Index AAR 192 ablation areas 550, 654 ablation process 39 ablation rates 312, 681 ablation season 417 ablation stake measurements 455 ablation zones 361, 446, 681, 820 ablation 359, 675 abrupt climate changes 823 absent lakes 269 absolute radiometric accuracy 147 Absoraka/Beartooth Range 387 absorption and scattering coefficients 56 absorption 25, 811 acceleration in thinning rates 223 acceleration of mass loss 209 acceleration of retreat 447 accreted terranes 511 accumulation area ratio (AAR) 14, 40, 192, 213, 235, 308, 381, 417 accumulation rates 675 accumulation zones 163, 174, 268, 361, 446, 550, 654, 680, 820 accuracy assessment 119 active layer 86 active plate boundaries 386 active rift zones 412 active volcanism 641, 688 Adamello Glacier 452 adding doubling technique 35 adjacent terrain irradiance 25, 30 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) 54, 145, 419, 639, 717 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 38 advancing glaciers 428, 539, 543, 726 aerial photogrammetry 233, 446, 604 aerial photography 116, 205, 229, 244, 333, 360, 364, 377, 386, 441, 509, 543, 642, 683, 721, 790 aerosol absorption 552 aerosol deposition 690 aerosol emissions 813 aerosol measurements 552 aerosol pollutants lxix aerosol scattering 25 aerosol transmittance 26 aerosol-scattered component 27 Afghanistan 509, 553 African Plate 439 Agassiz Glacier 649 Agassiz Ice Cap 208 Aghost Bar Glacier 535 Aialik Glacier 253 air bubbles 38 air photo see aerial photography air temperature anomalies 208 airborne laser altimetry 223, 412 airborne laser scanning 13, 642 airborne radio echo sounding 213 Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) 191 aircraft logistics 755 Alagnak National Wild River 242 Alaknanda Basin 559 Alaknanda River Basin 572 Alaska Range 265, 305 Alaska 124, 263, 297, 350, 785 albedo 789 albedo feedbacks 824 albedo maps 453 albedo of snow 33 Alberta 333 Alert 206 Aleutian Low 243, 301 Alexander Island 719, 728 Alexandra Glacier 486 Ålfotbreen 792 Alfred Ernest Ice Shelf 217 Allen Glacier 304 ALOS PALSAR 87, 484, 597 Alpine Fault 678 alpine glacier mapping 38 alpine glaciers 336 alpine glaciostratigraphy 466 alpine orogeny 439 Alps 124, 439, 785 Alsek River 266 Altai Mountains 481 848 Index Altay 802 Altay Mountains 583 Altiparmak Mountains 472, 476 altitude area distribution 125 Ambartsumiam’s integral equation 35 American Cordillera 385 Ampère Glacier 766 Ampère Lake 766 analytical discrete ordinates method 35, 65 Anatolian Peninsula 466 Anatolian Plateau 465 ancient civilizations lxv Andean mountain belt 641 Andes Mountains 40 Andes 798 andesitic volcanics 387 Andrei Icefield 354 angle of repose 519 Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve 242 anisotropic scattering 33 Ankogel-Hochalmgruppe 445 annual glacier area change 237 annual precipitation 303 annual rainfall 303 annual retreat rate 190 annual snowfall 303 Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) 762, 804 Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) 733, 771 Antarctic ice cores 812 Antarctic Ice Sheet 3, 760, 816 Antarctic interior 809 Antarctic island 676 Antarctic nunataks 744 Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) 641, 675, 762, 804 Antarctic Peninsula 717, 744, 804 Antarctic Polar Front 662 Antarctic Pacific Oscillation (AAPO) 641 Antarctica lxvii, 160, 719, 759 Anthropocene lxv anthropogenic climate change lxv anthropogenic CO2 812 anthropogenic greenhouse gases 25 anti-greenhouse volcanic aerosols 25 antiscience dogma lxx Anyemagen Range 586 APAC annual percentage of glacier area change 591 Apennine Mountains 452, 785, 796 applied science 829 AQUA 217 Arapaho Glacier 390 Arc/Info 167 ArcGIS software 164, 247, 269, 467, 643 Arctic 267, 785 Arctic Ocean 209, 217, 788 Arctic Oscillation 792 Arctic Platform 206 Arctic surface temperatures 183 Arctowski 762 area change 447, 766 area loss 639, 766 area altitude balance index 41 area altitude balance ratio (AABR) 41 area altitude ratio (AAR) 710 area elevation distribution 192, 459 area volume scaling 764 areal mixtures 54 Argentière Glacier 448 Argentina 804 Arikaree Glacier 390 Armero 623 artifacts 768 artificial intelligence techniques 134 artificial neural networks (ANNs) 134 Arts Glacier 485 Arturo Prat 762 Asian brown cloud 820 aspect 122 ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) 12, 76, 188, 308, 339, 355, 466, 518, 553, 613, 661, 743, 781 ASTER-derived velocity 195 ASTER data products 146 ASTER DEMs 120, 195, 268, 305, 360, 723 ASTER GDEM 29, 443, 493, 640 ASTER GDEM1 768 ASTER GDEM2 491, 494 ASTER GDEM Validation Team 644 ASTER Instrument Team 152 ASTER stereo images 159 ASTER time series 690 astronomical perturbations lx Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation 208 Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory 804 Atlas Cove, Heard Island 761 atmosphere ocean model 302 atmospheric attenuation 26 atmospheric carbon dioxide 304 atmospheric circulation 224 atmospheric CO2 810, 812 atmospheric composition lxvi atmospheric conditions 76 atmospheric correction 76, 154 atmospheric properties 24 atmospheric scattering 25, 84 atmospheric transmission 78 atmospheric transmittance functions 25 atmospheric variability 821 atmospheric warming 290, 675 Attabad landslide lxvii Austfonna (Ice Cap) 230 Australian Antarctic Data Centre 763 764 Australian Plate 678 Austria 439 Austrian Alps 444 automated object-oriented approach 39 automated/semiautomated image classification 217 automatic mass balance station 186 avalanches 93, 385, 564 Avc| Mountains 475 AVIRIS 401 Avucur Glaciers 472 Axel Heiberg Island 206 Ayles Ice Shelf 217 Azorella selago Hooker 766 Azores High 792 Büyük Ağr| 472 Backbone Range 377 backscatter 75 backscatter component 69 Badakshan 514 Badakshan Pamir 519 Badakshan Province 509 Baffin Bay 209 Baffin Island 205 Bagley Icefield 155, 264, 301 Bahı́a Brookes 667 Bahı́a Filton 666 Bahı́a Pı́a 661 Bahçes ehir 476 Baird Inlet 218 Balacomar 521 Index balance year 734 Balfour Glacier 685 Balkan Peninsula 785, 796 Ball Glacier 702 Balleny Islands 676, 759, 773 Baltoro Glacier 129, 540 band ratio approach 565 band ratio thresholds 427 band ratios 76, 491 band saturation 152 Bandaka 521 Banff National Park 333 Bara Shigri Glacier 552 Barbin Glacier 534 bare ice radar zone 731 Barents?ya 230 Barnes Ice Cap 209 Barpu Glacier 536, 539 basal melt rates 730 basal melting 45 basal shear stress 702 basal sliding 45, 544, 653, 697, 817 basaltic shield volcano 719 Basapa River Basin 572 baseline performance requirements 147 basic science 829 basins Alaknanda 559 Alaknanda River 572 Basapa River 572 Bhaga River 572 Bhagirathi River 572 Bhut River 572 Blackfoot Jackson Glacier 394 Chandra River 572 Copper River (CRB) 263, 297 Ganges River 587 Gauriganga River 572 Indus River 587 Mekong River 587 Miyar River 572 Nianchu River 601 Niyang River 601 Nujiang River 587 Ob River 587 Parbati River 572 Poiqu 600 Pumqu 565, 600 Tarim 601 Waimakariri 686 Wang Chu 564 Warwan River 572 Yangtze River 587 Yellow River 587 Basin and Range Province 385 Batura Glacier 126, 128, 536, 585 Batura-Muztagh 551 Bay of Bengal 552 Bazhin Glacier 542 BC provincial DEM 345 beam attenuation 59 beam attenuation coefficients 63 Bear Glacier 253 Beijing 54 (BJ54) (coordinate system) 594 Belcher Glacier 213 Bellingshausen 762 Bellingshausen Island 773 Bellingshausen Sea 719 Belvedere Glacier 452 benchmark glaciers 6, 448 benchtop experiments lx bending stresses 731 Benson Glacier 391 Berendon 346 Berg Lake 306 bergschrund 445, 520 Bering Glacier 155, 264, 298, 794 Bering Malaspina glacier complex 310, 794 Bernardo Glacier 645 BEST 733 Bhaga River Basin 572 Bhagirathi Kharak Glacier 558 559 Bhagirathi River Basin 572 Bhut River Basin 572 Bhutan 93, 549, 802 Bhutan Himalaya 41 bias correction 363 bias-corrected thinning 345 bidirectional reflectance distribution 30, 76 bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) 54 bidirectional reflectance factor 31, 53 bidirectional reflectance model 55 Big Ben Plateau 762 bioluminescence 56 Blåmannsisen 428, 433 Blåmannsisen region 432 black carbon 789, 802 Black Sea 465 Black Sea Mountains 797 blackbody 31, 811 blackbody approximation 25 Blackfoot Glacier 391 Blackfoot Jackson Glacier Basin 394 blocking lakes 600 Blosseville Coast 186, 412 849 Blosseville Kyst 186, 412 Blue Glacier (Olympic Mountains) 385 blue-ice areas (BIAs) 743 Bolivia 609, 803 Boltzmann equation 35 Bombardier Glacier 727 Bombardieri Outlet Glacier 725 Bonferroni correction 271 Borah Peak 390 Borggraven 190 Borum Bar Glacier 535 Bosphorus 466 Bosson Glacier 449 Bouma-type turbidity flow 280 Bouvet Island 763, 806 Boydell Glacier 725 Brúarjökull 412 Brøggerhalvøya 234 Bracken Snowfield 687 Brahmaputra River 802 Brahmaputra River basin 564, 799 BRAHMATWINN project 564 Brazo Rico 649 BRDF 30 breaklines 122 breakup events 730 Bredegletscher (Glacier) 186 Breheimen (Mountain Range) 792 Breidamerkurjökull (Glacier) 412 Brenva Glacier 449 Brewster Glacier 680, 692 Bridge Glacier 339 Brintnell Creek Glacier 378 Brintnell Bologna Icefield 377 Bristol Island 773 British Columbia 124, 159, 178, 265, 333, 353, 789 British Hydrographic Expedition of 1826 1836 666 British International Karakoram Project 510 Brookings Institution lxviii Brooks Range 820 Brown Glacier 777 Brown Glacier terminus 764 Bualtar Glacier 536, 539 bubbly ice 62 Buckle Island 773 Buldar RG2 Glacier 542 bumps (ASTER GDEM) 768 buoyancy forces 731 Burged 486 Buzul Mountains 465, 797 Bylot Island 205 Byrd Glacier 749 850 Index Cabinet Mountain Range 390 Caesar Peak 389 Calderone Glacier 452, 798 calibrated surface radiance 24 California 385, 793 calving 213, 339, 668, 687, 730 calving dynamics 764 calving events 187 calving flux 288, 704 calving fronts 323, 641, 701, 731 calving glacier margins 189 calving glaciers 762, 813 calving margin area loss 190 calving mass loss 185 calving retreat 701 Calvo Glacier 649 Campbell Island 806 Canada 124, 794 Canadian Arctic Archipelago 206 Canadian Arctic 205, 788 Canadian Cordillera, western Canada 333 Canadian Daily Climate Data 369 Canadian Digital Elevation Dataset 217 Canadian High Arctic 785 Canal Beagle 669 Candlemas Island 773 Canterbury Plains 679 Canyon Range 377 Capricorn Creek landslide 338 Capricorn Creek 338 capsizing of icebergs 731 carbon emission trajectory 814 Carbon Glacier 397 carbon soot 68 CAREERI Cold and Arid Regions Environment and Engineering Research Institute 182 Cariboo Mountains 334 Carta Preliminar 640 cartographic data 229 Cartosat-1 559 Cascade Range 387 Cascade volcanoes 389 Cascades 785 Cascadia subduction zone 387 Cassiar Mountains 334 Castner Glacier 270 Caucasus lxvii, 93, 827 centerlines 229 central Asia 124 central Himalaya 551 Centro de Estudios Cientı́ficos (CECs) 752 Cerro Sillajhuay 121 Chacaltaya Glacier 803 Chandra River Basin 572 change detection 91, 166, 263, 585 changes in mass balance 206 Charcot Island 728 check points 119 Chemof Glacier 252 chevron-folded moraines 322 Chhateboi Glacier 534 Chhogori/Qogir (K2, Ketu/Kechu) (peak) 544 Chhota Shigri Glacier 571 Chiantar Glacier 529, 534 Chico Glacier 643 Chigmit Mountains 266 Chikzar Glacier 535 Chilcotin Range 339 Childs Glacier 324 Chile 661, 804 Chilean National Glacier Strategy 673 China 484, 553, 583, 802 China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite CBERS-1 585, 802 Chinese Glacier Inventory (CGI) 564, 583 Chinese Military Geodetic Service 593 Chisma West Glacier 280 Chitina Valley 302 chlorite-grade schist 678 Chomolungma (Mt. Everest, Sagarmatha) (peak) 28, 551 Chongra Glacier 542 Chugach Mountains 155, 263, 265, 297, 387, 706, 794 Chugach Terrane 301 Chugach St. Elias Thrust Fault System 301 CIAS (Correlation Image Analysis Software) 567 circum-Antarctic islands 804 circumpolar oceanographic jets 806 circumpolar vortex 210 circumpolar westerlies 806 cirque glaciers 274, 335, 414, 569, 642, 685 cirques 475, 483 cirrus clouds 433 Clarence Island 772 Classen Glacier 682, 686 classification 76 clathrate hydrates 824 clean-ice glaciers 165, 237 clear water 37 climate change 329, 371, 721 climate change denialism lxix climate change exaggeration lxx climate change skepticism lxix, 843 climate cooling 819 climate data records 370 climate dynamics 509, 552 climate feedbacks 789 climate forcing 23, 206, 544 climate models 42, 788, 813 climate monitoring 509 climate perturbation 681 climate records 369 climate sensitivity lxvi, lxx, 188 climate teleconnections 803 climate time series 817 climate warming 680 climate ocean glacier modeling 830 climate-forcing phenomena lxv Climatic Research Unit (CRU), University of East Anglia 811 climatic snowline 520 climatic system components and indices abrupt climate changes 823 aerosols lxix, 25, 552, 690, 813 albedo 33, 453, 789, 824 Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) 762, 804 Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) 641, 675, 762, 804 Antarctic Polar Front 662 Antarctic Pacific Oscillation (AAPO) 641 anthropogenic CO2 812 anthropogenic greenhouse gases 25 anti-greenhouse volcanic aerosols 25 Arctic Oscillation 792 Asian brown cloud 820 astronomical perturbations