shapes by the projection method, ... - thinking in images, to have ...

Research on Teaching Method of Engineering Graph Recognition Course for
the Computer Science and Technology Major Based on Creative Thoughts and
Application Ability Training
Yu Wang, Ri-na Su, Guo-jun Li
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, China
Abstract - The engineering graph recognition course
studies on theory and methods of engineering graph
systematically. The necessity to set up engineering graph
recognition course in computer science and technology
major and the teaching method based on creative thoughts
and application ability training is discussed in this paper in
order to developing new path and provides new way of
thinking for the educational reform pilot project reform.
Keywords - Application ability training, computer
science and technology major, creative thoughts training,
engineering graph recognition, outstand engineer cultivation
The computer science and technology major of our
university is one of the Ministry of Education educational
reform pilot project. The major is to train and bring up the
personnel with the wide scope of knowledge, strong
ability, high-quality, innovative, and have the basic
theory knowledge and application skills of computer
hardware and software, with strong practical ability and
technical to meet the needs of socialist modernization [1].
The necessity to set up engineering graph recognition
course in computer science and technology major and the
teaching method based on creative thoughts and
application ability training are discussed in this paper.
The engineering graph recognition course studies on
theory and methods of engineering graph systematically.
The main study content is the basic theories and methods
of projection, as well as mutual transform law between
spatial and plane objects, and way to draw and read
engineering drawings according to the projection law and
technical requirements.
According to the teaching basic requirements of
college, this course should develop students to express
three-dimensional shape using two-dimensional planar
This work is supported by Ningbo Education Scientific Planning
(Study on integration teaching mode of software engineering
special to adapt to the outstanding engineer cultivation plan)
shapes by the projection method, to have the ability of
thinking in images, to have the creativity configuration
design capabilities; to have the ability to draw
engineering drawings by using drawing computer
software and three-dimensional design, to have drawing
ability with instrument, by hand and read professional
engineering drawings, to have the engineering
consciousness and implementation consciousness of
national standards.
Engineering drawings is the language must be
mastered in the engineering industry (the other three
languages are mother tongue, foreign language and
computer languages) [2]. From the surface, the computer
major seems to have not necessary to set up engineering
graph recognition course than machinery and architecture
major. But as future engineers and technicians, students
in computer major should have a unified standard
language in order to achieve smooth communication
because they will communicate with personnel in
different areas when they are into the community. And,
students can train creative thoughts and application ability
through learning this course in order to lay a solid
knowledge and competencies for students into the
community in the future.
A. Establishment of a Drawing Thinking Way, Training
and Development of Students' spatial imagination and
Three-Dimensional Design Ability
This course based on engineering drawings
knowledge and timely put thinking science and way into
the various stages of the knowledge teaching.
Consciousness of using different ways of thinking and
good thinking habits of full diverging thinking and
effective convergence can be formed preliminary during
the learning of projection theory. In the teaching for the
concept of basic objects, the training goal of the thinking
ability is to have feeling ability for objects in the process
of understanding and describe things. The drawing and
recognition of combined body is to train ability of
transformation and re-combination basic body knowledge
accumulated in the minds from image thinking in order to
improve the level of image thinking. Expression of
engineering drawings through a variety of skills and
technique is to transform the subjective intent of the
designer into engineering drawings completely to
communicate their imagination and creativity in
engineering industry. The spatial imagination and threedimensional design ability of student is to be trained by
learning engineering graph recognition course, and this
ability and quality is the basis of computer graphics in the
computer major.
B. the Ability to Draw and Read Engineering Drawings
with Moderate Complexity
Graphics is an important tool for human’s expression
and ideas exchange as text. Engineering drawings is to
express structure and shape, size, quality specifications
and assembly installation requirements of engineering
and product. It is the main basis of the modern production
and scientific experiment process from design to
manufacturing, assembly and inspection. It is an
communication tool for engineering and technical
department. The basic objective of engineering graph
recognition course is to enable students to master ability
of the basic engineering drawings recognition and
moderately complex engineering drawings drawing and
C. Master the Ability of Computer Drawing
The main feature of the computer drawing is strong
practical. We change the approach of existing textbooks
with a chapter on computer drawing to allow students to
study in the computer room with ten hours. The method is
familiar with drawing commands and methods of
computer drawing software (AutoCAD). It focus on
training design and drawing skills of students and make a
good foundation for the study follow-up professional
courses or the use of advanced design methods and tools
to carry out the engineering practice.
D. Developing a Serious and Responsible Work Attitude
Drawing and Reading of engineering drawings is a
complex and tedious work. To do it must with strong
patience and a responsible attitude. In order to ensure the
consistent of expression pattern and achieve the
unambiguous exchange, a large number of China national
standards in engineering drawings need to be strictly
abided. This course will help students to develop
regulations to comply with GB and to have patience
attitude and ability to deal with complex issues. That is
benefit for the students' attitude development for hard and
responsible work.
E. Students Development as a Starting Point to Promote
Quality Education, Competency-based Training with
Instruction set and reform with implement
employment-oriented and competency-based can not be
loss quality education as a condition. It’s not simply to
increase the percentage of major subjects and
compression or cancel specialized fundamental course
hours. The engineering graph recognition course is the
specialized fundamental course in computer major. To
pay great attention to the teaching of such fundamental
course can be to enhance student’s quality education. It is
the foundation of follow-up course and the need to adapt
to changes in the workplace for students. Workers'
operation mode has transform from the simple single
work to comprehensive team work or group work with
the changes of the modern production structure. In order
to meet the job needs, the undergraduate education should
be to focus on the specialized fundamental course to train
the professional quality and ability in addition to the
professional competence training [3-6].
