Gasses Application Assignment

Gasses Application Assignment
Most gasses are colourless and odourless. Gasses, although they seem to be insignificant, play
an important role in many activities that we do on almost a daily basis. This assignment allows
you to explore a topic of interest, and relate that topic to our unit on gasses.
Your responsibility is to research your topic and come up with a way to present this to the class
in ‘science fair’ style. You will also have to hand in a written component to me. Rubric has
been provided below.
Here are some topics that you may do your project on. If there is another topic that interests you
and relates to gasses, please present the idea to me for approval.
 How a vacuum cleaner works
 Scuba diving
 Siphoning gas or water
 How a rubber sucker can stick to glass
 How a lift pump works
 How a drinking straw works
 Tires
 How a syringe works
 How breathing works
 Playing musical instruments
 Why do your ears pop when going up in a plane
 Why, over time, do roads develop cracks in them? (relate to temperature, pressure,
volume, etc rather than poor design or materials)
Things to keep in mind:
- You must sign up for your topic on the bulletin board to ensure that we have a variety
of topics being presented
- ‘Science fair’ style means that you may have multiple people at your ‘station’ at a time.
Keep this in mind. (ie. having a pamphlet only may not work in this situation)
- You should relate your project to as many aspects to the unit as possible (ex. Include
what formulas could relate to your topic, how temperature and volume could effect the
air pressure)
- You may use props, demos (must be approved first), or any other things that will
enhance your presentation
- Be sure to reference ALL your sources! Plagiarism results in a mark of zero!
- Your mark will be based on the written component
submitted to me, and the presentation during class.
The written component should answer the question
“How does your topic relate to gasses?” One page is
a good length, two pages would be maximum.
- You may work on your own, or in groups of
Gasses Application Assignment
Name: ____________________________
Two background sources
are used and cited
correctly. Material is
translated into student's
own words.
One or less background
sources are used and cited
correctly, but some are not
reputable sources.
Material is translated into
student's own words.
No sources were used/
Material is directly
copied rather than put
into students’ own
words, and/or
background sources are
cited incorrectly.
Lab report is neatly
handwritten and uses
headings and subheadings
to visually organize the
material. Headings are in
logical order.
Lab report is neatly
written or typed, but
formatting does not help
visually organize the
material, and/or headings
are not in logical order.
Lab report is
handwritten and looks
sloppy, and is poorly
organized/ missing
CommunicationUse of scientific
Report illustrates an
accurate understanding of
scientific concepts using
scientific terminology
* each level worth throughout the report.
1 mark.
Report illustrates an
accurate understanding of
most scientific concepts
and uses scientific
Report illustrates a limited
understanding of scientific
concepts and uses little
scientific terminology.
Report illustrates
inaccurate understanding
of scientific concepts,
and uses little to no
scientific terminology.
Communication- Each element in the
display had a function
and clearly served to
* each level worth illustrate some aspect of
2 marks.
the experiment. All items
were neatly and correctly
Each element had a
function and clearly
served to illustrate some
aspect of the experiment.
Most items were neatly
and correctly labeled.
Each element had a
function and clearly
served to illustrate some
aspect of the experiment.
Most items were correctly
The display seemed
incomplete or chaotic
with no clear plan. Many
labels were missing or
Three or more links to
course material are made,
and how this assignment
draws conclusions about
a real scenarios are
* each level worth accurately discussed.
3 marks.
Two links to course
material are made, and
how this assignment
draws conclusions about
a real scenarios are
eluded to.
One link to course
No links to course
material is made/ few links material or real
but inaccurately, and how scenarios are made.
this assignment draws
conclusions about a real
scenarios is vaguely
Three or more reputable
background sources were
used and cited correctly.
Material is translated into
* each level worth student's own words.
1 mark. ie. level
4 equals 4 marks
Lab report is typed, and
uses headings and
subheadings to visually
organize the material.
* each level worth
2 marks. ie. level
4 equals 8 marks
ApplicationLinks to course
material and real
/ 12
/ 12
/ 12