lx Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation 208 atmospheric attenuation 26 atmospheric carbon dioxide 304 atmospheric circulation 224 atmospheric CO2 810, 812 atmospheric composition lxvi atmospheric scattering 25, 84 atmospheric transmission 78 atmospheric transmittance functions 25 atmospheric variability 821 atmospheric warming 290, 675 Azores High 792 backscatter 69, 75 beam attenuation coefficients 63 beam attenuation 59 Index carbon emission trajectory 814 carbon soot 68 circumpolar oceanographic jets 806 circumpolar vortex 210 circumpolar westerlies 806 cirrus clouds 433 climate dynamics 509, 552 climate feedbacks 789 climate forcing 23, 206, 544 climate perturbation 681 climate sensitivity lxvi, lxx, 188 climate time series 817 climatic teleconnections 803 cloud cover feedback lxx decadal climate variability 675, 762, 821 decadal fluctuations 441, 680, 790 doubling time of atmospheric CO2 812 downscaled regional climate model 303 eccentricity of Earth’s orbit lx eccentricity variations lxvi El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 609, 675, 794 El Niño 388, 681, 804 El Niño Southern Oscillation Index (ENSO SOI) 388 ENSO index 803 ENSO 388, 544, 681 enthalpy of fusion 371 ERA-40 climate reanalysis 544 exoatmospheric spectral irradiance 25 forward scattering 67 föhn winds 681, 760 GCMs 42, 302, 801 general circulation models (GCMs) 42, 302, 800 global thermohaline circulation 186 global warming 16, 416, 710, 787, 810 greenhouse effect lx greenhouse gases lxv, 25, 788 ground-backscattered component 27 Indian monsoon 552 infrared opacity 25 Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) 707 Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) 25, 552 IPCC emissions scenario 187 Irminger Current 414 katabatic winds 743 maritime climates 4, 243, 391, 719 meridional circulation 822 mesoscale model 302 mid-troposphere geopotential heights 208, 213 model downscaling 815 monsoon circulation 584 monsoon-influenced regions 549 monsoonal moisture supply 511 NAO index 792 NAO oscillations 792 net radiation 44 North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) 430, 790 obliquity lx ocean currents lxvi, 785 ocean forcings 183 ocean temperatures 183 oceanographic conditions 721 oceanographic oscillation 803 orbital eccentricity variations lxi orbital variations lxv orographic effects 762 orographic precipitation gradient 679 orographic precipitation 439 Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) 370, 388, 793 paleoclimatic record 823 PDO index 793 Planck’s blackbody equation 25 planetary-scale climatic changes lxv Polar Front 388, 762 polar vortex 388, 821 radiance 76 radiation balance 44 radiation transfer 23 radiation; net, reflected, emitted 127 radiative fluxes 127 radiative forcing 441, 812 Rayleigh transmittance 26 Rayleigh-scattered component 27 reflectance 75 reflectance anisotropy 31 reflectance of snow 33 rotational axis oscillations 813 rotational dynamics 25 rotational obliquity 25 SAM index 805 sea ice 186, 785 sea surface temperatures (SSTs) 209, 388, 707, 784 SF (Subantarctic Front) 806 shortwave spectrum 26 851 simulated atmospheric transmittance 26 snow albedo 33, 304 solar activity cycle lxix solar activity variations lxv, 813 solar constant 371 solar dynamics 25 solar insolation 680 solar irradiance 24 solar main sequence lxvi solar radiation energy 703 solar variability 371 South Asian monsoon 552, 584 Southern Annular Mode (SAM) 653, 805 Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) 675 SRES B1 emissions scenario 820 stellar main sequence lxv stratospheric jet streams 821 subantarctic climate 760 subantarctic islands 759 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) 821 teleconnections 707, 794 thermohaline circulation 792, 823 timescale of climate warming lxvi topographic shadowing 575 volcanic aerosol emissions lxvi warming ocean currents 187 water vapor absorption 26 water vapor transmittance 26 westerlies 571, 584 westerly airflow 440 westerly weather systems 679 westerly winter storms 511 clinometry 128 cloud cover feedback lxx Clyde River 206 Co-registration of Optically Sensed Images and Correlation 599 co-registrations 76 Coast Mountains 334, 353 Coast Ranges 785 coastal glaciers 268 Coastal Range 266 Coburg Island 207, 223 coherence 87 Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI) 593 collage tectonics 510 Collalto/Hochgall Kees Glacier 454 collapses of glacial moraines 397 College Fiord 304 852 Index Collier Glacier 392 Colombia 609, 803 Colombian Andes lxvii Colombian glaciers 610 Colorado 385, 798 colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) 63 Columbia Glacier 289, 305, 794 Columbia Icefield 363 Columbia Plateau 385 commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software 120 comparison experiments 166 complex index of refraction 61 compound interest formula 6, 565 Compton Glacier 764 computed ELA 450 conservation of energy 30 conservation of photons 35, 56 Contact Fault 301 continental climate (Dease Lake) 370 Continental Divide 334 continental drift lxiii continental flow 440 continental glaciers 583 continental subarctic 267 converged discrete ordinates method 35 convergent tectonic plate boundary 242 Cook Ice Cap 763, 766 Cook Island 773 Copper River 266, 297 Copper River Basin (CRB) 263, 297 Copper River Delta 301 coral atolls lxvii Cordón Central 666 Cordillera Ampato 121 Cordillera Blanca 609, 803 Cordillera Central 622 Cordillera Choquetanga 625 Cordillera Darwin 661, 808 Cordillera Darwin Icefield 639 Cordillera Occidental 625 Cordillera Oriental 625 Cordillera Tres Cruces 803 Cordillera Vilcanota 610 Cordilleran Ice Sheet 353, 387 Cordova 267 core institutions 6 corner reflector differential interferometry 598 Corona 81, 518, 553 Coronation Island 772 COSI-Corr 694 couloirs 563 CR-D-InSAR (Corner Reflector Differential Interferometry) 598 Crane Glacier 725 Crater Basin Glacier 688 Crater Glacier 393, 827 Crater Lake 690 Crazy Mountains 390 crevasse fields 359, 733, 744 crevasses 288, 744 cross-correlation 102, 120, 215 crosstalk-corrected products 153 CryoClim 238 cultural natural World Heritage site 687 Cumberland Peninsula 217 cumulative mass balances 210, 450 cumulative volume change 684 curvature 122 Dübe Glacier 476 damming glacier origin 271 Danish General Staff (Danish Geodetic Survey) 410 Dansgaard Oeschger (D-O) cycles 823 Danube River 439 DAR 159 Dardanelles 466 Darkot Glacier 534 Darran Range 691 Daste Wer 521 Data Acquisition Request (DAR) 159 data consistency 164 data dissemination policy 145 data fusion 39, 122 data model 164 data quality 163 data submission 177 database 163 Dauphiné 447 debris 78 debris cover 54, 155, 241, 433, 439, 552, 675 debris dam 339 debris flows 396, 789 debris landslide/avalanche 789 debris lobes 519 debris production 299 debris thicknesses 40, 537 debris-covered glaciers 40, 75, 86, 237, 247, 308, 344, 359, 404, 453, 468, 514, 517, 558, 586, 694, 795 debris-free glaciers 432, 467, 543 decadal climate variability 675, 762, 821 decadal fluctuations 441, 680, 790 Deception Island 772 declassified satellite imagery 731 decorrelation stretching 82 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) 33 deforestation 813 deformed moraines 214 degree-day model 223, 604 DEM error, uncertainty 123 DEM merging 122 DEM subtraction 560, 794 DEM-derived datasets 494 Demirkapi Tepe (peak) 476 demographic shifts lxv DEMs 158, 721, 764 Denali Fault 265 Denali Fault zone 301 dendrochronological techniques 662 Dents du Midi-Aiguilles Rouges 447 derivative; first order, second order 125 Desktop Mapping System Softcopy 120 detector temperature 152 Devon 208 Devon Ice Cap 209 Devon Island 206 diabase 477 Diadem Glacier 336 Diamir Glacier 542 difference image 562 differential ablation 325, 328 differential DEMs 448 differential global positioning system (DGPS) 117, 449, 596 differential radar interferometry (DInSAR) 91, 597 differential scattering coefficient 56 differentially corrected GPS 494 diffuse skylight irradiance 25 digital elevation model (DEM) 113, 158, 166, 361, 481, 722 digital photogrammetric techniques 232 Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 721 digital terrain modeling 113 Dinglestadt-east Glacier 253 Dinglestadt-west Glacier 252 Dinsmoor Glacier 727 Dirección General de Aguas (DGA) 666 Index direct solar spectral irradiance 25 directional filter 750 disappearing glaciers 550, 588 disarticulation 701 disintegration of ice shelves 717 DISORT 55 displacements (ice flow) 76 dissolved organic matter 63 distance, between polygons 172 distance, between vertices 170 distribution of glacier sizes 235 diurnal thermal skin depth 40 Dixon Glacier 252 DLR German Aerospace Center 732 DMS 120 DN 156 dogmatism versus skepticism 843 dogmatism 843 Dolampar Tepe 471 Dolomites Glacier 452 Doloo Nuur 485 Doloo Nuur (Seven Lake) Valley 485 Doloo Nuur Glacier 485 Dongkemadi Glacier 597 Donjek Range 334 Donne Glacier 692 dormant stratovolcano 473 Doroshin Glacier 252 Dorsale Frontière 447 doubling time of atmospheric CO2 812 Douglas Glacier 686 downscaled regional climate model 303 downwasting 337, 360, 537, 560, 682 drainage divides 427, 434 drainage events 289 Drang Drung Glacier 569 Drangajökull Ice Cap 412 413 drifter buoys 805 drinking water lxvii dry land calving 368 dry snow radar zone 731 Drygalski Glacier 727 DSM (digital surface model) 115 DTM (digital terrain model) 115 Dund Tsenkher Gol (river) 486 Dunde Ice Cap 589 duration of summer melt 211 Dusty Glacier 339 dynamic perturbations 727 dynamic response 184 dynamic thinning 744 dynamical controls 4 dynamical feedbacks 675 dzud 483 E Ali Su Glacier 530 E Bey Tibat Glacier 530 E Little Ali Su Glacier 530 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) 147 Earth’s biosphere lxv Earth’s orbital eccentricity 25 earthquake-triggered landslides 706 earthquakes 412, 543 East Antarctica 749 East Ghamu Bar Glacier 535 East Greenland Current 414 East Greenland 186, 786 East Iceland glaciers 413 East Little Ali Su Glacier 529 East NE Ghamu Bar Glacier 535 Eastern Black Sea Mountains 465 eastern Himalaya 551 eccentricity of Earth’s orbit lx eccentricity variations lxvi economic declines lxv Ecuador 804 Edge detection 80 Edgeøya 230 Edgeworth Glacier 727 effusive volcanism 412 Eidfjord 410 Eirı́ksjökull Ice Cap 413 Ekblaw Glacier 214, 218 El Cocuy Meteorological Station 634 El Cocuy 803 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 609, 675, 794 El Niño 388, 681, 804 El Niño Southern Oscillation Index (ENSO SOI) 388 ELA 236 ELA shifts 686 electromagnetic spectrum 23 Elephant Island 772 elevation biases 560 elevation change rates 371 elevation changes 276, 768 Eliot Glacier 391 Ellesmere Island 205 ellipsoid-related terrain error 152 Ellsworth Mountains 744 emission 78 emissivity 31, 78, 154 emissivity spectrum 31 Emmons Glacier 385 end moraines 586 853 end-of-summer snowlines 683 energy balance 680 energy balance model 43, 453 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETMþ) 241 242 ensemble models lxvi ENSO 388, 544, 681 ENSO index 803 enthalpy of fusion 371 ENVI 167, 398, 554 Environment Canada 207 Envisat 91, 104 Envisat ASAR 732 Envisat C-band SAR (synthetic aperture radar) 730 EO-1 487 episodic drainage 291 equilibrium line altitude (ELA) 4, 40, 127, 192, 213, 236, 303, 381, 417, 428, 444, 450, 465, 481, 509, 550, 584, 640, 644, 669, 679, 761, 790 ERA-40 climate reanalysis 544 Erciyes Glacier 473 ERDAS IMAGINE 167, 217, 397, 554 Erinç Glacier 465, 470, 797 erosion rates 387 error analysis 492 error propagation 77 error sources 165 errors in georeferencing 189 ERS 104 ERS 1/2 213 ERS-1/2 SAR 731 ERTS-1 409 eruptive plumes 768 Erzincan 475 Esence Mountains 468, 477 Esperanza Station 734 ESRI ArcGIS 489 ESRI 167, 268, 467 Estrecho de Magallanes 661 ETMþ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus) 264, 409, 448, 487 Eugenie Glacier 214 Eurasian Plate 510 Eureka 206 Europa 689 Europa Glacier 649 European Alps 11, 439, 466 European Plate 439 European Space Agency 733 Evans Glacier 725 Everest Kanchenjunga 551 evidence of global warming lxviii 854 Index Exit Glacier 253 exoatmospheric spectral irradiance 25 experimental 159 explorers 771 explosive volcanic eruptions 417 exterior orientation 118 extreme weather 821 Eyjafjallajökull Ice Cap 413 föhn winds 681, 760 Færoe Islands 412 fake reasoning 844 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 806 fallibilism 841 false-color composite 490 Farallon/Kula Plates 334 fast-flowing outlet glaciers 213 fast-response glaciers 675, 682 faulting 300 feature tracking 41, 193, 420 feedback mechanisms lx, 703, 789 fiord valleys 691 Fiordland 679 Fiordo Ventisquero 667, 669 firn 34, 446 firn line 238, 417 fission track analysis 387 fjords 641 Flagstaff Glacier 777 Flathead Mission Swan Range 390 flood discharge 600 flood peak duration 600 flood volume 600 Florida Everglades lxvii flotation and disarticulation 704 flow divergence 322 flow divides 167 flow speed 320 flow speed vector field 320 flux gates 787 folded sedimentary rocks 206 forest fires 305 formation of glaciers 4 formatting of data 175 formlines 769 Forni Glacier 451 Forno Glacier 14 forward scattering 67 forward-scattering component 