Read the following rules and apply them to the Numbers Exercise.
1. any number beginning in a sentence
Fifteen boys joined the club.
2. round numbers or approximate numbers
Over two hundred students will be innoculated.
3. names of streets, if they are numbers up to twelve
Fifth Avenue
72nd Street
4. the smaller of two numbers placed together in a sentence
Pam bought 12 eight-cent stamps.
5. numbers in legal documents (these are followed by figures in parenthesis)
the sum of four thousand dollars ($4000)
6. any number under ten in text matter
Toby purchased five cakes.
7. a number used as an adjective
Yvonne celebrated her twenty-first birthday.
8. centuries (usually)
The twentieth century is exciting.
1. numbers over 10
Tim ordered 37 brooms.
2. dates
1977 12 09
3. page numbers
page 12
4. quantity
17 mol
5. temperature
6. dimensions
100 cm long
7. weights
8. distance
120 km
9. statistics and tables
26 56 83
47 12 95
10. telephone numbers
Alice can be reached at
11. invoice and order numbers
Invoice 13
12. house numbers
1839 Princess Street
13. room numbers
room 93
14. decimals and mixed numbers
5 1/2
15. sums of money when the sum is more than three words
$89.63 but, in
$6 324 142
five cents
text matter
six million dollars
16. expressions of time (usually)
I will wait until 16:15. but I got up at seven o’clock
17. to be consistent within a sentence
Judy saw 11 pigs, 4 cows, and 18 hens.
Key the following sentences, choosing either a figure or word to be placed in the
appropriate space. Single space the sentences; double space between sentences.
1. Michael bought (15, fifteen) coloured pencils.
2. They studied the (seventeenth, 17th) century in history.
3. The temperature rose to (twenty degrees, 20°) C.
4. The developer purchased the land for (two million dollars, $2 000 000).
5. (30, Thirty) boys attended the football meeting.
6. The secretary checked order (#386, three hundred and eighty-six).
7. The doctor left the office at (seventeen fifteen, 17:15).
8. The store ordered (25 three-, twenty-five 3-) speed bikes.
9. Jane located the apartment on (42nd, Forty-second) Street.
10. Henry ate (3 1/2, three and half) cookies.
11. The branch measured (200 cm, two hundred centimetres).
12. They bought a new home at (six, 6) Brock Crescent.
13. They hiked (18 km, eighteen kilometres) on Saturday.
14. Send the food to room (two hundred and forty-seven, 247), on the (second, 2nd)
15. Approximately (five hundred, 500) were in attendance at the game.
16. He wrote the letter on November (twelfth, 12).
17. The outfit cost (thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents, $39.50).
18. The answer is found on page (six, 6).
19. The postage stamp weighed (20mg, twenty mg).
20. The class average was (seventy-two, 72) per cent