The regular meeting of the WKUCCC was called to order... WKUCCC Committee Meeting Western Kentucky University

WKUCCC Committee Meeting
Western Kentucky University
Jones Jaggers Hall
November 20, 2014
Call to order
The regular meeting of the WKUCCC was called to order at 9 am.
Committee Members Present:
Dr. Gordon Baylis, Vice President for Research and President, WKU Research
Dr. Sam Evans, Dean, WKU College of Education and Behavioral Science
Dr. Hank Wohltjen
Ms. Laura Hagan, Attorney Kerrick Brachert Stivers
Ms. Nancy Mager, Director, Sponsored Programs
Others Present
Thelma Jackson, Director, Child Care Center
Not Present
Mr. Jamie Hargrove, Esq
Approval of Minutes
The Minutes from the October 6, 2014 meeting were tabled and will be presented at the
January 26, 2015 meeting.
The WKUCCC Committee members received a tour of the WKUCCC Jones Jaggers
General training was conducted for Head Start and Early Head Start Policy Councils /
Committees, Parent Committees and Governing Bodies. Including the review of the
Governance, Leadership, and Oversight Capacity Screener and the Health and Safety
Screener. The WKUCCC Committee did not identify any area in which the WKUCCC
was found deficient.
Signature Authority
The Chair of the WKURF, will grant to Laura Hagan, Vice Chair of WKURF, and Chair of
WKUCCC, signatory authority to execute all official papers, documents, contracts, and
other written instruments necessary to carry on the administration of the affairs of the
WKUCCC, until such time as Laura Hagan’s term on the WKURF is ended or until she
resigns from the WKURF.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.