69 Fournier Fourand model 64 Fourpeaked Glacier 257 Fox Glacier 676, 819 fractal dimension 127 France 439 Francesco De Marchi 798 Frank Mackie Glacier 346 Franz Josef Glacier 676, 819 French Alps 451, 792 French National Geographic Institute 448 frictional energy dissipation 45 Friendship Peak (Nairamdal Uul, Youyi Feng) 487 Front Range 387 frozen percolation radar zone 731 fumaroles 403 fuzzy classification algorithms 135 fuzzy set classification 81 G1 Glacier 777 Gébroulaz Glacier 448 gabbro 477 gain 76 gain settings 159 Gallup survey lxviii Ganalo NE Glacier 542 Ganalo NW Glacier 542 Ganges River 802 Ganges River Basin 587 Gangotri Glacier 552, 558 Gangrigabu Mountains 591 Gannett Glacier 393 Garhwal 549, 799 garnet-oligoclase schist 678 gaseous absorption 25 Gauriganga River Basin 572 Gauss Seidel iteration 154 Gayari ice avalanche/landslide lxvii Gazin Glacier 535 GCMs 801 GDEM 28, 146, 360 GDEM-2 159 GDEM1 783 Gedik Tepe 475 Geikie Plateau 186 general circulation models (GCMs) 42, 302, 800 geodetic control points 509 geodetic estimates 184 geodetic uplift rates 184 Geographic Information System (GIS) 164 geohazards 145 geolocation 76 geolocational uncertainty 197 Geologic Survey of India 553 geological controls lxvi geology and geophysics 678 geology, tectonics, and petrology accreted terranes 511 active plate boundaries 386 active rift zones 412 active volcanism 641, 688 African Plate 439 Alpine Fault 678 alpine orogeny 439 andesitic volcanics 387 Australian Plate 678 Basin and Range Province 385 Bouma-type turbidity flow 280 chlorite-grade schist 678 Chugach Terrane 301 Chugach St. Elias Thrust Fault System 301 Contact Fault 301 continental drift lxiii Dansgaard Oeschger (D-O) cycles 823 Denali Fault 265, 301 diabase 477 dormant stratovolcano 473 effusive volcanism 412 erosion rates 387 faulting 300 folded sedimentary rocks 206 gabbro 477 garnet-oligoclase schist 678 granitic intrusions 471 granitic rocks 440 granitoid batholiths 387, 511 granitoid plutonic rocks 387 granodiorite 387 greywacke 679 gypsum 690 Haast schists 678 Himalaya Crystalline Thrust Zone 511 Indo-Australian Plate 510, 678 Indo-Gangetic Plain 552 iron sulphide 689 isostatic rise 510 Lassen volcanic complex 387 limestone 468 marcasite 689 Mesozoic intrusion 387 metamorphic rocks 387, 511, 719 metamorphism 678 meteorites 744 molten sulphur 689 nappe folds 551 native sulphur 689 North American Plate 334, 387 Pacific Plate 678 plate bending stress 731 plate collisions 511, 551 plate convergence 299 plate tectonics lxiii Pre-Cambrian Canadian Shield 206 Index Prince William Terrane 301 pyrite 689 pyroclastic deposition 687 pyroclastic rocks 387 pyroclastic sequences 473 pyroclastic volcanism 396 quartz diorite 387 rapid uplift 678 serpentine 477 stratovolcanoes 385, 472, 679 Torlesse rocks 678 trachyte volcano 353 transform faults 412 transpressional plate boundary 511 transpressive plate margin 678 uplift rates 680 volcanic eruptions lxv lxvi, 412, 752, 788 volcanic rocks 468, 471 volcanism 675, 678, 760 Yakutat Terrane 301 Geomatica OrthoEngine SE 120 geometric correction database 151 geometric corrections 151 geometric fidelity 145 geometric performance 147 geometric preprocessing 76 geomorphometry 113, 456, 481 geopolitical stability 509 georeferenced 76 georeferencing 771 georeferencing errors 168 George VI Ice Shelf 720 geospatial registration 248 geothermal activity 412, 689 geothermal energy 813 geothermal features 689 geothermal heat lx, 403, 653 geothermal heat flux 45 geothermal interaction 688 geothermal sublimate 690 geothermally altered 391 geothermally melted glacier ice 418 Gevas 476 Geverok Glacier 471 Ghalsapar Glacier 535 ghosting effects 154 Ghujerab N Glacier 536 Ghulkin Glacier 128, 536 Ghutulji Glacier 536 Gibbs Islands 772 GINA project 339 GIPSY software 195 GIS 264 Gjálp eruption 418 GLACE experiments 163, 166, 170 glacial and alpine hazards 829 glacial aneurysms 322 glacial change 498 glacial erosion 678, 687 glacial erosion rates 299 glacial flour 689 glacial isostatic adjustments 794 Glacial Lake Ahtna 264, 297 glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) 653, 803 glacial lakes 79, 675 glacial landscape classification 146 glacial response times 717 glacial valleys 387 glacial viscous deformation lxi glacial interglacial cycles lx glacial interglacial epochs 679 glacial interglacial transition 812 Glaciar Bahı́a del Diablo 725 Glaciar Cabo Lamb 725 Glaciar Conway 662, 671 Glaciar Francés 669 Glaciar Garibaldi 661, 808 Glaciar Grey 673 Glaciar Italia 669 Glaciar Marinelli 662, 808 Glaciar Negri 667 Glaciar Schiaparelli 662 Glaciar Stoppani 669 glaciated fiords 679 glaciation of Switzerland lxii glacier, glaciar, gletscher, etc. Üçker Rock 477 I_ zb|rak 465, 797 Adamello 452 Agassiz 649 Aghost Bar 535 Aialik 253 Alexandra 486 Allen 304 Ampère 766 Arapaho 390 Argentière 448 Arikaree 390 Arts 485 Avucur Glaciers 472 Bahı́a del Diablo 725 Balfour 685 Ball 702 Baltoro 129, 540 Bara Shigri 552 Barbin 534 Barpu 536, 539 Batura 126, 128, 536, 585 Bay 268 Bazhin 542 Bear 253 855 Belcher 213 Belvedere 452 Benson 391 Bering 155, 264, 298, 794 Bernardo 645 Bhagirathi Kharak 558 559 Blackfoot 391 Blanc 451 Blue (Olympic Mountains) 385 Bombardier 727 Bombardieri Outlet 725 Borum Bar 535 Bosson 449 Boydell 725 Bredegletscher 186 Breidamerkurjökull 412 Brenva 449 Brewster 680, 692 Bridge 339 Brintnell Creek 378 Brown 777 Bualtar 536, 539 Buldar RG2 542 Byrd 749 Cabo Lamb 725 Calderone 452, 798 Calvo 649 Carbon 397 Castner 270 Chacaltaya 803 Chemof 252 Chhateboi 534 Chhota Shigri 571 Chiantar 529, 534 Chico 643 Chikzar 535 Childs 324 Chisma West 280 Chongra 542 Classen 682, 686 Collalto/Hochgall Kees 454 Collier 392 Columbia 289, 305, 794 Compton 764 Conway 662, 671 Crane 725 Crater Basin 688 Crater 393, 827 Dübe 476 Darkot 534 Diadem 336 Diamir 542 Dinglestadt-east 253 Dinglestadt-west 252 Dinsmoor 727 Dixon 252 Dolomites 452 856 Index glacier, glaciar, gletscher, etc. (cont.) Doloo Nuur 485 Dongkemadi 597 Donne 692 Doroshin 252 Douglas 686 Drang Drung 569 Drygalski 727 Dusty 339 E Ali Su 530 E Bey Tibat 530 E Little Ali Su 530 East Ghamu Bar 535 East Little Ali Su 529 East NE Ghamu Bar 535 Edgeworth 727 Ekblaw 214, 218 Eliot 391 Emmons 385 Erciyes 473 Erinç 465, 470, 797 Eugenie 214 Europa 649 Evans 725 Exit 253 Flagstaff 777 Forni 451 Forno 14 Fourpeaked 257 Fox 676, 819 Francés 669 Frank Mackie 346 Franz Josef 676, 819 G1 763, 777 Gébroulaz 448 Ganalo NE 542 Ganalo NW 542 Gangotri 552, 558 Gannett 393 Garibaldi 661, 808 Gazin 535 Geverok 471 Ghalsapar 535 Ghujerab N 536 Ghulkin 128, 536 Ghutulji 536 Godley 682 Godwin 320 Gorambar 536 Grasshopper 391 Green 725 Grewingk 252 Grey 673, 687 Grinnell 385, 391 Gurmit 536 Gurpi 536 Gutumi 536 Hallo 257 Hamberg 777 Harvard 306, 794 Hektoria 725 Helheim 193, 786 Himis-Shukpachan 569 Hispar 88, 536 H|z|r 475 Hochstetter 697 Hodges 777 Holgate 253 Hoodoo 353 Hook 257 Hooker 682 Hotlum 389 HPS12 642 HPS19 808 HPS41 647 Hubbard 310 Hurd 777 Illecillewaet 333 Imja 558, 564 Indian 252 Italia 669 Ivory 687 Jakobshavn Isbræ 183, 786 Japujapu 617 Johnsons 777 Jorge Montt 807 Jorum 725 Kaçkar I 472, 797 Kaçkar II 472 Kachemak 252 Kangerdlugssuaq 191, 786 Karun E 536 Karun N 536 Karun SW 536 Kaskawulsh 351 Kedarnath 552 Kennicott Glaciers 57 Keshnikhan 509 Khar Tsünkh 485 Khumbu 39 Killey 252 Klinaklini 167, 169 Knife Creek 257 Knik 280 Konamoxt 279 Kong Christian IV 186 Kotalkash 534 Koxkar 591, 599 Krenek 471 472 La Perouse 685 Laika 223 Laohugou No. 12 589 Lathrop 391 Lazgediǧi 472 Leschi 392 Lhotse 558 Lhotse Shar 558 Lichar W 542 Liligo 540 Little Dome 777 Little Tahoma 397 Loowit 392 Lotang 542 Lowell 252, 339 Lumpy 286 Lupghar Yaz 536 Lyell 682 Lys 451 Madil 534 Magga Dan 191 Malaspina 306, 794 Mandrone 451 Mapple 725 Marinelli 662, 808 Marvine 308 Maud 687 Mazeno 542 Mazeno E 542 McCall 820 McCarty 253 Melbern 270 Mellizo Sur 649 Mellville 725 Mer de Glace 448 Mertz 160 Miage 451 452 Milam 552 Miles 301 Mir Samir East 520 Mittie 214 Momacha 1a 542 Momacha 1b 542 Momhil 536 Moreno 642 Morteratschgletcher 34 Mueller 682 Murchison 682 Mushk Bar 535 Negri 667 Nigardsbreen 429 North Haiz 535 Northwestern 253 Nuka 252 Nuptse 558 O’Higgins 641 Occidental 645 Oriental 649 Osjollo Anante 616 617 Pı́o XI 641, 808 Palisade 389 Index Parbati 571 Parkachik 569 Paso de los Cuatro 644 Passu Glacier 128, 536 Pasteur 762 Patro 542 Patsio 571 Pechus 534 Pederson 253 Penguin 645 Peqippoq 186 Petrof 253 Peyto 333 Porarilio 534 Portlock 252 Potanin 482 Ptukh 531 Pustertal 452 Qoger 590 Raikot 135, 542 Ramsay 682, 687 Rupal 540, 542 Sabbione 452 Sachen 542 Saint Sorlin 448, 450 Salamander 394 Salmon 336 Samudra Tapu 571 Sanglech 517 Santa Isabel 635 Sarennes 451 Satopanth 558 559 Schiaparelli 662 Scott 319 Sermeq Peqippoq 190 Serpent’s Tongue 257 Shaigiri 542 Shaigiri W 542 Shaune Garang 571 Sherman 306 Shetor 534 Shigiri 540 Shuurkhai 485 Silking 536 Silking NE 536 Sjögren 725 Skilak 252 Skookum 169 Snowy 647 South Cascade 2, 392 Southeast 2 213 Southern Sabbione 453 Spegazzini 649 Spotted 257 Steele 349 Steller 306 Stephenson 764 Stocking 683 Stoppani 669 Storbreen 428 Storglaciären 792 Summit Plateau 689 Témpano 644 Talung 555 Tana 280, 298, 794 Tap 538, 542 Tasman 682 683, 807 Tila Bey 530 Tindfjallajökull Mountain 413 Tomur 589 Torfajökull Mountain 413 Trapridge 334 Trinity 214 Truuli 252 Tulsequah 337 Tustumena 252 Tweedsmuir 349 Twin 353 Uludoruk Middle 470 Union 744 Unnamed 688 Upsala 645 Viedma 644 W Bey Tibat 530 W Little Ali Su 530 West Ghamu Bar 535 West Issik 530 West Little Ali Su 529 Western Ali Su 530 Western Sabbione 453 Whakapapa 688 White 207 Whitewater 391 Whitney 389 Wilkinson 687 Winston 764 Winthrop 397 Wosnesenski 252 Wykeham 214 Yale 314, 794 Yalik 253 Yalung 555 Yengisogat 598 Yengutz Har 536 Zemestan 531 Zemu 552 glacier, definition 174 glacier accelerations 184 glacier accumulation 303 glacier advances 209 Glacier Analysis Comparison Experiments (GLACE) 164, 784 glacier area 163 857 glacier area and volume 333 glacier area change 346 glacier area errors 644 Glacier Bay 268 Glacier Blanc 451 glacier change detection 39, 759 glacier change rates 5 Glacier Commission Internationale lxii glacier complexity 273 glacier downwasting 543 glacier elevation change 128 glacier extent 168, 206 glacier extent time series 398 glacier flow velocity 595 glacier fluctuation series 3 Glacier G1 763 glacier hazards 333, 599, 789 glacier hazards, disasters, and resources Attabad landslide lxvii collapses of glacial moraines 397 debris dam 339 debris flows 396, 789 debris landslide/avalanche 789 drinking water lxvii earthquake-triggered landslides 706 earthquakes 412, 543 explosive volcanic eruptions 417 Eyjafjallajökull Ice Cap 413 flood discharge 600 flood peak duration 600 flood volume 600 geohazards 145 glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) 160, 263, 396, 414, 560, 599, 653, 691, 789, 803 glacier hazards 333, 599, 789 glacier water resources 601 glacier-dammed lakes 439, 795 glacier-related disasters lxvii, 145 glaciological hazards 414 global sea level rise 725 Great Alaskan Earthquake 268, 327 hazard to marine transport 205 high-magnitude earthquakes 705 Himalayan glacier lakes 270 ice avalanches 160, 538, 826 jökulhlaups 337, 414, 790 Karmadon 93 lahars (volcanic mudflows) 623, 687 Lake Gojal lxvii landslides 300, 338, 396, 541 landslide-dammed 528 858 Index glacier hazards, disasters, and resources (cont.) lava ice interactions 353 Lunana 567 Mt. Ruapehu 675 Mt. St. Helens 393, 796 natural disasters lxvii, 600 natural hazards 427, 509, 549 Nevado del Ruı́z 622 outburst floods 336, 649, 789 Queen Bess Lake 336 rock avalanches 687, 706, 789 sea level lxvi, 3, 187 sea level rise lxvii, 205, 304, 334, 549, 643, 727, 788 Seti River outburst flood lxvii snow avalanches 422, 693 Tangiwai Railway disaster 690 Zengwanghco Lake 601 glacier hypsometry 188, 235, 350, 817 glacier ice facies 212 glacier ice reserves 516 glacier inventories 9, 189, 229, 344, 443, 510, 639, 666, 766 glacier lake growth 564 glacier lake mapping 146 glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) 160, 263, 396, 414, 560, 599, 691, 789 glacier lake water 53 glacier lakes 35, 95, 599 glacier mapping 131, 146, 759 glacier mass balance 334, 717 glacier motion measurements 598 Glacier National Park 333, 794, 796 glacier outlines 163 glacier polygons 169 glacier remnants 391 glacier response times 5, 192, 372, 572, 675, 764, 793 glacier rheology lxiii glacier runoff 601 glacier shrinkage 205, 447 glacier size distribution 433 glacier stream order 271 glacier surface downwasting 39 glacier surface gradient 271 glacier surface properties 54 glacier surging 543 glacier terminus altitude (GTA) 271 glacier terminus types 272 glacier thickness 442 glacier thickness changes 448 glacier thinning 284, 346 glacier time series 817 glacier velocities 193 glacier velocity changes 560 glacier volume 439 glacier volume change 559, 604 glacier water resources 601 glacier climate relationship 440 glacier lake interactions 677 glacier-dammed lakes 439, 795 glacier-related disasters lxvii, 145 glacier/ice shelf dynamics 721 glacierets 3, 183, 471, 516, 691 Glaciers Climate