makers, all levels of management, executive Officer, and –

Dimension of Information Attainment of Senior Manager under the
Background of Fusion of Informatization and Industrialization
Xue-fei Chang 1, Yu-fang Chao 2
School of Business, Shandong Polytechnic University, Jinan, China
School of Business, Shandong Polytechnic University, Jinan, China
Abstract – Chinese government has taken fusion of
Informationization and industrialization as an important
measure for developing modern industrial system,
vigorously promoting the fusion of Informationization and
industrialization of enterprises. Human resources as the
most dynamic resources, stand in the heart of the fusion of
the two, Information attainment of enterprise senior
manager is one of the key factors which determines the
success or failure of this project. This article took literature
study and empirical research, through analysis of
characteristics of information society and fusion
requirements of the two, enriching the existing contents of
concept of information attainment from such dimensions as
information consciousness and emotion, information
knowledge and skills, problem analysis and objective
definition, project implementation control and evaluation,
environment creating, lifelong learning and innovation
ability. Through clearing of dimensions of information
attainment of senior manager in the context of "fusion of
two", we can further refine the contents and lay the
foundation for studying the ways to improve it.
Keywords - Informationization, industrialization,
enterprise, information literacy, structure
Information technology is one of the important
means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises,
being an important supporting technology for the
achievement of enterprise innovation; its strategic role has
been a broad consensus. On the 16th National Congress of
the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin first proposed
a new road to industrialization by "using
Informationization to stimulate industrialization, and
using industrialization to promote Informationization". Hu
Jintao President, on the 17th National Congress of the
Communist Party, put forward new view of scientific
development by "development of modern industrial
Informationization and industrialization ", the concept of
fusion of two came into being. "The fusion of two" is not
only an integration of information technology and
enterprise technology, impacting strategy, operation
mode, organizational structure, business processes,
processes of product development and manufacturing, and
various other fields of enterprises, more is innovation of
ideas and methods on the management. Therefore, the
"fusion of two" necessarily involves internal decision-
makers, all levels of management, executive Officer, and
senior executives in the enterprise are critical to the
success of "fusion of two". Chen Hao (2006) noted that
"fusion of two" was passively carried out due to the lack
of information literacy, especially the lack of management
information literacy. [1] Xu Jun (2008) also pointed out
influences and constraints on "fusion of two" from senior
management team, put forward that the "fusion of two"
should focus on "people-oriented". [2]
People, as one of the most active and most
fundamental element in the application of information
technology, determines the success or failure of fusion of
Informationization and industrialization. [3] Most of points
of view recognized the importance of information literacy
in the fusion and recognized improving information
literacy in promoting depth of fusion. But for study of
improving information literacy of senior managers in
depth, systematic study had not yet been carried out,
specialized research for improving information literacy of
senior managers had not too. It can be predicted that with
the depth of "fusion of two" practice and research,
research on the information literacy of senior management
in the enterprise will receive adequate attention.
Therefore, clearing content and structure of information
literacy of senior management in the enterprise will be
effective and significant to improve "the fusion of two".
Under present situation, information literacy research
has a short history; the definition about information
literacy is not normal. Therefore, the research should take
literature research and empirical approach. Through
literature research we can have a better understanding of
the general scope of the information literacy, through a
requirement analysis of "fusion of two" in terms of
knowledge, skills, and feelings on senior managers, and
make further refining of dimension and structure of
information literacy of senior managers. In view of the
time, this article is just a preliminary study on information
literacy dimension of senior managers in the enterprise;
the study of specific contents will be carried out on the
basis of this study, through empirical analysis by
questionnaire survey.
First through the analysis of informatization features,
this article tried to understand the requirement for
enterprises by the information society then made further
analysis of two "depth of fusion” features and key success
factors and its informatization requirements for senior
managers. On this basis, through document research about
the "information literacy", it analyzed the content of
"information literacy" and the match of information
literacy with "fusion of two". Through a combination of
the two studies, it defined dimension of information
literacy of senior management under the background of
"fusion of two". The study roadmap of this article is
shown in Figure 1:
Fusion of informatization
and industrialization
Requirement of information literacy on
senior managers
Dimension of information literacy of
senior managers
Structure of information literacy of senior
Fig.2. Research roadmap
A. Connotation of Informatization
There are two points of view about connotation of
informatization, social connotation and technical
connotation. The technical one takes informatization as
the processes of integration and application of information
technology and communication technology; the social one
thinks informatization as that it is the widespread use of
information technologies and information resources and
the forming of social life adapted to it, and establishment
of corresponding system of social behavior patterns,
social structures and social norms, that is the development
process of the civilization into the information society.
