St. Dunstan School January 2015 A Prayer For The New Year

St. Dunstan School
January 2015
L. O’Neill
J. Kalynowsky
Luz del Rosario
D. Amaral
St. Joseph Church
5440 Durie Road
Mississauga, ON
L5M 2J6
Grades FDK -8
8:30-11:25 &
St. Dunstan School
1525 Cuthbert Ave.
Mississauga, ON
L5M 3R6
A Prayer For The New Year
Come, Holy Spirit,
Spirit of the Risen Christ, be with us today
and always.
Be our Light, our Guide, and our Comforter.
Be our Strength, our Courage, and our
May this new year be a time of deep spiritual
growth for us,
A time of welcoming your graces and gifts,
A time for forgiving freely and
A time for growing in virtue and goodness.
Come, Holy Spirit,
Be with us today and always.
Welcome Back! I hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break and are
ready for the challenges that lie ahead. I would like to take this opportunity to thank
staff, students and parents for their willing and wholehearted involvement in all of
our Christmas activities. The true meaning of Christmas was certainly in evidence in
the St. Dunstan community as we shared with those less fortunate than us. Our
Angels On A Tree, Christmas Craft Night and Candy Canes were great successes and
once again we were overwhelmed by the generosity of our community. Without the
collective support of staff, students and parents we could not continue to be the living
example of our faith and of Catholic education. Thank you to all families for being a
part of such a vibrant and giving school community and may God continue to grant
you His blessing throughout this new year.
2014 – 2015 SCHOOL YEAR
A reminder that during the winter months inclement weather may cause
disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to
cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00
a.m. and will be announced on the following radio and tv stations:
CFNY FM 102.1
CFRB AM 1010
CJBC (FR) AM 860
AM 1540
CHUM AM 1050
FM Z103.5
AM 640
CHFI FM 98.1
CHIN FM 100.7
FM 93.1
FM Q 107
PA Day
A reminder to all parents that Monday, January 19,
2015 will be a P.A Day for all students as teachers will
be engaged in a variety of Assessment and Evaluations
throughout the day.
Candy Canes
Our Christmas Candy Cane Drive was a huge
success! Every student received a candy cane and
we raised $1000 for needy families in our
community. Thank you to School Council for all
their hard work and enthusiasm and a special
thanks to Mrs. Lebarron, Mrs. Oh, Mrs. Prades
and Mrs. McCready for all of their assistance.
Thank you as well to the following local
businesses for their donations.
Report Cards/Parent Conferences
Your child’s first term report card will be sent home on
Tuesday, February 3, 2015. Our Parent Teacher
Conferences will take place on Thursday, February 5th.
Your child's teacher will be sending home preferred
times for your parent/teacher conference later in the
month. Your child’s teacher is looking forward to
discussing your child’s progress this term.
Tom And Michelle’s No Frills - Creditview/
Paul’s No Frills - Bristol Rd
Loblaws Heartland
Rexall - Creditview/Eglinton
A reminder that students are not allowed to bring any
medication to school. This includes prescription and
non-prescription medication. As per Board protocol, all
medication must be stored in the office, accompanied
by appropriate paperwork and doctor signature.
Please note that this includes Advil, Tylenol, cough
medication and all other over the counter medications.
We thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Full Day Kindergarten Registration
Full Day Registration
Monday,January 26, 2015*
7:00-9:00 pm
Snow Date
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
7:00-9:00 pm
Full Day Registration
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
January 28, 29 & 30, 2015
9:00-3:00 pm
St. Dunstan School
respect, civility
and academic
excellence in a
safe learning and
FDK—Children must be born in either 2010 or 2011
Proof of age (Birth Certificate)
Original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate for child and/or parent/guardian or
baptismal certificate from an Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of
Rome. If the child has not been baptized, and the parent/guardian is baptized
Roman Catholic or is baptized from an Eastern Church in full communion with the
Holy See of Rome, the parent/guardian must bring their own baptismal certificate.
