WKUCCC Board Meeting Jones Jaggers 1906 College Heights Blvd May 11, 2015 Call to Order The regular meeting of the WKUCCC was called to order at 9:15 am. Committee Members Present: Dr. Cheryl Stevens, Dean, Ogden College of Science and Engineering, Western Kentucky University Dr. Sam Evans, Dean, WKU College of Education and Behavioral Science Ms. Laura Hagan, Attorney Kerrick Bachert Ms. Nancy Mager, Director, Sponsored Programs, Western Kentucky University Dr. Hank Wohltjen Others Present Thelma Jackson, Director, Child Care Center Chris Watkins, Executive Director Training/Technical Assistance Services I. Approval of Minutes The Minutes from the March 30, 2015 meeting were presented for approval. A motion was made by Nancy Mager to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and seconded by Ms. Laura Hagan. The motion passed unanimously. II. Early Head Start Grant Application Ms. Thelma Jackson reviewed the goals and objectives. The completion status of each objective was reviewed and it was noted that the program has until September to be 100% complete. The plans were found to be in line with prior years and consistent with the stated mission of the WKUCCC. Mr. Wohltjen moved to accept the WKUCCC grant application and Ms. Hagan seconded the motion and passed by a unanimous vote. III. WKUCCC 2015-2016 Budget (Draft-Year Two of Five) The FY 2015-2016 WKUCCC draft budget was reviewed by the committee. The budget was found to be in line with prior fiscal experience and consistent with the stated mission of the WKUCCC. IV. WKUCCC Financial Report WKUCCC governing board reviewed the financial reports. It was noted that all reports were thorough and no issues or anomalies were noted. A motion was made by Dr. Wohltjen, Ms. Nancy Mager seconded. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. V. 1305 Final Rule - Training Mr. Chris Watkins reviewed the 1305 rule and the impact that it will have on the program. The final rule considers five guiding principles - accountability, efficiency, clarity, do not harm, and flexibility. The rule became effective March 12, 2015. Mr. Chris Watkins stated the new rule will create minimal changes in our program. VI. Other Business Mr. Sam Evans updated the board regarding the dedication ceremony naming of the WKU Child Care Center (WKUCCC) as the Colleen B. Mendel Child Care Center. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.