Change Initiative (Glaciers_CCI) 14, 175 glaciofluvial deposits 676 glaciological hazards 414 glaciological perturbations 284 Glen’s Flow Law lxiii GLIMS 487 GLIMS Analysis Tutorial 164 GLIMS Glacier Database 163, 790 GLIMS guidelines 14 GLIMSView 164 global brightening 441 global climate change 813 Global Climate/Terrestrial Observing System (GCOS/ GTOS 8 global cooling lxvi Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) 146, 639 global dimming 441 global distribution of inventoried glaciers 10 global glacier monitoring 1 Global Hierarchical Observing Strategy (GHOST) 8 Global Historical Climate Network 762 global hydrological cycle 815 global map 160 global mean air temperature 784 global sea level rise 725 global sea surface temperature 819 Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G) 8 global thermohaline circulation 186 global warming 16, 416, 710, 787, 810 GlobGlacier 9, 15, 459 Glockner Gruppe 445 GloVis 146, 268 gneiss 440 Gobi Desert 483 Godley Glacier 682 Godley River 681 Godwin Glacier 320 Google Earth 167, 467, 518 Gorambar Glacier 536 Gore Range 387 GPS 489 Grı́msey 412 GRACE 184, 223, 787 GRACE satellite gravity data 643 gradient in monsoon intensity 552 grain size 33, 53, 78 Grand Paradiso 447 Grand Plateau 694 granite 377, 387, 440, 679 granitic intrusions 471 granitic rocks 440 granitoid batholiths 387, 511 granitoid plutonic rocks 387 granodiorite 387 GRASS 164 Grasshopper Glacier 391 gravitational potential energy 45 gravity data 184 Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) 305, 720 grayscale co-occurrence texture 750 Great Alaska Earthquake 268, 327 Greater Nahanni Ecosystem 375 Green Glacier 725 Green Lakes 706 greenhouse effect lx greenhouse gases lxv, 25, 788 Greenland lxii, 183, 412, 785 Greenland ice core 823 Greenland Ice Sheet lxviii, 3, 38, 183, 786 Greenland Færoes Ridge 412 Greenwich Island 772 Grewingk Glacier 252 Grewingk-Yalik Glacier Complex 241, 243 Grey Glacier 687 greywacke 679 grid 120 Grinnell Glacier 385, 391 gross errors 123 ground control points (GCPs) 77, 118, 151 Ground Data System (GDS) 147 ground-backscattered component 27 ground-based GPS surveys 193 ground-based photographs 388 ground-penetrating radar 743 grounding lines 184, 725, 744, 809 Grytviken 761 762 GTN-G Steering Committee 8 GTOPO30 DEM 349 Index Gujerab Mountains 519 Gulf of Alaska 243, 267, 299, 794 Gulf Stream 414, 790 Gurbantunggut 484 Gurmit Glacier 536 Gurpi Glacier 536 Gutumi Glacier 536 gypsum 690 Haast schists 678 Hadley cell 552 Hakkari Mountains 468 Hallo Glacier 257 Hamberg Glacier 777 hanging valleys 691 Hapke model 55 Harbardsbreen 434 hard classification 79 Hardangerjökulen 409, 430 Harding Icefield 241, 243 244 Harvard Glacier 306, 794 Hasanbesir Tepe 476 Hausdorff distance 170 Haydn Inlet 728 hazard to marine transport 205 Hazelton Mountains 334 Heard Island 761, 806 heat conduction 45 Hektoria Glacier 725 Helheim Glacier 193, 786 Hellstugubreen 432 Hengduan Mountains 584 Heritage Range 749 Hess Mountains 377 Hexagon 81 Heyney Greenstein model 60 Hierarchical Data Format Earth Observation System (HDFEOS) 268 High Arctic 230 high-magnitude earthquakes 705 high-pass filter 750 hillshaded DEMs 347, 377 Himachal Pradesh 40, 549 Himalaya (mountains) 509, 549, 583 Himalaya Crystalline Thrust Zone 511 Himalaya Karakoram lxvii, 795 Himalayan glacier lakes 270 Himalayan valleys 30 Himis-Shukpachan Glacier 569 Hindu Kush (Mountains) 40, 509, 551, 798 Hindu Raj (Mountain Range) 510 hinge lines 744 Hispar Glacier 88, 536 histogram equalization 746 histogram 173 history of international glacier monitoring 6 H|z|r Glacier 475 Hochstetter Glacier 697 Hochstetter ice stream 697 Hochstetter icefall 697 Hodges Glacier 777 Hofsjökull eystri Ice Cap 413 Hofsjökull Ice Cap 413 Holåbreen complex 434 Holgate Glacier 253 Hollywood doomsday films lxviii Holocene 483 Holocene maximum 9 Hoodoo Glacier 353 Hoodoo Mountain 95, 159, 353, 795 Hoodoo Mountain ice cap 353 Hook Glacier 257 Hooker Glacier 682 horn peaks 691 horn 520 Horseshoe Valley 744 Hotlum Glacier 389 Hoton Nuur 483 HPS12 Glacier 642 HPS19 Glacier 808 HPS41 Glacier 647 Hrútfellsjökull ice cap 413 Huascarán Chopicalqui massif 619 Hubbard Glacier 310 Hugh H. Kieffer 145, 280 human interpretation 434 human intervention 434 Hunza 40, 126 Hunza Valley 128 Hurd Glacier 777 Hurricane Katrina lxix Hyder, Alaska 337 hydroelectric power lxvii HYDROLIGHT 66 hydrological watersheds 229 hydrological year 450 hydropower generation 440 hydropower production 427 hydrothermal alteration 396 hyperspectral 79 hyperspectral classification 79 hypsometric curves 310, 705 hypsometry 125 Hyrningsjökull 790 ice ablation 641 ice apron 687 859 ice avalanches 160, 538, 826 Ice Cap Agassiz 208 Barnes 209 Cook 763, 766 Devon 209 Drangajökull 412 413 Dunde 589 Eirı́ksjökull 413 Eyjafjallajökull 413 Hofsjökull eystri 413 Hofsjökull 413 Langfjordjøkelen 429, 792, 827 Langjökull 413, 791 Melville Island South 210 Myrdalsjökull 413 Penny 209 Quelccaya 609, 803 Snæfellsjökull 413 Tungnafellsjökull 413 Vatnajökull 413 ice cap growth 209 ice cap thinning 223 ice caps 1, 3, 183, 209, 229, 428, 465, 472 ice cliffs 537, 687 ice core record 336 ice cores 209, 586, 790 ice dam aspect 272 ice divides 188, 640 ice dynamics 206 ice fields 3, 183 ice flow velocities 41, 215, 544 ice front fluctuations 729 ice front positions 727 ice grain size 54 ice islands 205 ice motion 95 ice residence time 682 ice rises 730 ice sheet 2 ice shelf Alfred Ernest 217 Ayles 217 George VI 720 Larsen A 720 Markham 217 Prince Gustav 720 Ronne 744 Serson 217 Wilkins 720 Wordie 720 ice shelf disintegration 217, 726 ice shelves 2, 205, 717, 809 ice thickness changes 642, 649 ice thickness gradient 731 ice turnover rates 641 860 Index ice velocities 334, 641, 683 ice volume 586 ice volume decrease 586 ice-cemented rock glaciers 519 ice-cored moraines 514, 703 ice-dammed lakes 417, 511 ice-marginal lakes 263, 312, 359 iceberg-calving fluxes 213 iceberg calving 184, 286, 416 iceberg capsize 789 Iceberg Lake 155, 280, 322 icebergs 205, 286, 359, 414, 692, 767 icefalls 687 icefield Andrei 354 Bagley 155, 264, 301 Brintnell Bologna 377 Columbia 363 Cordillera Darwin 639 Harding 241, 243 244 Juneau 307 Manson 214 Northern Patagonia (NPI) 639, 676, 804 Prince of Wales 209 Sittakanay 363 Southern Patagonia 639, 804 icefields 229, 243, 335 Iceland 87, 409, 785, 823 Iceland Geodetic Survey 410 Iceland Glaciological Society 416 Iceland Jan Mayen Ridge 412 ICESat 184, 231, 349, 409, 412, 787 ICESMAP 95, 355, 562, 693 ICSI (International Commission on Snow and Ice) 7 Idaho 385 I_ kiyaka Mountains 468 IKONOS 241 Îles Crozet 806 Illecillewaet Glacier 333 illumination conditions 76 image algebra 83 image calibrations 119 image change assessment 692 image co-registration 188 image correlation 560 image orientation 77 image pair misregistration 576 image time series 322 image-matching techniques 568 image-to-image cross-correlation determined 420 IMCORR 195 Imja Glacier 558, 564 Imja Lake 564 impounding glaciers 263 incidence angle of illumination 26 index glaciers 706 index of refraction 54 India 513, 549 India Himalaya 40 Indian glacier inventory 553 Indian Glacier 252 Indian monsoon 552 Indian Ocean 765 Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite 40, 553, 800 Indo-Australian Plate 510, 678 Indo-Gangetic Plain 552 Indus River 802 Indus River Basin 587 infrared opacity 25 inherent optical properties 59 Innuitian Ice Sheet 205 206 inorganic matter 35 InSAR 184 InSAR interferograms 725 Institut Géographique National (IGN) 766 Institute of Physical Geography, University of Freiburg (IPG) 722 Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM) 640 Insular Mountains 336 insulating debris loads 675 intensity hue saturation (IHS) 82 inter-annual variability 210 Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) 609 Interactive Multi-sensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) 37 Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) 707 interferogram 103 interferometric analysis 193 Interferometric SAR (InSAR) 76, 802 interferometric synthetic aperture radar 89 interferometric techniques 12 interferometry 727 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 842 interior orientation 118 internal deformation of ice 514 internal layers 752 International Arctic Buoy Program 224 International Association of the Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) 8 International Council for Science (ICSU) 8 International Glacier Commission 6 international glacier monitoring 6 International Hydrological Decade 333 International Polar Year (IPY) 9 International Space Station image 395, 763 International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 8 interpolation 121 interpretation 163 interpretation differences 168 interpretation errors 168 intertelescope registration 152 Intertropical Convergence Zone 552 intimate mixtures 57 Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Program 242 Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) 121 inverse remote sensing 59 IPCC 478, 782 IPCC emissions scenario 187 IPY SPIRIT Project 233 Iqaluit 206 Irminger Current 414 iron sulphide 689 irradiance components 25 IRS LISS 559 IRS-1C 13 Isla Gordon 667 Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego 661, 808 Isla Hoste 661, 808 Isla Londonderry 667 Isla Santa Inés 661 islands, islets, islas, islotes, etc. Alexander 719, 728 Atlas Cove, Heard 761 Axel Heiberg 206 Baffin 205 Balleny 676, 759, 773 Bellingshausen 773 Bouvet 763, 806 Bristol 773 Buckle 773 Bylot 205 Campbell 806 Candlemas 773 Charcot 728 Clarence 772 Coburg 207, 223 Cook 773 Index Coronation 772 Deception 772 Devon 206 Elephant 772 Ellesmere 205 Evangelistas 662 Færoe 412 Falkland (Malvinas) 806 Gibbs 772 Gordon 667 Grande de Tierra del Fuego 661, 808 Greenwich 772 Heard 761, 806 Hoste 661, 808 James Ross 719, 808 Kerguelen 773 King George 772 Latady 728 Laurie 771 772 Leskov 773 Livingston 772, 777 Londonderry 667 Low 772 Marion 676, 759, 761 762, 807 Montagu 768, 773 Nelson 772 North 675 Orcadas, Laurie 761 Peter I 759, 772 Powell 772 Queen Elizabeth 205, 824 Robert 772 Robertson 772 Rothschild 728 Saddle 772 Santa Inés 806 Saunders 773 Scott 759 Shetland 412 Signy 772 Smith 772 Snow 772 South 675, 804 South Orkney 759, 772 South Sandwich 773 South Shetland 721, 759, 772 Sturge 773 Thule 773 Vancouver 336 Vega 719 Vindication 773 Visokoi 773 Young 761, 773 Zavodovski 773 Islotes Evangelistas 662 ISODATA 85 ISODATA classification 212, 397 ISODATA clustering algorithms 397 isostatic rise 510 Italian Alps (Mountains) lxii, 451 Italian Glaciological Committee 443 Italian Glaciological Inventory 798 Italy 439 Ivory Glacier 687 I_ zb|rak Glacier 465, 797 Jakobshavn Isbræ (Glacier) 183, 786 James Ross Island 719, 808 Japujapu Glacier 617 Johnsons Glacier 777 jökulhlaups 337, 414, 702, 703, 790 Jorge Montt Glacier 807 Jorum Glacier 725 Jostedalsbreen 428, 792 Jotunheimen 427, 792 Juan de Fuca Plate 334, 387 Juneau Icefield 307 Jupiter lxvi K2 (Chhogori/Qogir, Ketu/Kechu) (peak) 544 Küçük Ağr| 472 Kaçkar I Glacier 472, 797 Kaçkar II Glacier 472 Kaçkar Mountains 472 Kachemak Glacier 252 Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord 186 Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier 191, 786 Karaçal Mountains 476 Karakoram 128, 510, 549 Karakoram Himalaya 27, 40, 88 Karakoram Mountains 583 Kargil 569 Karmadon 93 Karun E Glacier 536 Karun N Glacier 536 Karun SW Glacier 536 Kaskawulsh Glacier 351 katabatic winds 743 Katmai (Volcano) 241 Katmai Caldera 245 Katmai National Park and Preserve 241 Katmai volcanic front 242 Kautz Creek 397 Kavus s ahap Mountains 468, 476 Kax River 588 Kedarnath Glacier 552 Kenai Fjords National Park 241 Kenai Mountains 265 861 Kenai River 266 Kennicott Glaciers 57 Kerguelen 761 Kerguelen Island 773 kernel 433 Keshnikhan Glacier 509 Ketu/Kechu (Chhogori/Qogir, K2) (peak) 544 keyhole imagery 532 Khar Tsünkh Glacier 485 Khokh Nuur (Lake) 485 Khuiten Uul 486 Khumbu 799 Khumbu Glacier 39 Khunjerab Pass 519 Khunjerab-Ghujerab 551 Kieffer Glacier, 280 Kilimanjaro 827 Killey Glacier 252 kinematic GPS 743 kinematic wave 817 kinetic surface temperature 554 King George Island 772 Kirchhoff’s law 30, 154 Kirklar Tepe 476 Klinaklini Glacier 167, 169 Kluane National Park 334 Knife Creek Glacier 257 Knik Glacier 280 knowledge-based systems 134 Kohi Bandakha Massif 509, 517 Kohistan volcanic island arc 511 Kolbeinsey Ridge 412 Konamoxt Glacier 279 Kong Christian IV 189 Kong Christian IV Gletscher 186 Konggur Mountains 585, 590 Kongsfjorden 233 Kosmos KATE-200 726 Kotalkash Glacier 534 Koxkar Glacier 591, 599 Krenek Glacier 471 472 kriging 121 Kronebreen, Ny-Ålesund 90 Kruskal Wallis chi-squared test 274 Ku-band SeaWinds scatterometer 211 Kukak Volcano 241, 250 Kunlun Mountains 583, 802 Kunlun Shan 802 Kuskokwim River 266 Kverkjökull 412 Kvitøya 230 La Niña 388, 804 La Niña conditions 681 862 Index La Perouse Glacier 685 Ladakh Himalaya 799 Ladakh Range 569 Lago Argentino 641 Lago Effimero 453 Lago Martinic 667 lahars (volcanic mudflows) 623, 687 Laika Glacier 223 lake, lago Ampère 766 Argentino 641 Berg 306 Clark National Park and Preserve 