This article concluded that the "fusion of two" is not just
the application of information technology in enterprises; it
is innovation and transformation of the management,
operation, enterprise behavior, organizational structure,
and major changes in system of corporate conduct codes,
social connotation of informatization is more meaningful.
In terms of social point of view, Enterprise
Informationization should have three things: first, it is the
universal application of information technologies and
information resources, secondly, it is a new behavior
patterns, organizational structure and the establishment of
operation mode: Finally, it is process of social
development entering the information civilization, is a
process of adaptation to the information society.
For now, information development speed is fastening
day by day, it is manifested mainly by the faster
development of information technologies, and new
emerging information technology is coming into being
continually, it is also manifested by increasingly wider
influence of information technology, which has widely
touched all corners of society.
B. Features of “The Fusion of Two”
The “fusion of two”, as a combination of
Informationization and industrialization at higher level,
refers to using information technology to stimulate
industrialization, using industrialization to stimulate
informatization, taking a new type industrialization road;
information technology support is at the heart of the
fusion for the pursuit of sustainable development.
Informationization and industrialization are integrated
mainly in such four aspects as technology, product,
business and industries. In other words, the “fusion of
two” includes four aspects of technology, product,
business and industry-derived.
As for enterprises, they have three goals, the first one
is to enhance the innovation capacity of their own, not
only the development of new products, but innovation
system through the fusion of the two in terms of
technology, business model, resource use, extended
enterprise influence, which is to be built on the basis of
information. The second is to enhance the efficiency and
reduce costs. The third is to maintain sustainable, low
carbon and green development.
C. Informatization and "Fusion of Two" in the Enterprise
Requirements of "the fusion of two" for enterprise
senior management are more explicit. First of all, as
corporate senior managers, they must have the advanced
management concept, modern enterprise management
mode. The development of modern information
technology and management, more management mode
and concept are emerging, which provides support and
space for this "fusion of two". From a technical point of
view, informatization strategy is function strategy in
overall enterprise strategy, providing services to the
enterprise's overall strategy. Overall strategy and
management philosophy are inseparable. It can be said
that if enterprises do not have the advanced management
theory and management models, the informatization is of
no value. Secondly, as a top manager in the Enterprise,
they should know the development and application of
information technology. With rapid development of
modern information technology, new information
technologies emerge, particularly the development of
Internet technology. Many new concepts, new theories,
new architecture, and new mode and technology have
come into being with application and development of
information technology application, it is no necessary for
senior managers in enterprise to have in-depth and system
master of these technologies, but they should
understanding of them and know application value of
them. Once again, senior managers in enterprise should
fully understand entry points of "fusion of two". As for
such aspects, how information technology can meet the
needs of enterprise management, and what application
value information technology has, and what information
technology is feasible, senior managers should have indepth understanding. Only having in-depth analysis and
understanding, senior managers can have sound plan to
implement "fusion of two", thereby informatization can
maximally meet the needs of enterprise production and
management, having the greatest value. Finally,
enterprises should also create informatization climate and
culture. "The fusion of two" can be seen as a
transformation activity in the enterprise, it is inseparable
from the support of all staff. Therefore, senior managers
in enterprises should actively encourage their employees
to have a correct understanding of informatization,
cultivating informatization environment, forming a
culture, thereby making all employees consciously put
themselves into "the fusion of two".
A. the Connotation of Information Literacy
"Information literacy" is a new term arising from the
development of modern information technology, there is
no unified concept of information literacy. All common
domestic dictionaries such as the Modern Chinese
Dictionary have no "information literacy" entry. The
original meaning of literacy is "normal accomplishment",
and accomplishment is a level which "theories,
knowledge, skills, and character have reached", from the
viewpoint of word-formation, "information literacy" is a
partial structure phrase, "literacy" is the center word,
information is used to qualify the literacy classes, namely
information literacy. Information Literacy is made up of
two nouns in English, in the existing dictionary there is no
interpretation of information Literacy. "Information
literacy" puts more emphasis on level and status which a
person has reached in such terms of as knowledge, skills,
and character.
First introduction of the concept of information
literacy was done by Paul Zurkowki Chairman of United
States information industry Association. Paul Zurkowki,
in 1974, firstly used this concept, defining it as "People
trained in the application of information resources to their
work can be called information literates. They have
learned techniques and skills for using the wide range of
information tools as well as primary sources in molding
information solutions to their problems".[4] He stressed
information resources and information tools, thinking it as
a continuation and expansion of the traditional culture.
