Pertemuan 19 Matakuliah : A0214/Audit Sistem Informasi Tahun : 2007

Matakuliah : A0214/Audit Sistem Informasi
: 2007
Pertemuan 19
Bina Nusantara
The Virtual Environment
Bina Nusantara
The virtual corporation’s dynamic global multienterprise organization and team oriented
collaborative approach to work will place very stringent requirements on the venture’s
telecommunications network.
Is critically dependent on the timely flow of accurate information throughout the
Must be capable of assembling its capabilities and resources quickly, thereby bringing a
product to the market swiftly
Will possess a dynamic network organization, synthesizing the best available design,
production, supply and distribution capabilities and resources from enterprises around the
world and link them and the virtual corporation’s customer together.
Will enable the virtual corporation to respond to a competitive opportunity quickly and
with the requisite scale, while, at the same time, enabling the individual network
participant’s cost and risk to be reduced.
IT Operations Issues in Network Installation
Bina Nusantara
Wiring and cabling
Throughput or traffic
Measuring performance
• Types
– Centralized
– Distributed
Bina Nusantara
Elements of WANs
Access Methods
Connective Devices
• Bridges
• Routers
• Protocols
Network Services
• Frame Relay Network Services
The Network Management System
• Network Topologies
Bina Nusantara
Star Topology
Ring Topology
Bus Topology
Mesh Topology
Hybrid Topology
Tools for Network Monitoring
Bina Nusantara
Protocol analyzers
Network monitors
Network management software
General statistical tools
Hybrid tools
The Internet, Intranet, and Extranet
• Internet  a worldwide collection of millions of computers tied together by
means of high speed communications lines to form an apparently single network
• Intranet  an internal company network
• Extranet  is a private network that uses internet protocols, network
connectivity, and possibly the public telecommunication system to securely share
part of an organization's information or operations with suppliers, vendors,
partners, customers or other businesses
Bina Nusantara