Digital Information Digital Information: is any information that can be represented by numbers. These numbers are converted into binary digits called bits. These binary digits are combined into unique patterns (8bits long) to represent numbers, letters, sounds, and colours. For example, on a keyboard: 00110000 represents the number 0. Measurements of Digital Information: Term Bit Byte Kilobyte Megabyte Gigabytes Terabyte Abbreviation b B KB MB GB TB Size 1 digit 8 bits 1024 bytes 1 million bytes* 1 billion bytes* 1 trillion bytes* Intuitive size 1 or 0 1 letter or number. 1 page of text. 1 novel of text. Small library. Large library. *approximate Measurements associated with particular computer components: Component Floppy disk Cd Rom DVD Hard disk drive USB flash drive (memory stick) Network server Measurement (specification) 1.44 MB 700 MB 4.7 GB to 17.9 GB 500 GB to 2TB 2GB to 32 GB 30 - 60TB How many Bytes in your name? How many Bits in your name?