242 Constance 64 Crater 690 Effimero 453 Ellsworth 746 George 278 Gojal lxvii Iceberg 155, 280, 322 Imja 564 Longbasaba 600 Martinic 667 Melbern 278 Midui 600 No Lake 337 Pida 600 Queen Bess 336 Ramsay 687 Sabai 94 Sabbione 453 Shewa 528 Summit 336 Tasman 683 Tulsequah 337 Van 474 Van Cleve 323 Vitus 306 Zengwanghco 601 Lake Clark National Park and Preserve 242 Lake Constance 64 lake development 272 lake drainage 264 Lake Ellsworth 746 lake formation 675 Lake George 278 Lake Gojal lxvii lake growth history 701 Lake No Lake 337 Lake Sabai 94 Lake Shewa 528 Lake Van 474 lake-calving glaciers 319 lake-terminating glaciers 245, 677 Lali-Mishash 528 Lambertian surface 30, 66 Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC) 264 land surface deformation 597 land surface temperature 784 land-terminating glaciers 237, 272, 677 landing sites 743 Landsat 76, 146, 241, 264, 280, 487, 749, 759, 782 Landsat 1 lxiv, 429 Landsat 1 MSS 284, 340 Landsat 5 TM 312, 338, 377, 412, 431 Landsat 5 219 Landsat 7 188, 308, 416 Landsat 7 ETMþ 12, 81, 145, 194, 312, 339, 429, 452, 553, 613 614, 639, 661, 725 Landsat ETMþ 585 Landsat mosaic 732 Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) 241 242, 334, 409, 452, 473, 510, 590, 640 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) 219, 333, 431, 440, 443, 510, 518, 590, 613, 639, 664 Landsat TM 5 364 landslide-dammed 528 landslides 300, 338, 396, 541 Langfjordjøkelen Ice Cap 429, 792, 827 Langjökull Group 412 Langjökull Ice Cap 413, 791 Laohugou No. 12 Glacier 589 Laramide Orogeny 387 Larsen A Ice Shelf 720 laser altimetry 114, 184, 305 Lassen volcanic complex 387 Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 416, 467, 483, 640, 764 Latady Island 728 latent heat 43 latent heat of evaporation 44 lateral moraines 270, 679, 702 Lathrop Glacier 391 Laurens Peninsula 764, 806 Laurentide Ice Sheets 205, 387 Laurie Island 771 772 lava flows 387, 473 lava ice interactions 353 Lazgediǧi Glacier 472 leaf area index 359, 693 least-squares adjustment 119 Leh 569 Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) 120, 554 Leica’s ERDAS Imagine 492 length change reversals 685 length variations 790 length area relationships 380 Leschi Glacier 392 Leskov Island 773 Lewis Range 387 Lewis Snowfield 728 Lewis Livingston Range 390 Lhasa River 565 Lhotse Glacier 558 Lhotse Shar Glacier 558 LIA glacier extents 586 Lichar W Glacier 542 lichenometry 520, 586 LiDAR (light detection and ranging) 13, 114, 783 light detection and ranging (LiDAR) 24 Liligo Glacier 540 Lillooet River 338 limestone 468 limnological attack cycle 685 line-of-sight 104 linear unmixing 81 linearized Boltzmann equation 56 LISS-III 40 lithology 79 lithology-dependent thermal conductivities 40 lithospheric rheology lxiii Little Dome Glacier 777 Little Ice Age (LIA) lxv, 9, 15, 206, 280, 297, 392, 414, 429, 441, 583, 675, 766, 790 Little Ice Age Maximum (LIAM) 586 Little Ice Age maximum 586, 624 Little Ice Age moraine 336 Little Ice Age trimline 339 Little Tahoma Glacier 397 living inventory 238 Livingston Island 772, 777 Logan Mountains 377 long-term observations 8 Longbasaba Lake 600 longwave spectral radiance 31 Longyearbyen 77 looped moraines 727 Loowit Glacier 392 Lost River Range 390 Lotang Glacier 542 Low Island 772 low-gradient glaciers 675, 685 Index low-pass filter 102 Lowell Glacier 252, 339 LP DAAC (Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center) 146 Lumpy Glacier 286 Lunana 567 Lupghar Yaz Glacier 536 Lyell Glacier 682 Lys Glacier 451 machine-based automatic classifications 13 Mackenzie Mountains 377 macroweather 821 Macugnaga 453 Madil Glacier 534 Madison Range 390 mafic ophiolite 477 Magga Dan Gletscher 191 Mahalanobis distance classification 188 Main Divide 676 Malaspina Glacier 306, 794 Malchin 486 Mandrone Glacier 451 Mann Whitney test 271 Manson Icefield 214 manual corrections 433 manual digitization 14, 80, 164, 217, 453, 559, 586, 745 manual editing 174, 745 Mapple Glacier 725 Marambio Station 734 marcasite 689 Marguerite Bay 721 marine-terminating outlet glaciers 184 Marion Island 676, 759, 761 762, 807 maritime climate (Stewart) 370 maritime climates 4, 243, 391, 719 maritime conditions 442 maritime glaciers 428, 584, 679 Markham Ice Shelf 217 Mars lxv Martian polar caps lxiii Martian subglacial volcanism 355 Martin Hill 744 Marvine Glacier 308 mass balance 24, 128, 306, 333, 353, 428, 550, 604, 759, 786 mass balance amplitude 792 mass balance gradients 45, 442 mass balance monitoring 509 mass budget approach 184 mass continuity equation 46 mass flux divergence 46 mass movements 826 mass throughput 682 mass turnover 5, 429 mass wasting 300 Matanuska River 266 matching 76 Matlab 167 matter energy interactions 24 Maud Glacier 687 Mauna Loa 812 Mauna Loa station 812 Mawson Peak 762 maximum elevation of lateral moraines (MELM) 41 maximum glacier altitude 272 maximum glacier extents 209, 745 Maximum Likelihood Classification 188, 247, 490, 746 maximum likelihood learning 133 Mazeno Glacier 542 Mazeno E Glacier 542 McCall Glacier 820 McCarty Glacier 253 Meager Creek 338 mean annual temperature 303 mean glacier altitude (MGA) 271 measurement error 179 media misreporting lxviii media objectiveness lxviii medial moraines 322 median elevation 459 median elevation of a glacier 41 median filter 433 median glacier order 271 Medicine Bow Mountains 390 Medieval Warm Period lxv, 280 Mediterranean 785 Mediterranean climate 467 Mediterranean Sea 439 Meighen 207 Mekong River 802 Mekong River Basin 587 Melbern Glacier 270 Melbern Lake 278 Mellizo Sur Glacier 649 Mellville Glacier 725 melt percentage records 209 melt ponds 731 melt season length 720 meltwater input 281 meltwater runoff 788 Melville Island South Ice Cap 210 Mer de Glace (French Alps) lx Mer de Glace (Glacier) 448 Mercan Mountains 468 863 meridional circulation 822 Mertz Glacier 160 mesoscale model 302 Mesozoic intrusion 387 Norwegian Meteorological Institute 91 metamorphic rocks 387, 511, 719 metamorphism 678 meteorites 744 methane 824 methods, automated 165 METI 159, 768 Miage Glacier 451 452 microbial ecosystems 205 microwave backscatter 12 microwave satellite measurements 552 microwave sensors 12, 443 microwave 24, 89 Mid-Atlantic Ridge 412 mid-troposphere geopotential heights 208, 213 Midui Lake 600 Mie theory 60 Milam Glacier 552 Miles Glacier 301 Milford Sound 675 minimum altitude 272 minimum maximum difference (MMD) 155 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 158 Mir Samir 509 Mir Samir East Glacier 520 misinformation 829 misrepresentation of science lxviii, 842 Mission Operations Team 159 Mittie Glacier 214 mixels 157 Miyar River Basin 572 MMD-A1B 814 model downscaling 815 Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 33, 54 modern impacts of changing glaciers lxvi modern understanding of climate change lxiv MODIS Rapid Response Project 218 MODIS Thermal Alert System 768 MODIS 217, 749, 768 MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER) 400 864 Index MODIS11A2 land surface temperature 208 MODTRAN 33 modulation transfer function (MTF) 149 MODVOLC 768 molten sulphur 689 Momacha 1a Glacier 542 Momacha 1b Glacier 542 Momhil Glacier 536 Monashee Mountains 334 Mongolia 481, 802 Mongolian Altai (Mountain Range) 481 Mongolian Altaids (Mountain Range) 802 monsoon circulation 584 monsoon-influenced regions 549 monsoonal maritime glaciers 584 monsoonal moisture supply 511 Mont Blanc 439, 447 Mont Ross 766 Montagu Island 768, 773 Montana 385, 798 Monte Sarmiento 661, 808 moraine 80, 168, 188, 241 moraine band 744 moraine-dammed lakes 263, 366, 529, 549, 600 Moreno Glacier 642 morphometric glacier mapping 493 morphometry 377 Morteratschgletcher 34 Mount Thielsen 391 mountain, mount, peak, pico, monte, nevado, etc. Adams 392 Ağr| (Ararat) 465, 797 Aoraki 675 Ararat (Ağr|) 465, 797 At 476 Ausangate 615 Baker 392 Belinda 768 Blanc 439, 447 Bolı́var 630 Bonpland 631 Borah 390 Caesar 389 Chhogori/Qogir (K2, Ketu/ Kechu) 544 Chomolungma (Mt. Everest, Sagarmatha) 28, 551 Cilo 468 Cook 675 Cook Massif 676 Coropuna 610 Damavand 472 Douglas 241, 250 Elbrus 472 Erciyes 466, 468 Evans 687 Everest (Chomolungma, Sagarmatha) 28, 551 Fletcher 687 Friendship Peak (Nairamdal Uul, Youyi Feng) 487 Hoodoo 95, 159, 353, 795 Huila 622, 625 Humboldt 631 Ihtiyarsahap 476 Jefferson 391 K2 (Chhogori/Qogir, Ketu/ Kechu) 544 Kaçkar 471 Kanchenjunga 554 Karaçal 468 469 Katmai 241 Kenya 620 Kesis 477 Ketu/Kechu (Chhogori/Qogir, K2) 544 Kilimanjaro 620 Khuiten Uul 486 Lassen 389 Lautaro 641 Logan 336 Mageik 250 Martin 241, 250 Mawson 762 Miller 301 Oceanite 771 Olympus 387 Rainier 85, 385 Ross 766 Ruapehu 675 Ruı́z 622 Süphan 468 Sagarmatha (Chomolungma, Mt. Everest) 28, 551, 563 Santa Isabel 622 Santa Vera Cruz 625 San Valentı́n 642 Sarmiento 661, 808 Sat 470 Shasta 389, 796 St. Elias 301 St. Helens 393, 796 Stellar 301 Taranaki 679 Tatos 476 Tavan Bogd 481 Thielsen 391 Thompson 389 Tolima 622 Tomur Khan Tengri massif 589 Tutoko 679 Verçenik 476 Wheeler 391 mountain glaciers 3, 183, 685 mountains, range, sierra, etc. Absoraka/Beartooth 387 Alaska 265, 305 Altai 481, 583 Altiparmak 472, 476 Anyemagen 586 Andes 40 Apennine 452, 785, 796 Avc| 475 Backbone 377 Black Sea 797 Brooks 820 Buzul 465, 797 Cabinet 390 Canyon 377 Cariboo 334 Cascade 387 Cassiar 334 Chigmit 266 Chilcotin 339 Chugach 155, 263, 265, 297, 387, 706, 794 Coast 334, 353 Coastal 266 Crazy 390 Darran 691 Donjek 334 Eastern Black Sea 465 Ellsworth 744 Esence 468, 477 Flathead Mission Swan 390 Front 387 Gangrigabu 591 Gore 387 Gujerab 519 Hakkari 468 Hazelton 334 Hengduan 584 Heritage 749 Hess 377 I_ kiyaka 468 Insular 336 Kaçkar 472 Karaçal 476 Karakoram 583 Kavus s ahap 468, 476 Kenai 265 Konggur 585, 590 Kunlun 583, 802 Ladakh 569 Index Lewis 387 Lewis Livingston 390 Logan 377 Lost River 390 Mackenzie 377 Madison 390 Medicine Bow 390 Mercan 468 Monashee 334 Munzur 475 Nairamdal Uul (Friendship Peak, Youyi Feng) 487 North Cascade 2 Nyainqentanglha 564 Ogilvie 377 Olympic 785 Omineca 334 Pamir 510, 551, 583 Pontic 471 Purcell 334 Qilian 802 Ragged 375 Rize 471, 476, 797 Rocky 334, 375, 385, 387, 785, 798 San Miguel 390 Sawtooth 387 Selkirk 334 Selwyn 377 Seven Devils 390 Sierra Nevada de El Cocuy 622 Sierra Nevada de Mérida 630 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 622 Sierra Nevada of southern Spain 796 Sierra Nevada 387, 796 Skeena 334 Soğanl| 476 St. Elias 155, 265, 299, 334, 794 Talkeetna 266, 305 Tanggula 583 Taurus 465, 797 Tavan Bogd 802 Tenmile 390 Teton 387, 393 Tlogotsho 376 Thiel 744 Tordrillo 82 Wallowa 391 Wernecke 377 Wind River 387 Wrangell 57, 794 Youyi Feng (Friendship Peak, Nairamdal Uul) 487 Zagros 468 Zanskar 569 Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Adams 392 Ağr| (Ararat) 465, 797 Aoraki 675 At 476 Baker 392 Belinda 768 Cilo 468 Cook 675 Cook Massif 676 Damavand 472 Douglas 241, 250 Elbrus 472 Erciyes 466, 468 Evans 687 Everest (Chomolungma, Sagarmatha) 28, 551 Mt. Fletcher 687 Mt. Ihtiyarsahap 476 Mt. Jefferson 391 Mt. Kaçkar 471 Mt. Kanchenjunga 554 Mt. Karaçal 468 469 Mt. Katmai 241 Mt. Kenya 620 Mt. Kesis 477 Mt. Kilimanjaro 620 Mt. Lassen 389 Mt. Logan 336 Mt. Mageik 250 Mt. Martin 241, 250 Mt. Miller 301 Mt. Oceanite 771 Mt. Olympus 387 Mt. Rainier 85, 385 Mt. Ruapehu 675 Mt. Süphan 468 Mt. San Valentı́n 642 Mt. Sat 470 Mt. Shasta 389, 796 Mt. St. Elias 301 Mt. St. Helens 393, 796 Mt. Stellar 301 Mt. Taranaki 679 Mt. Tatos 476 Mt. Tomur Khan Tengri massif 589 Mt. Tutoko 679 Mt. Verçenik 476 Mt. Wheeler 391 Mueller Glacier 682 Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) 54 Multi-layer Analytic Discrete Ordinate Code (MADOC) 55 multi-layer approximation 59 Multiangle Imaging 865 Spectroradiometer (MISR) 31, 38 multidirectional, oblique-weighted (MDOW) 497 multiple scattering 55 multiple working hypotheses 842 multiproxy temperature series 819 multiscale topographic effects 26 multispectral image differencing 354 Multispectral Scanner (MSS) 219, 412, 429 multispectral 75, 145 multispectral sensors 13 multitemporal 75 multitemporal ASTER 481 multitemporal imagery 41, 269, 519 Munkh Khairkhan 481 Munkh Khairkhan National Park 485 Munzur Mountains 475 Munzur Valley 475 Murchison Glacier 682 Mushk Bar Glacier 535 Muztagh Ata 585 Myanmar 553, 802 Myrdalsjökull Ice Cap 413 Myrdalsjökull 791 Nahanni National Park Reserve 375 Nahanni National Park 794 Nairamdal Uul (Friendship Peak, Youyi Feng) (peak) 487 Nanga Parbat Himalaya 510 Nanga Parbat 135, 551 Nanga Parbat-Haramosh massif 511 NAO index 792 NAO oscillations 792 nappe folds 551 Naran 486 Nares Strait 209 NASA 768 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 146 National Climate Data and Information Archive 370 National Land Survey of Iceland 410 National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) 8, 163 National Topographic Data Base 360, 377 native sulphur 689 natural disasters lxvii, 600 866 Index natural greenhouse gases 25 natural hazards 427, 509, 549 natural process cascade lxvii Natural Resources Canada’s Geogratis 268 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis 513, 641, 662 NDSI 167, 491, 575, 644 NDVI 453 NDWI 491 near-infrared 75 negative feedbacks lxvi, 45, 823 Nelson