120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 2W1

120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 2W1
Phone: (905) 857-7582
Principal: A. D’Agostino
Fax: (905) 857-9353
Vice Principal: V. Viola
January 2015
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s);
This letter is to again inform you, and a reminder to you, that students currently
receiving transportation to a child care centre outside of the St. Nicholas school
boundary will receive transportation up until June 2015. This phase out period
was established to ensure that each school community is aware that the current
level of service to these daycares will be phased out in the next year, therefore,
providing sufficient time for any affected families to make alternate
In conclusion, we hope that this was a smooth transition. All child care centres
will be receiving a letter from STOPR informing them that transportation to
schools outside of their school boundary will be terminated June 2015. Should
you receive any inquiries from the Child Care Centres in regards to this phaseout, please contact STOPR at 905-890-6000 or 1-800-668-1140.
Your understanding and cooperation with the process is appreciated.
Mrs. A. D’Agostino