As the basic course, engineering graph education
will be the best way to improve students' creative thinking
ability with its unique way of thinking and practice
process. The education system of middle school and high
school is a kind of logical thinking from known to
unknown as the definite solution form. The requirement
of the times is that college student should have broad
practical knowledge and skills as well as a variety of
innovation thinking. Engineering graph recognition
course is opened in lower grades in order to make
connection from traditional confining stereotypes form to
the divergent creative thinking and shorten the subsequent
achievements in scientific research. Training of thinking
and capacity should be throughout the whole process of
engineering graph recognition course teaching.
To learn and master a variety of thinking ways is
benefit to select an effective way of thinking according to
the different practice needs to guide thinking activity, to
reduce the thinking blindness and to improve the
efficiency and success rate of the thinking. There are
many kind of thinking way. We often use divergent
thinking method, convergence thinking and analysis
method and comprehensive thinking method in other
courses. Here are several thinking way can be trained in
engineering graph recognition course teaching.
A. Thinking Method can be trained in the Teaching
1. Reverse thinking method
Reverse thinking is to solve the problem using a kind
of reverse thinking from back to front in order to achieve
understanding deepen. Used reverse thinking method in
reading point projection image, the point location in space
can be obtained by thinking the position of the horizontal
plane upward rotation 90 ° back to the original space and
the projection line through each projection point intersect
to determine the results.
2. Migration Thinking Method
Migration thinking method will influence how to
learn new knowledge and skills by the knowledge, skills
or attitudes have learned. Learn by analogy and
comprehend by analogy is the vivid reflection of the
migration method. This method can lay a good foundation
for future innovation. Used migration thinking, the
problem of sectioning lines and intersection lines can be
solute by the points-selecting method and lines-selecting
method in the plane of the second chapter.
3. Imagine Thinking Method
The scientific imagination thinking method is a
unique method of thinking and research which cleverly
combine concept and image, concrete and abstract, reality
and the future, science and fantasy. According to the
characteristics and projection law of the basic body, the
shape of the basic three-dimensional position cut by
various plane can be imagined though the prototype of
basic body and plane shape.
4. Integrated Use of a Variety of Thinking Method
During the learning, the ability to use a variety of
ways of thinking should be mastered. For example,
similar association and compared association can be used
in the study of three-dimensional surface intersect.
Visible three-dimensional intersecting instance in the
daily life can be used to imagine the shape of a variety of
three-dimensional intersecting and express them in the
planar graph by dimension reduction method. To do more
of this training will help students to develop creative
The scientific thinking way is the wisdom that
people summed up from countless practical activities and
lessons. Choose scientific thinking way to guide the
activities of thinking according to the different practice
needs is not only to reduce the blindness of thinking, to
improve the efficiency and success rate of the thinking,
but also to change tangible thinking way into the invisible
wisdom instinct.
B. Should be Pay Attention to the Problems in the
Teaching Process
1. To overcome the "inertia" of the fixed thinking modes
and the "inert" unwillingness to challenge difficulties.
In the long-term life and work, everyone formed
their usual relatively fixed thinking trends or patterns and
attitudes including the purpose of thinking, values, form
of thought, perspective, method and line. People usually
put themselves into the accustomed frame of mind and
rapidly associate old knowledge and skills to think and
deal with them along accustomed thinking track when
they face with a thing or practical problems. This habit is
the fixed thinking modes [7-11]. When dealing with
everyday things and the general routine, fixed thinking
modes can play an active role to treat the same or similar
experience easily and save a lot of groping, tentative steps
of thinking and improve efficiency. But when faced with
new things, new problems and new situations, it will be a
negative effect and become thinking shackles to hinder
the generation of new ideas [12-15]. Fully understanding the
objective existence of the fixed thinking modes, and
clarify their types, causes and bad effects in the
innovation process in order to take the initiative to
overcome these mental obstacles, eliminate the binding
effect and explore one’s own creative potential.
The inertia is the lazy nature of man. Encountering
difficulties in learning, students often choose to give up
because of the inert psychological. There are some
difficult in learning a combined body lack of ability of
spatial imagination and structure shaped. Teachers should
provide method of solutions problems to help students
build self-confidence to effectively overcome the inert
2. During the learning of the corresponding relations of
space to plane, plane to plane, students should create a
spatial thinking model firstly, and then complete thinking
migrate through the various links between the different
things (Lenovo). The habits of mind can be developed to
change the direction of thinking in order to train
flexibility of thinking.
3. The good quality of thinking is developed must follow
the law of human cognition. In analysis the spatial
relationships of geometric elements, not only need to
apply the theoretical knowledge, but also with the visual
means, for example look a pencil as a straight line, set
triangle ruler or other cardboard as a plane, the book or
the walls of the room as the projection system, and so on.
This way can help students to build the space conceptual
model by simulation.
Theoretical and practical of the engineering graph
recognition course work for the cultivation of engineering
and technical quality, spatial imagination, and innovation
design capabilities. To design a variety of teaching
methods from different perspectives has become a key
issue in the course reform. Seeking new insights and
sublimation is to promote deeply development of creative
teaching. This paper discusses the intelligent training
method of creative thoughts and application ability with
learning of the engineering graph recognition course for
students in computer science and technology major. The
main goal of training is to improve the thinking quality of
students and to help them learn and master a variety of
scientific thinking way, to fully develop the brain
potential of students, so that students have the basic
qualities of excellent engineers.
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