Island 772 Nenana River 266 neoglacial advances 685 neoglacial lateral moraines 381 Nepal 549 net mass loss 184 net radiation 44 Nevada 385 Nevado Ausangate 615 Nevado Coropuna 610 Nevado de Santa Isabel 622 Nevado del Huila 622, 625 Nevado del Ruı́z 622 Nevado del Tolima 622 Nevado Santa Vera Cruz 625 New Zealand 759, 804 New Zealand Glacier Inventory 685 Nianchu River Basin 601 Nigardsbreen (Glacier) 429 NINO4 707 NIR/SWIR band ratios 558 Nisqually River 397 Niyang River Basin 601 non-surge-type glacier 190 non-surging glaciers 543 nonglacial lake waters 63 Nordaustlandet (Island) 229 230 normalizations 76 normalized difference snow index (NDSI) 84, 167, 219, 377, 467, 618 normalized difference water index (NDWI) 84 normalized differences 76 Normalized Emissivity Method (NEM) 154 Norsk Satellittdataarkiv (Norwegian Satellite Data Archive) 431 North American ASTER Land Surface Emissivity Database (NAALSED) 146 North American Plate 334, 387 North American Regional Reanalysis 223 North Atlantic Ocean turn 414 North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) 430, 790 North Atlantic 785 North Cascade Mountains 2 North Cascades 392 North Haiz Glacier 535 North Iceland glaciers 413 North Island 675 North Open Water Polynya 224 North Pacific Ocean 267 northern Andes 609 Northern Patagonia Icefield (NPI) 639, 676, 804 Northwest Passage 822 Northwest Territories 375, 376 Northwestern Glacier 253 Norway 409, 785, 813 Norwegian Polar Institute 229 Norwegian Water Directorate (NVE, Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektorat) 427 Nostetuko River 336 Novarupta 245 NPOC 14 NSIDC 8 Nujiang River Basin 587 Nuka Glacier 252 numerical glacial flow modeling lxiii, 46 numerical modeling 43 Nun Kun Massif 570 Nunatak de Lapparent 767 nunataks 164, 188, 440, 743, 766 Nuptse Glacier 558 nutation 152 Ny-Ålesund 236 Nyainqentanglha 583 Nyainqentanglha Range 564 O’Higgins Glacier 641 O’Higgins Station 734 Ob River 802 Ob River Basin 587 object-oriented image classification 80 object-oriented modeling 132 obliquity lx observed ELA 450 Occidental Glacier 645 ocean Bay of Bengal 552 Arctic 209, 217, 788 Baffin Bay 209 Bellingshausen Sea 719 Black Sea 465 Glacier Bay 268 Indian 765 Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord 186 Marguerite Bay 721 Mediterranean Sea 439 North Pacific 267 Resolute Bay 206 Röhss Bay 726 Tasman Sea 681 Tethys Sea 510 ocean currents lxvi, 785 ocean forcings 183 ocean temperatures 183 oceanographic conditions 721 oceanographic oscillation 803 offset 76 offset tracking 77 offshore resource exploration 205 Ogilvie Mountains 377 ogives 358, 564 Ohio State University 752 Okjökull mountain glacier 413 Olgii 485 486 Olympic Mountains 785 Olympic National Park 392 Olympic Peninsula 387 Omineca Mountains 334 on-demand targeting 145 onboard calibration (OBC) 148 open-access movement 17 optical depth 26 optical image cross-correlation 596 optical properties 35, 53 optical sensors 12 optically thick mixture 68 optically thick surface 65 Öræfajökull 412 orbital eccentricity variations lxi orbital variations lxv Orcadas, Laurie Island 761 Oregon 385, 794 Oriental Glacier 649 orientation 118 orographic effects 762 orographic precipitation 439 orographic precipitation gradient 679 orthoimage 77 orthoprojection 77 orthorectification 77, 114, 431 orthorectified scaled radiance 397 orthorectified 153 OSCAR project 805 oscillating flow 322 Osjollo Anante Glacier 616 617 Østisen 433 Index Otago 679 Otto?Glacier 214 Ötztaler Alpen 445 outburst floods 336, 649, 789 outlet glacier acceleration 184, 788 outlet glaciers 183, 335, 642, 726 outwash fans 679 outwash plains 418 overstating evidence lxviii oxygen isotope geothermometers lxv ozone transmittance 26 Pı́o XI Glacier 641, 808 Rórisjökull ice cap 413 Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) 370, 388, 793 Pacific Plate 678 Pacific Province 385 Pakistan 126, 509 paleoclimatic record 823 Palisade Glacier 389 Palongzangbu River basin 600 Pamir Mountains 510, 551, 583 Pamir Plateau 590 pan-sharpening 489 Panj River 524 pansharpened 643 parallax 118 Parbati Glacier 571 Parbati River Basin 572 Parkachik Glacier 569 particle concentration 53 particle size 35 Paso de los Cuatro Glaciares 644 Passu Glacier 128, 536 Pasterzen Kees 445 Pasteur Glacier 762 Patagonia 124, 644, 759, 804 Patagonian Andes 641 Patagonian Ice Sheet 641 Patagonian Icefields 661 Patriot Hills 743, 809 Patro Glacier 542 Patsio Glacier 571 pattern recognition 24, 133 PCI image-processing software 247 PCI OrthoEngine 217 PCI 167 PDO index 793 PDOP 489 Pechus Glacier 534 Pederson Glacier 253 Pemberton 339 penetration 89 Penguin Glacier 645 peninsula Anatolian 466 Antarctic 717, 744, 804 Balkan 785, 796 Cumberland 217 Laurens 764, 806 Olympic 387 Rallier du Baty 766 Trinity 734 Penny Ice Cap 209 Peqippoq Glacier 186 perceived importance of glaciers lxiv percolation facies 212 perennial sea ice 789 perennial snowfields 385, 441, 679 performance requirements 148 performance specifications 147 permafrost 86 permafrost conditions 585 permafrost methane clathrate 824 permanent snowfields 247 Peru 609 Peter I Island 759, 772 Petrof Glacier 253 Peyto Glacier 333 PF (Polar Front) 806 phase unwrapping 105 photoclinometry 193 photogrammetric analysis 445, 642 photogrammetric digital elevation models 333 photogrammetric software 114 photometric properties 55 photon spread 154 photon medium interaction 60 physics community lix phytochronometer 766 phytoplankton absorption 64 Pico Bolı́var 630 Pico Bonpland 631 Pico Humboldt 631 Pida Lake 600 piedmont lobe 325 Pirrit Hill 744 pits (ASTER GDEM) 768 planar surface albedo 31 Planck’s blackbody equation 25 planetary climate control lx planetary habitability lxv planetary-scale climatic changes lxv planimetric and altimetric biases 349 plate bending stress 731 plate collisions 511 plate convergence 299 plate-tectonic collision 551 plate tectonics lxiii 867 plateau Anatolian 465 Big Ben 762 Columbia 385 Geikie 186 Grand 694 Pamir 590 Qiangtang 583 plateau glaciers 428 Pleistocene 482 Pleistocene moraines 687 plug flow 697 Po River 439 point cloud 120 Poiqu Basin 600 polar environment 721 Polar Front 388, 762 polar pack ice 414 polar vortex 388, 821 polarization 89 Polarization and Directionality of Earth Reflectance instrument (POLDER) 31, 54 policy decisions 841 polygons 163 polythermal glaciers 230, 442, 719 polythermal ice sheets 45 Pontic Mountains 471 Porarilio Glacier 534 Port aux Français 761 762 Portland Canal 337 Portlock Glacier 252 positive degree-day estimation 43 positive degree-day sum 760 positive feedbacks 209, 789, 823 PostGIS 176 PostgreSQL 176 Postprocessing 121 Potanin Glacier 482 Powell Island 772 Rrándarjökull ice cap 413 Pre-Cambrian Canadian Shield 206 precession of the spin axis lxvi precipitation 762, 788 precipitation gradient 206 precipitation trends 370, 815 precision 102, 163 Presqu’ı̂le de la Société de Géographie 766 Prince Gustav Channel 725 Prince Gustav Ice Shelf 720 Prince of Wales Icefield 209 Prince William Sound 312 Prince William Terrane 301 Principal Components Analysis 83, 210 PRISM 389, 440 868 Index proglacial lagoons 764 proglacial lakes 35, 163, 284, 641, 679, 766 PROMICE 186 proximal sediment deposition 284 proximal distal facies transitions 679 proxy mass balance 683 Ptukh Glacier 531 public confusion lxix public debate lxx public perception of science 843 public perceptions lix public questioning lxx public questioning of science lxx Puerto Williams 662 Pumqu Basin 565, 600 Punta Arenas 662 Purcell Mountains 334 pushbroom 76 Pustertal Glacier 452 Pyrenees 785, 796 pyrite 689 pyroclastic deposition 687 pyroclastic rocks 387 pyroclastic sequences 473 pyroclastic volcanism 396 QGIS 164 Qiangtang Plateau 583 Qilian Mountains 802 Qilian Shan 583 Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (Tibetan Plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qingzang Plateau) 152, 511, 551, 583, 802 Qoger Glacier 590 Qori Kalis 612 quality control 176 quality 163 quartz diorite 387 Quaternary 482 Queen Bess Lake 336 Queen Charlotte strike-slip fault 334 Queen Elizabeth Islands 205, 824 Quelccaya Ice Cap 609, 803 QuickBird 443, 553, 625, 763 QuikScat 211 Rı́o Gallegos 641 radar 75 radar and laser altimetry 193 radar interferometry 114, 560 radargrammetry 117, 752 Radarsat 104, 743 Radarsat-1 207, 213 Radarsat-2 213 Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project (RAMP) 724, 750 radiance 76 radiation; net, reflected, emitted 127 radiation balance 44 radiation transfer 23 radiation transfer equation 35 radiative fluxes 127 radiative forcing 441, 812 radiative transfer code (RTC) 154 radiative transfer equations 53 radiative transfer modeling 53, 453 radiative transfer theory lx radio-echo sounding 422, 743, 798 radiometric 76 radiometric calibration 24, 76, 114, 148 radiometric calibration coefficients 148 radiometric correction 120 radiometric resolution 167 radiosonde probes 33 Ragged Range 375 Raikot Glacier 135, 542 Rakaia River 682 Rallier du Baty Peninsula 766 Raman scattering 56 RAMP DEM 724 rampart glaciers 519 Ramsay Glacier 682, 687 Ramsay Lake 687 Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI) 306, 782 Randolph Inventory 304 random errors 123, 492 Rangitata River 682 Rangitata Valley 682 rapid flow acceleration 193 rapid uplift 678 rate of mass loss 237 Rayleigh transmittance 26 Rayleigh-scattered component 27 RBV 409 reaction time 683, 817 recent changes 5 recent public perceptions lxviii reconstructed glacier states 11 red/mid-infrared band ratio (TM3/ TM5) 344 redistribution policies 146 reflectance 75 reflectance anisotropy 31 reflectance of snow 33 Reflectance Suite 154 regelation lxi regional centers 6 Regional Center (RC) 163 regional climate modeling 15 relative area changes 435 relative DEMs 120 release of icebergs 731 remnant glacier ice 268, 385 repeatability 163 residuals 118 Resolute Bay 206 resolution, spatial 167 response time simulations 683 response times 5, 192, 372, 572, 675, 764 retreat 759 retreat of ice shelves 720 retreat rate 360 Return Beam Vidicon 412 Reverb 146 Reykjanes Ridge 412 RGB 81 Rheinwald Region 458 Rhine River 439 Rhone River 439 river Alagnak National Wild 242 Alsek 266 Brahmaputra 802 Capricorn Creek 338 Copper 266, 297 Danube 439 Dund Tsenkher Gol (River) 486 Ganges 802 Godley 681 Indus 802 Kautz Creek 397 Kax 588 Kenai 266 Kuskokwim 266 Lhasa 565 Lillooet 338 Matanuska 266 Meager Creek 338 Mekong 802 Nenana 266 Nisqually 397 Nostetuko 336 Ob 802 Panj 524 Po 439 Rakaia 682 Rangitata 682 Rhine 439 Rhone 439 Salmon 337 Salween 802 Index Sikeshu 588 Sogog Gol 487 South Nahanni 375 Suru 570 Susitna 266 Tanana 266 Tsagaan Gol 487 Tsagaan-Us Gol 487 Urumqi 588, 601 White 266, 399 Yangtze 802 Yellow 802 Yukon 266 river-calving processes 329 Rize Mountains 471, 476, 797 Robert Island 772 Robertson Island 772 roche moutonnée 679 rock avalanches 687, 706, 789 rock flour 62 rock glaciers 377, 476, 514, 796 Rocky Mountains 334, 375, 385, 387, 785, 798 Röhss Bay 726 Ronne Ice Shelf 744 root mean square error (RMSE) 118, 585 rotation angle error 151 rotational axis oscillations 813 rotational dynamics 25 rotational obliquity 25 Rotch Ice Dome 763 Rothschild Island 728 RTK Real Time Kinematic (survey system) 594 Rupal Glacier 540, 542 Russia 484, 803 Sólheimajökull 410, 790 Sabbione Glacier 452 Sabbione Lake 453 Sachen Glacier 542 Saddle Island 772 Sagarmatha (Chomolungma, Mt. Everest) 28, 551, 563 St. Elias Mountains 155 Saint Sorlin Glacier 448, 450 Sakhi East Glacier 2 528 Salamander Glacier 394 Salmon Glacier 336 Salmon River 337 Salween River 802 SAM index 805 Samudra Tapu Glacier 571 San Miguel Mountains 390 Sanglech Glacier 517 Sanglech rock glacier 517 Sanglech Valley 517 Santa Inés Island 806 Santa Isabel Glacier 635 SAR backscatter 730 SAR feature-tracking (SRFT) 598 Sarennes Glacier 451 satellite gravimetry 220, 305, 787 satellite laser altimetry 787 satellites and sensors Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) 54, 145, 419, 639, 717 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 38 Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) 191 ALOS PALSAR 87, 484, 597 AQUA 217 ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) 12, 76, 188, 308, 339, 355, 466, 518, 553, 613, 661, 743, 781 automatic mass balance station 186 AVIRIS 401 Cartosat-1 559 China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-1) 585, 802 CBERS 1 (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) 585, 802 Corona 81, 518, 553 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) 33 drifter buoys 805 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETMþ) 241 242 Envisat 91, 104 Envisat ASAR 732 Envisat C-band SAR (synthetic aperture radar) 730 EO-1 487 ERS 104, 213, 731 ERTS-1 409 ETMþ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus) 264, 409, 448, 487 GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment ) 184, 223, 305, 643, 720, 787 Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) 184, 223, 305, 643, 720, 787 Hexagon 81 ICESat 184, 231, 349, 409, 412, 787 869 IKONOS 241 Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite 40, 553, 800 International Space