United States information industry Association, in 1979,
stated from the consciousness level that value and range
of information must be confirmed in application of
information. [5] In 1989 United States Library Association
"President Committee of Information Literacy"
considered “To be information literate, a person must be
able to recognize when information is needed and have
the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the
needed information”. [6]In 1990, Dr Mike Eisenberg and
Dr Bob Berkowitz stated that solving model of
information problem involves such steps as determining
tasks, decision of strategies, searching, processing,
appreciation and synthesis, evaluation. [7] Southern
Association, a branch of United States Commission on
colleges and schools, in 1996, defined information
literacy as "The ability to locate, evaluate, and use
information to become independent lifelong learners." [8]
Independent thinking and problem-solving skills were
added into its content. In 1997, New York Library
Council of State University expanded the connotation of
information literacy by adding sharing information
resource, shared learning, cooperation and exchange. [9] In
2000, ACRL thought that “Information literacy is a set of
abilities requiring individuals to recognize when
information is needed and have the ability to locate,
evaluate and use effectively the needed information.”,
reviewing and adopting the "United States information
literacy competency standards for higher education",
which has become widely adopted standards.[10]
From the current definition of information literacy,
most definitions describe it from the perspective of
information access and application, which may be
associated with his subjects. Under the context of "The
fusion of two", identification and application of
information technology and management innovation are
more vital. Therefore, current definitions of information
literacy do not fit senior managers in enterprises under the
background of "fusion of two", need to be further
expanded on the existing basis.
B. Dimensions of Information Literacy under the
Background of “The Fusion of Two”
On above analysis, with the deepening of
informatization and the level of “fusion of two” of
Chinese companies, the connotation of information
literacy should be richer, that definition, which is only
confined from information obtaining and application, does
not adapt to the development of contemporary society.
Under the context of "The fusion of two", information
literacy of senior managers should be a comprehensive
concept, which not only involves the mastery of
information technology and information, skills, but also
involves the concept of corporate management, cultural
atmosphere, and emotional understanding of the
Combination of characteristics of information
society, as well as the "fusion of two" requirement for
senior management in the enterprise, information literacy
should include:
1)Information consciousness and emotions
"The fusion of two" cannot be separated from the
application of information technology. For the senior
management in the enterprise, first of all they must have a
certain awareness of information, recognizing the
necessity and importance of "fusion of two ", being not
exclusive to advanced information technology. Of course,
as a top manager in the enterprise, having consciousness
dose not mean that they must have master of information
technology. Information consciousness and emotion
mainly include actively facing challenge of information
technology, not fearing information technology; active
attitude to learn various information tools; understanding
information source and often using information tools; can
quickly and keen to capture various information, and
ready to use information technology as basic means;
believing value and importance of information
technology, understanding limited and negative effect of
information technology to correctly treat various
information; demitting and complying with various moral
specification and conventions in information contacts.
2)Information knowledge and skills
Information skills and knowledge include mastering
the basic knowledge of computer applications and being
familiar with internet knowledge and technology and
skilled in the Internet use in the work; common
understanding of information technology in enterprise
production and management and ability to do something;
understanding the latest developments in information
technology and its applications, and so on.
3 ) Ability of problem analysis and objective
"The fusion of two" is the application of information
technology in enterprises, involved into issues such as the
entry application of information technology, information
literacy of senior management in the enterprise should
include the analysis of business problems, identifying
opportunities for application of information technology,
development of objectives of information technology
application, and the ability to evaluate it projects.
4 ) Ability of control and assessment of project
implementation and creating appropriate atmosphere
Enterprise top manager as decision makers, who
allocate resources and implement major policy decisions,
should have ability to solve conflict problems in projects
implementation, coordinate the implementation of
projects, and be able to create an informatization
environment and establish a culture of enterprise
5)Lifelong learning skills
Information technology is developing continuously,
management technologies and methods are in constant
development, and information literacy of senior
management in the enterprise should include the content
of lifelong learning. Senior managers in enterprises
should conscientiously learn knowledge and skills related
to computers, Internet, being curious for information
technology, actively learning and applying advanced
information technology.
6)Innovation capacity
"The fusion of two" is not only the use of
information technology, is change and innovation of the
concept of enterprise production and management.
Therefore, information literacy of senior management in
the enterprise should include innovative ability.
As China's "the fusion of two" is being continued to
be deepened and attention had been paid to information
literacy of senior management in enterprises. This article,
on the basis of existing studies, through in-depth analysis
of characteristics of information society and the specific
requirements "fusion of two", enrich the existing concepts
of information literacy from such dimensions as
information consciousness and emotion, information
knowledge and skills, problem analysis and objective
definition, project implementation control and evaluation
and atmosphere creating, and innovation ability. Through
the clarifying of the dimensions of information literacy of
senior management in enterprise under the context of the
"fusion of two" senior management, we can further refine
its contents, laying the foundation for searching ways to
improve it.
Funding information: 2012 soft science research
project about fusion of Informationization and
industrialization of in Shandong province, project
number: 2012EI049.
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