Georges Vanier
School # 905-792-2251
February 9, 2014 issue 20
Please be reminded that school yard supervision, before school, does not begin until 8:50 a.m. Until
that time, the school yard is unsupervised. Please do not drop off your children into the school yard
until 8:50 a.m.
We also ask that at the end of the school day, please meet your child(ren) at the back of the school
where they will be dismissed by the classroom teacher. JK/SK pick up is from the JK/SK yard at
3:30 p.m.
Eco-Olympics bring this week. Our school Eco-Team will be hosting a 2 week Eco-Olympics to help
once again bring an awareness of the need to help our environment. We will begin with ‘ban the
bottle’ Monday, ‘turn out the lights’ Tuesday, ‘wasteless Wednesday’, followed by Eco-Trivia on
Thursday and Friday. Next week students will be involved in a class Eco-Art Challenge. We thank our
Eco-team for their continued effort in making our school ‘think green’.
As winter continues to show no relief with the cold and snowy conditions, we respectfully remind you to ensure your
child(ren) come to school dressed warmly to participate in recess activities. When weather conditions are severe, we may
reduce the outdoor playing time, or have indoor recess entirely. Help your child(ren) by having them come to school
appropriately dressed with scarves, hats and mittens. All students should also have indoor footwear at school. This is
essential in case of an emergency evacuation. The students will not have time to put on their boots in the case of an
evacuation. We also recommend that extra clothing (i.e. socks, pants) be left in their school bag in case their clothing
worn to school gets wet.
School secretary: Mrs. Fay
School principal: Mr. Maiolo
Superintendent: Mr. Vecchiarino
Trustee: Mr. McLauchlan
School Parish: St. John Fisher
Pastor: Fr. Grima
Intramurals gr. 1 to 6 as well as
Dancercise gr 3 to 8 have started
for students.
Junior varsity basketball also
School Council News
Next School Council
Monday, February 24th at
7:00 p.m.
February dates:
The Origin of St. Valentine
The origin of St. Valentine, and how many St. Valentines there were, remains a mystery. One opinion is
that he was a Roman martyred for refusing to give up his Christian faith. Other historians hold that St.
Valentine was a temple priest jailed for defiance during the reign of Claudius. Whoever he was,
Valentine really existed because archaeologists have unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient
church dedicated to Saint Valentine. In 496 AD Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a celebration in
honor of his martyrdom.
We will celebrate St Valentine Day with a school dance for all students and a cookie treat from
our School Council. You may join your child(s) class for the dance.
JK/SK 9:45-10:15, gr 1 to 3 10:15-11:00, gr 4 to 6 11:15-12:00, gr 7-8 1:20-2:20
- Drumming Workshop Gr JK to 6
Feb 11
-Movie day -Feb 12
- Valentine’s Day School Dance Fri. Feb 14th
- Family day Monday, Feb 17
- Dance-a-thon kick-off assembly Feb 18
-Dance-a-thon Thursday, March 6
- Brampton Beast Hockey Game Sun. Feb 23
Join the OLYMPIC spirit. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10—wear RED and WHITE to support our athletes.
‘N RideGO
needs a few reminders in order for the process to run smoothly and keep everyone safe. Please make sure you are always
GO Kiss
following the rules of Kiss ‘N Ride.
1. Exit the vehicle only on the right-hand passenger side. To exit out the left side is very, very
dangerous as thru traffic passes (sometimes quickly) on the left drive-thru lane.
2. DO NOT PARK OR LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE in the Kiss ‘N Ride lanes, even if only for a few seconds.
3. If at the end of the day your child does not exit the building, please do not leave your car in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane to investigate. Park the car and we will be happy to assist you in
the office.
Need extra help in Grade 7 or 8 math?
Visit the Homework Help website for free help from Ontario certified teachers. On this site, students have access to live chat rooms between the hours of 5:30-9:30 from Sunday to
Thursday and 24/7 resources such as videotaped lessons and interactive tutorials. Homework Help is ideal for understanding homework, reviewing lessons, studying for tests, and
searching math topics.
Register today at https://homeworkhelp.ilc.org/. All you need to register is your student OEN number which is found on the report card. If you have additional questions, please
contact your classroom teacher.
Celebrating the virtue of Respect on Fri. Feb. 28 at 2:45 p.m.