Station 395, 763 IRS (Indian Remote Sensing satellite) 40, 553, 800 IRS LISS 559 IRS-1C 13 Keyhole 532 Kosmos KATE-200 726 Ku-band scatterometer 211 Landsat 76, 146, 241, 264, 280, 487, 749, 759, 782 Landsat 1 MSS lxiv, 284, 340, 429 Landsat 5 TM 219, 312, 338, 377, 412, 431 Landsat 7 188, 308, 416 Landsat 7 ETMþ 12, 81, 145, 194, 312, 339, 429, 452, 553, 585, 613, 639, 661, 725 Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) 241, 334, 409, 452, 473, 510, 590, 640 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) 219, 333, 364, 431, 440, 443, 510, 518, 590, 613, 639, 664 LISS-III 40 MISR (Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer) 31, 38, 54 Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 33, 54, 217, 749, 768 MODIS 33, 54, 217, 749, 768 MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER) 400 Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) 31, 38, 54 Multispectral Scanner (MSS) 219, 412, 429 phytochronometer 766 Polarization and Directionality of Earth Reflectance instrument (POLDER) 31, 54 PRISM 389, 440 Quickbird 443, 553, 625, 763 QuikScat 211 Radarsat 104, 743 Radarsat-1 207, 213 Radarsat-2 213 radiosonde probes 33 RBV 409 Return Beam Vidicon 412 Seasat 409 SeaWinds Ku-band scatterometer 211 870 Index satellites and sensors (cont.) Sentinel 2 460 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 13, 93, 179, 316, 333, 345, 360, 493, 513, 554, 639, 664 Space Shuttle astronaut 299 SPOT 13, 316, 443, 759, 782 SPOT 5 229, 349, 412, 448, 573, 616 SWIR (ASTER) 145, 153, 783 Terra satellite 12, 217, 264, 409, 419 TerraSAR-X ScanSAR 732 TerraSAR-X 105 Thematic Mapper (TM) 12, 241 242, 412 theodolites 117 TIR (ASTER) 89, 145, 783 TM 409, 432, 487, 565, 613 TRMM 544 VNIR (ASTER) 145, 467, 664, 783 WorldView 763 WorldView 2 553 Satopanth Glacier 558 559 saturated snowpack 734 saturation facies 213 Saunders Island 773 Sawtooth Range 387 scale-dependent analysis 125 scale-dependent erosion processes 551 Scandinavia 429, 823 scanners 77 scattering and absorption 56 scattering phase function 53 Schubert Inlet 728 Science Team Acquisition Request (STAR) 159 scientific illiteracy lxix scientific reasoning 844 scientists’ integrity lxviii Scoresby Sund 186 Scott Glacier 319 Scott Island 759 Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) 232 sculpted bedrock 677 sea ice 785 sea ice dynamics 186 sea level lxvi, 3, 187 sea level rise lxvii, 205, 304, 334, 549, 643, 727, 788 sea surface temperatures (SSTs) 209, 388, 707, 784 Seasat radar 409 seasonal ablation 184 seasonal snow 388, 427 seasonal snow cover 247, 747 seasonal snow lines 189 sediment yields 301 sedimentary rhythms lxv sedimentary rocks 468 segmentation 75 seismic activity 300 seismic survey 703 seismicity 543 Selkirk Mountains 334 Selwyn Mountains 377 semiautomated classification 443 semiautomated digitization 188 semiautomated glacier classification 188 semiautomated glacier extraction 189 sensible heat 43, 371, 680 Sentinel 2 460 sequential DEM analysis 768 serac 677 Sermeq Peqippoq (Glacier) 190 Serpent’s Tongue Glacier 257 serpentine 477 Serson Ice Shelf 217 Seti River outburst flood lxvii Seven Devils Mountains 390 SF (Subantarctic Front) 806 shaded relief images 768 shadow shift 576 shadow suppression 576 Shaigiri Glacier 542 Shaigiri W Glacier 542 Shaune Garang Glacier 571 Sherman Glacier 306 Shetland Islands 412 Shetor Glacier 534 Shigiri Glacier 540 short-term glacier fluctuations 675 shortwave infrared (SWIR) 13, 75, 467 shortwave spectrum 26 shrinkage 759 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 179, 333, 554, 639 Shuurkhai 485 Shuurkhai Glacier 485 Siberian High 483 Sierra Nevada 387, 796 Sierra Nevada de El Cocuy 622 Sierra Nevada de Mérida 630 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 622 Sierra Nevada of southern Spain 796 signal-to-noise ratio 100 Signy 763 Signy Island 772 Sikeshu River 588 Sikkim 549 SilcAst 120, 467, 493, 569 silicic dome 475 Silking Glacier 536 Silking NE Glacier 536 Silvrettagruppe 445 simulated atmospheric transmittance 26 single-particle phase function 60 single-scattering albedo 35, 53 Sittakanay Icefield 363 Sjögren Glacier 725 Skeena Mountains 334 Skeidarárjökull 412 Skeidarársandur outwash plain 418 skepticism 841 Skilak Glacier 252 Skookum Glacier 169 sky view factor 28 slope 122 slow-response glaciers 683 Smørstabbreen 434 Smith Island 772 Snæfellsjökull Ice Cap 413 snout retreat 560 snow accumulation 304, 520 snow albedo 33, 304 snow and ice mixtures 71 snow avalanches 422, 693 snow bridges 752 snow conditions 434 snow cover 443, 771 snow grain size 33 snow impurities 33 Snow Island 772 snow line delineation 146, 450 snow line elevations 40, 167, 188, 359, 471, 584, 681 snow/ice facies 212 snowline retreat 564 snowline surveys 683 Snowlines Program 683 Snowy Glacier 647 socioeconomic progress 16 soft classification 79 software, algorithms, and analysis methods adding doubling technique 35 aerial photogrammetry 233, 446, 604 Arc/Info 167 ArcGIS software 164, 247, 269, 467, 643 Index artificial intelligence techniques 134 artificial neural networks (ANNs) 134 automated object-oriented approach 39 automated/semiautomated image classification 217 automatic mass balance station 186 band ratio thresholds 76, 427, 491, 565 benchtop experiments lx bias correction 363 bidirectional reflectance model 55 blackbody approximation 25 calibrated surface radiance 24 change detection 91, 166, 263, 585 classification 76 clinometry 128 Co-registration of Optically Sensed Images and Correlation 599 co-registrations 76 coherence 87 commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software 120 comparison experiments 166 compound interest formula 6, 565 computed ELA 450 converged discrete ordinates method 35 COSI-Corr 694 CR-D-InSAR (Corner Reflector Differential Interferometry) 598 cross-correlation 102, 120, 215 data fusion 39, 122 decorrelation stretching 82 degree-day model 223, 604 DEM merging 122 DEM subtraction 448, 560, 794 dendrochronological techniques 662 derivative; first order, second order 125 Desktop Mapping System Softcopy 120 differential global positioning system (DGPS) 117, 449, 596 differential radar interferometry (DInSAR) 91, 597 differentially corrected GPS 494 diffuse skylight irradiance 25 digital elevation model (DEM) 113, 158, 166, 361, 481, 722 digital photogrammetric techniques 232 digital terrain modeling 113 direct solar spectral irradiance 25 directional filter 750 distance, between polygons 172 distance, between vertices 170 diurnal thermal skin depth 40 downscaled regional climate model 303 DSM (digital surface model) 115 DTM (digital terrain model) 115 edge detection 80 elevation biases 560 ellipsoid-related terrain error 152 energy balance model 43, 453 ensemble models lxvi ERA-40 climate reanalysis 544 ERDAS IMAGINE 167, 217, 397, 554 error analysis 492 error propagation 77 error sources 165 errors in georeferencing 189 ESRI ArcGIS 489 ESRI 167, 268, 467 feature tracking 41, 193, 420 fission track analysis 387 formatting of data 175 forward-scattering component 69 Fournier Fourand model 64 fractal dimension 127 fuzzy classification algorithms 135 fuzzy set classification 81 Gauss Seidel iteration 154 GCMs 42, 302, 800 general circulation models (GCMs) 42, 302, 800 geodetic control points 509 geodetic estimates 184 Geographic Information System (GIS) 164 geolocation 76 geolocational uncertainty 197 Geomatica OrthoEngine SE 120 geometric corrections 151 geometric fidelity 145 geometric performance 147 geometric preprocessing 76 geomorphometry 113, 456, 481 georeferencing errors 168 georeferencing 771 geospatial registration 248 GIPSY software 195 871 GIS 264 GLACE experiments 163, 166, 170 glacial landscape classification 146 Glacier Analysis Comparison Experiments (GLACE) 164, 784 glacier change detection 39, 759 glacier hypsometry 188, 235, 350, 817 glacier motion measurements 598 glacier response times 5, 192, 372, 572, 675, 764, 793 GLIMS Analysis Tutorial 164 GLIMSView 164 Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) 146, 639 GRAS 164 Hapke model 55 high-pass filter 750 hillshaded DEMs 347, 377 histogram equalization 746 HYDROLIGHT 66 hyperspectral classification 79 hypsometry 125 ICESMAP 95, 355, 562, 693 image algebra 83 image calibrations 119 image change assessment 692 image co-registration 188 image correlation 560 image pair misregistration 576 image-matching techniques 568 image-to-image cross-correlation determined 420 IMCORR 195 InSAR 184 intensity hue saturation (IHS) 82 interferometric analysis 193 Interferometric SAR (InSAR) 76, 802 interferometric synthetic aperture radar 89 interferometric techniques 12 interferometry 727 interpolation 121 interpretation errors 168 Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) 121 ISODATA 85 ISODATA classification 212, 397 ISODATA clustering algorithms 397 kinematic GPS 743 leaf area index 359, 693 872 Index software, algorithms, and analysis methods (cont.) least-squares adjustment 119 Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) 120, 554 Leica’s ERDAS Imagine 492 lichenometry 520, 586 LiDAR (light detection and ranging) 13, 114, 783 light detection and ranging (LiDAR) 24 machine-based automatic classifications 13 manual corrections 433 manual digitization 14, 80, 164, 217, 453, 559, 586, 745 manual editing 174, 745 mass budget approach 184 mass continuity equation 46 mass flux divergence 46 Matlab 167 Maximum Likelihood Classification 188, 247, 490, 746 maximum likelihood learning 133 methods, automated 165 minimum maximum difference (MMD) 155 model downscaling 815 MODTRAN 33 modulation transfer function (MTF) 149 MODVOLC 768 morphometry 377 Multi-layer Analytic Discrete Ordinate Code (MADOC) 55 multi-layer approximation 59 multidirectional, obliqueweighted (MDOW) 497 multispectral image differencing 354 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis 513, 641, 662 NDSI 167, 491, 575, 644 NDVI 453 NDWI 491 net radiation 44 NIR/SWIR band ratios 558 normalizations 76 normalized difference snow index (NDSI) 84, 167, 219, 377, 467, 618 normalized difference water index (NDWI) 84 normalized differences 76 Normalized Emissivity Method (NEM) 154 numerical glacial flow modeling lxiii, 46 numerical modeling 43 object-oriented image classification 80 object-oriented modeling 132 offset tracking 77 optical image crosscorrelation 596 orthoprojection 77 orthorectification 77, 114, 153, 431 orthorectified scaled radiance 397 pan-sharpening 489 pattern recognition 24, 133 PCI image-processing software 167, 247 PCI OrthoEngine 217 photoclinometry 193 photogrammetric analysis 445, 642 photogrammetric digital elevation models 333 photogrammetric software 114 photon medium interaction 60 positive degree-day estimation 43 positive degree-day sum 760 PostGIS 176 postprocessing 121 QGIS 164 radar and laser altimetry 193 radar interferometry 114, 560 radargrammetry 117, 752 radiative transfer code (RTC) 154 radiative transfer modeling 53, 453 radio-echo sounding 422, 743, 798 radiometric calibration 24, 76, 114, 148 radiometric correction 120 regional climate modeling 15 response time simulations 683 SAR feature-tracking (SRFT) 598 satellite gravimetry 220, 305, 787 satellite laser altimetry 787 scale-dependent analysis 125 semiautomated classification 443 semiautomated digitization 188 semiautomated glacier classification 188 semiautomated glacier extraction 189 sequential DEM analysis 768 soft classification 79 Spatial Analyst Basin Analysis 643 spatial segmentation 80 spatial spectral segmentation 80 speckle-tracking 213, 560 spectral segmentation 79 spectral transforms 83 spectral unmixing 85 standard data-processing stream 147 standard methods 164 standard tools 164 subpixel classification 79 subpixel correlation 695 supervised classification 80, 743 supervised distance classification 188 synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) 213, 596 systematic errors 123, 492 systematic problems 167 T-matrix method 60 temperature emissivity separation (TES) 154 thematic mapping 27, 735 thermal-mapping approaches 401 three-dimensional ice flow modeling 46 thresholded band ratios 219, 432 toe-to-headwall altitude ratio (THAR) 271 toe-to-summit altitude method (TSAM) 498 topographic characterization 113, 444 topographic correction 77 topographic differencing 354 topographic mapping 768 topographic normalization 27, 76, 750 topographic radiation modeling 127 triangulation 121 unsupervised classification 80 variable correlation block-size algorithm 216 variogram analysis 126 velocity vector extraction 146 velocity vector-mapping 696 vicarious calibration 154 VisiCorr software 216 VNIR/SWIR ratio images 664 volume change assessment 15 volume area scaling 586 Soğanl| Mountains 476 Sogog Gol 487 Index sociology of glaciers and climate change ancient civilizations lxv Anthropocene lxv antiscience dogma lxx applied science 829 climate change denialism lxix climate change exaggeration lxx climate change skepticism lxix, 843 dogmatism 843 dogmatism versus skepticism 843 fake reasoning 844 fallibilism 841 Gallup survey lxviii geopolitical stability 509 misinformation 829 misrepresentation of science lxviii, 842 