Updated immunization records
Proof of Canadian citizenship (Birth Certificate or Passport) or of Landed Immigrant
Proof of address - Two of the following:
- property tax bill
- real estate document, e.g., Purchase Agreement/*Rental Agreement
- current utility bill
- Government of Canada-issued forms, e.g., passport, Service Canada documents
Note: If the rental agreement is not a formal, corporate-issued document, it must be
**A driver’s license is not an accepted document.
*All documentation must be submitted in English
National Sweater Day
Since 2010, over a million Canadians have participated in National Sweater Day. This
year the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will be participating in National
Sweater Day as a fun way to learn about the importance of saving energy. Wearing extra
layers should inspire us to use less heat all winter. Heating accounts for 80% of
residential energy use in Canada, and it is a significant source of emissions. If all
Canadians lowered their thermostats by just 2 degrees Celsius this winter, it would
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 4 megatons – equivalent to shutting down a
600 megawatt coal-fired power station.
On February 5th, please send your child to school with a warm sweater as all schools will
be lowering the thermostat.
Cold and Flu Season
Please use discretion in keeping your children home to recover if they are ill. A child who is coughing,
wheezing, etc. is not in a state to learn and will only infect others. If a student is sent to school, it is
assumed that they will participate in all aspects of the school day, including outdoor recess. We do not
provide individual indoor supervision. We also remind parents to dress students for our weather
conditions. We will be having outdoor recess, weather permitting, as much as possible. At all times, we
follow the Board guidelines for inclement weather. The students enjoy going out, especially if they
have their snowsuits, hats and mittens.
When the cold months arrive and snow and ice on the ground is plentiful, we all like to play in it and
with it. Throwing snowballs and sliding on ice is fun. However, as much fun as it is, snow and ice can
be very dangerous when lots of students are in a small area. Our school yard is a small area where
approximately three hundred students have recess. In order for our school to be as safe as
possible, the school rule must be that snow stays on the ground. There will be no snowballs, kicking
snow or any other activity with snow or ice that could be harmful.
Rough Play
While outside during recess students sometimes find themselves engaging in inappropriate activities
that involve rough play. Pushing, shoving, tackling, play fighting and wrestling are all unacceptable
activities that compromise student safety. Please reinforce with your children the inherent dangers of
rough play, even when the intent is for fun.
Cold Weather Guidelines
A reminder that during the winter we will reduce the amount of time children (grade 8 and under)
spend outdoors when the temperature is minus 20 degrees Celsius or colder, with or without wind
chill. Students will be kept indoors when the temperature reaches minus 25 degrees Celsius or colder.
Please ensure that your children are dressed appropriately for the weather including boots, snow
pants, hats and gloves. Students should also have a pair of indoor shoes.
Eco News
Dolphin Athletics
The Junior Boys and Girls Basketball Teams have
been practicing for their upcoming season which
begins in the next few weeks. Thank you to
Mr. Ward and Miss Risavy for coaching the teams.
Our primary intramural soccer season is also
beginning next week. A large number of students
have signed up and are eagerly awaiting the
The Intermediate Co-ed Hockey Team will be
competing in the upcoming All Saints Invitational
Tournaments. Good luck to all of our student
The Green Team continues to meet to
gather ideas to help St. Dunstan “think
green.” Here is a tip to save energy at
Heating – lower your thermostat 4-5°C
while sleeping at night, and when no one is
Extended French Meeting
There will be an information meeting for
parents of grade four students who would
like to enroll their children in a grade five
Extended French class at St. Rose of Lima
for September, 2015 on January 15, 2015
at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Rose of Lima school
library. Applications are due by 3:00 pm.
on Wednesday, February 17, 2015. Should
a lottery be needed it is scheduled for
Thursday, February 25, 2015 at St. Rose of
Lima School at 7:00 p.m.