculty,rndde8ruoptosindud.iba.l'e r€oa s werls 0htuush'he dlp,rtmo or physi.s d $sin$ins) a bachcktrot eidn.d i. cnFd.drhA wnh r rDhPlrcr wi[i, i ifilhuf !io$ i rikc ti(f \rttrtrn l', h.r, iho ('Ll!rc\ [(r]L' flrrdl,i hii(tr n) ( i,liDil) lo,r,nLn:r's rtr,Itinrj+.hfn i r\o [ar rp y'r,j tl'iL bturrLr in rm.l' d. {hoiL, lion {l!rdn r,. Lrn.rsitr- ot Mi.hisN Sh! n hklndd n s.r[nA wnh libn'! rjf'rr E lt'r! Lho{ {md prtntonL $ lnh ddt in inifkial irr. risu.c i rhc tuddnts rnh. trtriqu opponuiry. HdF!\.lusid!!*rdh.ppoltmi h$ n, trnJ{8cdui$, a ridor rh{ wa thc lcdnanoAia,bNra. Lhosc tri',.iplcs b.hnologiEs :nd mul6ple PtoBrffihe lmsuas6, to help prpare them ror th. .ImsA L\*willbe adtubt. luin Nirr .L. m dmprs $aG bsn tromd ror [r. q'holehjs!tryolfuid$illde" r j.iear f bedring a Goindu/pnr lrpaii.n.d i" tlN r.rlly.nly si..c rl\! 1 .1960s rhal rh.y hr(brbsed ihe hiiedory 'hihashren rhdn ro iheil dtrrnr PnrNnemo. Th nd tISo, Nlid\ 27, $is in ba]iin tunP' Lo rlr! .l$ .!s.i.d' ritI rnLlLy n {rDs t,ihnnr hd. frtniPirei tus.ard' thicds, as Llfi ncrl A'idmLc r o.uishimrv, (ork rso muxiph ncr cs. "^soo8 rhf non $Licdonetar edh! siaiic, hishtyquilirier riculh (ho hmr lrnisd b hiri,,s in irterdisi dlnk drar,t N mikcs yor $'rh i Dnt As heirti+na hE po! Hlpc.ars, ldnNon his rre$Dr prNpNbve {iena is denotwielly i "cdpde vcry doed ficld, wrth sot oI an .nd$cbl auh abouiit, johNon srid "rd in rh. worlpLace, inhodini wih people, wiitins repods,wr insprol,osals, n.kins yori ldcr to Fes4bhoni, .xpnsst conpubi {ien.e, uho may na( hav. hatl the b?cksround inat Y@'v. had PeoPle h hmd resouc€s or m mmagcm.nt thai you a{ h}1ns h .iplain the* thiss defut siih peopl. tuom a varicty or narodg n rohplrer siene, mredad @ nl! r-FF.nrttiritr