open-access movement 17 perceived importance of glaciers lxiv public confusion lxix public debate lxx public perception of science 843 public perceptions lix public questioning of science lxx skepticism 841 understanding of change 764 soil/sediment optical properties 71 solar activity cycle lxix solar activity variations lxv, 813 solar constant 371 solar dynamics 25 solar illumination angle 576 solar insolation 680 solar irradiance 24 solar main sequence lxvi solar radiation energy 703 solar variability 371 solar zenith angle 26, 68 Sonnblickgruppe 445 soot and dust 304, 550, 680, 789 soot emission lxvi soot particle concentration 68 Sortebræ 186 South Asian monsoon 552, 584 South Cascade Glacier 2, 392 South Island 675, 804 South Nahanni River 375 South Orkney Islands 759, 772 South Sandwich Islands 773 South Shetland Islands 721, 759, 772 Southeast 2 Glacier 213 Southern Alps 675 Southern Annular Mode (SAM) 653, 805 Southern Chile 661 Southern Hemisphere 11 Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) 675 Southern Patagonia Icefield 639, 804 Southern Sabbione Glacier 453 Southwest Alaska Network 242 Spørteggbreen 434 Space Shuttle astronaut photography 299 Spatial Analyst Basin Analysis 643 spatial resolution 114, 158 spatial segmentation 80 spatial spectral segmentation 80 speckle-filtered images 733 speckle-tracking 213, 560 spectral albedo 53 spectral exitance 25 spectral segmentation 79 spectral signature 78, 754 spectral transforms 83 spectral unmixing 85 spectral variation 24 Spegazzini Glacier 649 Spherical surface albedo 31 SPI 639 SPIRIT IPY 316, 348 Spitsbergen 230 spline 121 SPOT 13, 443, 759, 782 SPOT DEM 316 SPOT SPIRIT program 316, 348 SPOT-5 229, 412, 448, 573, 616 SPOT5-HRS DEMs 349 SPOT5-HRS 348 Spotted Glacier 257 SRES B1 emissions scenario 820 SRTM 13, 93, 316, 360, 493, 513, 664 SRTM terrain model 345 St. Elias Mountains 265, 299, 334, 794 stable frontal positions 639 stable isotope records 209 stacked thrust sheets 511 stacking (images) 768 stagnant ice 80, 214, 558 standard data products 147 standard data-processing stream 147 standard methods 164 standard tools 164 STAR 159 Station 873 El Cocuy Meteorological 634 Esperanza 734 Marambio 734 O’Higgins 734 Tarfala Research 793 steady-state conditions 584 Steele Glacier 349 Stefan Boltzmann constant 44 Stefan Boltzmann Law lx stellar main sequence lxv Steller Glacier 306 Stephenson Glacier 764 stereo anaglyph 368 stereo model 119 stereo sensors 77 stereo-imaging capability 145 stereoscopy 114 steward institutions 6 Stocking Glacier 683 Storbreen (Glacier) 428 Storglaciären (Glacier) 792 strandlines 283 stratospheric jet streams 821 stratovolcanoes 385, 472, 679 stream runoff 604 strike-slip faults 511, 678 Stubaier Alpen (Mountain Range) 445 Sturge Island 773 Stykkishólmur 415 subantarctic 759 subantarctic climate 760 subantarctic islands 759 subglacial calderas 414 subglacial debris 516 subglacial geothermal activity 416 subglacial ice tunnel 514 subglacial meltwater 418 subglacial topography 752 subglacial volcanism 414, 719, 790 subglacial water 286 subice slip surfaces 514 sublimation 744 subpixel 77 subpixel classification 79 subpixel correlation 695 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) 821 sulphur spherules 689 summer accumulation 552 summit crater 689 Summit Lake 336 Summit Plateau Glacier 689 sunspot cycle lxv, 371 superimposed ice facies 212 supervised 79 supervised classification 80, 743 874 Index supervised distance classification 188 supraglacial debris 38, 86, 163, 327, 396, 456, 678 supraglacial debris thickness 39, 688, 719 supraglacial lake colors 63 supraglacial lakes 163, 439, 524, 554, 795 supraglacial lithologies 39 supraglacial ponds 562 surface ablation 537 surface accumulation 45 surface albedo 31 surface and basal melting 184 surface elevation 184 surface elevation and flow speed 193 surface elevation lowering 605 surface emission 31 surface emissivity 154 surface energy balance 43, 439 surface ice velocity fields 46 surface kinetic temperature 154 surface mass balances 184, 205 surface material properties 24 surface meltwater runoff 184 surface radiance 154 surface reflectance and emission 25 surface roughness 756 surface temperature 78 surface velocity field 213 surface water distribution 54 surge 186, 237, 419, 653, 789 surge lobes 539 surge waves 727 surge-type glaciers 192, 214, 333, 336, 414, 809 surging 322, 453, 539 Suru River 570 Survey of India maps 553 Susitna River 266 suspended sediment 37, 63, 300 suture zones 511 Svalbard 229, 785, 823 Svartisen region 427 Sveinn Pálsson 410 Sweden 785 SWIR crosstalk 153 SWIR 145, 783 Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research 554 Swiss glacier inventory 456 Swiss glaciers 457 Switzerland 14, 439 synchroneity of area changes 389 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) 117, 597, 783 synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) 213, 596 systematic errors 123, 492 systematic problems 167 T-matrix method 60 Témpano Glacier 644 Tajikistan 514 Taklamakan 484 Talkeetna Mountains 266, 305 Talung Glacier 555 Tana Glacier 280, 298, 794 Tanana River 266 Tanggula Mountains 583 Tanggula Range 586 Tangiwai Railway disaster 690 Tap Glacier 538, 542 Tarfala Research Station 793 Tarim Basin 601 Tarim River basin 585 tarn lake basins 691 Tasman Glacier 682 683, 807 Tasman Lake 683 Tasman Sea 681 Tasman Valley 679 Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) 679 Taurus Mountains 465, 797 Tavan Bogd 481 Tavan Bogd National Park 486 Tavan Bogd Range 802 tectonic changes 813 tectonic rifting 412 tectonic uplift 300, 440 tectonic uplift rates 679 teleconnections 707, 794 temperate glaciers 764 temperate rainforests 267, 387 temperature 760 temperature emissivity separation (TES) 154 temperature of the Sun 25 Tenmile Range 390 tephra 416 termini calving 275 terminus fluctuations 213 terminus retreat 360, 766 Terra ASTER 12, 409 Terra satellite 419 Terra 217, 264 terraced moraine 676 terraces 283 terrain visualization 131 TerraSAR-X 105 TerraSAR-X ScanSAR 732 Tethys Sea 510 Teton Range 387, 393 The Book of Settlement 416 Thematic Mapper (TM) 12, 241 242, 412 thematic mapping 27, 735 theodolites 117 thermal anomaly 158 thermal bands 554 thermal conductivity 40 thermal data 146 thermal emissivity 32 thermal imaging 145 thermal inertia 40, 704 thermal infrared 76, 78, 89, 405, 452, 811 thermal infrared spectrum 811 thermal infrared surveys 412 thermal properties 439 thermal signature 455 thermal-mapping approaches 401 thermodynamic theory lxi thermohaline circulation 792, 823 thermokarst 86, 290, 325, 567, 686 thickness measurements 238 Thiel Mountains 744 thinning of glaciers 560, 717, 759 thinning rate 367 Thompson Peak 389 Three Sisters (Peak) 391 three-dimensional ice flow modeling 46 thresholded band ratios 219, 432 thrust fault 511, 678 thrust sheets 551 Thule Island 773 Tian Shan 551, 583, 802 Tibetan Plateau (Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Qingzang Plateau) 152, 511, 551, 583, 802 tidewater cycle 318 tidewater glaciers 186, 209, 237, 241, 273, 319, 419, 721, 762, 820 tidewater-damming glaciers 275 tie point 118 Tierra del Fuego 661, 805 Tila Bey Glacier 530 time series 264 timescale of climate warming lxvi TIN 120 Tindfjallajökull Mountain Glacier 413 tipping point 681, 788, 824 TIR 89, 145, 783 Tlogotsho Range 376 TM 409, 487 Index TM3/TM5 432 TM4/TM5 432, 613 TM4/TM5 band ratios 565 toe-to-headwall altitude ratio (THAR) 271 toe-to-summit altitude method (TSAM) 498 Tomur Glacier 589 Tongariro National Park 687 topographic characterization 113, 444 topographic correction 77 topographic differencing 354 topographic distortions 76 topographic glacier attributes 443 topographic mapping 768 topographic maps 116, 430 topographic normalization 27, 76, 750 topographic phase 103 topographic radiation modeling 127 topographic shadowing 575 topographic shielding of skylight 28, 45, 516 topography 173 Tordrillo Mountains 82 Torfajökull Mountain Glacier 413 Torlesse rocks 678 total ice area 654 total stations 117 trachyte volcano 353 transform faults 412 transient snow line (TSL) 40, 417, 429 transport of photons 54 transpressional plate boundary 511 transpressive plate margin 678 Transvaal Cove 761 Trapridge Glacier 334 tree rings 305, 586 tree-ring dates 683 Tres Cruces 609 triangulated irregular network (TIN) 114 triangulation 121 trimlines 283, 440 Trinity Alps 389 Trinity Glacier 214 Trinity Peninsula 734 TRMM 544 tropical Andes 609 tropical glaciers 609 Tropics 11 trough valley lakes 600 Truuli Glacier 252 Tsagaan Gol 487 Tsagaan-Us Gol 487 Tsambagarav massif 484 Tshali Dara 528 tsunamis 789 Tulsequah Glacier 337 Tulsequah Lake 337 Tunceli 475 Tungnafellsjökull Ice Cap 413 turbid meltwater 37 turbid water bodies 219 turbidity 78 turbulent heat fluxes 44 Turgen Massif 484 Turkestan-type glaciers 589 Turkey 465, 796 Turkey Georgia border 477 turnover time 792 Tustumena Glacier 252 tuya 353 Tweedsmuir Glacier 349 Twin Glacier 353 Tyndall Glacier lx, 642 U-shaped valleys 300, 475, 691 Üçker Rock Glacier 477 Üçker Valley 477 U.S. Air Force 412 U.S. Army Air Force 411 U.S. Geological Survey 412 U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center 554 Uludoruk (Resko) 468 Uludoruk Middle Glacier 470 Uludoruk Valley 470 uncertainty, global 179 uncertainty, local 179 understanding of change 764 UNESCO 447, 687 Union Glacier 744 University of Arizona 154, 268 Unnamed Glacier 688 Unsupervised classification 80 uplift rates 680 Upsala Glacier 645 Urumqi River 588, 601 Urumqi River basin 589 USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) 828 Utah 385 UTM 769 UTM projection 771, 774 Uttarakhand 555 Uzbekistan 514 valley glaciers 183, 229, 513, 569, 645, 685 875 valley infilling 679 valley-blocking glaciers 278 Van Cleve Lake 323 Vancouver Island 336 Vanoise 447 variability, data 163 variable correlation block-size algorithm 216 variation 661 variogram analysis 126 varve 280 Vatnajökull Ice Cap 413 Vega Island 719 vegetated ice-cored piedmont lobe 327 vegetation differences 359 vegetation trimlines 283 velocity fields 443 velocity vector extraction 146 velocity vector-mapping 696 Venedigergruppe 445 Venezuela 803 Venezuelan glaciers 610 Venus lxv Vestfirdir 414 Vestfonna 230 Vestisen 433 Vestmannaeyjar Archipelago 413 vicarious calibration 154 Viedma Glacier 644 Vindication Island 773 viscous deformation mechanisms lxi viscous deformation 45 visible 75 visible and near infrared (VNIR) 13, 467 VisiCorr software 216 Visokoi Island 773 Vitus Lake 306 VNIR 145, 467, 783 VNIR/SWIR ratio images 664 Volcán Lautaro 641 volcanic aerosol emissions lxvi volcanic and glacier disasters 623 volcanic ash 33, 241 volcanic cones 472 volcanic emissions 25 volcanic eruptions lxv lxvi, 412, 752, 788 volcanic gases 689 volcanic rocks 468, 471 volcanism 675, 678, 760 volume balance 768 volume change assessment 15 volume changes 184, 220 volume estimates 238 876 Index volume losses 643 volume area scaling 586 Vostok ice core 812 W Bey Tibat Glacier 530 W Little Ali Su Glacier 530 Waimakariri Basin 686 Wakhan Corridor 510 Wakhan Hindu Kush (Mountain Range) 510 Wakhan Pamir (Mountain Range) 519 Wallowa Mountains 391 Wang Chu Basin 564 warming ocean currents 187 warning system 691 Warwan River Basin 572 Washington 385, 794 water management 828 water resources 509, 601 water supplies 549 water vapor absorption 26 water vapor transmittance 26 weather station 243, 455 Weichsel 416 Wernecke Mountains 377 West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) 743, 828 West Antarctica 744 West Coast 676 West Ghamu Bar Glacier 535 West Greenland 786 West Issik Glacier 530 West Little Ali Su Glacier 529 westerlies 571, 584 westerly airflow 440 westerly weather systems 679 westerly winter storms 511 Western Ali Su Glacier 530 Western China 583 western Himalaya 551 Western Sabbione Glacier 453 wet snow radar zone 731 WGI 759 WGMS World Glacier Monitoring Service 590 WGS 84 771 Whakapapa Glacier 688 White Glacier 207 White River 266, 399 white-ice glaciers 514 Whitewater Glacier 391 Whitney Glacier 389 Wilkins Ice Shelf 720 Wilkinson Glacier 687 Wind River Range 387 wind speed 69 windblown snow 390 Winston Glacier 764 winter accumulation type 552 winter precipitation 429 Winthrop Glacier 397 Wordie Ice Shelf 720 World Glacier Inventory (WGI) 3, 9, 163, 229, 452, 666, 782 World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) lxii, 6, 452, 510, 726, 782 WorldView 763 WorldView-2 553 Worldwide glacier monitoring 10 Wosnesenski Glacier 252 Wrangell Mountains 57, 794 Wykeham Glacier 214 Wyoming 385 Yakhchaali Gharb 524 Yakutat Terrane 301 Yale Glacier 314, 794 Yalik Glacier 253 Yalung Glacier 555 Yangtze River 802 Yangtze River Basin 587 Yellow River Basin 587 Yellow River 802 Yellowstone caldera 689 Yengisogat Glacier 598 Yengutz Har Glacier 536 Yili River basin 589 Young Island 761, 773 Youyi Feng (Friendship Peak, Nairamdal Uul) 487 Yukon Geomatics DEM 339 Yukon River 266 Yukon Territory 265, 333, 794 Yves de Kerguelen 765 Zagros Mountains 468 Zanskar Range 569 Zavodovski Island 773 Zemestan Glacier 531 Zemu Glacier 552 Zengwanghco Lake 601 Zillertaler Alpen (Mountain Range) 445